Avcraga Dally Nat Praw Ron For «lM Week Smled Hia Waathar June tt, laas Fore Beat at U. a. Weethor BaNaa Clear with aeaeonable ^ tempera* 13,804 turea tonight. Low in the 40a. lua* Member of the Audit ny and continued warm Tueadagr. Buremi at Olreulatloa High near M. Mancheiter— A City of Village Charm yoL. Lxxxn, no. 22s (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1963 (Oaealfled Adverttaluf on Pafe 14) PRICK SEVEN CENTS Angry Blind Man JFK, Adenauer Ponder Stabs Blind Friend White Segregationist Koundup PHILADEB-iPHIA (A P )—A blind man stood against a wail, clutching a pen knife. He listened. Ihe "tap, tap, Firmer Western Ties, tap,” of a cane on pavement Clashes, Boat Spill grew louder. Held in Evers^ Deaths Suddenly, police said ,he Take Lives of Six leaped out and stabbed the passing man in the neck and By ASSOCIATED PRESS right arm. Multinational N-Navy Deteotdve Pat Cannon said Six persons died in acci­ the stabbing occurred after Rifle Sight Was Clue dents in Connecticut during two blind friends got into a BONN (AP) — Presidentt”*.?.™*"*' The two men talked^t> Despite overcast skies thousands the weekend— five on the dispute over cigarette money in a tavern. Kennedy and Chancellor Konr with only Interpreters present. of men, women and children were highways and one in a boat­ In a separate miSiUng, other ,\rthur Hinson, 45, was held JACKSON Miss. (A P )— rad Adenauer today discuBsed out again to see Kennedy drive ing mishap. Three of the traf­ U.S. and German officials went the four miles from the American fic victims were pedestrians. in J500 ball on charges of as­ Byron de La Beckwith, whit* problems involved in trying Into problems of Berlin, condi­ embassy community at Bad God- sault and battery. His frie.id, man, was held in Jackson jail lo create a multi-nation nu­ tions in Communist East Germany esberg to Adenauer's office. The dead included; Louis Pratner, 37, was In fair condition at a ho.sipital. tofiay charged with the mur­ clear navy and to strengthen and, the proposal for forming a )Cennedy was reported anxious A B7-year-oId Ellington woman as multinational nuclear force. she stepped out of her car. der of Negro integration lead­ the Atlantic partnership be­ to get agreement from Adenauer Salinger said that the multlna-, and other key allied leaders to A Waterbury man as he walked er Medgar W. Evers. tween the United States and tlonal force project was talked out I open detailed negotiations soon on along Rt. 6A Saturday night. The still unaccounted for in the kill­ Western Europe. i in greater detail by the ministers I the NATO nuclear surface fleet, car that hit him didn't stop. Kennedy Goofs ing of "the 37-year-old Evers were They met alone for two hours. than by the government chiefs.' the President would like to get a A 61-year-oid Norwich man sis he “ othens unknown,’’ charged along Spokesmen for the two men also While he would not make any of | treaty ready for submission to the rowed a boat on his private pond. with Beckwith in a separate fe<£ announced that they had talked the details public. It was under-1 U.S. Senate by next January. In East Lyme, police said a On U.S. Past eral complaint made public after the FBI arrested Beckwith Satur­ over forthcoming East-West ne^o- stood that the U.S. and German | The United States and West young mother turned to scold her tiatl<M in Moscow on a nuclear leaders were seeking Allied ac­ children in the back seat Saturday day night. Germany agree on. the need for I BONN, Germany (AP) — Presi­ Beckwith, a 42-year-old former test ban treaty. Their conference tion on setting up the force. afternoon and lost control of her dent Kennedy dunked in Ameri­ such a force. The problem facing car. It crossed the centerline of tobacco salesman and more re­ also covered trade relations be­ Salinger denied that Kennedy \ Kennedy and Adenau,r is now to can history Sunday. tween the United States and the Rt. 161 and rammed another car. cently a chemical fertilizer selee was having any more back pain I obtain the agreement of other al­ The man who can reel off fig­ agent, from Greenwood, Miss., European Common Maricet. George Allen, 66, of (13 Wlldrose ures in billions about budgets and than usual. The President suffers lies, particularly Britain and It­ Ave.) Waterford, was killed. talked with his attorneys, law Kennedy, who received a loud with chronic back trouble. aly. Neither the President nor the bombs undoubtedly raised cries partners Hardy Lott and Stonny and enthuslaatlc welcome Sunday The young mother, Mrs. Nancy of indignation' in sun-bathed St. Kennedy’s back seemed to be i chancellor wants an exclusively Pintavalle, 30, of IBIB S. Whitney Sanders of Greenwood, Sunday at tile start of his European tour troubling him as he knelt at | • Augustine, Fla., when he told a I and was returned to his cell after went to Adenauer's office In late Ave., Hartford, and her children crowd in (Cologne: Mass Sunday. (Continued on Page Seven) escaped serious in.lury. Mrs. Pinta­ about 30 minutes. He is being held valle was charged with negligent “ As a citizen of Boston, which without bond. homicide. te.kes pride in hel:*.- the olde.st Jackson chief of detectives M A In Windham Saturday night, Al­ city in the United Stotes—” Pierce said police questiOMd vin Miller, 29, of Scott Hill, Leb­ 'The oldest city In the United Beckwith, but did not elaborate. anon, lost control of his dump States is St. Augustine, founded One of 15,000 telescopic sl^ts truck on a curve on Rt. 32. The I in 1565. Boston was founded in and a fingerprint on It led the truck crossed the center line and ' 1630. FBI to Beckwith at Greenwood. hit a tractor trailer. Miller was Then, at dinner Sunday night, They found five of the Imported killed. the President goofed again when . Japanese six-power Golden Hawk In Stamford Sunday night. Mrs. he stirred the p-hos's of the bat­ I sights went to Mississippi, all to * Emma Peterson, 60, of Oak Grove tle of the Little Big Horn. I Grenada gun dealer. One was traced to Beckwith, a (Continued on Page Seven) (Continued on Page Four) gun collector, whom the FBI ques- I tioned Friday night without get- * ting any answers. I Saturday night at a meeting or- Lawmakers Opposed I ranged by Greenwood attorney ; Beckwith, FBI agents arrested Yerger Moorehead, a relative of Beckwith under provisions of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. "Beckwith and others unknown Can JFK Stop conspired to injure, oppress and intimidate Medgar Evers In the free exercise and enjoyment of rights and privileges secured to him by the Constitution,” the FBI . .... said. Business Bias? Evers was state field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored By JAMES MARLOW '$> local authorities—must treat all I People. Assoelated Press News Analyst citizens equally. Byron de la Beckwith, accused slayer of Negro leader Capt. Ralph Hargrove, chief of WASHINGTON (AP) — Should 3. Tl)e commerce clause. This the Jackson police IdentlficatKm Medgar Evers. (AP Photofax.) bureau, fingerprinted Beckwith the federal government be able .emxwwers the federal govern­ ment—and the Supreme Court has Sunday and said his prints to tell privately owned businesses long upheld this—to regulate in­ matched one on the scope at­ which cater to the public that terstate commerce or prevent In­ tached to a .30 caliber rifle that terference with It. fired the fatal shot. they can’t discriminate against 120,000 in Detroit It was Hargrove who first dis­ Negroes? Keimedy asked Congress to in­ voke both these constitutional pro­ covered the latent print—one In­ President Kennedy says yes. He visions in passing the kind of law visible to the eye but brought out President Kennedy and West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer stand at attention asked (Congress to pass a law by chemicals. during the playing of U.S. and German national anthems, (AP Photofax.) he wants. which says yes, too. This part of The 14th Amendment says only Stage Race Parade his civil rights program, imfolded that states must treat all citizens (Continued on Page Eight) last week, will bring one of the equally and cannot discriminate. ft toughest fights in Congress. The Supreme Ctourt ruled in 1883 Southern Democrats, are against that the amendment does not out­ DETROIT (AP) — Demonstrat-<>bitter outburst, 34 persons died Miller Rates Foreign Policy It. But some Republican leaders law discrimination by private ors, estimated to number 120,(XK) and about 700 were injured before —like Sens. Everett M .' Dirksen businesses, like hotels, or thea­ moving In a seemingly endless federal troops quelled the riot. of Illinois and Barry Goldwater ters. This year the court, under column, swept through downtown laiere was only one incident Bulletins of Arizona—balk at it, too. the same amendment, said states Detroit Sunday In a peaceful, al­ Sunday. A white man, Joseph E. Culled from AP Wire* Key Campaign Issue for ’64 Kennedy did not ask that every or' local communities cannot com­ most festive, protest against ra­ Laliberte„ 39, of suburban Berk­ last business, no matter how pel private businesses to discrim­ cial discrimination. ley, was arrested for obstnicting small, be compelled to stop dis­ inate. , . The Rev. Mprtin Luther King a police officer. He had stepped Jr., a Southern Integration leader, ATLANTIC CITY LEAD* criminating.
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