47284 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 174 / Friday, September 6, 1996 / Rules and Regulations FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: October 7, 1996, except International Transcription Service, COMMISSION that the collection of information Inc., (202) 857±3800, 2100 M Street subject to approval by the Office of N.W., Suite 140, Washington, D.C. 47 CFR Parts 51 and 52 Management and Budget (OMB) that are 20037. contained in sections 51.211(c), 51.213, [CC Docket No. 96±98, 95±185, 92±237, FCC PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT: This Second 96±333] 51.217, 51.305(g), 51.307(e), 51.325, Report and Order contains either a new 51.327, 51.329, 51.331, 51.333, 51.335 or modified information collection. The Implementation of the Local and 52.19(b) which are effective Commission, as part of its continuing Competition Provisions of the November 15, 1996. effort to reduce paperwork burdens, Telecommunications Act of 1996 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For invites the general public and the Office information concerning Dialing Parity, of Management and Budget (OMB) to AGENCY: Federal Communications Nondiscriminatory Access and Network comment on the information collections Commission. Information Disclosure, contact Lisa contained in this order, as required by ACTION: Final rule. Boehley, (202) 418±2320, Network the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, SUMMARY: In enacting the Services Division, Common Carrier Public Law No. 104±13. OMB Telecommunications Act of 1996 (1996 Bureau. For information concerning notification of action is due September Act) Congress sought to establish a pro- Numbering Administration contact 6, 1996. Comments should address: (a) competitive, deregulatory national Marian Gordon, (202) 418±2320, whether the new or modified collection policy framework for the Network Services Division, Common of information is necessary for the telecommunications industry. In adding Carrier Bureau. proper performance of the functions of a new Section 251 to the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This the Commission, including whether the Communications Act of 1934, Congress Second Report and Order contains new information shall have practical utility; set forth a blueprint for ending or modified information collections (b) the accuracy of the Commission's monopolies in local subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance telecommunications markets. In this of 1995 (PRA). It has been submitted to the quality, utility, and clarity of the Second Report and Order the the Office of Management and Budget information collected; and (d) ways to Commission adopts rules implementing (OMB) for review under the PRA. OMB, minimize the burden of the collection of certain provisions of Section 251. the general public, and other federal information on the respondents Specifically, this order adopts rules agencies are invited to comment on the including the use of automated requiring local exchange carriers to proposed or modified information collection techniques or other forms of provide dialing parity and collections contained in this information technology. nondiscriminatory access to their proceeding. This is a synopsis of the OMB Approval Number: None. competitors; and requiring incumbent Commission's Second Report and Order Title: Implementation of the Local local exchange carriers to give public and Memorandum Opinion and Order, Competition Provisions of the notice of certain network changes. In (FCC 96±333) adopted on August 8, Telecommunications Act of 1996Ð addition, this order adopts rules 1996 and released on August 8, 1996. Second Report and Order and regarding number administration and The full text of this Order is available Memorandum Opinion and Order, CC addresses various petitions concerning for inspection and copying during Dockets No. 96±98 and 95±185. numbering issues. These actions will normal business hours in the FCC Form No.: N/A. serve to implement the statute, Reference Center (Room 239), 1919 M Type of Review: New Collections. eliminate operational barriers to Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. The Respondents: Business or other for- competition, and provide for effective complete text also may be purchased profit, including small businesses, and use of numbering resources. from the Commission's copy contractor, state and local governments. No. of Est. time per Total annual Section/title respondents response burden Dialing parity implementation plans ............................................................................................. 1,350 100 135,000 Justification for noncompliance .................................................................................................... 20 9 180 Sharing of directory listings .......................................................................................................... 500 36 18,000 Provision of technical information ................................................................................................ 500 24 12,000 Public notice of network changes ................................................................................................ 500 72 36,000 Burden of proof ............................................................................................................................ 75 8 600 Submission of area code relief plans ........................................................................................... 30 40 1,200 Total Annual Burden: 202,980. Table of Contents Table of ContentsÐContinued Estimated Costs Per Respondent: $0. Section Paragraph Section Paragraph Needs and Uses: The new or modified information collections in this Second I. Introduction and Overview 1 C. Actions Taken to Imple- Report and Order will be used to ensure A. Actions to Implement ment Section 251(e) ......... 18 that affected telecommunications Section 251(b)(3) .............. 4 II. Dialing Parity Requirements 22 carriers fulfill their obligations under 1. Dialing Parity ................ 4 A. In General ........................ 22 the Communications Act, as amended. 2. Nondiscriminatory Ac- 1. The Need for Minimum cess ................................ 12 Nationwide Dialing Par- Synopsis of Second Report and Order B. Actions to Implement ity Standards ................. 23 Adopted: August 8, 1996. Section 251(c)(5) ............... 16 a. Background and Released: August 8, 1996. Comments .................. 23 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 174 / Friday, September 6, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 47285 Table of ContentsÐContinued Table of ContentsÐContinued Table of ContentsÐContinued Section Paragraph Section Paragraph Section Paragraph b. Discussion ................. 25 G. Unreasonable Dialing b. Discussion ................. 151 2. Scope of the Dialing Delays ................................ 96 E. Unreasonable Dialing Parity Requirements ..... 26 III. Nondiscriminatory Access Delay ................................. 152 a. Background ............... 26 Provisions ............................. 97 1. Definition and Appro- b. Comments ................. 27 A. Definition of the Term priate Measurement c. Discussion ................. 29 ``Nondiscriminatory Ac- Methods ......................... 152 B. Implementation of the cess'' .................................. 97 a. Background and Toll Dialing Parity Re- 1. Background ................... 97 Comments .................. 152 2. Comments ..................... 98 quirements ........................ 31 b. Discussion ................. 156 3. Discussion ..................... 101 1. Presubscription Method 2. Specific Technical B. Nondiscriminatory Ac- of Achieving Toll Dial- Standard for Dialing cess to Telephone Num- ing Parity ....................... 31 Delay .............................. 163 a. Background ............... 31 bers .................................... 106 1. Definition ...................... 106 a. Background and b. Comments ................. 33 Comments .................. 163 c. Discussion ................. 34 2. Commission Action to Enforce Access to Tele- b. Discussion ................. 164 2. Categories of Domestic, IV. Network Disclosure ........... 165 Long Distance Traffic phone Numbers ............. 107 A. Scope of Public Notice ... 166 Subject to C. Nondiscriminatory Ac- 1. Definition of ``Informa- Presubscription ............. 35 cess to Operator Services 108 tion Necessary for a. Background ............... 35 1. Definition of ``Operator Transmission and Rout- b. Comments ................. 36 Services'' ....................... 108 a. Background and ing'' ................................ 166 c. Discussion ................. 37 Comments .................. 108 a. Background and 3. Separate b. Discussion ................. 110 Comments .................. 166 Presubscription for 2. Definition of ``Non- International Calls ........ 43 b. Discussion ................. 171 discriminatory Access a. Background and 2. Definition of ``Services'' 175 to Operator Services'' ... 112 Comments .................. 43 a. Background and a. Background ............... 112 b. Discussion ................. 45 Comments .................. 175 b. Comments ................. 113 b. Discussion ................. 176 4. Full 2-PIC c. Discussion ................. 114 Presubscription Method 46 3. Definition of ``Inter- 3. Commission Action to operability'' ................... 177 a. Background ............... 46 Ensure Nondiscrim- a. Background and b. Comments ................. 48 inatory Access to Oper- Comments .................. 177 c. Discussion ................. 49 ator Services .................. 119
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