Ilf- liD Ught0 n Star VOL. LXVIH Houghton College, Houghton, NY 14744, February 20, 1976 No. 15 Nine Students Spend Week In Washington For Seminar Every year around the first of Feb- with senators, congressmen, and fed- quickly depart to make the brisk 3- ruary, a small and enthusiastic group eral bureaucrats on topics of current mile walk. The days included speak- 01 Houghton students packs its gear government concern. All but a few ers representing the Supreme Court, into the college's limousine ( alias '67 of the speakers at this year's seminar the commerce department, the state Ford stationwagon). After a quick were men and women with outspoken department, NASA, and the press. stop at the dining hall to pick up their and outstanding Christian testimonies, Most of the speakers emphasized the ration of bag lunches, they head south such as Senator Mark Hatfield, Con- fact that the issues which they are for a week of informative and chal- gressman John Conlan, Scientist Dr. deciding are extremely complex, and lenging seminars in the hub of the Betsey Ancker-Johnson, and many although they share a common faith nation, Washington, DC. oth/rs. in Christ, they do not always neces- This year nine students made the Participants from Houghton in the sarily share the same political view- February 2-6 program were: Hope point. trip to get an inside perspective on DiBasi, Paul Johnson, Rory Lake, Next a hasty lunch would be eaten how the United States Government Bob Suttmeier, Jim Priest, Tom at one of the government cafeterias, works. This annual federal seminar Hodge, Chuck Livingston, Mark Gou- then another walk to a different build- is sponsored by the National Associa- dy, and Dave Zwifka, all under the ing for the afternoon sessions. Time tion of Evangelicals. The week con- Dr. S'ockin telling tall tales to an a'.tentive assembly. leadership of Dr. H. W. Ward. Each might be left in the late afternoon to sists of numerous discussion sessions of fifteen other Christian colleges sit in on a session of Congress at the from the U.S. and even one from Capitol building or to make a quick Paris sent representatives, making survey of one of the many museums. the fellowship one of the many high After dinner, a panel would share points of the week. with the students, again leaving am- Original Research And Experimentation A typical day included an early ple time for questions. Late in the breakfast at the hotel, in the "balI- evening there would be free ume to room south", followed by a session roam around town ( in groups of IO or Necessary For Seniors Honors Projects with a Congressman. Each speaker 20 to prevent mugging) or to catch up outlined his particular function and on studies or sleep. mechanism is forming, Dean hopes to The college offers seniors with a observing. The second semester us- views of government, and then gave The Houghton participants all agree find if the rat will maintain that pos- 3.0 cum and a B average in their ually is spent finishing the labs and an opportunity for the students to that the week was extremely profita- ture when placed in a normal posi- major area the privilege of doing a writing the thesis paper. The honor question him. The day's second ses- ble and enjoyable. some claiming it tion. Also under Dr. Whiting is Steven Seniors Honors Project. The student committee also subjects the student sion might be held in the State De- was one of the best weeks they have to a two hour oral examination, Coutras who is conducting "An Inves- requests a faculty advisor and sub- partment building, so the group would ever spent. mits a preliminary draft or outline of grades his work and turns the grade tigation of Regeneration in the Am- a special probem to wilich he would in to the Educational Policies Com- phibian and the Effects of Tempera- like to focus his attention to him. mittee. The senior who successfully ture and BIastema Extract on Limb The proposal is then approved by the accomplishes this project is awarded Regeneration". For those who are Focus of Christian Ed. appropriate division chairmen and the [hree hours credit and given a Com- wondering what Blastema Extract is, Educational Policies Committee at mencement Program Citation. it is formed at the site of an ampu- least a month before the end of the tation in anlphibians as a healing There are approximately fourteen Conference Is Youth student's junior year. The student's mechanism. Dr. Munro has under seniors taking advantage of this advisor selects an honors committee him Stephen Lalka and John Rein- The annual Christian Education prayer meeting led by Gary Newton. to work with the Division Chairman. privilege this year with the biggest harcit. Their titles respectively are Conference will be held on Tuesday He will speak on the topic, "Relation- This committee advises the student number participating in biology re- "Histological, Metallurgical and Clin- ships within the Church-without the search. Dean Spenser under the ical Effects of Titanium Implants of through Friday, February 24 through and keeps tab on his progress. pews." An offering will be taken at chairmanship of Dr. Whiting entitled Adjacent Rat Muscle" and "Spon- 27. This year Houghton Graduate this meeting. Wednesday night's The student usually works through his project "An Investigation into the taneous Diabetes Mellitus in Mys- Marsha Auborn and other members meeting starts at 7:00 in Schaller the summer getting acquainted with Plasticity and Possible Imprinting of tromys Albicaudatus". of Campus Life will be on hand for Hall. Youth work and Christian Edu- the history of his project. In the the Rat Vestibular Balance Meehan- the activities, which include three The chemistry department has cation, specifically work with delin- fall the senior begins the actual work ism." By holding a rat in an un- night meetings and one chapel The Deborah Bin ( Electrochemical Syn- -quent teens, will be the topic under of researching, experimenting and usual posture while the righting emphasis is on youth work, although thesis of Sulfenes) under the chair- discussion. Non-church organizations there is no overall theme as such. working with the Church will be the manship of Dr. Christensen and Dan- The purpose of the Conference is both theme of Thursday night's meeting, iel Sastic ( "Studies with an In-Vitro to provide information about Christian which begins at 7: 00 in the small lee- Model of the Electrochemical As- Winter Weekend Marked by Education to the student body as a ture hall (room 116) of the Science peets of BIood Clotting") under the whole and to be another resource for Building. Closing off the week will ehairmanship of Dr. Piersma. An the Christian Education major. The be a multidnedia presentation by Taffy Pull and Box Social In-Vitro Model simulates body condi- Christian Education Club is in charge Campus Life in Friday morning's tions outside of the body. LuAnne of the planning, with help from both Chapel service. In addition to the The celebration of another Winter were judged according to originality, Lewis ("A Mole Ratio Study of Cop- Dean Dunkle and Dr. Hirsch. scheduled events, members of Cam- Weekend is past, and happy memor- workmanship, and relation to the The Conference gets under way pus Life will be on hand to talk in ies accompany it for many Houghton weekend's theme. Dr. Lindley, taking per-Acetohydroxamate") is under Dr. Tuesday night with an all-school classes and individually. students. The brains behind the Cur- her work seriously and speaking for Calhoon's chairmanship. her teammates said, "We're basically rier and Ives theme were Barbara Dr. Lindley is chairman for Richard Bowman and her co-chairman, Debbie realistic in our judging." Downs ("Nikalai Chernyshevsky and Kruse. A well-planned list of activ- Other unique activities of the week- Alexander Herzen: A Legacy in Revo- ities presented a balanced itinerary, end included a taffy pull and a box lutionary Thought . ."} which assured the students there social. The taffy pull was a great would be things to do whether there success. at least for those who pro- Jean Holden under Coach Wells is was snow or not. duced a recognizable form of taffy doing a project on "Factors affecting Miraculously, four snow sculptures, Perhaps the liveliest activity was the Participation of Alumnae in the Phy- based on the theme for the weekend, box social. first proposed by Jim sical Recreational Activities" using a Spurrier and designed to raise funds were ready for judging on Saturday. mail survey of women alumnae be- for FMF. Auetioneers Dan Woolsey despite the lack of good sculpturing tween the years 1950 and 1975. Barry and Jim Priest are to be commended snow. Once again, the class of '78 Conant is doing a project on -Effects for their admirable performance, and produced a first place sculpture titled, of Fetal Hyperoxia on Intelligence" "Little Country Church in the Vale." for bringing in $65.16 for FMF, as are under Kenneth Boon's chairmanship. Other class sculptures were, "Cinder- the 48 pairs of ladies who feverishly Kent Nussey working under Dr. ella and her Pumpkin," 79, "Currier baked sweets, and the brave gents who bid on the boxes. The box social and Ives Railroad Landscape," 77, James Barcus entitled his project and "Burl Ives with the "Currier" was followed by a reminiscing of the "Jack Kerouac and the Jazz Tradi- Express," 76. Each sculpture, scru- "Good Old Days." tion: The Achievements of the Author tinized by Mrs.
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