Vol. I, Issue 1 The student voice of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Monday, August 31, 2015 Appeal spurs tuition break Shuttle service between for grad students campuses begins today Receive $50 scholarship per credit hour SOURCE: UTRGV TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING MARIO GONZALEZ/RIDER GRAPHIC Jesus Sanchez UTRGV conducted a transporta- EDITOR IN CHIEF tion needs survey between June 12 and The University of Texas Rio Grande July 5, asking the campus community for Valley is transporting students, faculty feedback on current and future demand CLARISSA MARTINEZ/THE RIDER and staff between the Brownsville and of transportation between the UTRGV University of Texas Rio Grande Valley students wait in line to pay their tuition Aug. 25 at the cashier’s Edinburg campuses via shuttle. campuses and the local community. window in the Main Building’s Tower in Brownsville. “What we’re trying to do is minimize “We did see some demand, espe- Rick R. Ramirez interview Aug. 18. the cost to students for transportation,” cially from faculty and staff,” Rodney SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Garcia, an international student UTRGV President Guy Bailey said of Gomez, UTRGV director of parking On the verge of the UTRGV’s in- from Mexico, relocated to the Rio the free service. “Our goal for the future and transportation. “We also used en- augural year, graduate student Pepe Grande Valley to attend graduate school is to minimize travel for students.” rollment information to help determine Garcia started an online petition to raise at UT Pan American last spring semes- A Vaquero Express shuttle can trans- the demand for transportation among awareness about tuition increases for Fall ter. He said he used to pay about $2,500 port a maximum of 22 people at a time. students.” 2015. for nine credit hours as a graduate stu- Two shuttles, one based on each campus, Gomez said the university will add “This semester, I’m going to have to dent at UTPA. will be used to transport members of the more shuttles depending on the demand pay $700 more for the same amount of Garcia was going to enroll in Mexi- campus community Monday through See SHUTTLE, Page 15 classes I took last year,” Garcia said in an See PETITION, Page 14 Friday. 2 THE RIDER Monday, August 31, 2015 Located in the Student Union Located in the Library Monday, August 31, 2015 ON CAMPUS 3 Over 28,700 students enrolled at UTRGV $238M awarded in financial aid Jesus Sanchez EDITOR IN CHIEF As of Aug. 27, 28,773 students had registered for the Fall 2015 se- mester at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, exceeding the goal of 28,000 students that university offi- cials set. Magdalena “Maggie” Hinojosa, UTRGV associate vice president for student enrollment, said surpassing their enrollment goal was a remark- able accomplishment for the univer- sity in its first year. “It’s a testament to UTRGV be- ing an exciting place students want to attend,” Hinojosa said Aug. 26. “We’ve worked extremely hard to have a great freshman class. … It’s truly an exciting time.” Saturday is the last day to regis- ter for classes for continuing students and entering freshmen that have at- tended orientation. UTRGV President Guy Bailey LESLEY ROBLES/THE RIDER said he is very happy with the num- Biology pre-med sophomore Uriel Góngora assists social work junior Mayra Maldonado at the Students Services Department in Edinburg ber of students enrolled for the Fall 2015 semester. “We exceeded our goal of en- the number of students enrolled at be fixed over time. “To see enrollment grow to rollment,” Bailey said. “We’re very UTRGV, Manzano replied, “That’s a “Within five years, there won’t 21,000 students [at UT Pan Ameri- pleased and think that that’s great. I lot of students. Honestly, it’s all about be any skepticism toward the uni- can] last year was significant,” Hino- think in 10 years we’ll be at close to your attitude [toward the university]. versity,” Bailey said. “As people begin josa said. 40,000 students. … It’s our goal to … I think UTRGV is a great way to to see new programs implemented, I UT Brownsville had nearly 7,500 educate students from the Valley, so consolidate the Valley as far as uni- think that skepticism will disappear. students enrolled last spring semester. we’re delighted that we’ve surpassed fying all the students and promoting … The end result of this change is “Now, being very close to 29,000 our goal.” education.” that you will have opportunities here students across multiple campuses Among those who registered for Manzano said he had trouble reg- [in the Valley] that you never had in awarding a quarter of a billion dol- classes this fall was sophomore inter- istering for classes back in May. the past.” lars in financial aid is something I am disciplinary studies major Julio Man- Bailey told The Rider in a phone More than 22,000 students have privileged and honored to have the zano. interview Aug. 24 that the university been awarded financial aid as of Aug. opportunity to be a part of.” Asked what he thought about will have glitches but that they would 25, Hinojosa said. We will celebrate Chancellor Best Week Ever events kick off UTRGV’s inaugural year on campus Andrea Torres THE RIDER today Today the University of Texas Rio Jesus Sanchez Grande Valley opens its doors to more EDITOR IN CHIEF than 28,000 students, faculty and staff University of Texas System for its first year. Chancellor William McRaven will be on To celebrate the consolidation of the Edinburg and Brownsville campuses UT Brownsville and UT Pan American today to help celebrate the launch of the into UTRGV, a series of events called University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. the Best Week Ever is underway. Ac- McRaven will be at the flag raising tivities began Aug. 27 and will continue ceremony from 10 to 10:45 a.m. at the through Friday on the Edinburg and flagpole on the north side of the Student Brownsville campuses. Services building in Edinburg and at “It’s going to be a weeklong series the proclamation celebration from 2 to of events designed to kick off UTRGV MICHELLE ESPINOZA/THE RIDER 2:45 p.m. in Main Building’s Plumeria as a new university,” said Abraham Vil- Jerry Martinez helps his daughter, freshman education major Victoria C. Martinez, unpack her be- Courtyard in Brownsville. larreal, program specialist for student longings during Thursday’s Freshman Vaquero Move-In at Casa Bella, the UTRGV student housing complex in Brownsville. organizations for the UTRGV Office of Student Involvement. “[With] these today and Tuesday, info depots will be in Brownsville and the water fountain at the university. events, we hope to accomplish a sense located throughout both campuses for the Chapel of the Lord’s Prayer in Ed- “It’s going to be a really big event,” of unity for the campus to really make students who have questions or need inburg to toss a coin and ask for good Villarreal said. “We’re going to have stu- students feel welcome, get them excited help finding a classroom. fortune. dent organizations, departments, volun- about the new year and the new oppor- Have some spare change? Then join This evening’s signature event, The teer agencies, local businesses, commu- tunities UTRGV is going to present to students, faculty and staff at the Toss for Stomp, will bring the campus commu- nity members coming onto campus on our students.” Luck event at noon today at the water nities in Edinburg and Brownsville to- both sites just to kick off and start the Between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. fountain in front of the Main Building gether to celebrate the inaugural year of See BEST WEEK, Page 14 4 OPINION Monday, August 31, 2015 eginning of a T e B n Era ducing T e R The Rider is the official student ntro ider newspaper of the University of Texas I Rio Grande Valley. The newspaper is widely distributed on campus and off campus in Brownsville and Ed- inburg, Texas. Views presented are Alicia Rangel ing their names. We deemed it necessary until today, Aug. 31, 2015. those of the writers and do not re- DESIGN EDITOR to try to fight for what others had es- Enough about the past, we have a flect those of the paper or university. tablished before us. Why would anyone new legacy to establish. A name does The day we have been anticipating, want to demolish something that meant not define who we are. We are not the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF since rumors of the merger between the so much to so many? name of a newspaper, we are ourselves. University of Texas Pan American and For years, The Pan American at UTPA We have the ability to create something Jesus Sanchez the University of Texas at Brownsville and The Collegian at UTB were the stu- new. The possibilities are endless! We began, has finally arrived. The final cur- dents’ voice. These two newspapers have the chance to establish something NEWS EDITOR tain has dropped and two universities helped students voice their opinions new and make it far greater than what Angela Cantu have become one. while reporters remained unbiased and came before it. It will not be easy but, At first, many were not thrilled about informed not only the student body with hard work and effort, I believe this ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT the idea of having to leave everything but also the community.
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