Volume 22 Number 2 U. S fENCING MASTERS TEAM SCORES TRIUI I1IJ1£.BJtIll1 f £11nJl1J) WINS THREE GOLD MEDALS AND ONE BROI Offkiol Organ of the Amateur Fencers Lecgl.:e of AmE!r 'co Dedicated to the Memory of Foil and! Saber Teams Victorious at Crystal Palac JOSE R. DeCAPRIL.::S, 1912-1969. Ed Richards Wins Fait Mike Dasaro Third in Sabc Management W. L. Osborn, Publisher Rolph M. Goldstein, Editor u. S. TE"~M STARS IN LONDON 5 Great Oak Lone 397 Concord Rd. by Rich",d Gradkowski Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Yunkers, N. Y. 10710 Assoc. Editor: Irwin Asst. Editor: Richard For the first time in a 'Norld Champion­ Feature Writers: Don . Gehant, Natalia ship, the "Star Spangled Bonner" sounded Editorial Stoff: iVlosiero. Historian: melodiously for a large and enthusiastic audi­ Russell Ellis ence at London's Crystal Palace Sports Advertising Correspondence: 5 Great Oak Lane, Pleasantville, N. Y. 10570 Center. The 1970 Championa!s du Monde Advertising Plates: P. O. Box 144, Terre Houte, Ind. 47808 des /V\oitres d' Armes was a resounding suc­ Policy Board cess for both the United States team and it's A. Ruben, Chairman; R. M. Goldstein, W. J. Latzko. organizers, the British Academy of Fencing. W. L. Osborn, P. Tishman, N. L Lewis Subscriptions for non-members of the AFLA is $3.00 in the U.s. and $4.00 elsewhere. Three Go!d medals and one Bronze were Published September, November, January, MarCh, May and July. the rewords for the weeks of t;'oining, pre­ Opinions. expressed in signed articles reflect the personal views of the writers and not necessarily para:icn, arid planr.irg which wert into put­ of American Fencing or the AFLA. No anonymous articles oocepted. ting together the winning combination. The Se~ond C1ass Postage Paid in Terre Haute, lnd. 47808 U. S. fencers were noted for their stamina AfLA Addresses: DEADLINE FOR 1971 ISSUES and abi:ity to sustain their winning effort, President: Alan Miles R~ben, II Lake Shore Issue Date Closing Date for Co~y Mailing Date and for their team spirit in working together Blvd. Brotenahl, Ohio 441 JAN. - FEB. DEC. B JAN. 30 in a tight spot. Secretary: William J. Latzka, 33-62nd St. MARCH - APRil FEB. 9 MARCH 31 MAY - JUNE APR I L 6 MAY 31 The Championship for Fencing jV\osters is West New York, N.J. 07093. JULY - AUGUST JUNE 9 JULY 31 Qrganized every four years by the interna­ CONTRIBUTORS PLEASE NOTE: Items for publication in AMERICAN FENCING are cor­ tiona! fencing master's organization, the dially solicited. Articles, results of competitions, letters to the editor, photos and car­ Academie d' Armes ) nternationale. The form toons should be sent to RALPH GOLDSTEIN, 397 CONCORD ROAD, YONKERS, N. Y., of the competition is a complete round robin 10710. All manuscripts should be complete, typewritten double spaced, on one side of the photo by poper only. Photos should be glossy finish, and accompanied by a complete caption. Un· among those fenCing masters entered, with The reword of hard training and rationa solicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless submitted with a stomped self addressed team results counted as the aggregate of the envelope. No anonymous articles will be accepted. tion; Ed Richards of the U. S. FenciJ victories of the three individuals representing team hoists the victory champagne pr each notion. The standard of fencing would him by Allan Joy, 1959 British World HELP! the new expense of a moiling service, the have compared favorably to the quarter At the left of Ed in S<econd place is AFLA is faced with a serious financial prob­ ltoly on:::1 at the rignt is Birnbaum of At its September meeting, the Board of finals of a world championship. The U.S.A. lem. In order to retain and improve the third. Directors of the AFLA was informed that was represented in Foil by Ed Richards, Raoul quality of our magazine, we must have more another nation, as if in a team m~ CBS hod decided to discontinue the use of Sudre, and Charles Selberg; in Epee by John advertising. This is on appeal for help. competition lasted from 9:00 a.m. our membership list and that we would not Geraci, Dick Oles, and Mike Dasaro; and in 8:00 p.m. with suitable breaks be able to use their moiling service. We were We ask our members to go out and bring Sober by Mike Dasa ro, Ed Richards, and and afternoon tea. The Directoire - fortunate indeed to have hod this advantage in ods for AMERICAN FENCING. Inquire in Raoul Sudre. Sudre was teoen Captain, organ­ was headed by Professor Akos M, during the period of c:ur recent growth and your salle, your seheal, your suppliers of izer, and Delegate of the NFCAA to the of the BAF, who kEpt the whole tc we are grateful to CBS for their support. everything (not only fencing equipment), \f/orld Congress of the A.A.!., which was running smoothly, adjudicating Now, however, with membership over 6000 your friends, and see what you can come taking place during the championship. scheduling matches, and assigning we must realize that we are sufficiently up with. A copy of our very reasonab!e rates Fencing masters from eight notions parti­ with professional skill. The tournam, ;)rown up to pay our own way. ma), be found on the lost page of this issue. cipated in the competition and each event tariat, under fAiss A.~argaret Somer Note especially the $5.00 ods. Due to the increased cost of printing, consisted of a round robi n of 24. The bouts a model of efficiency and meticu which will soon go even higher, the loss of Remember, our very existence depends on were organized in such a way that the three trol. revenue from reduced advertising, and now you l RMG fencers from each nation met three from (Continued Next Page) The Crystal Palace Sports Center was the CAPTAIN'S REPORT invaluable role in Our work. He gave all of PREPARATION AT COR site for the 1968 World Junior Champion­ of us several lessons each day and helped us by Raoul Sudre by Charles A. Selberg ships. The huge complex, in a suburb of greatly in correcting many poor habits that London, contains a complete athletic stadium, Approximately one and a half years ago develop when one is coaching. It was with Our training at Cornell was f: many practice fields for soccer and field preparations for the 1970 World Professional sadness that we left him in Ithaco, as he was physiological and psychological C( hockey, a field house containing a complete Championships were initiated. I contacted al! unable to make the trip for personal reasons. which placed prime emphasis On bl Olympic sized swimming pool, a half dozen the top amateur fencers who hod turned to Sho,-tly before our departure, Richard Grad­ durance and team harmony. As 5 gymnasiums, and a huge centra! gym, where teachirg and tried to sell them on the ideo kowski was appointed team manager and it gested, we were preparing to stand the Championships were held. Surrounding of: was arranged that he go to London directly lessly to what promised to be a the entire complex is a two mile bicycle 1. going back into training for one year to help organize our stoy at the Crystal tournament during which time e and motorcycle track. Among the beautifully f 2. giving up six weeks of their time, Palace Sports Center. This was a great help member would be expected to fe landscaped grounds is located on impressive 3. putting up money of their own to help as it freed me ,from many duties in the tech­ five bouts. We placed equal em mu!tistoried hotel, where the competitors all finance the venture. nical supervision of the tournament. He also generating a genuine team compc stayed. served on the Directoire Technique of the should be noted that our excel It wasn't easy, but little by little, the team A full round of social and ceremonial Tournament and daily mixed our brew of spirit, which was punctuated by was formed. events was copped off by a reception for the Gotorade, good humor, was clearly a prodc Congress given by the Martini & Rossi organ­ The second phase was raising money. troining program and brought out With cur training at Cornell completed, ization in New Zealand House. turned for help to many people and approach­ we were off to France. Our stay at Fontain­ in each of us. It was this team ide ed Mike DeCicco and asked for NFCAA sup­ ebleau was designed to: which put us over the top when t RESUl TS port. I found him a strong suppcrter ond to get extra points were needed ( 1. Act as a transition period of adaptation Foil Individual: 1. Rich",,]s, USA; 2 Lodetti, we were allowed the sum of $1000.00; hard­ Championship in London. (to climate, food, time change, etc.! Italy; 3. Birnbaum, Austria; 4. Sudre, ly enough for a nine man team, but a good The training schedule at Corn, USA; 5. Berni, Italy; 6. Von de Volk, start. ! then contacted my friend Pierre 2. Give us a stronger unity and feeling of each day with morning workouts p Holland; 7. Ganchev, Great Britain; 8. Thirioux; Head Fencing Master of the Our national representation as the U. S. mary emphasis on conditioniing. Selberg, USA; 9. Crisci, Italy; 10. Fontainebleu Fencir.g Academy Qnd arranged team. with running. The value of runn Starzinski, Switzerland for them to host our team for a pre-tourna­ Since we were the only Americans among the fencer cannot be overstated and ment training session at very low prices.
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