JEWISH NATIONAL FUND OF OTTAWA ottawa jewish ✡ Fine farewell page 10 ottawajewishbulletin.com bulletinmay 20, 2013 volume 77, no. 15 sivan 11, 5773 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. • 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9 • Publisher: Andrea Freedman • Editor: Michael Regenstreif $2.00 Maureen Molot: A ‘privilege’ to be 2013 Community Award recipients the Vaad’s first woman president By Cynthia Nyman Engel the annual general meeting of the Maureen Molot will receive the Jewish Federation of Ottawa. Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished While the constituency she Service Award for 2013. would head was infinitely smaller Initiated in 1980, the award than those of Golda Meir and Mar- bears the name of Gilbert Green- garet Thatcher, the inauguration of berg, the late past president of the Maureen as the first woman presi- Jewish Community Council of Ot- dent of the Jewish Community tawa/Vaad Ha’Ir, who exemplified Council of Ottawa/Vaad Ha’Ir Maureen Molot Stacey Segal Ruth Aaron the qualities of leadership that the (now the Jewish Federation of Ot- Gilbert Greenberg Freiman Family Shem Tov award seeks to recognize each tawa) in 1991 was every bit as sig- Distinguished Service Award Young Leadership Award Community Volunteer Award year. It is the highest tribute the Ot- nificant an event for Ottawa’s Jew- tawa Jewish community can be- ish community. stow on an individual for excep- “There were many other Stacey Segal: tional service over the course of women who preceded me who many years. could have done it,” Maureen said Committed to volunteerism The community awards will be modestly, “but the privilege fell to presented on Wednesday, June 5 at (Continued on page 2) By Cynthia Nyman Engel with the Ottawa Boys and Girls Toward the end of her master’s At 34, Stacey Segal is the Club. program, she volunteered with Ruth Aaron: youngest-ever recipient of the “I enjoyed it so much that after- Shalom Bayit, ultimately becoming Freiman Family Young Leadership ward I stayed on as a volunteer to its program co-ordinator. Award. The award recognizes run drama, sports and other clubs Following the birth of her first A quintessential someone under the age of 40 who for the kids,” she said. child, Stacey joined Na’amat Cana- has contributed actively and ren- While earning her bachelor of da’s Tikvah Chapter. Within a year, dered exceptional service to the social work degree at Carleton Uni- she became fundraising chair, a po- gute neshome Jewish community. versity, Stacey volunteered with the sition she occupied for several By Cynthia Nyman Engel the annual general meeting of the The community awards will be Big Sisters organization. And, dur- years. Ruth Aaron has been named re- Jewish Federation of Ottawa. presented on Wednesday, June 5 at ing that time, she also met her hus- “I chose Na’amat because it cipient of the Shem Tov Communi- Over the years, Ruth has the annual general meeting of the band-to-be, Torontonian Yoni does a lot of work with women and ty Volunteer Award (presented by delivered Meals-on-Wheels for Jewish Federation of Ottawa. Freedhoff, who was doing his med- children in Israel,” she said. the Ottawa Citizen) for 2013. The Jewish Family Services, presided at Stacey, who discovered the re- ical residency in Ottawa. Stacey sat on the Jewish Federa- award recognizes an outstanding the National Council of Jewish wards of volunteering at age 17, has A few months after they were tion of Ottawa’s Mitzvah Day Com- volunteer within the Jewish com- Women (NCJW) Citizenship Court already devoted half her life to married, Stacey went on to com- mittee for five years, serving as munity who, through many years of receptions welcoming newly mint- making a difference. Happily, for plete her master’s degree in social chair of the highly successful com- service, has contributed to the en- ed Canadians, and has opened her all concerned, she intends to contin- work in Montreal at McGill Univer- munity-wide event for three of richment of Jewish life in Ottawa. home for countless meetings and ue doing so. sity. those years. On Mitzvah Day 2012, The community awards will be fundraising teas. Her love of volunteering started “I stayed with my bubbie and she had the enormous satisfaction presented on Wednesday, June 5 at (Continued on page 2) when she began a co-op placement commuted,” she said. (Continued on page 2) World Class Outsourcing ... and more! 613-744-6444 613-244-7225 Providing quality service 613-744-5767 613-244-4444 to the National Capital Region since 1947! www.boydgroup.on.ca Page 2 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – May 20, 2013 Maureen Molot faced tough issues as Vaad president (Continued from page 1) nity was how to build consensus,” Paterson School of International adviser to Hillel Ottawa on campus. support at home for whatever you me. And I’m delighted to be hon- said Maureen. “Many of us, myself Affairs, Maureen is now a distin- Maureen chaired the Communi- do.” oured with two other women. It included, gained our spurs in the guished research professor. She ty Foundation of Ottawa from Maureen and Henry are the par- demonstrates that women have Jewish community and went on to was one of the founders of Canadi- 2003 to 2005 and currently sits on ents of Alexander, who is married played and continue to play major positions in the general community. an Professors for Peace in the Mid- the Task Force on Jewish Students and lives in Philadelphia, and Edie, roles in the community.” As an active volunteer in the Jewish dle East, an organization of Jewish and Faculty created by the Car- who is married and lives on Like every governing board, community, you’re building a skills and non-Jewish academics which leton University Commission on Moshav Hemed in central Israel. Maureen’s administration faced its set that serves you well when you operated from the mid-1970s until Anti-Racism, Inter-Religious and They are the delighted grandpar- share of tough issues. go on to the general community. … the early-‘80s. Inter-Cultural Cooperation on ents of six. During her two years at the “Many members of Jewish More recently, she was involved Campus. “We’re very proud of both our helm of the community, the Vaad communities who currently play in Canadian Academic Friends of “Henry was always extraordi- children who appreciate the impor- held in-depth discussions about large roles in the general commu- Israel, now Canadian Academics narily supportive,” said Maureen tance of community and are in- such issues as the need to create nity have come from positions of for Peace in the Middle East. She of her husband. “He worked full volved volunteers themselves,” and move to a new Jewish Com- responsibility and leadership in the also continues to act as an informal time, too, and you’ve got to have said Maureen. munity Campus; whether to insti- Jewish community. tute a subscription fee for the Ot- “What a privilege it is to do tawa Jewish Bulletin, a publication both,” she added. “You gain way Segal committed to Jewish education that had been mailed to community more than you give.” (Continued from page 1) As the mother of three young at CHEO and a clinical associate at members free of charge for more Maureen’s commitment to the of seeing an impressive total of children, Stacey is committed to en- Summit Centre. than 50 years; acquiring additional Jewish community continued after 1,500 good deeds performed. suring the future of Jewish educa- “I want to be a good role model beds for Hillel Lodge; how to deal completing her term as Vaad presi- Last year, when Mitzvah Day of- tion in Ottawa. To that end, she sits for my children and to have them be with occurrences of cemetery dese- dent. For several years, she chaired ficially became affiliated with the on the board of the Ottawa Jewish as passionate about giving back to cration; and many more. the Vaad HaKashrut, and she has United Way’s Ottawa Kindness Community School and on the the community as I am.” Prior to assuming the Vaad pres- been a member of the Hillel Lodge Week, which was initiated by Rabbi board’s standing committees for The recipient of the Freiman idency, Maureen had served in var- Long Term Care Foundation Board Reuven Bulka in 2007, Stacey saw marketing and communications and Family Young Leadership Award ious executive positions, including since 2005. She is also a regular an opportunity to reach out to other fundraising. also receives the Lawrence Green- Community Relations Committee volunteer at the Lodge. communities in the city. “Fortunately, Yoni is very sup- berg Young Leadership Develop- chair and Vaad vice-president. She And, from 2007 to 2010, Mau- “My hope was to have them portive of what I do. Actually, we’re ment Award. This award allows the recognizes and is grateful for the reen was actively involved with the adopt at least one project that they’d mutually supportive of each other,” recipient to attend the General As- many lessons she learned from her groups tasked with merging Hillel consider doing for one day in the she said with a smile. sembly of the Jewish Federations of Jewish communal involvement and Academy and Yitzhak Rabin High week leading up to Mitzvah Day,” “I’m committed to working as a North America (GA) where young for the opportunities that grew out School to form the Ottawa Jewish she said. She hopes to continue with volunteer,” said the busy wife, leaders from across North America of it.
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