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SPEAK TO A TIRE & WHEEL EXPERT SHOP ALL OF OUR BRANDS 866-922-0394 COKERTIRE.COM CONTENTS HEMMINGS CLASSIC CAR • AUGUST 2018 • VOLUME 14, ISSUE 11 20 DEPARTMENTS 08 NEWS REPORTS 10 LOST & FOUND FEATURES 12 AUCTION NEWS 14 ART & AUTOMOBILIA 20 1934 McLaughlin 18 PRODUCTS & PARTS 46 RECAPS LETTERS 26 Comparison: 34 86 DETROIT UNDERDOGS 88 REARVIEW MIRROR 1939 Ford Standard & De Luxe 89 I WAS THERE 94 ODDIES BUT GOODIES 34 driveReport: 1956 Mercury Monterey COLUMNISTS 06 RICHARD LENTINELLO 64 Driveable Dream: 40 PAT FOSTER 56 42 DAVID SCHULTZ 1950 Plymouth Convertible 44 MATTHEW LITWIN 96 JIM RICHARDSON 68 History of Automotive Design: CLASSIC TRUCK British-built Ford Model T & TT 90 1948 GMC HIGHLANDER Commercial Truck Bodies 64 74 Museum Profile: 48 SPECIAL SECTION: Gilmore Car Museum COLLECTIBLE ’70s CARS 78 Restoration Profile: 50 FULLSIZE CONVERTIBLES 1938 Buick Roadmaster 52 DETROIT SUB-COMPACTS 56 PERSONAL LUXURY Sport Phaeton—Part I 86 58 1977 AMC MATADOR 2 HEMMINGS CLASSIC CAR AUGUST 2018 I Hemmings.com SEPTEMBER 27-29 | LAS VEGAS Contact an automotive specialist today! 480.421.6694 SELL YOUR CARS WHERE THE BIDDERS ARE Over 1,700 qualified bidders were registered for the 2017 Las Vegas Auction Experience the Barrett-Jackson Auctions live exclusively ALL THE CARS, ALL THE TIME. on Discovery Channel, Velocity and around the world on Discovery Networks International. Streamed live on Barrett-Jackson.com Consign. Bid. Experience. Barrett-Jackson.com PUBLISHER Jim Menneto, President EDITORIAL Terry McGean, Editor-in-Chief Richard Lentinello, Executive Editor J. Daniel Beaudry, Managing Editor; Interactive Editor Catherine Gee Graney, Managing Editor Thomas A. DeMauro, Senior Editor Matthew Litwin, Senior Editor Mark J. McCourt, Senior Editor Kurt Ernst, Editor, Hemmings Daily Mike McNessor, Editor, Hemmings Motor News Daniel Strohl, Web Editor David Conwill, Associate Editor 7GMJ !D9KKA; Jeff Koch, West Coast Associate Editor Terry Shea, Associate Editor Edward Heys, Design Editor Judi Dell’Anno, Graphic Designer "=K=JN=K L@= =KL Joshua Skibbee, Graphic Designer Jim O’Clair, Columnist/Parts Locator Tom Comerro, Editorial Assistant EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Patrick Foster, Jim Richardson, David Schultz, Milton Stern, Russell von Sauers ADVERTISING Jennifer Sandquist, Advertising Director DISPLAY SALES Tim Redden, Internet Sales Manager Randy Zussman, Senior Account Executive Account Executives: Tim McCart, Lesley McFadden, Heather Naslund, Mark Nesbit, Collins Sennett, Bonnie Stratton Stephanie Sigot, Ad Sales Coordinator CLASSIFIED SALES Jeanne Bourn, Classifi ed Manager Jennifer Bono, Allen Boulet, Raina Burgess, Tammy Bredbenner, Mary Brott, Nicole Deuel, Christopher Drayton, Harlan Kip, Missy Telford GRAPHIC SERVICES Samantha Corey, Graphic Services Director Carol Wigger, Graphic Services Assoc. 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Box 196, Bennington, VT 05201 universaltire.com American City Business Journals, Inc., hk]^k^] [^_hk^ *+ ghhg >LM 120 West Morehead St., Charlotte, NC 28202 Ray Shaw, Chairman (1989-2009) Whitney Shaw, CEO 4 HEMMINGS CLASSIC CAR AUGUST 2018 I Hemmings.com richardlentinello The Hidden Gem Right Next Door ith a garage full of British Threedayslater,whenanotherneighbor sports cars and a recently camebytocutRichard’sgrass,Ilearnedthat W purchased 1961 Pontiac Ventura Richardhadbeentakenawaytoanadult-care “bubbletop” (more about this facilityduetosomeserioushealthissues;he next month), I’m now the proud owner of my was only 72. I asked about “that old car in the firstChevrolet.Morespecifically, garage,” and was told that Richard bought that a1969Camaro. “Mustang” new, but he hadn’t driven it for a I truly was never interested in buying a very long time. “Would you like to see it,” asked first-generation Camaro as I the neighbor. “It’s always preferred the Firebird not worth anything version,butthislittleF-body because it needs so wastoogoodadealtopass much work.” up. I’m a big proponent of Afterseeingit unrestored original cars, and up close, but still not this Camaro is as original able to give it a close as the day it rolled off the inspectionduetoall Norwoodassemblyline.I’m the junk surrounding grateful that it’s now mine. it,Icouldatleasttell …I jumped Where did I find this it was all original gem? Well, right next door, through the layers of of all places. dirt;soIaskedabout While I was unloading the 26-foot U-Haul buying it. “Not while Richard is still alive can it the fence to filled with my collection of tools and car parts be sold,” came the reply. during my move back to New England in July Sadly,Richardpassedawayafewmonths 2016,mynewneighbor,alsoRichard,walkedup later, but I still had to wait until his estate tomewithabottleofchampagnetowelcomeus wassettled.Finally,onMay10,theexecutor peek through totheneighborhood.ItoldhimthatIworkfor of Richard’s estate came by and told me that Hemmings, which he knew of, and that I collect although there were many others who made and restore old cars. Then he saw the transporter offers to buy it, they selected me, because I deliver three of my Triumphs. Yet not once did promisednottoflipitortorestoreit,andtoget the garage heevermentionthatheownedaCamaro. it running again. Early one morning about 5:30, one of Soon, I will be pulling the Camaro out myfourrescuedogshadtogooutside.While of the garage for the first time in decades; the window, and waitingforAngelotodohisbusiness,thesun registrationstickershows1995asthelasttimeit beganrising,whichlituptheinsideofRichard’s wasregistered.WhatIdoknowisthatRichard garage.Icouldseethroughthedirtywindowthe boughtitnewand,beingthefrugaltype,astold outline of a car’s rear window. During breakfast to me by all the neighbors, he didn’t order any lo and behold, Itoldmywifethatthere’sacarinRichard’s options. It’s the base V-8 model, which means garage,andI’malmostpositivethatit’sanearly ithasthetwo-barrel307engineandfour-wheel (1967-’69) Camaro or Firebird. drum brakes. Although Richard did splurge Laurie looked at me with that ‘yeah right’ for the Powerglide automatic, he didn’t order it was a first- kindoflookandsaid,“youcantellwhatcar the floor shifter, so it’s a console-less, column- thatisfrom100feetawaybyonlyseeingasmall shiftedCamaro.Oddandrare,yes,butnot
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