WEEKEND EDITION lC NO STRINGS 18 WARRIORS ADVANCE Ruidoso's community orchestra A win against the Hatch Bears puts needs n1ore string players Ruidoso's soccer boys into regional play 'i() l'l'llh Rtlll()'-i(), NE\X MEXICO • fHII)AY, ()t T. 1.2, 2001 • Ut R '1'1Til YEAR, No ..JO Do\Vns says Care center the village wiU accept is a colonia • • The designation potentially nt~w pattents makes Ruidoso Downs eligible for \V:ttL·r :tnd sewer grants. Rui, loso nursing hon1e earlier wa~ 1n danger of closing doors BY JAMES KALVELAGE I I DIANNE STAlliNGS K I[ K J...,l I '\I\\"" ...,[-\/1 \\.l\111 i< Huidoso Downs villag~ trustees have dPsii{Ilat-l·d their community a Officials with Integrated Health Services notified col011 i u . the NPw Mexico Health Department that the The desigrwtion, which must abo Ruidoso Can· Center - in danger earlier this year be emltJrsed by the Lircoln County of closing - will begin accepting new patient.'i. Commission, would pot>..:,ltially make Steve Dossey deputy director of the division of federal funding f(Jr water and sewer health improvement for the sPrvice improvement available. health department, said "It's wonderful 'They could apply for colonios Thursday he receivt>d a let­ for the commu- g-rants and they could abo apply for ter from IHS dated Oct. 4. n ity •.. " other conventional CDBG g-rants," "The administration of said 1bny R. Elias, executive director the Ruidoso Care Center Steve Kriens of th(• Southeastern New Mexico DIANNE STALLINGS/STAFF received this directive (to \lurked lm 'aiL· ol Ill .1 lot al ).!llllljl Economic Development District. ~And Nancy Knox, front. prepares to leave the White Mountain Recreatron Complex tennrs courts alter a game wrlh admit patients) last week ll'lllt'l we've done that in the past with a frrends Judr vtm Collenberg. Sherry Rushing and Marre Templeton Knox spoke out at a councrl meetrng 1n favor of a from IHS's general coun- number of communities. The town of reservatrorr system for the courts sel," t.he letter stated, he Carrizozo has done this m the past said. and has rcn•ived both grants at one Advocates say a new policy governing village court.-; \\·ould ensure Steve Kriens, one of the key figures in the move time. This is very helpful. n to create local ownership of the nursing home on Th be considered a colonw, a Resort Drive, sa1d new admissions have occurred municipality or county must have a and more are planned Friday. need for water, sewer or housing "It'::; wonderful for the community, the patient." upgrades, and must be within 1fi0 FOR and for thl' group we hope takes over because thPy milPR nf thP lJ .R - Mexico border. TENNIS ANYONE will be on a much better financial footing," hl' said The n~solution passed by village of the admissions. trustees '1\wsday stau•d that Ruidoso BY DIANNE STAlliNGS Lincoln County Care Center Inc. signt.'lJ an Downs lack" adt-quate sewer and H! ll )( ''1 ' 'I -.,\. ... ~I \}; \), j, I I !, "Wt• got nd of thP r('ser-vatiun system about a ag-reement with IHS to take over the cenu•r. water facilitit·s and is committed to week ago when all we wen• ht>aring wpre objec­ Officials on both sides are aiming for the deal to be "facilitating tlw social/political/eco­ The challenge of balancing access to public tions.'' I lonaldson said. "Sine<· then we were completed by Nov. 1, Dossey said. nomic development of' communitieH tennis cotJ rt...-; at the Whitt• Mountain fu•creation appro;ll'llt>d hy a hunch Jf tt•nnis players who Kriens said the state's encouragement for new within its jurisdiction.~ Complex was handed to Ruidoso ParkB and likt>d IH·rng abl1• U> book thP courts." admissions through the health department and the Ruidoso Downs Village Recn·a tion director Rafae I Resean·h deu·rmined that attorney general's office was instrumental in con­ Administrator John P. Waters told "Rifle" Salas Tuesday. reservation systems are u.-;ed vincing IHS not to continue a freeze on admissions. trustees the designation will assist in Village council nwmllPrs " ..• Someone booked in Las Cruel's, Alamogordo, About 4fi patienL'i currently reside at the H."i-bed latching onto federal financial help. directed Sala:-; to l(>rm a com­ both courts and didn't Albuquerque, Fannington and center and that includt s a 12~bed contingent of "It will :;peed the process through mittee comprised of difl{•nont want anyone to play on El Paso, he said. But Salas developmentally disabled resident.-;, Dossey said. the Community Development Block factions of tennis playt>rs to the second court.'' said thP hig ddlerence is those About 16 people sign('<.! up on a waiting list before <~rant program," WatRrs said. "It will work out a system for reserva­ citiP~ have staffuJ monitor and the freeze was lifted, he said. also allow us to have access to some of tions on onP or both courtR. Rohert Donald.,on hen r. ofl'disput('S. Farmington The nonprofit Lincoln group sdPcted Consultmg. the t>nvironmental grants for colonia The system would not chargPs $4 for reservations to Management and Education Inc., based in was!P water proJects."' affect public courts on off-..,,•t th£• monitoring expense. Lakewood, Colo. to manage the center. The m•ed for ThP l-incoln County Commission is Sudderth Drive at School House Park. "(hw of the thrngs that cwt this off is that a change in ownership occurred after IHS first expected to consider the dt·signation Mayor Robert Donaldson agreed with Salas someont' boukPd both court.<; and didn't want announced the closing of two wings of the center at their Oct. 1 H mePting. said County that one of thP two courts at White Mountain anyonP to pb_v on tlw SP('(md court." Donaldson and then decided to shut down the entire complex. ManagPr Tom SU>wart. He said the might be designated fr,r reservations whlie the Pxplained. For the welfare of the patients, the state insisted village of Capitan is also seeking the other remaJns open on a first-come, first-serve HP sugg•·"'t(•d t·c;tahhshmg a policy that IHS continue to manage the center while a deal was designation. basis. -,,, TENNIS, 1•1gc 2A negotiated for new ownership. Season's first snowfall dusts Antique fire truck inspires parade watchers • The 191 (J truck's appearance in Lincoln County Comm1sswn contended thP Sierra Blanca SatunLI\ ·-. A~(K'nfcst parade gener­ truck would be better ofT back in its horn£' county. ated $1.1.12 in donation~ tm'..ard its About 2 incheR of snow fell on the Saturday was it.-; first parade appear­ Sacramento Mountain.•• around Ski rco.,tt r··ttion. ancf' sinn• its return, but the fire truck also Apache late Wednesday and early wa.'i on vi(•w at th(· Ruidoso convl·ntion cen­ Thursday. ter during the Golden Aspen Motorcycll' Roy Parker, who manages the ski Rally. resort for the Mescalero Apache Tribe, Roger Parker, trea!-lurer for Fort said the first snow of the season . 1ght of 1916 La France fire truck Stanton Inc., a group working U.Jwnrrl the "means we're on the way to winter." ! and puffing its way down Sudderth preservation of the 18fJ5 complex and its As temperatures increased during I llululg the Aspenfpst paradl' spurred transition into a living museum, said the day, some of the snow melted, he n •. /:r peoplP to donate money toward its parade watchers dropped $1,132 inU.J dona­ said. re (.~>rat ''"l tion buckets as the fire engine passed. "I can see some green grass poking ,. 11w ·k. with cr<>w members rid- uof that, $216 13 was in changp and through in places, but not in others," ing at fro" •. d back just af' they were in came mostly from children," he Raid. Parker said. "It was snowing when I the para< .tl'i usf'd for decades to fight Dick WehPr, former preRident of the non­ left Wednesday and snowed hard fires ar ,-HI hisuJric Fort Stanton. profit organization, said the fire engine overnight." Dunug onP of the periods when the fort perfomwrl just fine during the parade, but Coming up Ski Run Road this KEITH GREEN/STAFF northeast of Ruidoso stood idle, the State then blr~w a fan belt. rooming, "it was clear until I hit The '1916 La France tire engine. stationed tor decades at historic Fort Fire Marshal removed the truck and took it The contributions will allow mernbprs of about 9,500 feet elevation and then Stanton, was a big hit rn the Aspenfest parade Saturday More photos of tn Snnta FP with the idea of restoring it. the Pine Thp Car Cluh to continue thl'ir vol­ there was some snow on the road," he the parade are on page 5A. But local boostRrR of the fort and the unteer restoration work on the vehicle. said. INSIDE The !\m hi) I cuero.. ·lA It's (com)post time j Vi' L\110NOS Capitan player's tiu.o;,.1nc'' \( ()Jl!lllllll ·lA r .la,,ifiah IF·H~. Real c..,Llrt" IE in Ruidoso Downs Jim Mack p< >urs liquid acrylic in injury rattles school ( .n)~ .... word 2A \pon... IB canvas and lets his spirit take over. mldosonews.com Business finds market/ 3C Zamora still critical/ 18 PAGE 2A '" H.\ ll)< '"<J :--,:E\X's LOCAL NEWS FRIDA~ Ocr. 12 2001 F I - Crossword IEdited by wm shortz No.
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