![NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE of THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1G24](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1887 . Jsm.b. 88. SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1g24. 1Jnblishtb bu ~ut~aritJl. WELLINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1924. REGISTER OF LICEN.SES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS ACT, 1921-22. 1838 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. as Reguter of Licenses ismed undllf' Ike Land Agenl.l Act, 1921-22. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 29th May, 1924. EREWITH is published for general information a copy of the Register of Licenses issued under the Land Agents H Act, 1921-22, as on 30th April, 1924. RICHD. F. BOLLARD, Minister of Internal Affairs. REGISTER OF LICfENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS AUJ', 1921-22. NOTE.-The Register is arranged iJJ.phabetically under the names of holders of licenses; but where an individual holds a· license on behalf of a firm or registered company, the ..naipe of, such firm or company, ·and not the name. of the holder of the license, is placed in its alphabetical order. In the case of a firm or company the nanie of which .consists of..the Christian name or names (or initials) and surname or surnames of some person or persons, the in:dex.:)ettei: is. the first letter of the first surname. · Further, where an individual holder of ·a license trades u~der a particular· name, the trade-name appears in its alphabetical order. · ---.-------------.----------.-----·-----,:---------,-------- - Name of Flrlli (if any) of No. of which Licensee.ls a Date IJcenae Court by whloh Llcelll8, Name of Licensee. Member, or Registered · Reatstered Office, License granted. Company on whose Behalf granted. License Is held. 2177 Elmsley, Charles Joseph A bl)ott 1md )!1lmsley. ,95 Queen St., Auel,lond 1 April, 1924 Auckland. 2634 Monrad, Oscar.. Abraham and Wil­ Rangitikei St,., Palmer - 1 April, 1924 Palmerston North liams (Limited) ston North, andatAuck­ land,Taumarnnui,Levin, \Vellington, Marton, Te Kuiti, Taibape, Feilding 4407 Adams, Alfred Montague A •. M.. Adamsa9dCo.- -12 ·Panama ·Street, Wei- I April, 1924· · Wellington. , lington 4481 Adams, George Joseph .• 32 Queen St., Auc:kland., l April, 1924 Auckland. 2218 Aickm, Casement .. C. Atckin°~nd'l;lons 3 Customs Street East, l April, 1924 Auckl_and. Auckland 1853 Aitken, Archibald Hender- Mersey Street, Gore I April, 1924 Gore. son 2385 Aldred, ,John Percy Courthouse Lane, Auck­ l April, 1924 Auckland. land 2219 Alexander, William Henry W. H. Alexander and 58 Queen St., Auckl,md 1 April, 1924 Auckland. Co. 1502 Allchurch, Harold Beswick Street, Timaru r April, 1924 Timaru. 225.t Allen, George Robert 46 Brunswick Buildings, 1 April, 1924 Auckland. Queen Street, Auckland 3484 Allen, Joseph J amAs . High Street, Hawera .. 1 April, 1924 Hawera. 569 Allison, Samuel . • . 147 Queen St., Onehunga I April, 1924 Onehunga. 2285 Andrew, Benjamin Herbert Ben H. Andrew, Vere ll Albert St., Auckland .. 1 April, 1924 Auckland. and Co. 1503 Angland, William .. Stafford Street, Timaru .. I April, 1924 Tima~ 736 Antcliff, Edward Angus., High Street, Dannevirke .1 Ap:rij., 1924 Dannevi:rke. 4836 Apps, William Egbert .. · Leviri ..- · . : . 9 April, 1924 Levin. 2170 Arthur, Carpbnter .. 3-4 Phamix Chambers~ l April, 1924 Aucklond. Queen Street, Auckland 2220 Arthur, Thomas Buddle .. Richard Arthur (Li­ 390-392 Queen Street, 1 April, 1924 Auckland. mited) Auckland. 4484 Arthur, Thomas Watson 101 Queen St., Auckland 14 April, 1924 Auckland. 2335 Asher, James Parker .. I Victoria Road, Deven- I April, 1924 Auckland. port, Auckland ll623 Ashwell, Alfred Walter .. Raetibi . l April, 1924 Raetihi. 684 Aston, John . The Aston Agencies Willis Street, Wemngton l April, 1924 Wellington. (Limited) 129 Austen, Henrietta Emily C. H. Austen and Co. 29 Frederick Street, Dun- 8 April, 1924 Dunedi,n. edin 3032 Badger, Ronalq SJ!lith / :: •. ! 187 ,Manchester .St,eet, l April, 1924, Chmtohurch. ·· Christe h urch 2633 Bagnall, Henry Gordon .. Bagnall and Keehle 10 Rangitikei Street, Pal­ 1 April, 1924 Palmerston N ortl merston North 2381 Bagnall, Brent Llewellyn liOl N.Z. Insurance Build- I April, 1924 Auckland. ings, Auckland 2757 Baigent, Walter J a.mes .. Willow Street, Tauranga 1 April, 1924 Tauranga. 2288 Bailey, Frank Robert •. 6 Milford Road, Takapuna I April, 1924 Takapuna. 3038 Baker, Leyden West .. Baker Brothers 166 Manchester St.reet, l April, 1924 Christchurch. Christchurch 4415 Baird, John Roy Horace Baker (Li­ 233 Lambton Quay, Wel- 1 April, 1924 W elli~gton. mited) lington · 2171 Baker, Char!eii Co0111,be '.\: •;,· • Dµrham St:r~t, Auckland l April, 1924 ·. AucklAnd. 2751 Baker, Edwm Thomas . ·. Wharf Street, Tauranga .. 1 April, 1924 Taursnga. 103 Baker, Lilla Elva .. 35 Upper Dowling Street, 1 April, 1924 Dunedin. Dunedin 717 Baker, Thomas Norris .. 256 Lambton Quay, Wel- 1 April, 1924 Wellington. lington 1827 Baker, William Torode .. Otahuhu • . 1 April, 1924 Otahuhu. 888 Balharrv, David .. 135 Russell St., Hastings 1 April, 1924 Hastings. 3170 Ball, Frederick Rohert .. Ball and Crowshaw Peel Street, Gisborne .. I April. 1924 Gisborne. \ 2210 Ball, Henry Walter ... H. Ball and Oo. Endean's Buildings, Auck- 1 April, 1924 Auckland. land MAY 30.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZET'l1E. 1339 REGISTER OF LIOENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS AoT, 1921-22-continued. Name of Finn (if any) ol which Licensee is a No. of Date License Conrt by which License. Name ol Licensee. Member, or Registered Registered Ofllce. Company on whose Behal! granted. License granted. License Is held. 2357 Ball, Thomas Frederick Rew's Chambers, 16 Queen 1 April, 1924 Auckland. Street, Auckland Ball11rd, Luke Ebenezer .. HJ Phwnix Chambers, April, l!l24 Auckland. Queen Street, Auckland 2380 Ballard, William 95 Queen Street, Auckland 1 April, 1924 Auckland. 3585 Barclay, George Duke Street,, Cambridge .. 1 April, 1024 Cambridge. 2292 Barfoot, Valentine Harding 71 Broadwav, Newmarket 1 April, 1924 Auckland. 3879 Barker, Hubert Lean Burnett Street, Ashburton 11 April, 1924 Ashburton. 2524 Barltrop, John Edward Kimbolton Road, Feilding 1 April, 1924 Feilding. 662 Barnett, Ernest James 94 Willis Street, Welling- 1 April, 1924 Wellington. ton 2613 Spear, Elliott Vernon Barraud and Abra­ 39 Rangitikei Street, Pal­ April, l!l24 Palmerston North, ham (Limited) merston North, and at Te Kuiti, Marton, Feild­ ing, and Dannevirke 104 Battersby, Helen Elizabeth 25 Dowling St., Dunedin Ap,il, Hl24 Dunedin. 870 Beamish, Henry Evanson King Street, Ha8tings April, 1924 Hastings. 871 Bullen, Alfred Edward .. Beard, Bullen, and Russell Street., Hastings .. April, Hl24 Hastings. Co. 3lti9 Beere, Alexander Gerald Lowe Street, Uisbornc .. 1 April, l!J24 Gisborne. 3027 Beck, Harold Walton 179 Manchester Street, 1 April, 1924 Christchurch. Christchurch 2260 Bell, Thomas de Charles BelJ, McKain, and Main Street, Lower Hutt 2 April, 1924 Lower Hutt. Co. 12\)5 Bell, Charles Langley llu Trafalgar 8t., Nelson 1 April, 1924 Nelson. 4394 Benge, Oru,low Hillier 0. H. Benge and Co. Boulcott Chambers, We]. 1 April, 1924 W elJington. lington 2172 Bennett, Charles Frederick 101-105 N.Z. Insurance April, 1924 Auckland. Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland 4418 Bennett, Henry Ideson .. 132 Willis Rt., \Vellington 2:l April, 1924 Wellington. 2168 Bennett, John Henry 10 I'hcenix Chambers, l April, 1924 Auckland. Auckland 44n Bentley, Richard James Bentley and Kent The 8trand, \\"hakatane .. April, l!l24 Whakatane. 4159 Berry, Ernest ,John Berry and Glasson 177 Manchester 8treet, April, 1924 Christchurch. Christchurch 2372 Bertram, Francis John 49 Phrnnix Chambers, April, 1924 Auckland. Queen Street, Auckland 3036 Best, Philip 621 Colombo Street, Christ· 1 April, 1924 Christchurch. churcl, 657 Bethune, Walter Ellis J. H. Bethune and 154 Featherston 8treet, 1 April, 1924 WelJington. Co. Wellington 3295 Betty, John 112A Queen 8t., Masterton 1 April, 1924 Masterton. 3977 Beyin, Alister 8t,iwart A. 8. Bevin (Limited) Rathbone Rt., Whangarei 10 l\Iav 1924 Whangarei. 3785 Bird, George West Quay, Waitara 8 April, 1924 Waitara. 2632 Birnie, William Rankin Birnie, Coombs, and 38 Rangitikei Street, Pal­ 1 April, 1924 Palmerston North. Wilson merston North 3521 Bishard, Samuel Samuel Bishard (Li­ Taumarunui 9 April, 1924 Taumarunui. mited) 3214 Bisley, Austin Morris A. M. Bisley and Co. 27 Ward Street, Hamilton 1 April, 1924 Hamilton. 3166 Blackburn, Charles 64 Lowe Street, Gisborne 1 April, 1924 Gisborne. 3584 Blackman, Arnold Thornton Road, Cambridge l April, 1924 Cambridge. 3121 Blair, William Alexander Blair and i'itokcs Clyde Street, Balclutha .. 1 April, 1924 Balclutha. 3179 Bloore, Charles Grosvenor 72 Lowe 8treet, Gisborne 1 April, 1924 Gisborne. 2337 Bollard, Benjamin Irwin 32 Queen Street, Auckland 1 April, 1924 Auckland. 2414 Booth, Ernest .. King Street, Temuka 1 April, 1924 Temuka. 1275 Bott, Ernest Edgar Waipawa 1 April, 1924 Waipawa. 685 Boulton, Edward Marriott 91 The Terrace, Wellington 1 April, 1924 Wellington. 4810 Verry, Louis John Bourne and Ballingall 80 Ridgway Street, Wa­ 1 April, 1924 Wanganui. nganui 3850 Bovis, John Thomas Shannon 9 April, 1924 Shannon. 3258 Bowden, Frederick F. Bowden and Co. Corner of Esk and Kelvin 1 April, 1924 Invercargill. Streets, Invercargill .. 1504 Bowker, George 98 Stafford Street, Timaru 1 April, 1924 Tin1aru. 123 Bowling, Warren AIJen 24 Dowling Street, Dunedin 1 April, 1924 Dunedin. 94 Boyd,John Boyd's Agency /Li- 176 Princes Street, Dune- 1 April, 1924 Dunedin. mited) din 4748 Boyd, Edward E. .. Boyd and Co. 56 Esk Street, In vercargill 1 April, 1924 Inveruargill. 4648 Boyes, George Stephenson George Boyes and Co . Victoria Street, Hamilton 1 April, 1924 Hamilton. 2330 Bradburn, Israel Bradburn and Co. 265 Karangahape Road, 1 April, 1924 Palmerston North Auckland 106 Bradfield, Andrew Bradfield and Moody 68 Princes Street, Dunedin 1 April, 1924 Dunedin. 2262 Bradshaw, Alice Violet The Strand, St. Heliers l April, 1924 Auckland. Bay, Auckland 3963 Briansby, Arthur Todd .. Cameron Street, Whangarei 1 April; 1924 Whangarei. 4187 Brass, William George 8 Chancery Lane, Christ­ 1 April, 1924 Christchurch. church 4736 Bray, Frank Bray Bro~. Dee Street, Invercargill l April, 1!l24 Invercargill. 4793 Brechin, John Dalziel 7 Dublin Street, Wanganui 1 April, 1924 Wanganui. 98 Breeze, Cyril Henry 76 Princess Street, Dune­ 1 April, 1924 Dunedin.
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