February 2, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S371 former nuclear weapons program workers in cataloging the many memorials and from Iowa (Mr. HARKIN), the Senator the Special Exposure Cohort under the com- permanent tributes to America’s vet- from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN), the Sen- pensation program established by that Act; erans. ator from North Dakota (Mr. DORGAN), to the Committee on Health, Education, the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. Labor, and Pensions. S. 1109 At the request of Mr. TALENT, the SANTORUM), the Senator from New Jer- f name of the Senator from Colorado sey (Mr. CORZINE), the Senator from SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND (Mr. CAMPBELL) was added as a cospon- Oregon (Mr. SMITH), the Senator from SENATE RESOLUTIONS sor of S. 1109, a bill to provide New Hampshire (Mr. SUNUNU), the Sen- ator from Vermont (Mr. JEFFORDS) and The following concurrent resolutions $50,000,000,000 in new transportation in- frastructure funding through Federal the Senator from South Dakota (Mr. and Senate resolutions were read, and JOHNSON) were added as cosponsors of referred (or acted upon), as indicated: bonding to empower States and local governments to complete significant S. 1786, a bill to revise and extend the By Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Mr. infrastructure projects across all Community Services Block Grant Act, KERRY, Mr. REED, and Mr. CHAFEE): the Low-Income Home Energy Assist- S. Res. 295. A resolution congratulating the modes of transportation, including roads, rail, transit, aviation, and ance Act of 1981, and the Assets for New England Patriots on their victory in Independence Act. Super Bowl XXXVIII; considered and agreed water, and for other purposes. S. 1813 to. S. 1245 At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the f names of the Senator from Louisiana name of the Senator from Connecticut (Ms. LANDRIEU), the Senator from ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS (Mr. DODD) was added as a cosponsor of North Carolina (Mr. EDWARDS) and the S. 700 S. 1245, a bill to provide for homeland Senator from South Dakota (Mr. JOHN- At the request of Mr. CAMPBELL, the security grant coordination and sim- SON) were added as cosponsors of S. name of the Senator from Mississippi plification, and for other purposes. 1813, a bill to prohibit profiteering and (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- S. 1298 fraud relating to military action, re- sor of S. 700, a bill to provide for the At the request of Mr. AKAKA, the lief, and reconstruction efforts in Iraq, promotion of democracy, human name of the Senator from Rhode Island and for other purposes. rights, and rule of law in the Republic (Mr. REED) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1949 of Belarus and for the consolidation S. 1298, a bill to amend the Farm Secu- At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the and strengthening of Belarus sov- rity and Rural Investment Act of 2002 names of the Senator from Indiana ereignty and independence. to ensure the humane slaughter of non- (Mr. LUGAR) and the Senator from Mas- S. 741 ambulatory livestock, and for other sachusetts (Mr. KENNEDY) were added At the request of Mr. GREGG, the purposes. as cosponsors of S. 1949, a bill to estab- name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. S. 1630 lish The Return of Talent Program to DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mrs. CLINTON, the allow aliens who are legally present in 741, a bill to amend the Federal Food, name of the Senator from Minnesota the United States to return tempo- Drug, and Cosmetic Act with regard to (Mr. DAYTON) was added as a cosponsor rarily to the country of citizenship of new animal drugs, and for other pur- of S. 1630, a bill to facilitate nation- the alien if that country is engaged in poses. wide availability of 2–1–1 telephone post-conflict reconstruction, and for S. 874 service for information and referral other purposes. At the request of Mr. TALENT, the services, and for other purposes. S. 1999 name of the Senator from Maryland At the request of Mrs. DOLE, the At the request of Mr. DASCHLE, the (Ms. MIKULSKI) was added as a cospon- names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. names of the Senator from Wisconsin sor of S. 874, a bill to amend title XIX DEWINE) and the Senator from Maine (Mr. FEINGOLD) and the Senator from of the Social Security Act to include (Ms. SNOWE) were added as cosponsors Delaware (Mr. CARPER) were added as primary and secondary preventative of S. 1630, supra. cosponsors of S. 1999, a bill to amend medical strategies for children and S. 1709 part D of title XVIII of the Social Se- adults with Sickle Cell Disease as med- At the request of Mr. CRAIG, the curity Act, as added by the Medicare ical assistance under the medicaid pro- name of the Senator from Connecticut Prescription Drug, Improvement, and gram, and for other purposes. (Mr. DODD) was added as a cosponsor of Modernization Act of 2003, to provide for negotiation of fair prices for medi- S. 894 S. 1709, a bill to amend the USA PA- care prescription drugs. At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, her TRIOT ACT to place reasonable limita- name was added as a cosponsor of S. tions on the use of surveillance and the S. RES. 170 894, a bill to require the Secretary of issuance of search warrants, and for At the request of Mr. DODD, the name of the Senator from New York (Mr. the Treasury to mint coins in com- other purposes. SCHUMER) was added as a cosponsor of memoration of the 230th Anniversary S. 1733 S. Res. 170, a resolution designating of the United States Marine Corps, and At the request of Mr. KOHL, the name the years 2004 and 2005 as ‘‘Years of to support construction of the Marine of the Senator from Delaware (Mr. Foreign Language Study’’. Corps Heritage Center. CARPER) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. RES. 292 S. 976 1733, a bill to authorize the Attorney At the request of Mr. FEINGOLD, his General to award grants to States to At the request of Mr. WARNER, the name was added as a cosponsor of S. develop and implement State court in- names of the Senator from Pennsyl- Res. 292, a resolution designating the terpreter programs. vania (Mr. SANTORUM), the Senator week beginning February 2, 2004, as from Connecticut (Mr. DODD), the Sen- S. 1784 ‘‘National School Counseling Week’’. ator from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN) and the At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the f Senator from Florida (Mr. NELSON) name of the Senator from South Da- were added as cosponsors of S. 976, a kota (Mr. JOHNSON) was added as a co- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED bill to provide for the issuance of a sponsor of S. 1784, a bill to eliminate BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS coin to commemorate the 400th anni- the safe-harbor exception for certain By Mr. DASCHLE (for Mr. LIE- versary of the Jamestown settlement. packaged pseudoephedrine products BERMAN (for himself, Mr. S. 1092 used in the manufacture of meth- MCCAIN, Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. DOR- At the request of Mr. CAMPBELL, the amphetamine. GAN, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. S. 1786 CORZINE, Mr. GRAHAM of Flor- STEVENS) was added as a cosponsor of At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, the ida, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. DODD, Ms. S. 1092, a bill to authorize the estab- names of the Senator from New York COLLINS, Mr. LOTT, Mr. GRAHAM lishment of a national database for (Mrs. CLINTON), the Senator from of South Carolina, and Mr. purposes of identifying, locating, and Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), the Senator HAGEL)): VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:41 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S02FE4.REC S02FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 2, 2004 S. 2040. A bill to extend the date for may be an inadequate amount of time the relevant federal agencies have a the submittal of the final report of the to accomplish all that must be done. duty to develop new strategies and ca- National Commission on Terrorist At- They have called for a seven-and-a-half pabilities to deter and prevent future tacks Upon the United States, to pro- month extension so the Commission terrorist attacks, and expeditious re- vide additional funding for the Com- can conduct all the public hearings it porting by the Commission will help mission, and for other purposes; to the had originally intended to hold, so that enormously. Select Committee on Intelligence. it can conduct thorough reviews of the Major systemic problems have al- (At the request of Mr. DASCHLE, the President’s daily intelligence brief- ready surfaced, for example, that can following statement was ordered to be ings—a process barely underway—and point us in the right direction, or printed in the RECORD.) so that it has the time to deal with the maybe even an entirely new direction, Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, Administration’s anticipated objec- to address an array of vulnerabilities, today Senator MCCAIN and I are intro- tions to declassifying material in the particularly in our law enforcement ducing legislation to extend the life of final report. Indeed, the Commissioners and intelligence communities. Allow the National Commission on Terrorist I asked have confirmed that they can me to cite just a few examples from the Attacks Upon the United States so benefit from more than the minimum Commission’s work thus far to illus- that it can complete its critically im- two months requested.
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