A SELECTED CALIFORNIA BIBLIOGRAPHY­ WATER RESOURCES- Part I RoBERT W. DunRENBERGER San Fernando Valley State College The following items have been selected because of their usefulnes!'> to geographers and because they are representative of a larger body of lit­ a limited erature readily available in the field of water resources. Only governmental agencies is listed. number of publications by Aiken, C. S., "Imperial Valley Under Irrigation," Sunset, 21 (Septem­ ber, 1908), 375-398. Alam El Din, Ibrahim C., Water in the Ojai Valley, Ventura County, Sou­ thern California, unpublished master's thesis in Geography, Universi­ ty of California at Los Angeles, 1964. Aldrich, D. G., Jr., "Water for the Growing State of Coliforma." Food Technology, XVI (July, 1962), 24-27. Alexander, J. A., The Life of George Chaffey. Melbourne: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1928. 382 pp. Allen, E. T., "Natural Stream Power in California, by E. E. Allen and Arthur L. Day," Nature, 122 (July 7, 1928), 17-18. Allison, J. C., "Control of the Colorado River as Related to the Protection of Imperial Valley: The Recently Constructed Hydraulic-Fill Dam and the Possibility of its Further Use," Am. Soc.. Civ. Engrs. Proc., 42 (May, 1916), 681-709. Alverson, C. S., Water Resources of San Diego County. San Diegu: Frye and Smith, 1916. 47 pp. American Geophysical Union. Section of Hydrology. Bibliography uf Hy­ drology. United States of America. Washington, D. C.: annually. And High Water! Pictorial Review of Northwestern California's Disas­ trous Christmas Flood, 1955. (Eureka: California's Pacific Logger, 1956). 39 pp. Angel, Arthur D., Political and Administrative Aspects of the Central Val­ ley Project of California, unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1944, 398 pp. Angel, Arthur D., "Wanted: One Responsible Administration for the Greater Central Valley Project of California," The Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics, 21 (May, 1943), 136-143. Angel, Arthur D., "Who Will Pay for the Central Valley Project of Cali­ fornia?" The Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics, 22 (Au­ gust, 1946), 266-272. Antevs, Ernst, "Precipitation and Water Supply in the Sierra Nevada, Ca­ lifornia," The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 20 (March, 1939), 89-91. "Another Long Distance Transmission in California," Scientific American, 96 (June 22, 1907), 506. "Arizona on Stream," Economist, 207 (June 15, 1963), 1142. 47 Bacon, J. L., "Some Problems of the Boulder Canyon-Colorado River De­ velopment," Monthly Weather Review, 59 (August, 1931), 295-297. Bailey, Paul, "Water Resorces of California," Journal of the American Water Works Association, 14 (October, 1925), 309-314. Banks, Harvey 0., "California's Water Plan," Civil Engineering, 30 (De­ cember, 1960), 52-55. Map. Banks, Harvev 0., "Water in California," National Reclamation Associa· tion Proceedings, 29 (1960), 43-47. Banks, J. L. Jr., The Upper Ana River Watershed, California: Its Water Resources, unpublished master's thesis in Geography, University of California at Los Angeles, 1949. Barker, R. M., "Reclaiming the Arid Southwest," Forum, 33 (May, 1902), 363-371. ' Barrows, Henry D., "Water for Domestic Purposes Versus Water for Irri­ gatin." Annual Publication. Histori�al Society of Southern Califor­ nia, VIII (1911), 208-218. Bart, P., "Los Angeles: Second Hand Vi.7ater," Saturday Review, 48 (Octo­ ber, 1965), 41-42. Bartell, M. J., "The Relation of Runoff to Precipitation in the Sierra Neva­ da, California," Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 30 (February, 1949), 89-97. Map. Barrows, Harold K., Floods, Their Hydrology and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1948. 432 pp. Bartz, Patricia M., Ground \.Vater in California: The Present State of Its Tnvestigation. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1949. 107 pp. Bartz, Fritz, "Die Polderlandschaft des Deltas des Sacramento-San Joaquin, des Holland Kaliforniens," Erdlwnde, 6 (October, 1952), 247-260. Maps. Baugh, Ruth E., The Geography of the Los Angeles Water Supply, unpub· lished doctoral dissertation in Geography, Clark University, 1929. Baugh, Ruth E., "Urban Water Supply and Power," Chapter 22 in Cali· fornia and the Southwest. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1956. pp. 231-241. Bechtel Corporation, Engineering and Economic Feasibility Study for Nu­ clear Power/Desalting-Summary. Los Angeles: 1966. Bechtel Corporation, Report on the Engineering, Economic and Financial Aspects of the Feather River Project. San Francisco: 1955. "The Beginning of Irrigation in California ...," Transactions of the State Agricultural Soc,iety for 1864-1865. Sacramento: 1865. pp. 36· 38, 69-75. Bell, Howard, George C. Pardee and the Oakland Water Supply, 1889· 1890, unpublished master's thesis in History, University of California, Berkeley, 1947. Bell, J. Franklin, "Flood Control on the Sacramento," The Military En­ gineer, XXI (January-February, 1929), 6-9. Berry, W. L., "Meeting the Water Problem of California, Western States Land Commission Association Official Proceedings, (1961), 56-66. 48 . William R., Flood Control in Metropolitan Los Angeles, unpub­ BJgger� !i hed doctoral dissertation in Political Science, University of Califor­ nia at Los Angeles, 1954. J. E., "Reclamation Work in Southern California," Scientific Blanchard, American, 92 (June 24, 1905), 499. Blaney, Harry F., "Use of Water by Irrigated Crops in California," Journal of the American Water Works Association, 43 (March, 1951), 159- 200. Bogart, Ernest L., The Water Problem of Southern California. Illinois Stu­ dies in Social Science XIX, No. 4. Urbana: University of Illinois, 19 34. 132 pp. A. Bond, R., "On the Battle-Front for Engineering," St. Nic,holas. N. Y.; Century Co. XXXIII (February, 1916), 250-344. Bookman, Max, "The Feather River Project," The California Citrograph, 37 (1\Jovember, 1951), 2, 28. Boone, Andrew, "Colorado River's Newest Dam," Scientific American, 153 (December, 1953), 308-309. Boone, Andrew R., "River Rebuilt to Curb Floods," Scientific American, 161 (November, 1939), 256-264. Boone, Andrew R., "Water, Water, Everywhere. Multiple-purpose Cen­ tral Valley Project in California Involves Huge Dams, Five Canals," Scientific American, 166 (April, 1942), 178-179. Brockman, C. Frank, "The Great Sierra Snow Survey," Natural History, 53 (March, 1946), 105-109. Bowman, Amos, Report on the Properties and Domain of the California Water Co., Situated on Georgetown Divide ... Between the South and Middle Forks of the American River, in El Dorado County, California. San Francisco; A. L. Bancroft, 1874. 225 pp. Boyles, Eleanor )., Water Rights Bibliography. East Lansing: Department of Resources Development, Michigan State University, c. 1958. 51 pp. Brodie, A. 0., "Reclaiming the Arid West," Cosmopolitan, 37 (October, 1904), 715-722. Brown, Carl B., "Mapping Lake Mead," The Geographical Review, 31 (July, 1941), 385-405. Burgess, Sherwood, Early History of the Oakland Water Supply, 1850- 1876, unpublished master's thesis in History, University of California, Berkeley, 1948. Burke, Maxwell F., "Rainfall on and Runoff from San Gabriel Mountains During Flood of March, 1938," American Geophysical Union, Trans­ actions. Part l, (1939), 8-15. Burt, John, "Watershed Protection Practice in California,"Jrm rnal of the American Water Works Association, 21 (May, 1929), 589-608. Byers, Charles A., "The Possibilities of Salton Sea," Popular Science Maga­ zine, 72 (January, 1907), 5-18. "California Agriculture." (April, 1957), 1-40. (Entire edition on water). 49 California Agricultural Experiment Station: California's Man-Made Rivers, by Stephen C. Smith and Michael F. Brewer; Berkeley: 1961. 26 pp. Water Pricing and Allocation with Particular Reference to California Irrigation Districts. Report No. 235; Berkeley: 1960. 149 pp. California Department of Natural Resources, Where Rivers are Born: the Story of California's \li/atersheds by Charles E. Fox. Sacramento: 1949. 63 pp. Maps. California. Department of Public Works, Cost of Irrigation Water in Cali­ fornia; Bulletin 36 by H.F. Blaney and Martin R. Huberty; Sacra­ mento: 1930. 143 pp. California. Department of Water Resources: California Flood Control Program, Bulletin No. 159-165. Sacramen­ to: 1965. 162 pp. The California State Water Project, \�\later Supply Contracts; Sacra­ mento: 1965. 2 Vols. The California \Vater Plan, Bulletin No. 3, Sacramento: 1957. 246 pp. Maps. Chronologic.al List of Bulletins and Repurts, Department of Water Resources and its Predecessors from 1880; Sacramento: 1963. (un­ paged, lists over 4000 documents; f0r internal use of the department). Desalinization Symposium, Sacramento: 1965. 47 pp. Directory of \Vater Serl'ice Agencies in California; Bulletin No. 114, Sacramento: 1962. 72 pp. Index to Publications, State Department of Water Resources, Los Angeles: 1965. 40 pp. Irrigation and Water Storage Districts in California. Published an­ nually since 1959. Various paginations. A Survey of \li/ater Resomces Information Repositories in California; Sacramento: 1964. 94 pp. Water Plans of the State of California. A lecture delivered at the U ni­ versity of California, Irvine, March 1, 1966 by William E. Warne. Sacramento: 1966. 34 pp. Water Progress in California July I, 1962-June 30, 1965; Sacramento: 1965. 14 pp. "California is a Watery Bonanza," Engineering News Recprd, 177, July 21, 1966. 23 pp. California Legislature, Assembly, Arizona v. q;alifornia and Pacific South­ west Water Problems. Assembly Interim Committee Reports Vol. 26, No. 13; Sacramento: December,
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