COPYRIGHT, 1?S5, BY THB SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHINO Co. THE SPORTING LIFE.ENTERED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS HATTER. VOLUME 11 SO. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JUNE 27, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. course no reasonable persoD will expect to see ball team Is meeting with encouragement. Messrs. the brace accomplished in oue or two days, Donndl aud Llttlefield have made mouey thus far, been paid on the 15t«. Sales and Bottenus had no LATE NEWS. but that radical changes will be made in the make tip and this fact has enhanced the value of stock. The money wh^rer coining lo them, it having been ex- of onr club Is evidenced by what has already been BEEFING SAILS. idea Is that there shall be fifty shares at £50 a share. MINORS MEET. JCinicd for the pleasure of orating on the diamond and done in the last few days, three new players having Tlie present firm will dispose of the franchise for In overdrawn pay. been secure.l Kellojg, of the Buffa'os, who played $2,000. One of the conditions under which tlie stock Millrr and. Grumbling, the new bat'ery, are doing Davenport Gets the third base and short stop after Nelson was released; company is being organized is that not a player shall excellent work, as are Cock and Garfield, the two St. Tim Mtinninir, of Chicago, who will play second base, High Salaries Pinching be sold or released during the ten days of negotiations. Three Leagues Reforming young pitchers. Harry Paiker is at his home in Cleve­ and George Knowlton, of North Wilbraham, Mass., a Mews. Donnell and Llttlefiold are interertcd enough land, recovering blowly from the iujurit'i, he received left-handed pitcher. in the success of the team to remain as stockhsl.iei-fl, In a collision v/lth Faithy O'Rourki*. at Lima. Faithy Louis' Franchise. Whou other contemplated changes are made It may Minor Leagues. Uftviog a just pride In what they have ^Hrady done to Their Lines. ia back on the field and is a prime fa?orite. confidently be expected that once again our reorgan­ give the tialem people a good, ^utiimer sport, aud not Captain Ben Drischell leads the team iu lasting and ized Maruuus will bat the ball, run tho bases and show desiring to aoe it deteriorate. A stock company would will lead tho League'a rlcht field era. If more such Pitcher Kilroy's Case A Bicy­ a determination to euro, their salaries and give the at­ relieve them cf tbe drag it now puts upon their per­ gentlemen as Beu were in base ball we *ould hare no tendants some tine exhibitions on the diamond. Plans to Avert Threatened sonal iffalw. Manager Putnam la likewise iu favor of Radical Action Taken in the difficulty. He has faithfully stood by the tt-Hin in itai Klusmau, our popular and brilliant second btseman, cne new company. dark f;ouis, and, now that all the storms incident to cle Meet A New Pitcher has been released to tho Bostons in exchange for Nick Ruin Now Being a backward season and a poorly located grounds havf Wise, tho catcher, and a monoy consideration of £1,375. INDIANAPOLIS BRIEFS. South Interstate Clubs Leim weathertd, ho will not be forgotten. Kluoman also has tho assurance from the JVIsnchester Con Strothprs, the new first boaeman, id playing a For Pittsburg, Etc Association that in case he does not make a success of Mourning the Decline of the Hoosier Team brilliant game and hitting tho ball like a veteran. playli.g in the National League that he will be given Agitated. Changed About. I must go out now and seo if Reeder wants to havf an opportunity to rrjofn the Manchester at any time, —The Pressing Need of More and Better a little set-to. BRAND WHITLOCK. THE TVHEEI*. ___ P. LIMB. Pitchers, Etc. A SOUTHERN SUGGESTION. INDIANAPOLIS, June 21. Editor SPORTING THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE. A LIBELLOUS INTIMATION. Animal Races ot Rhode Island Cyclists at THE MINERS' PETS. LIFE: The IndianapolU base ball team A Convention of All the Minor Leagnea In is Getting Down to Hard Pan A Salary Providence. slowly working iw way homeward and although Au Alleged Case of Bribery by a League Scranton Getting Into Better Shape—The the Fall Advised. Limit Rule Adopted. Bpeciftl to SPORTING LIFE. the club has not made a very brilliant record on Manager. Team's Weakest Point Being Strength­ NEW ORLEANS, June 18, Editor SPORTING NEW ORLEANS, June 18. There was an im­ BROOKLYN, June 19. Editor SPORTING LIFE: PROVIDENCE, R. I., June 23. The annual ened, Etc. this trip, everybody will be glad to get a glimpse races of the Rhode Island wheelmen LIFE: The days of .high salaries in minor portant meeting of the Southern League direc­ Mr. Byrne called my attention to-day to a were held at SCBANTON, June 21. Editor SPORTING LIFE: The leagues are past. It haa taken of the boy?. The team is now in Detroit, and Roger Williams Park Thursday evening. The the minors a tors at Birmingham yesterday to strengthen the paragraph published in a St. Louis paper in Scranton team is gradually drr/A-ing near the leaders. long time to realize that they cannot pay the will arrive home on Sunday morning. If the races result*! as follows: in the Central League race and by July 4 we expect to Hoosiers could get a game or two from tho slug­ organization, which was trembling. Clubs have which a correspondent, writing from Detroit un­ .' If-milc tricycle race Won by 0. H. Weld in 1m be hustling with Alletitown for third plase. salaries they have been paying and live, but gotten into too deep water, and are paying sala­ der date cf June 15, has this to say about some most of them understand it fully now emd are gers, their record would not be so bad, but there Mii-5a. Scrantuu's main weakness has betu In the box, fleeniB to be but little hope at this time that they will ries to some of the star players that threaten money matters in which Umpire Doescher'a :.'wo-mlle lap race There were three starters, B. T* where game after game was l^t. Pitchers whom we disposed to discuss plans for relief. I strongly be aMe to down the Michigan men. If they do nut, to swamp the whole League. Under the pres­ name appears quite prominently. The corres­ Brnce, Eugene K. I'hillips and William Milter. Kach depended ou at tho opening of the season proved de­ advocate a convention of all the minor leagues, ent condition of affairs it was only cided failures when however, there seems to be a good chance for them to a question of a pondent in question says: man in ado nine points. The decision was left to tho put to the test.and tlie onlypitcher to be held early in the fall, before the close of the drop to the tail end of the licit and that fact Is giving month when the League would have been forced to go interpretation ot the League rules. signed as an experiment has elunvu himself to be the the friends of the team a gr«at deal of trouble. Wash­ under, and ihe meeting was called to correct these "There is some trouble here between Manager Wat- Half-mile race, Rover type Won by E. R. Phillipa finest twirlor iu the League and capable of holding present season, eo that whatever remedies are kins and ihe other officers of the Detroit Club. It ap- ington has made a sudden spurt and the percentage of evils. Tbe matter was talked over, and Birmingham pearu that last season while Doescher waa umpiring in ID 1 m. 21». his own among the finest la the country. decided upon can be used in the signing of con­ the three weaklings is now practically tbe strne, and and Memphis said that something must bo done to les­ The race for the club championship and a silver cop, The gretiter part of his success is due to the flue tracts immediately at the close of the present the League, Wat kins, wanting to keep on the right as Washington stands a better show to sen expenses aud at the tame time maintain the stand­ side of Doescher, courted half-mil*), was wou by George Hutchins, who defeated back stop and head work ot Tony Murphy, his catcher. season for next year. I talked with Sam Morton beat Philadelphia tbau Indianapolis to beat ard of the gams if they were atill to remain iu the hla company and lotued him B. T. Bruco by a few inches only in 1m. 28s. Tony is playing the game of his life this season, as sums of money, at odd times, the wLole aggregating f n iu Chicago a s^ert time ago on tha subject of the con­ Detroit, It looks very black /or the bo3 s. field. It wa* finally agreed to adopt a ealixry limit of the neighborhood of §300. D^escher has not been able Tandem race, one mile Won by Hut oh Ins and finer catching, throwing, base-running and hitting vention of minor Ifagues the coming full, and he Tho team haa had a great deal of hard luck ?2,000 per month, no club's pay roll to exceed that Tucker in 3m. lie. by a catcher, was never seen on tha Scranton grounds to p;iy this money back and Watklus wants iho Detroit agreed that such a thing was necessary anil promise.! since it left home.
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