48 U. S. Publishers Center Speaker Snub Nazi Book Fair THE JEWISH HERALD Cite Censorship of Science and Arts Vol. XII, No. 71 Prov., R. I., Fri., Jan. 28, 1938 5c The Copy New York - Leading book pub­ lishers of the United States wlll take no part in the International Council Petitions League Congress of Book Publishers to be held this year in Leipsig, "because • in Germany the book trade is gagged, as is the newspaper Palestine Artists to Presen t Asks Sal eguarding press."' Another reason is that Propa­ R ecital at Planta-tions Club Of Minority Rights ganda Minister Paul Goebels has Brachah Zfirah and Nahum Nar­ been made honorary sponsor for di, who will be presented in a song Charge P ersecution the congress for the declared pur­ recital of Palestinian and Orien­ By Goga Regime pose of showing the visitors ad­ tal folk lore on Wednesday eve­ vances made under Hitler. ning, February 2, at the Planta­ GENEVA-The World Jewish Called Puppets DR. MORDECAU EZEKIEL tions Auditorium, bring to Provi­ Congress circulated a 100-page "No German publisher will dare dence Jewry a new high in Pales­ petition among members of the at Leipsig to express opinions Dr. Ezekiel, economic adviser I tine musical art. League Council urging the League other than those dictated by the to the Secretary of Agriculture, Educated in Palestine, Brachah to act in behalf of 758,000 Jews National Socialist officials who will speak at the Jewish Com­ was graduated in 1925 from a rule the publishers," says a decla­ I • munity Center on Sunday eve­ school at Meier Shfeyeh, main­ threatened by the anti-Semitic ration signed by forty-eight out­ ning at 8:30 o'clock. He will tained by Junior Hadassah. Am­ program of the new government standing publishers of this coun­ have as his subject, "From bitious to go further, she went to of Rumania. try. Scarcity to Abundance." Berlin in 1927 and studied with The petition attacked the gov­ "It will be a display of ventrilo­ Max Reinhardt. ernment of Premier Octavian quism; the publishing trade will In Berlin she met a Palestinian Goga and charged it with having be the puppet, but the voice will from a different world, a Rus­ violated the 1919 minority treaty be the voice of German bureau­ Jewish !Problem Held sian born artist with a fine West- MICHEL GIBSON guaranteeing liberty and justice • cracy. for all. "Participation in a meeting in ern training in piano and musical Thal of All Mankind composition. Nahum Nardi had .with a series of recitations by A. The petition contained photo­ Germany, with all the implica­ come to Palestine after the World Steinbarg, Peretz and other Yid­ graphs reproducing "offensive tions of such co-operation, would Committee Report pictures published in the Ru- be a contradictions of the very War and immersed himself in dish poets. Points to World studying the remnants of Oriental The concert tour of these dis- manian governmental press" and essence of our function as publish~ testimony of ill treatment of ers!' Hebrew music, and in the idea of tinguished artists is under the aus­ New York-The world crisis writing genuine Palestine music, pices of the Jewish National Work­ Jews derived from Jewish, Eng­ facing J ews today is "part of the which would be modern, yet Ori­ ers' Alliance Branch, labor Zionist lish, French and German sources. • crisis confronting all mankind," ental. Since 1927, as husl;>and and fraternal order. The local re­ The document also charged that Claudelle Colbert the Rumanian government put declared the exequtive committee wife, they have worked together cital is being arranged for by the into practice anti-Semitic doc­ of the American Jewish Congress with increasing success. following committee: Henry Burt, Spurns Nazi .Wreath Zfirah and Nardi will tour joint­ chairman, S. Schprecher, treasur­ trines designed to remove Jews "It has been increasingly clear," ly with the international artist, er; Arthur Korman, secretary; entirely from Rumanian life. New York.-Claudette Colbert, the report stated, "that the prob- Michel Gibson, formerly of the Max Berman, Morris Beeber, Solo­ noted screen actress, refused to be !ems of Jews, never wholly absent Maurice Schwartz Art Theatre. mon Lightman. Harry Chaet and • photographed with a floral wreath from the world scene, have, dur­ Gibson will complete the program Joseph Bliler. Refugees to Run presented to her before sailing for ing the last year, been thrust in­ Europe on an Italian ship until a to a more conspicuous place, and Trains in Palestine swastika flag attached to the that those problems c-annot intel­ Cohens Numerically Lead I1i wreath was removed. When Miss ligently be dealt with except Jerusalem - American students Colbert was given the wreath she against the background of inter­ Who's Who in U. S. Jewry who may travel on Palestine rail­ national developments . noticed that it was decorated with New York.--Cohen is the most wens and one Kone for a total of. wa ys next year will not lack intel­ • many flags, among them the swas­ "The Nazi German government lectual conversation, if they chat has, since 1933, taken the lead ni frequently listed name among the 216. The names Levi and Levy, tika. When the photographers their variations runs second with conductors, baggage masters, tried to get her to pose with the tearing up t reaties, in undermin­ 10,000 in the new third edition of clerks or even members of the ing the independence of other Who's Who in American Jewry, 136. floral decoration she angrily re­ Classified by occupations, law­ crew. states, in starting a worldwide ar­ published by the fused until the swastika was re­ lead, numbering 1,521, or 17.9 The railways will run, accord­ maments r,ace, and in making war National News moved. In private life Miss Colbert cent. Among them are Louis ing to authoritative advices from and conquest the supreme goals Ass'n., Inc., 72 is the•wife of Dr. Joel Pressman, Brandeis and Benjamin N. Car­ Jerusalem, via Paris, by refugee of national policy.'" Fifth Ave. noted Jewish physician. Associate Justices of the German A. B.'s A. M.'s and Ph. There are 134 D's, who have just finished cour­ States Supreme Court. CATHOLIC IMl>RISONED of the Cohens, Queried by the editors abou; her ses in railroading under the aus­ to which may pices of the French Government Praha - The Leipzig Criminal in the book, Norma Shearer, Ahavalh Sholom be added forty- and have been aceepted by the Court today sentenced a Catholic lady .of the screen, who was British authorities of the man­ of mixed "Aryan" and Jewish an- six Cohns, nine- born Catholic, requested that she date with the approval of the local Jo Hold Carnival cestry to four months' imprison- teen Kohns, two be called Jewish. Miss Shearer, Jewish organizations. A bazaar, under the sponsor­ ment for hiding his part-Jewish Cohans, three wife of the late Irving Thalberg, origin when applying for a job, it Norma Shearer Cohons, six ship of the Ahavath Sholom Syn­ changed to her husband's religion was reported here. ,.Cones, two Cowans, three Co- • agogue, will be held in the vestry at the time of their marriage. Their two children are being raised Women's Committee of the Synagogue, corner Howell Pioneer Wonien to Cekbrate in the Jewish faith. and Scott streets. on the evenings of J anuary 30, 31 and February 1. At Center Io Meet Proceeds will be used for the B·arr-Mitzvah Year at Meeting R. I. State Grads . The annual meeting of the benefit of those children who can­ The Bar-Mitzvah year of the ond time as a delegate to the TO Honor Rep. Meade Women's Committee of the Jewish not afford to pay tuition at the Women Pioneers will be celebrated Zionist Cosgress. David G. Geffner is general Community Center will be held • Talmud Torah. An electric re­ At the Celebration Meeting, of­ frigP-rator will be given away. The by the local group on February 7 chairman for a testimonial dinner next Monday evening, January 31 ficers will be elected for the en­ public is cordially invited to at- Iat Zinn's Banquet_ Hall, at w~ich to be held on March 12 at the Nar- at 2:15 o'clock at the Jewish Com­ suing season. Mrs. Samuel Sur­ munilty Center. tend. - time, Mrs. Hessia Kupermmtz, dut is chairman of the affair. Can­ ragansett Hotel in honor of Rep. John E. Meade. The dinner is giv­ Mrs. L. Justin Huddish will give Palestinian pioneer, will be the tor Jacob Waid will entertain several dramatic readings; Louis Museum Presented !principal speaker. several vocal ~elections. en in recognition of the meri.tori­ • ous services renderedin behalf of Brouder will play several violin se­ Picture by Rothschild Having returned to this country Rhode Island State College. lections; and Melvin Chernick will last October from the 20th Zionist London.-The National Gallery's Others on the committee include describe some of the Center activi­ world-famous art collection this Congress, for which she was a Allen J . Strauss, H. Benton Rosen, ties. week was enriched by the addition delegate, Mrs. Kupermintz has Jules Zucker, Madelyn Marks, Ma­ Mrs. Louis I . Kramer will pre­ been touring the country, visiting tilda Litwin, Maxweil Waldman, sent her annual report as president of Van Dyck's celebrated "The Ab- the 125 An1encan · c l u b s of the be Scaglia Adoring Virgin and £rving Patt and Ruth SUverman. of the Womep.'s Committe. Pioneer Women's Organization.
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