european space agency agence spatiale europeenne The European Space Agency was formed out of, and L'Agence Spatia/e Europeenne est issue des deux took over the rights and obligations of, the two earlier Organisations spatia/es europeennes qui I'ont precedee European Space Organisations: the European Space - I'Organisation europeenne de recherches spatiales Research Organisation (ESRO) and the European (CERS) et I'Organisation europeenne pour la mise au Organisation for the Development and Construction of point et la construction de lanceurs d'engins spatiaux Space Vehicle Launchers (ELDO). The Member States (CECLES) - dont elle a repris les droits et obligations. are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Les Etats membres en sont: l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Belgique, le Danemark, I'Espagne, la France, I'lrlande, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Finland is an l'Italie, la Norvege, les Pays-Bas, le Royaume-Uni, la Associate Member of the Agency. Canada is a Suede et la Suisse. La Finlande est membre associe de Cooperating State. I'Agence. Le Canada beneficie d 'un statut d'Etat cooperant. In the words of the Convention: The purpose of the Agen­ Selon les termes de la Convention: L'Agence a pour mis­ cy shall be to provide for and to promote, for exclusively sion d 'assurer et de developper, a des fins exc/usivement peaceful purposes, co-operation among European paci/iques, la cooperation entre Etats europeens dans States in space research and technology and their space les domaines de la recherche et de la technologie applications, with a view to their being used for scientific spatia/es et de leurs applications spatiales, en vue de purposes and for operational space applications leur utilisation a des fins scientifiques et pour des systems. systemes spatiaux operationnels d'applications: (a) by elaborating and implementing a long-term Euro­ (a) en elaborant et en met/ant en oeuvre une politique pean space policy, by recommending space objec­ spatia/e europeenne a long terme, en recomman­ tives to the Member States, and by concerting the dant aux Etats membres des objectifs en matiere policies of the Member States with respect to other spatia/e et en concertant les politiques des Etats national and international organisations and in­ membres a I'egard d'autres organisations et institu­ stitutions; tions nationales et internationales; (b) by elaborating and implementing activities and pro­ (b) en elaborant et en mettant en oeuvre des activites et grammes in the space field ; des programmes dans le domaine spatial; (c) by co-ordinating the European space programme (c) en coordonnant le programme spatial europeen et and national programmes, and by integrating the lat­ les programmes nationaux, et en integrant ces der­ ter progressively and as completely as possible into niers progressivement et aussi completement que the European space programme, in particular as possible dans le programme spatial europeen, regards the development of applications satellites; notamment en ce qui concerne le developpement (d) by elaborating and implementing the industrial de satellite d 'applications. policy appropriate to its programme and by recom­ (d) en elaborant et en mettant en oeuvre la politique in­ mending a coherent industrial policy to the Member dustrielle appropriee a son programme et en recom­ States. mandant aux Etats membres une politique industrielle coMrente. The Agency is directed by a Council composed of L'Agence est dirigee par un Conseil, compose de representatives of Member States. The Director General representants des Etats membres. Le Directeur general is the chief executive of the Agency and its legal est le fonctionnaire executif superieur de l'Agence et la representative. represente dans tous ses actes. The Directorate of the Agency consists of the Director Le Directoire de I'Agence est compose du Directeur General; the Inspector General; the Director of Scientific general; de I'lnspecteur general; du Directeur des Pro­ Programmes; the Director of the Earth Observation and grammes scientifiques; du Directeur des Programmes Microgravity Programme; the Director of the Telecom­ d 'Observation de la Terre et de Microgravite; du munications Programme; the Director of Space Transpor­ Directeur du Programme de Telecommunications; du tation Systems; the Director of the Space Station and Directeur des Systemes de Transport spatial; du Platforms Programme; the Director of ESTEC; the Direc­ Directeur du Programme Station spatiale et Plates­ tor of Operations and the Director of Administration. formes; du Directeur de I'ESTEC, du Directeur des Operations et du Directeur de I 'Administration. The ESA HEADQUARTERS are in Paris. Le SIEGE de I'ESA est a Paris. The major establishments of ESA are: Les principaux Etablissements de I'ESA sont: THE EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH AND LE CENTRE EUROPEEN DE RECHERCHE ET DE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE (ESTEC), Noordwijk, TECHNOLOGIE SPATlALES (ESTEC), Noordwijk, Netherlands. Pays-Bas. THE EUROPEAN SPACE OPERATIONS CENTRE LE CENTRE EUROPEEN D'OPERATlONS SPATlALES (ESOC) , Darmstadt, Germany (ESOC), Darmstadt. Allemagne. ESRIN , Frascati, Italy. ESRIN, Frascati, /talie Chairman of the Council: Mr H. Grage. President du Conseil: M H. Grage. Director General: Prof. R. Lust. Directeur general: Prof. R. LOst. no. 60 november 1989 contents/sommaire Ulysses - Preparations for the Voyage over the Solar Poles Resumed K.-P' Wenze/ & R.G. Marsden 9 Aristoteles - A European Solid-Earth Mission G. Mecke 15 Eureca Flight Operations J. van Casteren & P. Ferri 25 Flight Opportunities for Small Payloads J. Feuste/-Buech/ & H.A. Pfeffer 34 Front cover: Ulysses spacecraft under test at ESTEC (see page 8) Testing of Space Fuel Cells at ESTEC M. Schautz & G. Dud/ey 39 Editorial/Circulation Office ESA Publications Division Computer Simulation of Space Mechanisms clo ESTEC, PO Box 299, Noordwijk N. Cable 46 2200 AG The Netherlands Publication Manager Bruce Battrick ESA Support for the Italian SAX Astronomy Satellite Mission Editors P. Ma/dari, G. Manarini & L. M. Pa/enzona 55 Bruce Battrick, Duc Guyenne Assistant Editor Erica Rolfe The European Centre for Space Law - A New Branch of Layout Space Studies Opens at European Level Carel Haakman K. Madders 59 Montage Keith Briddon, Paul Berkhout ESA's Olympus Satellite and Distance-Learning in Europe Advertising - The Creation of a European Users' Association (Eurostep) Brigitte Kaldeich J. Chap/in 63 In Brief 68 The ESA Bulletin is published by the European Space Agency. Individual articles may be reprinted provided that the credit line reads 'Reprinted from the ESA Bulletin' plus Focus Earth 76 date of issue. Signed articles reprinted must bear the author's name. Advertisements are accepted in good faith : the Agency accepts Publications 78 no responsibility for their content or claims. Copyright © 1989 European Space Agency Printed in The Netherlands Programmes under Development and Operations ISSN 0376-4265 Programmes en cours de realisation et d'exploitation 81 european space agency agence spatiale europeenne • bulletin 60 CHARGE SENSITIVE PREAMPLlFIER A250 RUN SILENT -- RUN FAST!!! 700 r---------------__ A NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART 600 s- S 500 90 % w 400 o ::::> I- 300 ~- OUTPUT RISETIME = 3.8 ns .....J CL (CD = OpF) ~ 200 EXTERNAL FET 10% FET CAN BE COOLED 100 t----------------- NOISE: < tOOe-RMS (Room Temp.) < 20e-RMS (Cooled FET) 0~--r_-~~~-4--_+--_+--_r--~ rOWER: 19 mW typical o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SLEW RATE: > 415 V / JJ 5 TIME (ns) GAIN-BANDWIDTH fT > t.5 GHZ Sun, Sky, and Satellites Aerospatiale introduces its third-generation of Rigid Solar Arrays, GSR 3. De­ signed for satellites and featuring ultra-light carbon fiber construction, these devices have an excellent power-to-mass ratio. In fact, performance is unmatched by any other solar panel today. Aerospatiale is already recognized the world over for its work in major space programs. Our contributions to the Ariane CD .-C.... a. en eCD SZOI rocket and to communications satellites are examples of cur­ rent achievement. We also put our know-how into the manufacture of highly reliable spacecraft subsys­ tems. Our line of solar arrays for electric power conditioning is just one item in our catalog of space-qualified hard­ ware, which includes flywheels, microvalves and optical systems as well. That's why we claim to not only deliver ready-to-fly satellites, but also vital subassemblies for a whole gamut of missions, such as telecommuni­ cations, direct television broadcasting and Earth observation. So if you're looking for some high voltage ideas on spacecraft subsystems and industrial cooperation, please contact Aerospatiale. ,...~ =aerospatla-p tIdot • I e ~~~ Imagination and beyond. DIVISION SYSTEMES STRATEGIQUES ET SPATIAUX · S.P. 96 - 78133 LES MUREAUX CEDEX - FRANCE - TEL., (1) 34750123 3 • bulletin 60 Dornier - Milestones in Space. From the beginning of space research in Giotto, Spacelab and Ariane. At present current large-scale European projects Europe Dornier has participated in all Dornier is prime contractor for the deve­ Ariane 5, Hermes, Columbus. important national and ESRO/ESA-pro­ lopment of Rosat (German X-ray satellite) jects for space exploration. and ERS-1 (ESA European Remote Today's progress ensures tomorrow's Sensing Satellite) together with national world. Dornier. Dornier, for instance was prime contractor and international partners for the satellite projects Aeros A/B, Dornier GmbH. ISEE-B, UlysseslISPM, and the complex As a modern and successful aircraft PO. Box 1420, D-7990 Friedrichshafen 1 space systems FOC and IPS. enterprise Dornier has accepted the Federal Republic of Germany challenge of space technology Phone 7545 / 81 Dornier moreover designed major sub­ Dornier will also make an all-out effort to systems for the projects Helios, Geos, contribute all their expertise to the Dornier + Deutsch e Ae rospace 4 Standard cable solutions are totally inadequate in space applications. Power supply cable assemblies connect individual on-board systems and compo­ nents to the on-board power supply network.
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