ewy lkaaf[;dh Basic Statistics 2019-20 1. DEMOGRAPHIC — v.Meku vkSj fudksckj }hilewg A & N ISLANDS \ Table —1.1 ftyk] rglhy rFkk iapk;rh jkt laLFkku District, Tehsil and Panchayati Raj Institutions xzke iapk;r ftyk ifj"kn ftyk District rglhy Tehsil Gram Panchayat Zilla Parishad fMxyhiqj Diglipur 15 1 mRrj o e/; v.Meku Mayabunder 8 - North & Middle Andaman ek;kcanj jaxr Rangat 14 - iksVZ Cys;j Port Blair 6 1 nf{k.k v.Meku Qjkjxat Ferrargunj 19 - South Andaman fyfVy v.Meku 5 - Little Andaman dkj fudksckj - - Car Nicobar fudksckj Nicobar uudkSjh Nancowrie - - xzsV fudksckj 3 - Great Nicobar Total A & N Islands 70 2 Table —1.2 tula[;k 1901 ls Population of A & N Islands Since 1901 Census Andaman Nicobar A&N % Decadal Variation Year Islands A & N Islands Andaman Nicobar 1901 18138 6511 24649 -- - - 1911 17641 8818 26459 (+) 7.34 (-) 2.74 (-) 35.43 1921 17814 9272 27086 (+) 2.37 (+) 0.98 (+) 5.15 1931 19223 10240 29463 (+) 8.78 (+) 7.91 (+) 10.44 1941 21316 12452 33768 (+) 14.61 (+) 10.89 (+) 21.60 1951 18962 12009 30971 (-) 8.28 (-) 11.04 (-) 3.56 1961 48985 14563 63548 (+) 105.19 (+) 58.33 (+) 21.27 1971 93468 21665 115133 (+) 81.17 (+) 90.81 (+) 48.77 1981 158287 30454 188741 (+) 63.93 (+) 69.35 (+) 40.57 1991 241453 39208 280661 (+) 48.70 (+) 52.54 (+) 28.74 2001 314084 42068 356152 (+) 26.90 (+) 30.08 (+) 7.29 2011 Census % Variation South N & M A & N A & N South Nicobar N & M Nicobar Andaman Andaman Islands Islands Andaman Andaman 238142 105597 36842 380581 6.86 14.23 (-) 0.015 (-) 12.42 Note :- Andaman District was bifurcated into South Andaman and North & Middle Andaman in 2006. Table —1.3 tula[;k ?kuRo Density of Population in A & N Islands (As per census) o"kZ Year 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 t-?kuRo Density 3 3 3 4 4 4 8 14 23 34 43 46 5 vkfFkZd vkSj lkaf[;dh; funs'kky; Directorate of Economics and Statistics ewy lkaaf[;dh Basic Statistics 2019-20 ., Table —1.4 ftysokj@rglhyokj tula[;k District &Tehsil-wise Population (As per Census) ftyk@rglhy iq#"k Male efgyk Female dqy Total Percentage District / Tehsil 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 Variation (%) N&M Andaman 56057 54861 49556 50736 105613 105597 (-) 0.015 Diglipur 22617 22599 20260 20584 42877 43183 0.71 Mayabunder 12748 13329 11164 12459 23912 25788 7.85 Rangat 20692 1893318132 17693 38824 36626 (-)5.66 South Andaman 114262 127283 94209 110859 208471 238142 14.23 Port Blair 78822 89411 63495 76343 142317 165754 16.47 Little Andaman 9540 9964 7988 8859 17528 18823 7.38 Ferrargunj 25900 27908 22726 25657 48626 53565 10.16 Nicobar 22653 20727 19415 16115 42068 36842 (-)12.42 Car Nicobar 10663 9735 9629 8106 20292 17841 (-)12.08 Nancowrie 7288 5967 6274 4667 13562 10634 (-)21.59 Great Nicobar 4702 5025 3512 3342 8214 8367 1.86 Total 192972 202871 163180 177710 356152 380581 6.86 Source : Census 2011 Table—-1.5 ftysokj {ks=Qy] tula[;k rFkk vuqlwfpr tutkfr tula[;k District-wise Area, Households, Population & ST Population (2011 Census) Total / No. of vuqlwfpr tutkfr Area dqy tula[;k Total Population District Rural / House- ftyk (Sq Km.) Scheduled Tribes Urban holds Person Male Female Person Male Female Total 2672.00 59064 238142 127283 110859 4091 2118 1973 nf{k.k v.Meku Rural 2640.03 23767 97395 52103 45292 2286 1229 1057 South Andaman Urban 31.97 35297 140747 75180 65567 1805 889 916 mRrj rFkk e/; Total 3736.00 26199 105597 54861 50736 758 415 343 v.Meku Rural 3730.05 25475 102856 53457 49399 748 410 338 N & M Andaman Urban 5.95 724 2741 1404 1337 10 5 5 Total 1841.00 9288 36842 20727 16115 23681 12198 11483 fudksckj Nicobar Rural 1841.00 9288 36842 20727 16115 23681 12198 11843 Urban -- - - - - - - - Total 8249.00 94551 380581 202871 177710 28530 14731 13799 v.Meku fudksckj Rural 8211.08 58530 237093 126287 110806 26715 13837 12878 A & N Islands Urban 37.92 36021 143488 76584 66904 1815 894 921 Table—-1.6 iksVZ Cys;j 'kgj dh tula[;k Population of Port Blair Town tux.kuk o"kZ Census Year tula[;k Population Decadal Variation % of Decadal Variation 1951 7789 - - 1961 14075 (+) 6286 (+) 80.70 1971 26218 (+) 12143 (+) 86.27 1981 49634 (+) 23416 (+) 89.31 1991 74955 (+) 25321 (+) 51.02 2001 99984 (+) 25029 (+) 33.39 2011 108058 (+) 8074 (+) 8.07 Table— 1.7 Differently-abled Population in A & N Islands fodykaxrk dk izdkj Population as per Population as per Census 2011 Type of Disability Census 2001 (%) Total (%) Male Female ns[kus esa In Seeing 3321 (47.1) 1084 (16.27) 598 486 cksyus esa In Speech 652 (9.2) 531 (7.97) 316 215 lquus esa In Hearing 545 (7.7) 1219 (18.30) 664 555 vkoktkgh esa In Movement 1870 (26.5) 1593 (23.91) 1043 550 ekufld :i ls Mental illness 669 (9.5) 364 (5.46) 163 201 Mental retardation - 294 (4.41) 160 134 vU; izdkj Any other - 838 (12.58) 490 348 fofo/k Multiple Disability - 737 (11.06) 427 310 dqy Total 7057 (100) 6660 (100) 3861 2799 (%) - Percentage to total Disabled Population 6 vkfFkZd vkSj lkaf[;dh; funs'kky; Directorate of Economics and Statistics ewy lkaaf[;dh Basic Statistics 2019-20 Table —1.9 rglhyokj fyaxkuqikr Table —1.8 Sex Ratio fyax vuqikr Tehsil-wise Sex Ratio tux.kuk No. of Females per 1000 Males No. of Females per 1000 Males o"kZ A & N Rkglhy Census Andaman Nicobar 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 Year Islands Tehsil 1901 318 197 841 Diglipur 793 845 854 896 911 1911 352 197 825 Mayabunder 707 791 856 876 935 1921 303 146 769 Rangat 632 766 842 876 935 1931 495 348 881 Port Blair 560 708 781 809 854 1941 574 433 891 Little Andaman -- --- -- 837 889 1951 625 489 900 Ferrargunj 609 786 854 877 919 1961 617 554 872 Car Nicobar 902 928 902 903 833 1971 644 615 784 Nancowrie 618 704 783 816 782 1981 760 750 811 Campbell Bay -- -- -- 741 665 1991 818 815 840 Note : Figures as per Census 2011. 2001 846 844 857 2011 876 871* 925** 777 * South Andaman ** N & M Andaman Table —1.10 Religion-wise Population in A & N Islands Religion / Census Year 2011 Hindu 264296 Muslim 32413 Christian 80984 Sikh 1286 Buddhist 338 Jain 31 Others Religions 564 Religion not stated 669 Total 380581 Table —1.11 Population by Marital Status Item / Census Year 1981 1991 2001 2011 Total Population of A & N Islands 188741 280661 356152 380581 fookfgr Total Married Persons 78767 118150 161737 192735 a. iq#"k Male 43846 62006 84492 100341 b. efgyk Female 34921 56144 77245 92394 rykd ;qDr Total Divorced or Separated Person 562 408 1429 2108 a. iq#"k Male 234 185 596 912 b. efgyk Female 328 223 833 1196 7 vkfFkZd vkSj lkaf[;dh; funs'kky; Directorate of Economics and Statistics ewy lkaaf[;dh Basic Statistics 2019-20 Table —1.12 District-wise Population by Marital Status (2011 Census) UT/ District Marital Status Person Male Female A & N Islands Total Population 380581 202871 177710 Never married 170177 98582 71595 Married 192735 100341 92394 Widowed 15561 3036 12525 Divorced+Separated 2108 912 1196 South Andaman Total Population 238142 127283 110859 Never married 105095 61199 43896 Married 122966 64203 58763 Widowed 8819 1367 7452 Divorced+Separated 1262 514 748 North & Middle Andaman Total Population 105597 54861 50736 Never married 47664 27090 20574 Married 52258 26334 25924 Widowed 4904 1077 3827 Divorced+Separated 771 360 411 Nicobar Total Population 36842 20727 16115 Never married 17418 10293 7125 Married 17511 9804 7707 Widowed 1838 592 1246 Divorced+Separated 75 38 37 Table — 1.13 Population by Age Group (2011 Census) vk;q oxZ dqy Total xzkeh.k Rural 'kgjh Urban Age Group Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female 0 to 6 40878 20770 20108 26415 13370 13045 14463 7400 7063 7 to 10 25381 12991 12390 15961 8219 7742 9420 4772 4648 11 to 14 26416 13510 12906 16790 8460 8330 9626 5050 4576 15 to 18 26504 13864 12640 16390 8583 7807 10114 5281 4833 19 to 24 43637 22930 20707 26519 13715 12804 17118 9215 7903 25 to 29 41722 22230 19492 25558 13675 11883 16164 8555 7609 30 to 34 35723 19359 16364 21811 11945 9866 13912 7414 6498 35 to 39 32842 17170 15672 19802 10424 9378 13040 6746 6294 40 to 44 26735 14813 11922 15959 8921 7038 10776 5892 4884 45 to 49 23861 13270 10591 14432 7991 6441 9429 5279 4150 50 to 54 17296 9710 7586 10675 5987 4688 6621 3723 2898 55 to 59 13794 7870 5924 8662 4889 3773 5132 2981 2151 60 to 64 10376 5807 4569 7102 3899 3203 3274 1908 1366 65 to 69 6226 3430 2796 4469 2477 1992 1757 953 804 70 to 79 6349 3673 2676 4511 2639 1872 1838 1034 804 80 to 89 1923 1016 907 1440 794 646 483 222 261 90 to 100+ 550 263 287 417 198 219 133 65 68 Age not stated 368 195 173 180 101 79 188 94 94 Total UT 380581 202871 177710 237093 126287 110806 143488 76584 66904 Table — 1.14 tula[;k ?kuRo rglhyokj Tehsil–wise Density of Population Census Year ftyk District Rkglhy Tehsil 1981 1991 2001 fMxyhiqj Diglipur 18 27 48 mRrj rFkk e/; v.Meku ek;kcanj Mayabunder 10 16 18 North & Middle Andaman jaxr Rangat 23 31 36 iksVZ Cys;j Port Blair 38 61 79 nf{k.k v.Meku Qjkjxat Ferrargunj 26 36 45 South Andaman fyfVy v.Meku Little Andaman -- --- 24 dkj fudksckj Car Nicobar 120 150 157 fudksckj Nicobar uudkSjh Nancowrie 8 12 13 xzsV fudksckj Great Nicobar ---- --- 7 va- rFkk fu- }hilewg A & N Islands 22 34 43 8 vkfFkZd vkSj lkaf[;dh; funs'kky; Directorate of Economics and Statistics ewy lkaaf[;dh Basic Statistics 2019-20 Table — 1.15 Distribution of Worker Population by Major Activities (Census 2011) izeq[k xfrfof/k;ka dqy xzkeh.k 'kgjh % on total Major Activities Total Rural Urban dqy dehZ Total Workers 152535 94469 58066 40.08 1.
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