THE ULTIMATE CAPITALIST WEAPON Tho Auttraliaa newspaper says its a noccessary evil. ANNE JONES investigates. THE NO FUTURE RIOTS . Europe echoes the English riots. SHELLEY OEMPSEY reporU. AIN'T GONNA STUDY WAR NO MORE God save the Queen MARK D. HAYES, pacifist extraordinaire, reflects on hU peace studies. The fascist regime It made you a moron Potential H bomb OLD ASHGROVIANS WIN AGAIN 12 God save the Queen SHELLEY DEMPSEY gives the dirt on the Union election}. She ain 't no human being There is no future THE NEW SEXUAL LEPROSY And England's screaming.. 19 No future, no future Herpei, is It a tide effect of the new 'permissive' lociety? SHELLEY DEMPSEY reports. No future for yoa The Sex Pistols revolutionised popular music in the mid seventies with their blaring statement of 'no future'. Musical styles change but the sense of desperation remains. SEMPER is a non-profit pol­ Ltd, 367 Brunswick St Fort­ ions mav reprint articles ana The generation born since World War Two has always lived with the threat of graphics provided Semper and itical and cultural magazine itude Valley the authors are duly acknow­ complete annihilation; with the prospect that someday World War Three, the DISTRIBUTORS: Gordon and ledged. The exceptions are crea­ based at the University of Gotch Pty Ltd, Brisbane tive writing and copyrighted nuclear war will break out and we'll all be dead or mutants. Queensland. ADVERTISING: Scott Black- graphics which remain the copy­ The realisation allows for two extreme developments. There is the complete well, 371 2558. a.h.; 345 1328 right or the authors and may not be reproduced without disregard of punks with their nihilism, or the hedonism of blitz kids. But also the EDITORS: Anne Jones, Shelley SEMPER welcomes contribut­ their permission. Dempsey ions and letters, but does not determination of the peace movement and hippies to work towards a better world, assume any responsibility for Address all enquiries to: no matter how bad the odds. LAYOUT and COVER: (Watt unsolicited rnanuscripts, photo­ SEMPER magazine Mawson graphs and illustrations. Unl of Qld Union In this issue we look at some aspects of the 'no future' generation. TYPESETTING: Jenni Bird SEMPER is copyright, St Lucia. St Lucia 4067 PRINTERS: Mirror Newspapers Qld 1981. Non-profit publicat­ PIT 371 16Jt or 371 2568 been a productive journalist. any production may be quite bangers (which, incidentally, It must be difficult to res­ SEXIST ADS boring. must comprise a very minor earch articles of this broad a Where is your Feminist Also, members within the proportion of Christians, born- topic thoroughly, and so I can Consciousness! n Society may be discouraged by again or othemfise, else I am fully understand the minor The inclusion of sexist ad­ the humourless approach to sure that I, too, would have "slipups" in the article. vertising such as Pampers, Cur- theatre and leave with a sigh. encountered them on the street Acupuncture is not (as vette etc... is only supportive cause there are two general methods of healing the body It's policy should be a balanc­ corners). Others, however, can­ Shelley's definition suggests! of the capitalist tradition of categories of Acupuncturists to­ by working on the acupunc­ ed one, if any, which then not always escape the vile just used for relief of pain (anal­ 'objectifying' women: a de­ day - what I refer to as the ture points and mendians caters for all tastes within the synthetic 'music' which blasts gesia) but is also used to treat plorable (fecision of your be­ 'Traditionafists" and the "Mod­ include: Shiatsu (Japanese "Acu­ Society and not just those of from across the streets in no- internal physiological dysfunct­ half, considering that women ernists". These groups differ in puncture); zone therapy; Swed- a vocal minority. longer quiet neighbourhoods. ions as well. have only renently occupied thejrmethods of diagnosis, form­ sih massage; Brazilian toe mass­ -RICHARD PATE Nevertheless, soon this curse By definition, Acupuncture positions where they can take ulation of treatment points, and age and many more (as Shelley will be removed and prolonged is a western word strictly re­ an actrve stance of such issues. modalities chosen for point mentioned there are over 100 exposure to such rubbish grad­ ferring to the use of fine needles, -OFFENDED stimulation. Laser, electroacu- therapies of alternative medicine ually overwhelms our aural inserted into acupuncture points ATHEIST BASHING senses, and deafness comes to (We agree, unfortunately punctuing, Aquapuncture (In­ most of these deal directly or for healing (from the Latin Let me direct your atten­ be seen as a blessing. the ads had been accepted jection of Uj + Bi2. Ligner- indirectly with Acupuncture "acus = a needle). Therefore tion to some misconceptions Bftd laid out before being caine, Saliae, etc into Acu­ energy pathways). Nor can one say that 'rea­ the Laser centre would not be expressed in the recent sighted by either of us. puncture points) embedding Acupuncture is growing in son and science are winning strictly practicing acupuncture; article, 'Why Non-believers -Eds.) fine sterile metals, T.N.S. (Trans­ popularity as people became the hearts and souls of the but none the less would be using should have Public Recog­ cutaneous nen/e stimulation), aware of its authenticity, and as masses'. There does not seem to a modality to stimulate the nition'(July 21). Faradism, and interferential are the medical profession continues be anything scientific or logical acupuncture point Laser is a Having read the article, I am just some of the methods the it research into its usage. about the shallow materialism ACUPUNCTURE UPDATE very new Western tool and there still uninformed as-to what the "modernists" ( many of whom Brisbane is extremely lucky with which non-believers fill Your article on Altern­ is much controversy, regarding title suggests, I cannot see that are qualified western physicians, in having a variety of natural their days, or drink and drug ative Medicine was quite its therapeutic efficiency and atheists are doing anything of physics, vets etc . , .) may healing clinics to choose from. themselves into insensibility. Is interesting. Ms. Dempsey use, within the acupuncture particular value either for society employ. Pertiaps Semper would like to radicalism and revolution scient­ has some good ideas and has or themselves.. They are doing profession. This is largely be­ Some excellent noninvasive do the rounds of the 'genuine ific, or strikes and picketing for their best to ovenwhelm the massage' healing clinics of Bris­ the most minor of reasons, world with materialism, com­ bane and list these in an article, logical? God help the world. mercialism, even Communism. including those that offer Is the writer, too, denying What more do they want? ^" RALLY RALLY RALLYV^ student concessions. the right of schoolchildren to at -ELAINE LARKIND The apparent rejoicing at least hear about Christianity? the absence of 'born-ajain' The fact that the proportion of atheists 'banging drums and believers is still greater than that tambourines on a Sunday anro of atheists and agnostics suggests aU.D.S. PLAYS street corner' evidently did not that Christianity desenres to be QUDS is a blossoming take into account the undes­ given a fair chance to spread its student theatre without a irable noises and sights by which message to all age-groups. Be­ governing policy for the such deism-defiers proclaim sides, one would hardly think choosing of its plays. their presence. Other people are that a once-a-week Bible-thump­ At present it is wrestling instead deluged with 150-decibel ing lesson would be enough to with the idea of presenting a rock concerts, loud radios and permeate the dull thickness of uniform set of plays which will stereos blaring blatancies all so many hardened minds. teach "Society" things about through Sundays, and the rest "He who sits in the heavens itself. of the week, and they must tautrhs; I fear that this is a somewhat suffer the less-than-attractive the lord has them in nan-ow approach to the con­ visual impact of the 'punk' derision." cept of theatre for it may hold scene. The avid atheists of this the audiences attention If well- world have the opportunity to ^AYNE DOECKE presented, but then, as with avoid the drum and tambourine- r' ^^i Z tUe media- T^e ^^^ .; # ^ ,.A to ^a^® c Vis lovers- records^ ^as branded^,,^ ^^,cU O^f Tpervert by *J^ot one of ^ ^^^tl/^^^^^td^ or reported |g^ .-/bat^JV^.ons^d. , : ""fttss bad compla^^^' ^ e<i ^"^^' ui Osbovi^^^^ f .ug boys t\\eboys ,:*ud'Tl^'^ •:^^: ^ Osbourne. ^., released, f^^o^st v^ Man They ^alO^'^H^^ society- ^ ^detitn^^^s Clareno^,^vetlWe ^ Pot ^^^^^^ J,^ul yO^^S °^ reCOldi«& -.i ^Scs 0^ ^^^' .t\oTvai^«^'"'fnddossiet • "^ „; ind emotio."*: _ card at^d Q . m found w /^ yt that u »4S 5^"'' touin*''' ,^ in sexual „sedi>«'S. ijj^ ^^^Osboutnc^^;;;XW^'^^^°5pt ne^outne na^ i;„th wit . '«^ ions bero^^^^d the ^J^J^^^^^^^^^ *X^ *» 'Toft*' °*i:«"' ^' -%0-fes^^^^^ -'°'"' n tot the way feU 8^= ^*' .1 old m"" '"-Ls' « , ot *^ ^«^°",o paedopb^bH vL "'^''"lip*"'* do f' °': S ^^'^ ovet-teacts t^ P ^^,^ ate M society o^^\ ^vdch (^W* ^i^son Jisthe;^;\.eated-JeVuldten -^^'l.r'ln ate P^^f J; s^d. ^^^ they I sal" „ei(\cte(i a>'" ,^ .••.•/.•/. Vbi\d^e'^1^'b^ee^f^^',.'TheM^;CU-.Aetabto e pvtent>"*'eit^^ . ^ .v n iT\\^\e .^a_ us" e rutt.^^^^ - ferr-^^'"'""... econs^'i' .„MsThey<i°V f^ aconside^^Q^ said ^a^,, ^^ied to ^ ^^es« fpv; ftSJ^ »vimple- A-ivv. o^^'^'S n to write a bo* .b^tOsbounve. _ ,"^do.*;%'''^nv»»^ BV "*'°1„ Vliteon W ^(.^• *"°\Se o«»;f° flood of «^„,3(WS, poS«"%aso- »'*,*„ b.l'»^l3„ woes *-\ror*ei>vp-^;::^v->:,^te Semper, September 29,1981 ion to Mr.
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