PROCEEDINGS of the INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE CUMULATIVE INDEX Volumes 51-60 1941-1950 Compiled by Ray C. Friesner Index Committee Nellie M. Coats, Frank N. Wallace, Paul Weatherwax Ray C. Friesner, Chairman Indiana Acadenry of Science Indiana State Library 1952 INDEX TO PORTRAITS Arthur, Joseph Charles (1850-1942) 52:1 Behrens, Charles August (1885-1950) 60:30 Bruner, Henry Lane (1861-1945) 55:1 Coulter, Stanley (1853-1943) 53:4 Foley, Arthur Lee (1867-1945) 55:5 Hessler, Robert (1861-1942) 53:8 Malott, Clyde Arnett (1887-1950) 60:23 Martin, Lillien Jane (1851-1943) 53:10 Noyes, William Albert (1857-1941) 51:8 Phinney, Arthur John (1850-1942) 52:8 Wade, Frank Bertram (1875-1950) 60:25 359 PAST OFFICERS 1941-1950 (Officers from the founding of the Academy through 1944 are listed in 53:xvii-xx). Year President Vice-President Secretary 1941 Paul Weatherwax E. F. Degering Winona H. Welch 1942 M. G. Mellon Theodor Just Winona H. Welch 1943 Theodor Just C. L. Porter Winona H. Welch 1944 C. A. Malott E. B. Abbott Winona H. Welch 1945 M. S. Markle J. F. Mackell Winona H. Welch 1946 E. F. Degering N. E. Pearson Winona H. Welch 1947 J. F. Mackell A. R. Bechtel Winona H. Welch 1948 Winona H. Welch Mason E. Hufford 0. B. Christy 1949 Charles L. Porter Stephen S. Visher 0. B. Christy 1950 Stephen S. Visher 0. B. Christy W. A. Daily Year Treasurer Editor Press Secretary 1941 W. P. Morgan P. D. Edwards W. E. Edington 1942 W. P. Morgan P. D. Edwards C. M. Palmer 1943 W. P. Morgan P. D. Edwards C. M. Palmer 1944 W. P. Morgan R. C. Corley C. M. Palmer 1945 W. P. Morgan R. C. Corley C. M. Palmer 1946 W. P. Morgan R. C. Corley C. M. Palmer 1947 W. P. Morgan P. D. Edwards C. M. Palmer and W. E. Edington 1948 W. P. Morgan P. D. Edwards W. A. Daily 1949 W. P. Morgan E. S. Gantz W. A. Daily 1950 W. P. Morgan A. A. Lindsey Preston McGrain 360 INDEX INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE PROCEEDINGS Volumes 51 (1941)—60 (1950) A38, gamma-rays from, 60:296 Acetylation, of amines, 59:126-128 derivatives of starch, 51:173-177 Abbott, R. B., Hysteresis of wood, Achillea, distri., 51:129; 52:106; 53: 51:236 111; 54:97; 55:58; 56:112; 57: Gas mixtures for rapid explosions, 85; 60:89 54:193 Achorntes, 53:170 Abies, in Lake forest, 51:75 Acid-fast bacilli, 51:69 Abnormal characters, in tomato fruit, Acids, effect of pH on toxicity, 60:53 55:46-47 inhibited for recovering tin from Abcission, marcessent leaves, 57:56 tin cans, 54:112 Abundance of game fish in a small preparation with hydrogen ex- lake, 51:262 change zeolites, 51:132-134 Abutilon, distri., 51:126; 52:103; 55: telluric, preparation, 52:114-116 55; 59:50; 60:86 solubility in nitric, 52:117-118 Academy Foundation, Authority to Acnida, distri., 51:124; 52:101; 53: contract with trust company, 108; 54:93; 55:53; 58:53; 58: 53:viii 93; 59:49 investment of funds, 58:13 Acoleidae, systematic notes, 60:314 resolution regarding sale of com- Acorns, respiration studies on germi- mon stock, 56:xii nation of, 51:83-86 prize, 57:viii, xvi Acorus, distri., 51:122; 58:93; 60:83 Acalypha, distri., 51:126; 52:103; 53: Acquired character, inheritance, 52: 109; 54:94; 55:55 190-191 Acarospora, distri. 53:91 Acroneuria, 54:228 Accelerated erosion due to industrial Acrylon, fumigant, 57:120 waste, 57:163 Actaea, distri., 57:83 Acer, dendrometer studies, 51:74 Actinocleidus, size variations, 53:177 distri., 51:126; 52:103; 53:109; 54: Actinomeris, distri., 51:129; 52:106; 94; 55:55; 56:110; 57:84; 59: 53:111; 54:97; 55:58; 57:85; 50; 60:86 60:88 effect of sap removal on annual Actinomyces, 55:34 ring growth, 59:46-47 effect of aluminum, 59:43 growth-rainfall trend-cofficients, scabies, 59:43 59:42-43 Actinomycetes, antibiotic activity, 59: in Lake forest, 51:75 71-74 saccharophorum, 58:73 Action potential measurements and seedling reproduction, 58:73-75 visual stimuli, 55:170 tree growth, 52:36-44; 60:93-46 potentials during tracking response, Acerates, distri., 54:95; 55:56; 59:50 57:183 nomenclatorial changes, 56:113 Actuarial mathematics, 56:234 Acetaminobenzaldehyde, trithio-p-, 58: Acyl, derivatives of sulfamide, 56: 111-119 134-135 Acetates, diamino alkyl, 58:120-124 ureas, prepn., 51:161-164 Acetic acid, 2, 4-dichlor-phenoxy-, Adams, Charles Frederick, memo- effect on grape vines, 60:197- rial, 60:19 108 Adams County, ants, 52:203-224 Acetodextra, from ovary of catfish, glacial drift, 59:215 60:312 vascular plants, 52:97-108; 53:105- Acetoxybenzaldehyde, trithio-p-, 58: 114; 54:91-99; 55:50-64; 57:81- 111-119 96; 58:92-96; 59:48-52; 60:114- Acetyl derivatives, starch, 51:173-177 116 phosphate, system of Leuconostoc, Adams, W. B., (see Adams, W. R.) 59:37 Adams, W. R., A preliminary report transphosphorylase metal require- (archaeological) on Martin ment, 59:37 County, 55:16-17 361 362 Adams—Aliphatic An analysis of surface material Agromyza, 56:150 from the Mann site, 56:21 Agropyron, Food animals used by the Indians distri., 51:121; 52:98; 53:106; 54: at the Angel site, 59:19-24 92; 55:51; 57:81 and W. B. Adams, An archaeo- floret fertility, 59:75-79 logical survey of Monroe nomenclatorial changes, 55:60 County, 54:25-28 Agrostemma, distri., 51:124; 52:101; Addition agents for electrodeposition 53:108; 56:109; 59:49 of tin, 56:141-144 Agrostis, distri., 51:121; 52:98; 53: Adena culture at the Cato site, 55: 106; 54:92; 55:51; 56:107; 57: 18-22 82; 60:83 in Monroe County, 54:25-28 Air, dielectric constant, 60:297 Adenosinetriphosphatase, 60 :67-72 flows, northern hemisphere, 52:140 Adiantum, distri., 54:91; 59:55; 60:82 ozonized, nitrogen oxides of, 54: Ad is- Castro, Elias, 107-111 Unsolved anthropological problems Aitken, Mary M. Isolation of blue- of Costa Rica, 58:49 green algae for pure culture, Physical anthropology of Dominica 56:77-79 Carebs, 59:17 Akeley, E. S. Theoretical calcula- and Georg K. Newmann, Inci- tions regarding electron accele- dence of ear exostoses in the rator, 55:164 Hopewell people of the Illinois Alaoglu, Leon, and John Giese, Ir- valley, 57:33-36 regularly regular polyhedra, Adouinella, 59:81 53:144 Adrenal cortical grafts, rat, 51:264-5 Alberts, A. A. et al., Recent advances and subsequent ear adrenalectomy, in flourine chemistry, 56:119- .51:264-5 122 Aedes, 56:155 Albertson, George W., professor at repellant, 57:121 University of Notre Dame, 55: Aegilops, distri., 52:98 149 Aerating liquids, 58:55 Alcohol, allyl in determ. of mercury, Aerobacter, effect of sulfa drugs and 60:125 streptomycin, 59:38 nitro, reaction with diazonium bases use in preparing immune sera for and salts, 57:88-91 Paramecia, 53:47-49 Alcohols, amino, esterification, 58:120- Aesculus, distri., 52:103; 54:94; 60: 124 86 estimation, 58:142-144 Aeshna, 56:167; 60:208 sulfur containing, some p-nitro and Aeshnidae, 56:163-169 amino-benzoates of, 58:148-150 Affiliation of scientific organizations Alfalfa, insects, 60:178-182 with Academy, 53:xi; 54:xi pollination, 59:165 Africa, anthropology, 59:34-36 Webworm (see Loxostege) Agar-decomposing organism, 55:34-35 Algae (see also group and genus Agaricus, 57:75; 58:81; 60:91 names) 59:41, 44, 80 Agastache, distri., 51:127; 52:104; 54: blue green, pure culture, 56:77-79 95; 55:56; 56:110; 57:84; 58: Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, 59: 95; 59:51; 60:87 80-81 Agglutination, pertussis, 52:30-33 effect of butyl ester of 2-4-D, 59: Aggregation, of millipeds, 60:329 44-45 Agkistrodon, injuries by, 60:318 isolation for pure culture, 56:77 Agriculture, on American forest fron- spoken of as mosses, 58:33 tier, 55:92 Wayne County, 52:71-81 effect of glaciation upon, 56:174-181 Algebra, postulates of tri-operational, hail storms, 51:178 57:179 problems of the high Andes, 55:38 teaching, 57:178 research in India, 60:80 Algebraic or transcendental equa- Agrilus, 57:109; 60:181 tions, solution of, 53:144 Agrimonia, distri., 51:125; 52:102; 53: Algonkian, stockades, 55:15 109; 54:94; 55:54; 57:83; 58: Algonkin, cranial series, 57:18-23 94, 96; 59:50; 60:80 Algonquin, 51:31-33 Agrionidae, distribution and seasonal anthropology, 54:39 abundance, 53:179-185 Aliphatic nitrocompounds, 52:119-121 Alisma—Analytical 363 Alisma, distri., 51:121; 52:98; 54:92; council psychological examination, 55:51; 56:107; 57:81 52:180 nomenclatorial changes, 56:112 forests, factors in settlement, 55:92 Alkyl iodides, reaction with silver Indian, 54:41-43 amidosulfonate, 52:122-124 University, at Bairritz, 56:233 at Shrivenham barracks, 56:233 Alleb, W. C, Indiana scientist, 54: Amia, skull, 55:210 179-183 Amines, acetylation, 59:126-128 Allen County, ants, 52:203-224 aliphatic, 57:97 bumblebees, 60:167-177 condensations of polyamines, 58: lichens, 53:81-95 140-141 mosses, 52:52-57; 53:96-99 derivatives of lower aliphatic, 57: vascular plants, 52:97-108; 53:105- 97-100 114; 55:50-64; 56:107-114; 57: identification, 53:119-121 81-86; 59:48-52 Aminoacetophenone, p-, rearrange- Allen, F. J., An experiment for ment, 59:135 freshmen to place emphasis Aminoalcohols, ease of esterification upon Avogadro's number, 53: of, 58:120-4 116-117 preparation and properties, 52:119- Sidelights on research, 56:115 121 Allen, William A., and Ed.
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