This I\xhibition, whidl is St,t in tht, mllgnili(,t'nt 'l'lII'OIlt' noom in tht, l'I,t'sidt'nthll l'IIII1Cl' 01' \ 'II"t'UII, is till' most IU'('stigious IInd gl'and t'xhibition ,'('t S('t up by Plltl'imonju: 11 roundlltion whost, pl'inl'iplIl lIim is to lily on ('xhibitions 01' Ml"teSt' m't tI't'IISIII't'S, lIt'n'l' ,'it'w('d bt'I'm't~, bm'I'ow('d l'l'om IU'imtt' l'l'om IU'i\'lltt~ ('O"t'('tm's, Tht, ('xt('nsiw ('xhibition 01' siln'l' 1'l'llItt'd to MlIltll indudt's IIbout 11 thou­ sllnd lots 01' donll'sti(' wm'(', 1'lInging l'l'om tht, mid 1 Chh C('ntlll.,', 'I'I1l',' ('on­ sist 01' items ('I'('lItt'd b,' MIlIt('st' IInd I'm't'ign silwl'smiths s('HIt'd in Mllltll, whost~ Iu'mllll,t was ('onllllissionNI by tht, Malt('s(~ IInd th(' Klli~hts (ulltil 1nOO) and IIlso b,' tht, Bl'itish I't'sid('nts (Hlth Ct'ntm',,), AI)lu'oximatt'I,' 1 :UI ('ol'l't't' pots IInd II simihu' IImount 01' sugm' boxt's, bowls IInd bllsins m't~ shown, tht, ('m'lit'st t~xmlll,lt,s dllting I.... ull th(' IllSt dt,t'adt, 01' Tht, 17th Ct'ntm.,', Tht, ('ompm'ison b('hwt'n ont' I,it,(,t~ IInd tht' otht'l' t'lIllbl('s th(' ,'it'wt'I' to dis('on'I' tht, din'I'sit,' 01' st,'I('s IInd tht' dt'n'lop"ll'nt 01' ('I',tI'tsmmlshill 01' t'a('h siht'l'smith, Tht, I'amous oil IlIml's m' L\MPlmU, 01' whidl :W hllw bt'('n S('It,t,tt'd, Wt'l't' IIl1d ,lI't' still mlll'h-Ion'd IIdm'lIm('nts, On'l' :UI Imil's 01' t'lIndlt'stit'ks ('oml,It'tt' tht, t'hlll'tt'I' 01' houst'hold-lighting, About thh,t,' glon' tl'lI,'S ((aJA:\'I'I[IU) IInd 1'00't,' Sllht'l'S on t't'ntl',,, I'oot (SOrfO(:()PI'[) m't' l't'PI't'st'ntt'd, whidl wt'l't' t'(IUII"~' ('ht'I'isllt'd b,' tlw :\llIltt'St', tht'n IInd now, Tht' Mllltt,;;t' IUI,SA:\II:\O (st't~nt I1I1Sk), I'l'Om tht, (;t'I'III,1II l,ilgl'im I1l1sk IInd sOllwtim('s l't'm'lI'kllbl~' simihu' to its U,lIIish ('OIl11tt'I'p,u't, is t'(IUII",' w"'l­ l't'PI't'st'ntt'd, with IIbout no t'xllmplt,s, with 1I10ngsid(' 11 Silllillll' ,Imount 01' t'hlis (bodkill ('liSt'S lInd wax-('lIst's), I't'W siln'I' snul'l'-boxt,s, shm'-IIIIl'klt,s and gold ob,il't'ts 01' Wl'tll, Sih"I' I'm' tht, tllblt, IInd I'm' tilt' tt'lI tablt, m't' nUlllt'I'OIlS, liS WI'" itt'ms 1'1)1' tht, \\I'iting d,'sk IInd tlw toilt,t tllbl", Ilt'ligious siln'I' hlls bt't'n l'I'Stl'it-t ...1 to that ust'd ill tht, hOIlSl' 01' tilt' Imllst' ('hal)('I, Militm',' itt'ms in sih('I' m't' 1',lI'itit's but m't' IIlso to bt, ,'it'wt'd, The Silver of Malta an Exhibition The Palace, Valletta 31 st March - 30th April 1995 Fondazzjoni PatriInonju Malti This catalogue is sponsored by Telemalta Corporation SILVER UNDER THE Kr<.'IGHTS 44. Pair of Table Candlesti cks 69. Clove Tray (Cuantiera) 45. Beaker 70 . Clove Tray (Cuantiera) Early Silver 46. Six Composite DirUl er Plates 7l. Clove Tray (Cuanti era) 47. Two Dinner Plates 72. Sottocoppa Sil ver-gilt Ewer and Basin 48. Cruet Frame 73. Large Sottocoppa :2 . Circular Cup or Bowl 49. Plaque 74. Sottocoppa 3. Inkwell and Cover 75. Sottocoppa 4. Rosewater Dish 76. Sottocoppa 5. Coffee Pot Zondadari Period 77. Sottocoppa 6. Extreme Unction Flasks (1720- 1722) 78 . Sottocoppa 7. Coffee Pot 79. Sottocoppa 8. Coffee Pot 50. Sottocoppa 80. Sottocoppa 9. Clove Tray (Cuanti era) 51. Six Dinner Plates 8l. Sottocoppa 10. Lru·ge Clove Tray 52. Sugru· Box and Cover 82. Sottoco ppa 11 . Holy Water Stoup 53. Oil Lamp (Lampier) 83. Pair of Sottocoppi 12. Sottocoppa 54. Pair of Table Candlesti cks 84. Coffee Pot 13. Oval Pend ant Locket 55. Co ffee Spoo n 85. Coffee Pot 14. Centrepiece, The Rest on the 86. Coffee Pot Flight into Egypt 87. Coffee Pot 15. Beaker Villiena Period 88. Coffee Pot 16. Beaker (1722- 1736) 89. Coffee Pot 17. Two-hand led Bowl 90. Smal l Coffee Pot 18. Two-handled Bowl 56. The MrulOel de Vilhena Dish 9l. Small Coffee Pot 19. Trefid Fork 57. The Analogue Vilhena Dish 92. Coffee Pot 20. Tabl e Fork 58. Ewer 93. Coffee Pot 21. Trefid Fo rk 59. Ewer 94. Coffee Pot 22. Trend Fork 60. Stand 95. Sugru· Box or Toil et 23. Rattail Spoo n 61. Stand Box and Cover 24. Four-pronged Fork 62. Clove Tray (Curultiera) 96. Sugar Box or Toil et 25. The Troisi Dish 63. Clove Tray (Cuantiera) Box and Cover 65.Clove Tray (Cuantiera) 97. Sugru· or Toil et Box 66.Clove Tray (Cuantiera) and Cover Perellos Period 67.Clove Tray (Cuantiera) 98. Sugar Box ruld Cover (1697-1720) 68.Clove T ray (C uantiera) 99. Sugar or Toil et Box and Cover 26. Ewe r and Basin 100. Sugru· Box and Cover 27. Circul ar Basin 10l. Sugar Box or Toil et Box and 28. Prese ntation Dish Cover 29. Large Clove T ray (Cuantiera) 102. Toil et or Sugar Box and 30. Clove Tray (Cuantiera) Cover 31. Clove T ray (Cuantiera) 103. Toil et or Sugar Box ruld 32. Clove Tray (Cuantiera) Cover 33. Coffee Pot 104. Double Cru et Struld 34. Coffee Pot 105. Pair of Cruet Stands 35. Sugru· Box and Cover 106. StewDish 36. Sugar or Toilet Box ruld Cover 107. Pair of Eno·e Dishes 37. Sma iJ Sugar Box and Cover 108. F ow· Dinner Plates 38. Sugm or Toilet Box and Cover 109. Dinner Plate 39. Sottocoppa 110. Beaker 40. Sottocoppa 111 Bw·ber's Dish 41. Sottocoppa 11 2. Oil Lrunp (Lampier) 42. Large Sottocoppa 11 3. Oil Lamp (Lampier) 43. Two Candlesticks 114. Oil Lamp (Lwnpier) 2 115. Oil Lamp (Lampier) 160. Oval Pierced Basket 195. Coffee Pot 116. Pair of Table Dandlesti cks 161. Hexagonal Coffee Pot or 196. Teapot 117. Pair of Candlesticks Covered Jug 197. Toilet Box and Cover 118. Pair of Table Candlesticks 162. Chocolate Pot 198. Sugar Box and Cover 119. Chamber Candlestick 163. Coffee Pot 199. Sugru' Box and Cover 120. Pair of Snuffers and Snuffer 164. Coffee Pot 200. Sugar or Toilet Box and Tray 165. Coffee Pot Cover 121. Chamber Candlestick 166. Large Coffee Pot 201. Sugar Box and Cover 122. Basting Spoon 167. Coffee Pot 202. Sugar Box and Cover 123. Rattail Table Spoon 168. Coffee Pot 203. Sugru' Box and Cover 124. Rattail Spoon 169. Coffee Pot 204. Toil et Box and Cover 125. Six Table Spoons 170. Coffee Pot 205. Sugar Bowl and Cover 126. Table Fork 171. Coffee Pot 206. Sugar Bowl and Cover 127. Seven Table Knives 172. Large Coffee Pot 207. Sugru' Bowl and Cover 128. Five Composite Table Knives 173. Coffee Pot 208. Sugar Basin and Cover 129. Pistol Handle of a Knight 174. Small Coffee Pot 209. Large Sugar Basin and Cover 130. Six Silver-gilt Coffee Spoons 175. Lru'ge Coffee Pot 210. Large Sugar Basin and Cover 131. Six Silver-gilt Coffee Spoons 176. Coffee Pot 211. Sugar Bowl and Cover 132. Eight Teaspoons 177. Large Coffee Pot 212. Sugru' Bowl and Cover 133. Large Coffee Spoon 178. Coffee Pot 213. Sugar Basin 134. Coffee Spoon 179. Large Coffee Pot 214. Large Sugru' Castor 135. Trembleuse 180. Large Coffee Pot 215. Silver-gilt Sugru' Castor 181. Small Coffee Pot 216. Pru'cel-gilt EcuelJ e and Cover 182. Small Coffee Pot 217. Ecuell e and Cover Pinto Period 183. Coffee Pot 218. Ecuelle and Cover (1741-1773) 184. Coffee Pot 219. Ecuelle and Cover 185. Coffee Pot 220. Tray 136. Covered Jug 186. Coffee Pot 221. Entre Dish 137. Silver-gilt Ewer 187. Coffee Pot 222. Lru'ge Meat Dish 138. Basin 188. Coffee Pot 223. Second Comse Dish 139. Basin 189. Small Coffee Pot 224. Meat Dish 140. Basin 190. Small Coffee Pot 225. Meat Dish 141. Spanish Basin 191 . Coffee Pot 226. Fom Dinner plates 142. Armorial Dish 192. Small Coffee Pot 227. F om DirUler plates 143. Glove Tray (G uantiera) 193. Small Coffee Pot 228. Two Dinner Plates 144. Glove Tray (G uantiera) 194. Small Coffee POl 229. Tow Fmther Dinner Plates 145. Clove Tray (Curultiera) 230. Two Fmther Dinner Plates 146. Glove Tray (Cuantiera) 231. Dinner Plate 147. Glove Tray (Cuantiera) 232. Two Dinner Plates 148. Clove Tray (Guantiera) 233. Dinner Plate 149. Sottocoppa 234. Dinner Plate 150. Sottocoppa 235. Dinner Plate 151. Sottocoppa 236. Soup Plate 152. Sottocoppa 237. Cruet Stand 153. Large Sottocoppa 238. Oil Lamp (Lampier) 154. Sottocoppa 239. Oil Lamp (Lampier) 155. Sottocoppa 240. Oil Lamp (Lampier) 156. Sottocoppa 241. Oil Lamp (Lam pier) 157. Sottocoppa 242. Oil Lamp (Lampier) 158. Trembleuse or Sanctuary 243. Oil Lamp (Lrunpier) Lanlp 244. Pair of "Rocaille" 159. Trembleuse or Sancturuy Candlesticks Lanlp 245. Pair of CruldJesticks 3 :246. Pair of Ca ndl esti cks :296. Coffee Spoon Rohan Pcl"iod :247.
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