MEET OUR MARILYN, DIAMOND SEER VISIONS PROM QUEEN CHOICE RAMS STILL VYING FOR THE WEEK THE FOR MET CROWN Vol. 26 NEW YORK, N. Y. APRIL 18, 1947 No. 19 Juniors Feature Pre-War Style Vincent Lopez Orchestra Named For Annual Prom Next Friday For Senior Ball in Astor Hotel Evening's Program Headed By Bob Chester Band, Highlighted By Queen Coronation, Promenade Brennan Appoints James Lynch As Chairman Duffy and Gallagher Of Dance Committee To Direct Operations Along with the music of Bob Ches- ter and his Orchestra, the Junior To Attend National Prom, to be held in the University Nominations Are Sought James Lynch, newly appointed chairman of the Senior Dance Com- mittee, announced last Wednesday that Vincent Lopez, the "suave sophis- Gymnasium next Friday evening, For '48 Class President College Congress April 25, promises to include much ticate of the keyboard," and his orchestra have been signed to provide in the style of pre-war entertain- the music for the Senior Ball. The committee has. also arranged for the ment. In the near future, the Juniors Prominent Students Although no definite announce- will elect their officers for the ball to be held in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Astor, the only suitable ment has been made by the decora- coming year. Candidates for the Appointed To Make •* location in the city capable of han- tions committee, a unique and ex- position must submit a nominat- Trip To Toledo dling the seating and dance floor ing petition of 25 members from requirements of the crowd expected. travagant setting is being planned the class. No Junior will be per- lor the annual affair. The huge in- John Duffy, '47, and Warren Gal- Drive on for Funds Donald Brennan, chairman of Sen- mitted to sign more than one ior Week, has named a committee terior of the gym will be disguised petition. lagher, '48, have been chosen to rep- almost beyond recognition for the of six to handle dance arrangements. After approval by the Dean's resent Fordham at the National For War Memorial expected 500 couples who will be Congress of the The committeemen serving under present at Rose Hill next weekend. office, an election by secret bal- Chairman James Lynch are Philip lot will be conducted by this National Federa- Brady, Ted Janiak, Nicholas Gill, It is the aim of the committee mere- tion of Catholic Chapel To By Enlarged ly to cover expenses with the sale of year's senior president, Michael Edward Reynolds and John A. Scan- Molloy. The top candidate will College Students To Honor F/rdham's Ian. The group is now completing the bids, with any proceeds to go to become the president, while the which will be held arrangements for service, food and the fund of the Class of '48. next three students in the bal- in Toledo, Ohio, on 228 Gold, decorations in the ballroom. "35 B. C." Means . loting will be named vice-presi- April 18 through Members of the dance committee 20, Rev. Phillip The publicity campaign has been dent, secretary and treasurer. As a lasti: tribute to her 228 are proceeding with plans to spon- Hurley, S.J., an- sons who —' 'e their lives in World sor a photo contest to select a progressing steadily for the past nounced Wednes- month, climaxing this week in a Wai- II, F 'ham University has set 'Queen of the Ball." Students are day. The Congress ah. ild a living memorial. urged to get attractive shots of splash of "25 B. C." signs decorating has a two - fold the bulletin boards of the various monument will take the form feminine acquaintances and submit Plaza Hotel Scene purpose: to ratify conversion of the University them to the committee for considera- buildings. And now it can be told. a constitution for The phrase refers to the date of the |ch into a lasting tribute to their tion. The winner will receive many the NFCCS and to jifts in addition to the distinction of prom—April 25, and the initials of Of Gleeclubbers discuss national Jack D""y tmorial will consist in the being "Queen." Bids to the dance the bandleader signed for the affair, and international student relations. I redecoration of the Ford- will cost eight dollars plus tax, and Bob Chester. rfege Chapel. The altar, for- the number of bids sold will be re- In conjunction with the advertis- Annual Concert The Federation was formed nine years ago to act as the official Catho- merly the main altar of St. Patrick's stricted. Seniors will be given first ing campaign, search for a Queen The annual concert of the Glee Cathedral, is already installed, being preference, then underclassmen and of the Prom will end today with a lic intercollegiate organization wel- the gift of His Eminence Francis Club will be held this year on Mon- coming delegates to this country. outsiders will be permitted to buy judging of all pictures by the mem- day evening, April 28, in the Grand Cardinal Spellman, '11, while the until five hundred bids have been bers of the prom committee. All en- Since then the NFCCS has func- reredos and tester behind the altar sold. All those planning to attend Ballroom of the Hotel Plaza. James tioned on the intercollegiate level tries for the Queen contest must be J. Duggan of Senior "C," the Ticket were donated by the Inisfada Foun- the ball should arrange to get their submitted to The RAM office or much as the Sodality acts on the col- dation. Other items in this testi- bids early. • , given to a member of the prom com- Chairman, has disclosed that tickets, lege campus. It coordinates among mony to Fordham's illustrious dead, mittee before 3 P. M. this afternoon. 1.80 each, are on sale to the student Catholic colleges the promotion of which is expected to cost more than Taft Hotel Feature A final judging will be made next iody in the cafeteria. various phases of Catholic Action, $100,000, are one hundred metal and Vincent Lopez and his orchestra The spring concert season of the which the Holy Father has defined glass doors, panels in the Sanctuary, are very well known in New York, Monday, and winners will be an- where it has been a feature attrac- nounced in next Friday's issue of Glee Club was inaugurated last as "the participation of the laity in choir stalls, coats of arms of Ford- ight over Station WMCA at 8:30 the apostolate of the hierarchy." ham's distinguished alumni, Cardi- tion at the Grill Room of the Hotel The RAM. Three bids will be given Taft. The Lopez music makers have to the students of the college sub- '. M. The program was offered in 'The two appointees are prominent nal Farley and Cardinal Spellman, .onnection with the current drive and stations of the cross executed in built a reputation for playing top mitting the winning pictures, and in campus affairs, Duffy being the quality dance music with the em- prizes of $10 and $5 will be awarded 'or funds by the Catholic Charities President of the Student Council, white oak. There will be, in addi- f Greater New York. tion, murals over the entrance doors, phasis on sweet numbers, which will for the two best posters submitted in and Gallagher, President of Junior be the order of the day for the ball. the poster contest. During the season the club will Year. a carved lectern. The east and west give half a dozen concerts in New transepts and the ceiling of the nave Before his Taft stay the group Highlighting the evening's enter- Both are further qualified for the played at the St. Regis Hotel for tainment will be the coronation of York and Connecticut. This evening new posts having represented Ford- will be redecorated, as well as the the choral group will journey to marble steps and predella in the eight years and at the present time the Queen of the Prom at midnight. ham in another Student Congress Sanctuary and marble floor and two radio shows, "Luncheon with With a largo number of very attrac- Hartford, where the members will held in Chicago last year. Fordham's sing a joint concert with St. Joseph's plaque, and two side altars with Lopez" over WNEW and the Mutual tive pictures to choose from, the membership in • the Federation will plaques. The names of the 228 de- Networks "Music with Lopez" in the publicity committee has promised a College. A buffet supper is planned enable Fordhamites to participate in evening, have a tremendous follow- before the concert and a dance is to ceased will be carved in the vesti- queen well befitting the title. Win- the intercollegiate level in those bule. ing throughout the country. ners of second and third prizes will 36 held afterwards. On April 27, lines which have previously been Lopez has pointed out that, "I also be honored at the dance. Imme- Mount St. Vincent College is on the confined to intracollegiate activities. It is hoped that many of these have had more requests to play slow diately after the coronation, the agenda. An afternoon dance is to danceable music for college affairs precede the concert there. On May Following their trip a report of items will be donated by classes and traditional promenade for the mem- the events that took place will be individuals as special memorials. lately than to play fast pieces, and bers of Junior year and their dates 14, the Glee Clubbers will give an- that's the type of music we really other joint concert with St.
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