ESTABLISHED PRODUCTS | 1890 — WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION OF THE PINE Vafial StoresRefrictn AND JOURNAL OF TRADE A WEEKLY PAPER FOR NAVAL STORES PRODUCERS, FACTORS, EXPORTERS AND | DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS OF SOAPS, VARNISHES, PAPER, PRINTING INKS, ETC. Vor. XXXVI, No. 3¢ SAVANNAH, GA., Satorpay, NOVEMBER 20, 1926 Price $5.00 PER ANNUM J. A. G. CARSON, President H. L. KAYTON, Vice-President J. A. G. CARSON, Jr., Vice-President C. H. CARSON, Vice-President at Jacksonville W. H. BARBER CO. 3650 SOUTH HOMAN AVENUE | CARSON CHICAGO, ILL. i. NAVAL STORES COMPANY Rosin, Turpentine | Organized in 1879. Oldest House in the Business. Pine Oil, Ete. FACTORS AND DIRECT SHIPMENTS FROM THE SOUTH, OR FROM OUR CHICAGO STOCK. WHOLESALE GROCERS PRINCIPAL OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE SAVANNAH. GEORGIA JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA New Liberty Bank Building Graham Building SALBS DEPARTMENT With an organization unsurpassed and ample means at our command, our facilities for handling your Gillican-Chipley business are second to none + Company We Invite Your Correspondence NEW ORLEANS, LA cA Thought Spirits of ——— | ointiemicuriiey The dependability of the firm from whom you TTT COMPANY me. buy your supplies is just as important as the NEW ORLEANS, LA.U.SA. | financial rating and moral standing of the firm to whom you sell. : : PRODUCERS, DEALERS me AND Columbia Naval Stores Co. EXPORTERS Re) me i Savannah, Georg Rosin—Turpentine SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE: © D. M. FLYNN ~~ WALTER RAY H. L. RICHMOND A. L. BROGDEN ~ JOHN M. BLAIN PRIOR J. ROONEY = = | Chmn. of Board President Vice-President Vice-President Secy-Treas. Asst. Secy-Treas. Flynn-Harris-Bullard Co. - JACKSONVILLE, FLA. = = SAVANNAH, GA. Naval Stores Factors— Wholesale Grocers GROCERY BRANCHES 5 ‘JACKSONVILLE AND TAMPA, FLA. SAVANNAH AND BAINBRIDGE, GA. grr hnnogk house Whose conservative managament and financial strength is unquestioned ‘and SL unquestionable in the naval stores industry. | We solicit the patronage and the business of the producer of naval stores. mwemms | PENINSULAR NAVAL STORES COMPANY . r ST seni NAVAL STORES FACTORS “8. H. BERG, 2 WHOLESALE GROCERS | ae _E. L. WARNER, ce-Pres ent AND DEALERS IN TURPENTINE OPERATORS SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION : : i ~ Secty.- Treas. : ‘RECEIVING POINTS: : ] - | JACKSONVILLE, FLA. AND SAVANNAR, 6 A . $ Office: Atlantic National Bank Bullding, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 0. T. McINTOSH, President B.-T FURSE, Vice-President —DIRECTORS : C. M. WILSON, Savannah, Ga. ~~ W. R. BOWEN, Fitzgerald, Ga. D.T.FURSE, Savannah, Ga. J.J. DORMINY, Broxton, Ga. "0. T. McINTOSH, Savannah, Ga. SOUTHERN STATES NAVAL STORES C0 © SAVANNAH, GEORGIA FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS DEALERS IN GENERAL SUPPLIES = ii Goss at Savannah, Ga, and at Jacksonville and Pensacola, Fla, “ We make prompt sales and returns. Pay drafts of responsible parties against bill : i; ladings. When shippers desire to hold Rosin or Turpentine, we will hold it for them. 2 oe and Make reasonable advances on same. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED % Fated ve CORRESPOND WITH Us: SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL ‘OF TRADE’ (470 a) —) 0 Today (Saturday) one bid. for 150 barrels MOVEMENT OF NAVAL STORES FOR SIX YEARS spirits turpentine at 811% and one for offer- ings at 8214. Offerings, 21 barrels, sold at latter price. Nothing in factors’ hands to Receipts of Turpentine—April 1—Nov. 18 sell, private buying having cleaned up re- ceipts. In rosins active bidding. Six bids YEAR 1926-27 [1925-26 | 1924-25 | 1928-24 1922-23 | 1921-22 : this morning at close prices. Offerings of Savannah 1 129,818] 119,907| 115,795 114,196] 86,504] 83,569 : 628 barrels sold. at advances 25 cents on X and WW, 35 on WG and N, 30 on M and Jacksonville 85,352] 89,324] 100,322] 107,578] 92,709] 84,068 K, 25 on I and grades below. Pensacola’... 33,102| 34,263] 34,365] 35,419] 32,695] 89,229 COMPARISON SAVANNAH Totals............ 248,272] 243,494] 250,482] 257,193] 211,908] 206,866 PRICES NOVEMBER 19 Receipts of Rosins—April 1—Nov. 18. © i He a 3 1926 1924 opts. Turp. 80% @.81 $1.04 ; YEAR 1926-27 1925-26 | 1924-25 | 1923-24 | 1922-23 | 1921-22 ROSINS: : z Savannah 416,468] 393,972] 357,480] 357,673] 277,439] 242,0561 : 1926 1925 1924 Jacksonville 309,189] 300,876] 338,667] 373,754] 320,880] 223,207 XX... $15.25 $15.10 $8.30 Densacoln ............ 108,044 111,972] 104,371] 107,043] 198,968] ' 97,681 WW 1525 15.10 8.00@ 8.10 WG 13.15 14.90 7.35@ 7.45 Totals... 833,701] 806,820] 800,518| 838,470) 697,287 562,944 ; N .. 1215 1480 6.75 Turpentine Stocks Close Nov. 18 " 2 rs M 1135 1385 6.40@ 6.42% K ..11.35 1385 6.40@ 6.42% YEAR 1926-27 |1925-26 | 1924-25 | 1923-24 | 1922-23 | 1921-22 Yo 11.35 13.85 6.35@ 6.40 Savannah ....... 18.803] 11,385] 11,121] 13,847] 12,353] 8,912 H ...1135 1385 6.35@ 6.40 G 11.35 13.85 6.35@ 6.40 Jacksonville ........ 34,580] 24,759] 24,207| 18,054 "17,720 28,789 F ..1135 1385 6.35@ 6.40 Pensacola :....... 11,197) 10,151 11.2%] 3,110 6,822] 22,825 E 1135 1385 6.35@ 6.40 Totals. 64,580] 46,295] 46,545] 35,011} - 86,895] 60,626 D ... 1135 18.85 6.35@ 6.40 B 11.35 13.85 6.35@ 6.40 Rosin Stocks Close Nov. 18 5 BEEF pty REPORTED SALES YEAR 1926-27 [1925-26 | 1924-25! | 1923-24 | 1922-23.].1921-22 OF ROSIN BY GRADES FOR WEEK Savannah ......... 75.513] 92.312] 78,096] 122,748] 100,392] 85,999 ENDING THURSDAY, NOV. 18 Jacksonville .....-. 68,888 83,902] 111,971| 137,034] 172,301} 169,039 x Savannah Jacksonville Pensacola... 20,549] 22,485] 38,900 39,852] 66,180 66,462 ww... Tolals...........a 164,950] 198,699 228,967| 299,634! 338.873 321,600! . 97 7 WG 148 137 LONDON, ENGLAND, TURPENTINE MARKET ING lo th 217 246 Mo 467 343 Date Spots Nov.-Dec. Jan.-April . Tone Boot 736 77 Nov, 15... ..-.-63s 6d . 63s. 6d 64s 9d Inactive. .. | Le aa 1,367 1.386 Nov. 16... 61s 6d 61s 9d 63s Dull, little doing He 2,573 2,375 Nov. 47. ..= 60s 3d 60s 6d 62s Weak, little doing Gil ates 1,668 1,507 Nov. 13... 61s 61s 3d 62s 9d Steady Be annie 841 655 Nov.- 19... 60s 9d 61s 62s 8d Steady Bw nail 410 275 Deliveries last week, 1,550 barrels. Stocks reported Monday, Nov. 15: Pee 161 121 American, 20,600; French, 2,000. Landing, 11,828. TOTAL - SUPPLIES, Boe. 80 24 34,328. Afloat, none. $: Stocks same time last year: American, 53,200; French, 1,300. Land} Totals... 8,765 7,729 ing, 2,000. Total, 56,500. Afloat, 9,175. TOTAL VISIBLE SUPPLIES, Private sales after market is posted 65,675. absorb remainder of offerings from day to day. These sales are frequent- While the advances as yet have not been BASE PRICES FOR 'S. D. ly not reported. very marked, as compared with the big de- clines that set in with October, they still have TURPENTINE AND ROSIN The low point of the ebb, in the rosin mar- been quite substantial for the week, yester- ket conditions seems to have passed and the day’s quotations showing gains over the close inflowing ‘tide of orders is pushing the market of last week of 40 cents on WG and N, 20 up and regaining some of the very heavy on M to E, and 80 on D, B. Base price steam distilled wood tur- price loss's this commodity has met in the The offerings at Jacksonville and Savannah past few weeks. have been cleaned up and factors’ hands. are pentine, f. eo: ‘b. distributing points, It was inevitable that such a reaction free of operators’ stuff. should come, as there is no reason to believe the world will not It is still within the range of probabilities week ending November 27, 86 cents. use the entire 1926 pro- that demands may press very close on the duction of rosins and jeave an even lessened heels of available supplies before the next | carry-over when the end of March comes than crop moves and bring a re-establishment’ of Wood : rosin: quoted. at 2:$10.00 was in evidence at the close of last season. something akin to the season’s highest prices. The fact that throughout the world consumers and | dealers The ‘current foreign calls for supplies are per 280. pounds, f. 0. b. Southern ship- supplies were limited has been from all quarters and the volume this week known for some time, and the first flow of has been highly gratifying to ‘the distributors, demand for future needs was immediately ping points, carload lots. | showing the needs in various quarters and the - felt in the bids for offerings on’ the primary markets, (Continued on Page 30.) ‘Moderate ‘demand for beth products. 4 SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, LONDON SPIRITS TURPENTINE MARKET NAVAL STORES MARKET LOWDEN CONNELL & 0s, Winchester House, Old Broad St., London, Eng. RECEIPTS SPIRITS TURPENTINE London, England, Nov. 30, 1926. Nov. 1926 1925 TY ov on amonsesmeons: wos i 1926 | 1925 1921 | la 2 anh 10 103 p> ; American.._. 15 051 32,454 35,457 46 875 18. ea. ommtri ior 269 329 Stock in London, barrels Pionch 2,122 1,170 112 3 959 IBY ae ct cana 9 132 16 eniichorennlids 461 113 7 unica 118 346 Totalbarrels.
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