S98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 9, 2003 law in 1982 that stated that it would do of students in a classroom doesn’t young athletes on yet another great so. It legally bound itself to providing make any difference. Anybody who has championship season. 40 percent of the cost of special edu- tried to teach kids knows it makes a I want to recognize the Raiders’ cation. difference. I have been to 150 more coach, Larry Kehres, for his dedication Today, nationwide it is 16 percent; in schools in Minnesota, and anybody who and commitment to the school and to other words, less than half of the prom- doesn’t know they are substandard and the team. He has just been named the ise that was made. dangerously decrepit—they can cite all AFCA Division III National Coach of For my State of Minnesota, that dif- the statistics they want, but they are the Year, making him the first coach ference amounts to over $200 million a not looking at reality. Anybody who to win 7 national coach of the year year in tax money, in funding for edu- thinks the schools are over funded and awards. Mr. President, this is an un- cation that has to be made up by tax that teachers who are averaging $40,000 precedented accomplishment. I con- money in Minnesota, with more regres- nationwide are overpaid should spend a gratulate Coach Kehres and his entire sive property taxes, State income day, a week, or a year in a school and coaching staff. I wish him and the Pur- taxes—money that Minnesota does not see what that job is about, see the kids ple Raiders and their fans all the best have and many other States don’t from all different backgrounds and for next season and for many years to have. countries with different languages and come. Now, I heard my friend from New capabilities—no wonder test scores are Mr. President, I also congratulate Hampshire recite a great number of affected. Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel, statistics that purported to dem- Anybody who thinks we are over who was named this season’s Division onstrate how much the Federal Gov- funding public education is off in an- 1–A National Coach of the Year. This is ernment has increased its funding for other world. In Minnesota and in other the third time Coach Tressel has been education. The problem with the num- States where funds are not and will not recognized as national coach of the bers of percentage of increase is the ac- be available through property taxes year, and deservedly so. He is a man tual base in many of these programs— and State taxes, the question is, Who who already has a lifetime coaching the measure was quite low. In fact, the will help us out? The Federal Govern- record of 142 wins, 62 losses, and 2 ties. Federal share for funding of all of K–12 ment has these tax cuts for the He has coached previous teams at education has been 7 percent. The wealthiest people, and we are saying to Youngstown State University to 4 na- State and local governments have been these kids: No, I am sorry, you go your tional championships and has qualified obligated to pick up the rest. For most own way, you suffer, we are not going for the Division 1–AA playoffs a re- of the time it has been desirable be- to put computers on your desks to en- markable 10 times in the past. He is a cause it has maintained local control able you to succeed. We are going to native Ohioan who graduated cum laud of our schools. But you can increase a test you and find out how you are in 1975 from another fine Ohio institu- low number by a high percent and still doing and use the bully pulpit. It is no tion of higher learning, Baldwin Wal- have a low number. wonder good teachers are leaving. Who lace College. Coach Jim Tressel I heard lots of blaming of the pre- would want to stay when that is going stresses academics, athletics, and com- vious administration, that they should on. This next year is about priorities munity responsibility. When Jim have spent more for education. I would for this country, priorities on how we Tressel took over as head coach of Ohio say, having come 2 years ago, probably will spend the money and the resources State, he said this: it should have done so. Probably the we have. That debate should continue. The two greatest days in our student-ath- last 25 years of administrations should I yield the floor. letes lives should be the day they walk have spent more for education—cer- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under across the stage to receive their diploma and tainly in special education they should the previous order, the Senator from the day they slip a championship ring on have honored that promise when it was Ohio is recognized for 15 minutes. their finger. made and kept it. The priority of the Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Because of Coach Tressel’s dedication last administration, almost by neces- unanimous consent to follow the Sen- to his athletes, many of the players on sity, was to bring this country out of ator from Ohio for 15 minutes. Ohio State’s football team have and deficits, to put this country back in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without will accomplish both of these great sound fiscal condition, to put the So- objection, it is so ordered. honors. cial Security surplus money in a f Mr. President, I am sure many of my lockbox so it would, therefore, meet colleagues watched last week’s Ohio TRIBUTE TO OHIO COLLEGE present and future retirements. State-University of Miami game. What FOOTBALL TEAMS I believe I heard the Senator from a great game it was. Both teams played New Hampshire say that in all of those Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I am very well, and both schools can be very 8 years, this country was operating in a very proud, as the 108th Congress gets proud. I know that Senator REID and surplus. That is not the case. underway today, to pay tribute to the Senator MCCONNELL certainly watched The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- awesome accomplishments of this sea- the game. They have both already ator has used up his time. son’s Ohio State University football come to the floor to talk about it. I Mr. DAYTON. Mr. President, I ask team—a team that, after what was cer- thank them for their remarks on the unanimous consent to have 2 more tainly one of the greatest games in col- floor earlier in the week. minutes to finish my remarks. lege football history, clinched the 2002 I was pleased to join my friend and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without National Collegeiate Football Cham- colleague from Ohio, Senator GEORGE objection, it is so ordered. pionship title. This recent distinction VOINOVICH, in sponsoring a resolution Mr. DAYTON. Certainly we should represents Ohio State’s fifth outright honoring the team’s achievement. This have spent more. President Bush, to national football title. resolution commends not only the en- the extent he has spent more money— It is a great privilege, also, to rep- tire Ohio State athletic department, and he has—for special education, resent a State that is home to many but also recognizes the support and boosting the Federal share from 12 to outstanding schools and numerous past dedication of the Ohio State marching 16 percent, I give him credit for doing national champions of college football. band, the cheerleaders, the students, so. In Alliance, OH, for example, we have the administration, the board of trust- But I am not concerned about who is the Mount Union College Purple Raid- ees, the faculty, the alumni, the City of right. I am concerned about doing what ers. This exceptional football team Columbus, the entire State of Ohio, is right. I am concerned about what is ended the year with a 14 and 0 record, and all of the great fans. Indeed, this right for the schoolchildren of this Na- winning the division III national cham- season and last week’s championship tion. I speak as a former schoolteacher pionship for the sixth time in 7 years. game represent the culmination of a who taught in a public school in New The team is 109 and 1 in the last 11 year of hard work and a true team ef- York City with 32 children in the class- regular seasons. Since 1990, the Raiders fort. room. It was the toughest job I ever have won an incredible 162 out of 170 Mr. President, anyone who watched had. I heard them say that the number games. So I congratulate these fine last week’s game will tell you it was an VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:15 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S09JA3.REC S09JA3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY January 9, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S99 unbelievably tense game. Ohio State drews, Redgie Arden, Bryce Bishop, Mike begin a new Congress, and the Presi- entered the game at least an 111⁄2-point Bogart, Jason Bond, LeAndre Boone, Joe dent traveled to my State of Illinois, to underdog. The team’s defense was cer- Bradley, Bobby Britton, Jason Caldwell, Chicago, to announce his proposal for Bobby Carpenter, Drew Carter, Angelo tainly key in putting Ohio State into a Chattams, Bam Childress, Maurice Clarett, an economic stimulus.
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