S6780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2005 the collapse of Soviet rule, Georgians em- ing that she is willing to forsake seeing (2) calls for the immediate and uncondi- braced democracy and set about building a her children who live abroad ever tional release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all new society dedicated to human rights and again. other prisoners of conscience who are held by the rule of law. When our democracy was hi- Suu Kyi has inspired countless other the State Peace and Development Council, jacked by corruption, the Georgian people Burmese supporters and the world to the illegitimate, repressive military junta in went to the streets and took it back in what power in Burma; and is now known as the Rose Revolution. Today, focus global attention on this conflict. (3) strongly urges Secretary of State individual freedoms are guaranteed, reli- In my State of Colorado, for example, Condoleezza Rice to initiate a discussion of gious and ethnic groups celebrated, and we many people from that country have the repressive practices of the State Peace are working out at the peace table dif- relocated to Boulder. One such person and Development Council during the 12th As- ferences that once threatened our territorial is former Burmese princess Inge Sar- sociation of Southeast Asian Nations re- integrity. I am proud to say that democracy gent who founded the Burma Lifeline. gional forum and post-ministerial meeting is alive and well in Georgia, but our work is This organization funds refugee camps scheduled to take place in Vientiane, Laos far from finished. along the Thai border and works in on July 29, 2005. It is up to those who are free to join the conjunction with other groups such as f fight of the oppressed. I know that the winds the Shan Women Action Network. Inge of freedom that have blown across Georgia, COMMENDING UNIVERSITY OF touched off an Orange Revolution in Sargent was awarded the United Na- MICHIGAN’S SOFTBALL TEAM Ukraine, spawned a Tulip Revolution in tions International Human Rights Award in 2000. Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent Kyrgyzstan, and shook the cedars of Lebanon that the Senate proceed to the imme- will someday soon reach Burma. To the mil- In an effort to lend my voice to the lions of Burmese who are imprisoned with efforts of Senator MCCONNELL and Inge diate consideration of S. Res. 175 sub- Aung San Suu Kyi in their own country, I Sargent, I am happy have joined with mitted earlier today. say this: Doi Yea (Our Cause)! Because your 42 other Senators as a cosponsor of a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cause is our cause. Wherever freedom-loving joint resolution approving the renewal clerk will report the resolution by people rise up to carry on the legacy of the of import restrictions contained in the title. Rose Revolution, the spirit and support of Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act The legislative clerk read as follows: the Georgian people stand with you. of 2003. A resolution (S. Res. 175) commending the f It is because of brave women like Suu University of Michigan’s softball team for winning the National Collegiate Athletic As- RECOGNIZING DAW AUNG SAN SUU Kyi and the hundreds of people from Burma who have made Colorado their sociation Division I Championship on June 8, KYI 2005. home that Burma has a bright future. Mr. SALAZAR. Madam. President, I Yet the struggle is far from over; these There being no objection, the Senate rise today to take a moment to recog- brave leaders will not be free until Suu proceeded to consider the resolution. nize a woman on the occasion of her 60 Kyi’s call for democracy is answered. Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, it is birthday, a woman whose leadership Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent with great pride that I congratulate and courage in her home country of that the resolution be agreed to, the the University of Michigan Softball Burma inspires the people of that coun- preamble be agreed to, and the motion Team on winning the 2005 National try and the world to continue to fight to reconsider be laid upon the table. Championship. The Wolverines com- for democracy and human rights. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without pleted an impressive season by defeat- Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has devoted objection, it is so ordered. ing the two-time defending champion her life to fighting for peace in a coun- The resolution (S. Res. 174) was University of California-Los Angeles try whose people live under an oppres- agreed to. Bruins two games to one in thrilling sive one-party socialist government The preamble was agreed to. fashion capped by a three run home run known as the State Law and Restora- The resolution, with its preamble, in the tenth inning of the final game of tion Council, SLORC. This government reads as follows: the 2005 College World Series. This vic- is responsible for the deaths of thou- S. RES. 174 tory marks the first time a team east sands of its own people and the unjust Whereas June 19, 2005 marks the 60th birth- of the Mississippi River has won this imprisonment of untold more. Suu Kyi day of Burmese democracy activist and title and cements the University of remains the only detained Nobel Peace Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Michigan program as a true national Laureate in the world. Kyi; powerhouse in college softball. The Suu Kyi was born in Burma in 1945 to Whereas Burma is misruled by the State Wolverines played with superb skill General Aung San, the leader of the Peace and Development Council, an illegit- imate, repressive military junta led by Gen- and dogged determination throughout Burmese movement for independence eral Than Shwe; the season and in the World Series to from Great Britain. After his group Whereas although the main opposition clinch their first championship, the achieved Burmese independence and party in Burma, the National League for De- second National Championship ever for took control of the government, he was mocracy, won a landslide victory in national a women’s athletic program at the Uni- assassinated for his democratic beliefs elections in 1990, the State Peace and Devel- versity of Michigan. and practices. Suu Kyi left Burma and opment Council has refused to honor the re- The top ranked Wolverines entered moved to India with her mother after sults of that election and peacefully transfer Wednesday night’s game hungry for the she became the Burmese Ambassador power in Burma; final win that would secure their first Whereas the State Peace and Development to India in 1960. Although Suu Kyi was Council as a matter of policy carries out a National Championship trophy. The only 2 when her father was killed, it campaign of violence and intimidation Wolverines and Bruins split the first was his legacy that inspired her to against the people of Burma and ethnic mi- two games of the best of three series head the National League for Democ- norities that includes the use of rape, tor- and were locked in a fierce battle in racy, NLD when she returned to ture, and terror; the third and final game to determine Myanmar after graduating from Oxford Whereas hundreds of democracy activists, the ultimate victor. The Wolverines University many years later. including Aung San Suu Kyi who is the lead- and Bruins ended regulation with the Under her leadership, the NLD won er of the National League for Democracy, re- score tied at one run each. The tenth main imprisoned by the repressive State the general election in 1990 with a land- Peace and Development Council; and inning would prove pivotal as slide victory. However, the SLORC re- Whereas the United States and other Samantha Findlay seized this oppor- fused to acknowledge their win and put democratic countries recognize and applaud tunity and hit a three run homer to the elected pro-democracy leaders the dedication and commitment to freedom provide the boost necessary to secure under house arrest, including Suu Kyi. demonstrated by Aung San Suu Kyi and the this extra innings win. This grand dis- Although no longer in prison, Suu people of Burma: Now, therefore, be it play of athleticism, coupled with her Kyi is not allowed to travel freely due Resolved, That the Senate— play throughout the postseason, helped to restrictions by the Burmese Govern- (1) recognizes Burmese democracy activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San earn Findlay the Women’s College ment. As a result, she will not leave Suu Kyi as a symbol of the spirit and dedica- World Series Most Valuable Player the country out of fear of being perma- tion of the people of Burma who are coura- Award. nently exiled from her homeland. Her geously and nonviolently struggling for free- That victory provided the perfect commitment to her people is so endur- dom, human rights, and justice; ending to a remarkable season for the VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:46 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00112 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S16JN5.REC S16JN5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY June 16, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6781 University of Michigan Softball Team. Michigan took a 4–1 lead after fresh- ciation (NCAA) Softball Championship and After a 32 game winning streak at the man first baseman Samantha Findlay the first Big Ten Conference team to claim a beginning of the season, the Wolverines hit a three run homer in the 10th in- national title in softball or baseball since 1966; became the Nation’s top-ranked college ning.
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