m A Panorama COVERING O f Local MMTNSHIM OP HOLMDBU MADIMM People And MA1UOVO, MATAWAN Events >: MATAWAN MMOIKM Mtmbtf f7Mi YEAR — 3rd WEEK MATAWAN, N. J .a THURSDAY, JULY IS. 1968 Editorial Aaaaetittaa SingW Copy Ton ConH Receive Bids For Major Road Uphold Levitt On Aerial View Of New Beaclifill Project Bus Bids Again b . Strathmore Stakes Are Too High Superior Court Suit Transportation Fund U n M a w Coalractlni Co;, Mat- Ruling Ii Msds In Budget Eiceeded W u , Moadty ■Ifht wbmitted • in> Md ol t& .M t for the raiur- Superior Court Judge Elvln R. Matawan Regional Board of Ed­ frcia# at Marly IM n i d i and Simmill Monday reverted a Mat­ ucation has failed a sccond timo tfra a ta ia the townahip. Three con- awan Township decision which to get bids on transportation for ths ftracMnMtMiittoi (eadera tor lb* would have required Levitt and 1965-66 school year that come within Sons Inc., developera of Strath­ | the $32,500 allocated for this pur­ | H i M m w M iccluded providing more, to Install surveyor's stakes pose in the budget. Edward Scul­ • l£4*cfcbituminous concrete iur- at the corners of 1900 individual lion, board secretary, said yester­ tacaaa anroximitely M major building lots, day the tabulation of bids opens! Ihorofira*. The I balance of the Levitt had brought the suit at a meeting Monday showed the to­ ftfw tr ia tbe r a d improvement against the Towns' Ip Committee, tal of all minimum bids on ten fraJaetwiU he treitedwlth tiplul- the Planning Board. Strathmore routes offered comes to around : oil and enuhfd ftoM.; - Civic Association, Township En­ $38,000. f Other bidder* included the Jan- gineer Karl F. Heuser, Robert The board took bids Apr, 26 and arooe Engineering Co., Matawan, Chestcrman and Herbert Parker, at that time the minimum figure in 1 and M.i J. Stavolt Inc., after the committee reversed the total of all quotations was about le d M ali, t4M,«7J. The Township planners and ordered the installa­ $37,500. These bids were later re­ Committee alio received alternate tion of the stakes. jected and the board readvertised. •ropoMla lo provide • oae-inch bl- Judge Simmill made- no mention Of the four operators entering tuminoui aurraca on streets as fol- in his decision of any possibility proposals, only Michael George of (Dtra: Manio, MM,#50; Jannarone, of a conflict ol interest on the Matawan bid for all 10 routes, sub­ iu t .t M and Stavola. $5*1,575. part of Township Committeeman mitting a total of (215 per day. ; Rafornd fe Eaj^aeor Jay Krivitsky or Township Attor­ This would make Mr. George’s ov­ ney Richurd T. Schwartz, who were erall bid $3S,700 for a 180-day school All bids were submitted to Town­ former members of the associa­ ship Engineer Karl F, Heuser for year. tion. Mr. Schwartz is also a former Bids Listed ttudy and recommendation. The attorney for the civic group. Committee indicated it will award Bids for school bus route 1 were: Decision Of Judge ' Contracts July 26, the date ol lls George, $34.50; Fred Welirle, Cliff­ "It in clour." he said, “ that ■ext meeting. It Is expected the %• wood, $30, and R. Helfrich & Son, stakes were not required specifi­ Keansburg, $3,9.85 . Inch' surfacing ' will be accepted cally hy the agreement (for finnl Since the township planned to li- For route 2 George bid $32 and subdivision approval). Helfrich 539.S5. Route 3 proposals 1 ■ tunce the work with a (Mt.MO bond “ Moreover, the (township) ordi­ were: Wehrle, $45; George, $W, and . Issue. ■ . ; ' ■ • nance that defendants claim-^re­ Clarence G. Hauser, Matawan, In other huiinesa, the townahip quires the installation is amhigu- $49.50. Bids for routes 4, 5 und 3 ^ a g r e e d to pay lit ahare of the ous in that it does not stnte with were: Wehrle, $M; George, $15.50, cost to provide a crossing guard at (continued on page four) the Liae Rd. grade crossing from 7 and Helfrich, $10.25. Wehrle and «.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through George bid $14 and $ 13. respective­ Fridays while the Lloyd ltd. bridge Dr. Ambrosio To ly, for route 7. across the New York and Long For route 8 Wehrle hid $14 and Branch Railroad Is being replaced. George $15. George bid $12.50 and Line Rd. is being used as a detour Open New Office Helfrich $10.25 for route 9. Bids on While work is in progress, route 10 w e r e: Hauser, $21.50; i Mrs. Eugenie Pizzi was appoint- Formerly Associated Wehrle, $20, and George, $19, ltd acting municipal court clerk at Painting Quotations a rata of U an hour. She will act W ith Dr. Captanian Quotations on painting work were lor Mrs. IMith Kern who ia vaca­ Dr. Michael Ambrosio, 4 Invar i submitted. Thomas Vena, Cliff­ tioning. • ■ . ■ : .. Way, Matawan, announces the op­ ! wood, offered to paint trim on th® ening of his office for general prac- I Matawan Memorial School at $709 and William Huron, ilazlct, nt $090. ^Moratorium On Ing at"3Ol0Chm'cliPsf!" Matrnvan!'™ j _ The Madison Township shoreline o,^ Haritan Bay, j beaches are Proving ^o be a popular attraction _ln j -"n,e ’quotations’ for \Tie'ciiffwood or about July 15. .| extendingi.............. westward....... J from..... Whale Creek, its............... natural. J n.-n.Madison once........ more. Matawan« ... .Township.......-ui rejectedi.— .., .l„the; Elementary. School. were ..................Vena $1140 Dr. Ambrosio, Matawan Town . j boundary with Matuwnn Township, shows un inviting; Engineers* proposal tn extend the project to Cliffwood! a'n({ }{l)ron $14Q0. ship Physician, was born in Jersey ; white expanse of sand as the result of filling oper-, Point as not justifying the cost to the municipality. purchase of 195 student desks and City and educated in Italy at the, aliens ol the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The (cont ’ued on page four) Holmdal Planner* : Told Iroottar N*«d WMsalag a a i recaaatnietloa al Atiaallc Ave. Irom Church St. to Grand Opening Ms New Yert aad Laag Breach Railrond is moving ahead rapidly and Borough Now Ready To Take A ‘‘moratorium” on the granting akailld'fee campleted M ere the cad el thia month. The aerial view af building permits for one-family the wMme4 right-of-way ef the street leading from Church St. Planned At Bank homes was proposed by Theodore (feetlam), past. Matawaa Regional High School to tne railroad bridge Trifdauer, -president of the Holm- at Ihe lop of Ibe pkata. The work IS being done by tevltt and Sons Inc, Title To Lake Front Property Renovations Completed del' Properly Owners Association, aader terms al an agreemeat with Matawan Township. before the township planning board Councilman Frank Ferrano Tues* the end of sunimer. It comprises perintendent, 5J2.000, (replacing the A t Central Jersey Offica Monday. Mr. Friedauer noted that day night reported the borough is t\w acres and has 600-foot frontage borough engineer and, building in­ <3 mdre houses had reached the spector) sewer and water depart­ There’s a new look on upper ready to take title to the Hamilton on the lake. There is aisu a house building permit stage with (he Traphagen Warns tract off Ravine Dr., fronting on ment foremen, $fi2H0 each. Salary ; Main St. in Matawan, with reno- and a barn standing on the proper* granting of final approval of three Lake* Lefferts, which is earmarked of tbe borough clerk, at $3210 Is I vation and expansion completed on Subdivisions that night. The proper­ ty- up S7C0 and the deputy clerk, $1920, | the Central Jersey Rank & Trust for use as a public park and ac­ Will Clear Beach ly owners' official noted this was cess to the lake. down $1280. Co. office. Although all work w ai Mr, Ferrano indicated the bor­ Wore than matched hy other maps Of Pardun Reneging The Borough Council authorized Council also adopted an ordinance | done with no interruption lo bank-, Being processed in the preliminary ough’s first task will be to clear appropriating $2000 to complete in­ j ing business, a grand opening of tha payment of $9500 lo Mrs. Madeline away underbrush and weed growth gUges. He foresaw the township's Mayor Henry E. Traphagen, Mat­ their attorney, William J. O'Hagan, stallation of a municipal radio sys­ j “ new” quarters will be held nexf Hamilton nt the closing expectcd on the lake shore to provide a ' tool problem vaulting and the tax awan Township, ;aid last night Asburiy Park, on further proced­ tem. The funds will permit council I Wednesday. Charles W. Mandeville, before the next meeting. The mo­ swimming beach area, lie also in­ situation becoming Increasingly ney represents the balance due the to purchase additional portable un­ j vice president and manager, (nviici that he is "totally dissatisfied" ures In the matter if there is no dicated a barn on the property grave. property owner. The property sale its from Motorola Inc., low bidder ' customers and neighbors to visit Mr. Friedauer proposed an ordi­ with the showing C. J. Pardun & betterment of the situation today. would he torn down to provide ad­ price whs $10,000. on an original contract to furnish the bank on lhat day. There wilt nance to match that being drawn Sons, Milltown, made this week The mayor, who is also executive ditional off-street parking space. be refreshments and souvenirs for DR. MICHAEL AMBKOSIO Mr. Ferrann said he hoped to the equipment. la Colt* Neck Township w h i c h towards resuming work on the in­ director of the sewerage authority, Mr.
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