FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2021 www.thesheridanpress.com THE SHERIDAN PRESS B5 YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS | PPublicublic NNoticesotices N Richard Bridger Shawn Day Steven Brantz A Mayor Councilor Councilor D 307-675-4202 307-675-4202 307-675-4202 I R WHY PUBLIC NOTICES ARE IMPORTANT | GLOSSARY OF TERMS | E H Public notices allow citizens to monitor their government Default: Failure to fulfill an obligation, especially the Power of Sale: A clause commonly written into a mortgage S and make sure that it is working in their best interest. obligation to make payments when due to a lender. authorizing the mortgagee to advertise and sell the F Independent newspapers assist in this cause by carrying out Encumbrance: A right attached to the property of another property in the event of default. The process is governed by O Jacob Martin Aaron Linden Clint Beaver that may lessen its value, such as a lien, mortgage, or statute, but is not supervised by any court. their partnership with the people’s right to know through Councilor Councilor Councilor Y public notices. By offering an independent and archived easement. Probate: The court procedure in which a decedent’s liabilities 307-461-1945 307-752-5961 307-675-4202 T record of public notices, newspapers foster a more trusting Foreclosure: The legal process of terminating an owner’s are settled and her assets are distributed to her heirs. I relationship between government and its citizens. interest in property, usually as the result of a default under Public Notice: Notice given to the public or persons affected C CITY OF SHERIDAN Newspapers have the experience and expertise in publishing a mortgage. Foreclosure may be accomplished by order of regarding certain types of legal proceedings, usually by public notices and have done so since the Revolutionary a court or by the statutory process known as foreclosure by publishing in a newspaper of general circulation. This notice War. Today, they remain an established, trustworthy and advertisement (also known as a power of sale foreclosure). is usually required in matters that concern the public. neutral source that ably transfers information between Lien: A legal claim asserted against the property of another, Kristen Jennings government and the people. usually as security for a debt or obligation. Disclaimer: The foregoing terms and definitions are provided merely as a guide to Councilor Public notices are the lasting record of how the public’s Mortgage: A lien granted by the owner of property to provide the reader and are not offered as authoritative definitions of legal terms. 307-675-4202 resources are used and are presented in the most efficient security for a debt or obligation. and effective means possible. R E IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PUBLIC NOTICE Proposal for Rezone T FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT The Wyoming Public Service Commission R-21-001: Lewis/Shober Rezone S COUNTY OF SHERIDAN, Tuesday, E (Commission) hereby gives notice of Montana- The Public is hereby notified that on STATE OF WYOMING May 4, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., the Board of County H Dakota Utilities Co.'s (MDU or Company) Applica- Peter Clark Tracey Deromedi Jeffrey Barron C IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Commissioners’ Mayor Councilor Councilor tion for authority to increase its Renewable En- will consider an application to N 307-751-3163 307-655-2283 307-655-2283 JOCK G. HUTTON, Deceased. ergy Rider Pilot Rate 15 (Rate 15) from $0.18 to amend the district boundary lines pursuant to Sec- A Probate No. PR2021-29 $0.45 per block. tion 30.A. of the Rules and Regulations Govern- R NOTICE OF PROBATE The Commission, having reviewed the Applica- ing Zoning in Sheridan County, Wyoming from TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ES- F tion, its files regarding MDU, applicable Wyoming Susan Lewis and Janet A. Shober, Trustee of the TATE: O public utility law, and otherwise being fully ad- Janet A. Shober Revocable Trust dated Novem- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the vised in the premises, FINDS and CONCLUDES: ber 6, 2019 on property located in a portion of the N 25th day of March, 2021, the Last Will and Testa- MDU is a public utility as defined by Wyo. Stat. NW¼NW¼, SW¼NW¼ and NW¼SW¼ Section Jessica Weaver Randy Sundquist W ment of the decedent was admitted to probate by § 37-l-101(a)(vi)(C), subject to the Commission's 6, T56N, R83W and a portion of the SE¼NE¼ Councilor Councilor O the above-named Court, and that Judith Ann Hut- 307-655-2283 307-655-2283 jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-112. and NE¼SE¼ Section 1, T56N, R84W. The ap- T TOWN OF RANCHESTER ton was appointed Personal Representative there- On March 31 2021, MDU filed an Application plicant is requesting to rezone approximately 72.8 of. Any action to set aside the Last Will and Testa- requesting an increase in the charge per block un- acres from (A) Agricultural to (RR) Rural Residen- ment shall be filed with the Court within three der Rate 15 of $0.27 per block for a total charge of tial. months from the date of the first publica¬tion of $0.45 per block. Total program revenue through A Public Hearing on this matter will be held on the N this Notice or there¬after be forever barred. December 31, 2020, of $1,109. Total program Second Floor in the Commissioners’ Board Room O Notice is further given that all persons in- costs for 2020 were $2,751, including the RECs of the Sheridan County Courthouse, at 224 South T debted to the decedent or to the decedent’s es- purchased in 2021 to cover subscribed amounts Main Street, Sheridan, WY. The public is invited to Y Norm Anderson Lisa Hanson Cliff Reed tate are requested to make immediate payment to through December 31, 2020, for a net under-re- comment on this request. Questions may be direc- A Mayor Councilor Councilor the undersigned at Yonkee & Toner, LLP, 319 covery of $2,151, with interest, or approximately ted to the Sheridan County Public Works Depart- D 307-655-2217 307-655-2217 307-655-9659 West Dow, P.O. Box 6288, Sheridan, Wyoming $0.2783 per block. ment at 675-2420. Written comments can be sent F 82801. As of February 2021, 23 customers were parti- to the Sheridan County Public Works Department, O Creditors having claims against the decedent cipating in the program. The impact to participat- 224 S. Main Street, Suite 428, Sheridan, WY N or the estate are required to file them in duplicate ing customers is dependent on the number of sub- 82801. with the necessary vouchers, in the office of the scribed blocks. A customer subscribing to ten Publish: April 16, 2021 W Clerk of said Court, on or before three months blocks will see an increase in their monthly Rate O Dennis Wagner Christopher R. from the date of the first publication of this Notice, 15 bill of $2.70. Proposal for Conditional Use Permit T TOWN OF DAYTON Councilor Bernard and if such claims are not so filed, unless other- This is not a complete description of MDU’s CU-21-002: WYDOT/Ranchester 307-655-2219 Councilor Yard Hot Mix Plant CUP 307-655-2217 wise allowed or paid, they will be forever barred. Application. MDU’s Application is on file at the DATED this 31st day of March, 2021. Commission at its office in Cheyenne and may be The Public is hereby notified that on Tuesday, Judith Ann Hutton inspected by any interested person during busi- May 4, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., the Board of County T Personal Representative ness hours or online at: http://psc.wyo.gov. Commissioners’ will consider an application from N John F. Araas, No. 5-2148 Anyone desiring to file a statement, protest, in- WYDOT for a conditional use permit located in a O Yonkee & Toner, LLP, Attys tervention or to request a public hearing in these portion of SW¼NW¼ of Section 17 & the M Pub: April 9, 16 and 23, 2021 matters must so file, in writing, with the Commis- SE¼NE¼ of Section 18, T57N, R85W. The applic- R Greg Rohrer Jennifer Betz Jay Buhr sion, on or before May 6, 2021. The petition(s) ant is proposing a staging area and a hot mix A PROPOSAL FOR QUARRY OPERATIONS Mayor Councilor Councilor shall set forth the grounds of the proposed inter- plant. The property is located in the (UR) Urban E 307-758-4411 ext. 104 307-758-4465 307-758-4465 Q-21-001: Prairie Hills Quarry vention(s) or request(s) for hearing and the posi- Residential Zoning District, consists of approxim- L The Public is hereby notified that on Thursday, C tion and interest of the petitioner in these proceed- ately 43 acres, of which all 43 acres is proposed May 6, 2021 at 5:30 p.m., at a regularly sched- ings. to be used for the CUP site. The site is north of F uled meeting of the Sheridan County Planning and If you want to intervene in this matter or re- the I-90 & US Hwy 14 Interchange. O Zoning Commission, the Commission will con- quest a public hearing that you will attend, or want A Public Hearing on this matter will be held on the N sider an application request from Prairie Hills LLC to make a statement, a protest or a public com- Second Floor in the Commissioners’ Board Room for a quarry located in a portion of Section 24, W Ronnie Poppenga Anna Switzer ment, and you require reasonable accommoda- of the Sheridan County Courthouse, at 224 South T56N, R84W.
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