A ^ l^-clnf) :iS HW/W Editorial They Numbered Cloudy and But Six Warmer Glrnttu. ritott latto (Uamjms (See Ptgt 2) 'Serving Storrs Since 1896' Offices in Student Union Building No 123 VOLUME CXII Complete UPI Wire Service STORRS. CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, MAY 19. 1959 Military Units Kissinger Warns 76th Commencement Name Award Berlin Retreat To Be Held On June 14 Will Hurt West On June 14 at 230 in the nated areas to receive his di their graduation tl.kl" ant] Sunday, June 14 froin 12 un- alternoon the 76th annual ploma Horn Ihe Dean and program ot Instruct! For HI 2 for those students who Special 1" the (ampin to extreme nationalistic ten- I'nivoity of Connect.,,,' staff of his own particular ihcse thev mill apt** person- were A noted Harvard political '>' Commencement will take college. aliv at the office of the Rag- these llemi this week, Off- I Recipients ceept Ihe policy I ' i,- the Administration campus studenta will Scientist warned yesterday' place m Memorial Stadium. SKNIOHS A UK KKM1ND- lsnar .. award at tha outstanding eadet In confederation urged by the IV Reuben Gustavson. ED that thll is the Mil) week Building. TheTiw otlice<iii.re Willwill also these materials <l Uy Hem The Army and Air Force AS IV. that to retreat In Berlin at Deans. ROTC units have announced Karl I-ar*w. Army BPOK Lodga Russians, the East Oermani p.csalent of the Resources in Which they may procure be open for this purpose on Ihetr individual Nu. 1311, willimaniic. a»ard lor Ceneva may mean the ulti- may be able to hue U it for the Future Organization, the winners of awards which nwrttorioua achievement m AS HI. will be presented »t the annual Keith Schonrock, Army, Tha Chlccr- mate collapse of the Western Germany out of the Western will be the guest speaker. no Tribune award for meritorious camps. lie topic lor his address will Military Day ceremonies this ■ I • lit In MS ! j Mull Ami*. alliance. Thursday. ArnU The Chicago Tribuna award Confederation would bo be "Whan About Tomorrow?" (nr nierilunous a<me\enienl in MS Speaking at the University The ceremonies will » o held III. very dangeroui m us. if «■• SENIORS HAM. BEEN In Memorial Stadium ai 1 p.m. David Wlgnall Air I'nrre The of Connecticut as the second cant stand on Die principles requested to meet at 1:30 p, Chlcaso Tniiunr award lor meri- annual Brien McMahon lee- jn the case of inclement weath- torious achievement i n of free elections, there is m. to form tlie? prcei er, the Auditorium will be the ii.ivid I.no. Air Force: Iht Conva i turer, professor Henry A. nothing else we will be able which will progress Into Corporation award i"i the ouuiantt- acene of the highlighting tea- Ins si'tihumore qualified lor Ihght iger, said the situation to stand on over a iH-noJ ot mortal Stadium al -' p.m I tyre of military life at Uconn. training. time" he said actual program will com- Jl Ills LA PIN 8, Army: baugh. ,„ Germany is very danger- ^^ ^^ WM „,„„,,„ ,{ ,,:,„ IN ADDITION to the parade Icra of tlir I ni"ii \ eterani nl tha »ntl llif" prrspntation of awards civil War 1861-18S3 awani fnr mer- ous today. Compromise on prjrt|ciliar.|y diaturbed by tno Tlit-o is no limit on the several displays of milllarv HOrloug aui.iueimnl. In MS IV; Arm] DAR. tlermany could lead to the I.;<lsl Germans or Soviet sue- number of gtic-ts equipment wil bo set up in Anne Wood Klilii„in Chapter, Wil- ll my if the llmantit*. gward P»r meritorious demoralization of Europe and cess at Geneva w teie ' "' the Vicinity of the Facilities ■ ,erni tn MS III UlSM nations may decide to Communists had managed lo Ul', clear so that it Building and in the ROTC John Nordin Air Force: DAR. adopt neutrality or join tiie jrain entrance into the em- may be held in the Stadium, Hangar. Anna Wood I lilcrkin c hauler. W il- However, if the weather is awnrd for mtlltar) mem power which seemsseemi to be icie-nce hall. Incuded In the displays will In AS 111: hen Stupal. Army: Dis- that it will he lmpos- abled American Veterans award for Stronger. "They got Into the confer- be NIKEAJAX guided mis- to hold the Commence- merltArioua service in MS IV; Paul --Tha chntlonoo the Rus- ence room and had exi giles, machine suns, and mor- iblad Amerl- ment outdoors, it v\.!l lake i.wird lor meritorious sians have posrd may create tjic same international • tals. Also on display in the 1:1 II AS I I ItOI *.<• I ti- place in the Auditorium and Hangar will be an exhibit from ll Ami) Disabled Ami-i - a situation in which our ca- as the West Germans S ill that .vent each senier will erans AuMllary award lor merilnr- pacity to Influence events in by-step they will press these the Strategic Army Corps, de- ie. ,> tn hietement in MS II: Myron .,- only one ticket. Europe becomes as weak as advantages to Ihe oint where picting the Army of the Fu- haw, Aii Force Disabled SINCE TIME would not Anierii-iin Veterans Auxiliary award it is in the Near East and ,),,, Germanys will ■ ture. I--r merltorloua nchicement In AS two pel nut Ihe disli ibulioti of ill- II: Unity hioyles, Army: Iiepart- this would be a major de- ,llrt|lv Numerous guests, both civ- •ntf* """ ,"l"'' "" '' plomaM 1.700 gradual- ..f tin- Army award f"i <ea- feat," hr staled. 1 1 ■ ilian and military, have been Hianrtlns i.HI,i in Ms in John gotlations, he observed. , .,,,..,„,,,c ,,,..,„ Invited lo the annual function. Sheehan. Army: Department < Professor Kissinger Indicat- Summing up, profeaor Kiss- Wil Ihe in effect this }oar. .ml for ou'.suinduia cadet ed that the West's best hope ite.tr Admiral Frederick War- in MS II. inger likened te Krushchev ine student from each col- John r.-ird.-il Army Department at Geneva lay in shifting the ( der will not attend. In addi- of Hie Army award for outstanding 'a> '" S'hi'i"'g V" l,ol'cv of colprliv'' leadersh.p biga | the University Will be onus of n tion. Miss Natalie Espositn, radpt ii MS I: .Inn;.", Sucec, Army. "S?™!" S f°- to tha doctrine of coexist- selected by t.'ie Dean of each the 1938 Military Ball Co-ed Jewish War Veterans award f,ir Germany's division to the meritorious achievement, In MS I: ence. He pointed out that un- college and wil Istep out to Colonel,- will be present and SM'inV'y'scnu"iiili'n! Ai'r'''Fo'r'c-e'"''jcw- Soviets where it belongs. der the former program he the stage So represent his A naU e of Will take part in the presenta- loVrUKem^n'Tn^n^mTr".: , V Germany, pro- was able to weed out his dass and receive a token In tion of awards to outstanding manahlp- Anihnnv Volonls, Air lessor rviss.nger saw little internal opponents one by recognition of four years of , rt vli i ho Army and Air Force ROTC J';:;/ ,,/^ m^1^n ;V,er.'nT .w,rd ?e for eventual German re- one. Vnder the latter program completed college work. Each IT meritorious achievement In AS unification. "The division of he will be able to ick off the senior will proceed after the A Military Day coffee will ' nA\ in III.M.MOI K. Army: Re. Germany is Inevitable and European nations one by one. recessional to various dcsig- also be held prior to the corere. srne offii-ers Association award for unification can probablv nev- .,, meritorious achievement In MS tl: . ,, -« , . , , monies in the University A»"• Kiehard Rice Air Force: Reserve er be acincved, he remarked. ditorium from 11:30 a.m. to Ofhci n^awai^orSgert- However, professor Klssing- LISTENING TO THE SPEAKER ire will be Dr. Reuben G. Gustavson. Dr. Gut- tavson, the President ol the Eteiutive Di- 12:30 p.m. piicant for ad\anted AFROTC' er maintained that the West gfdutting seniors at lajf year's commence- Tig if I 1ST of award u-innora lames llallihnn. Army Reserve '59 Nutmeg Orders ment ceremonies. The scene will be repeited rector Resources lor the Future, Inc., will must continue to fight for nU Ull "I awarn winners, ottlceri Aianctatlnn. Hartford Chap- on June 14. as »Ae University oi Connecti- give the principal address. Graduation exer- Hie award Slid the donor IOi- trr. award for meritorious aehleie- free elections in a unified cises will br held in (he stadium, and will , ... mint in MS III; Peter Pierpont. «_____„ cut's 76th annul/ Commencement gets under ,, . AH Force Reserve Offleers Asso- oeimanv, because accept ion wiy. Replacing Major General Bruce Me- be moved to the Auditorium in case oi bad Peterson. Army: Alumni ,.ld,|„n imrlford Chapter, award of the status quo could un- daris. last year's speaker, at the rostrum weather. (University Photo) latlona award for the senior fnr merltorloua achievement in AS To End Sales Soon i. Army ROTt : Amen- IV. waiter Soderlund Air Force: dermine ihe moral of a na- , i lirdnance .Association l nward Sons of inlon Veterans of the Ovll tion which had already un- Time is running out! The bigger and betier than ever," f..r llic honor student^ commission;commisslon- Wnr ,„„rrt for gtudenl attaining ' l' ln"the Ordnanrr Branch: and the highest mark lo U. S. history: dergore twelve years of editor-in-chief of the 1939 Patterson stated.
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