![Congressional Record](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 20, 2018 of Trustees in 2007 and has served on mul- would overturn an unprecedented federal court On Texas Independence Day in 1985, the tiple APMA committees during this time. Be- decision, Kaplan v. Conyers and MSPB, which Spring Fire Department suffered its only line- fore being elected to the APMA Board, Dr. stripped many federal employees of the right of-duty loss. District Chief Michael F. West Frisch served at all levels of leadership in the to independent review of an agency decision died battling a 2-Alarm fire near Old Town Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA), removing then from a job on grounds of ineli- Spring. His sacrifice is immortalized in bronze culminating with his presidency from 1995– gibility. The case was brought by two Depart- in front of the Spring Fire Department Admin- 1996. He was honored by the FPMA in 2005 ment of Defense (DOD) employees, Rhonda istration building. when he received the Florida Podiatric Physi- Conyers, an accounting technician, and Devon As the population grew, the Spring Fire De- cian of the Year Award for his many years of Northover, a commissary management spe- partment continued to evolve. During the service. cialist, who were permanently demoted and 1990’s, as Emergency Services Districts Dr. Frisch is also very active in the Boca suspended from their jobs after they were (ESD) began forming to provide stable funding Raton Rotary Club and has served 2 separate found no longer to be eligible to serve in non- for emergency services in the unincorporated terms as president. He volunteered with a va- critical sensitive positions. In 2014, the Su- areas of Texas counties, Harris County ESD riety of youth sports organizations and served preme Court declined to hear the case, which No. 7 replaced the outdated HCRFPD No. 1. for 8 years as a Commissioner for the Greater allowed the appeals court decision to stand. Boca Raton Beach and Parks District. He is Specifically, the decision prevents federal In 1997, the Spring Volunteer Fire Depart- currently an appointed Board member to the workers who are designated as ‘‘noncritical ment hired its first part-time firefighters to staff City of Boca Raton Parks and Recreation De- sensitive’’ from appealing to the Merit Systems an apparatus during business hours. Widely partment Advisory Board. Protection Board (MSPB) if they are removed known as the duty crew, they responded to Today I ask this body to recognize Dr. from their jobs. Noncritical sensitive jobs in- calls during the day when most volunteers Frisch as he assumes his new role as Presi- clude those that do not have access to classi- were at work. As the population and staffing dent of the American Podiatric Medical Asso- fied information. The decision would affect at needs continued to grow, the department fur- ciation. least 200,000 DOD employees who are des- ther evolved. Dr. Frisch exemplifies the hard work and ignated as noncritical sensitive. Even more se- In 2013, the department’s first fulltime fire- dedication that I see throughout Palm Beach riously, most federal employees could poten- fighters joined the Spring fire family. With a County and the State of Florida. I thank him tially lose the same right to an independent re- combination of fulltime, part-time, and volun- for his service and congratulate him for this view of an agency’s decision because of a teer firefighters, the decision was made to accomplishment. rule by the Office of Personnel Management change the name to the Spring Fire Depart- f (OPM) and the Office of the Director of Na- ment (SFD). tional Intelligence (ODNI), which went into ef- KAYLA McNIERNEY Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, fect in July 2015, that permits agency heads 365 days a year, today the Spring Fire Depart- to designate most jobs in the federal govern- ment is one of the largest combination depart- HON. ED PERLMUTTER ment as noncritical sensitive. ments in the state of Texas. OF COLORADO The Kaplan decision undercuts Title 5, sec- SFD covers 62 square miles of northern IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion 7701 of the Civil Service Act, which en- sures due process rights for federal workers Harris County serving an estimated population Tuesday, March 20, 2018 required by the U.S. Constitution. Stripping of 152,000 people. SFD’s nine fire stations Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise employees whose work does not involve clas- house a fleet of 25 pieces of fire and rescue today to recognize and applaud Kayla sified matters of the right of review of an apparatus along with 15 support vehicles. The McNierney for receiving the Arvada Wheat agency decision that removes them from their Spring Fire Department is under the leader- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. jobs opens entirely new avenues for ship of Fire Chief Scott Seifert and today we Kayla McNierney is a student at Warren unreviewable, arbitrary action or retaliation by celebrate their 65 years of dedicated service Tech North and received this award because an agency head and, in addition, makes a to the Spring community. her determination and hard work have allowed mockery of whistleblower protections enacted And that is just the way it is. her to overcome adversities. in the 112th Congress. Our bill would stop the The dedication demonstrated by Kayla use of ‘‘national security’’ to repeal a vital f McNierney is exemplary of the type of component of civil service protection and of achievement that can be attained with hard due process. KALEIGH MELINGER work and perseverance. It is essential stu- I urge my colleagues to support this bill. dents at all levels strive to make the most of f their education and develop a work ethic HON. ED PERLMUTTER IN HONOR OF THE SPRING FIRE which will guide them for the rest of their lives. OF COLORADO I extend my deepest congratulations to DEPARTMENT’S 65TH ANNIVER- Kayla McNierney for winning the Arvada SARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Tuesday, March 20, 2018 award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the HON. TED POE same dedication and character in all of her fu- OF TEXAS Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise ture accomplishments. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to recognize and applaud Kaleigh f Melinger for receiving the Arvada Wheat Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today CLARIFY CERTAIN DUE PROCESS Kaleigh Melinger is a student at Jefferson to honor the brave men and women of the High School and received this award because RIGHTS OF FEDERAL EMPLOY- Spring Fire Department. For 65 years, Spring EES SERVING IN SENSITIVE PO- her determination and hard work have allowed firefighters have run in where we run out. her to overcome adversities. SITIONS On April 29, 1953, seven people bound to- gether with donated fire apparatus to form the The dedication demonstrated by Kaleigh HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON Spring Volunteer Fire Department approxi- Melinger is exemplary of the type of achieve- ment that can be attained with hard work and OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA mately 22 miles north of downtown Houston. perseverance. It is essential students at all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Local residents and businesses made dona- tions to fund the department for its first three levels strive to make the most of their edu- Tuesday, March 20, 2018 decades. cation and develop a work ethic which will Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, as hun- As the department celebrated its 30th anni- guide them for the rest of their lives. dreds of thousands of our federal workers face versary, the volunteers worked to form the I extend my deepest congratulations to uncertainty in wages and work, I rise along Harris County Rural Fire Prevention District Kaleigh Melinger for winning the Arvada with my House colleagues ROBERT J. WITTMAN No. 1 (HCRFPD). For the first time, the Spring Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth and ANDRE´ CARSON to introduce a bill to clarify Volunteer Fire Department began receiving tax award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the certain due process rights of federal employ- dollars to help build fire stations, buy equip- same dedication and character in all of her fu- ees serving in sensitive positions. Our bill ment and train volunteers. ture accomplishments. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Mar 21, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20MR8.016 E20MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS March 20, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E347 PERSONAL EXPLANATION that can be attained with hard work and perse- long-term, positive community relationships verance. It is essential students at all levels between military facilities and public officials. HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO strive to make the most of their education and Throughout his career, Pete has been a role OF MASSACHUSETTS develop a work ethic which will guide them for model for the men and women who have been the rest of their lives. lucky enough to serve under him, as exempli- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I extend my deepest congratulations to fied by his recent selection as a recipient of Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Brooke Miller for winning the Arvada Wheat the Superior Civilian Service Award. Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, this week I Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. In honor of his service, I would like to ex- missed two roll calls. Had I been present I I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- press my gratitude for Peter G.
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