www.ukrweekly.com |i Hh published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! Ukrainian Weekl ї Vol. L! No. 25 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1983 25 cents Reagan commentsSuprem e Assembly OKs 549,700 in scholarships years. The situation which arose after, to 'Let us remember and make others on Great Famine 127,000 voted for donations the 13th UCCA Congress created di- aware' of this famine, and it especially WASHINGTON - President Ro­ KERHONKSON, N.Y. - On the visiveness in the Ukrainian community calls for their mass participation in the nald Reagan, in a June 14 letter to final day of its deliberations, Friday, in the United' States, and it is now demonstration and memorial concert UNA Supreme President John O. June 10, the Ukrainian National Asso­ spreading to the entire Ukrainian planned and organized by the National Flis, commented on The Weekly's ciation's Supreme Assembly voted to community in the diaspora. Committee for Sunday, October 2, in special issue devoted to the Great allocate 549,700 in scholarships to "Therefore, we approve all efforts to Washington." Famine of 1932-33 and noted: "We needy and qualified students, and to date of the UNA Supreme Executive (The full text of all resolutions and should never forget the brutality and donate 527,000 to various Ukrainian Committee and charge it with continu­ recommendations adopted by the Su­ inhumanity of a system that ... community organizations. ing these efforts until the successful re- preme Assembly will be published in the induced this holocaust by starva­ Also on that day, the Supreme As­ establishment of a representative insti­ next issue of The Weekly.) tion." sembly approved an annual budget or tution that would satisfy the goals and As reported earlier, the Supreme The full text of the letter follows. 58,650,000 (based on anticipated in­ wishes of the Ukrainian community in Assembly's annual meeting was attend­ come), with expenses totalling the United States." ed by UNA supreme officers, auditors, 57,650,000. The resolution on the Great Famine advisors and honorary members of the The sum allocated for scholarships stated: Supreme Assembly. The sessions were "1 read with great interest the includes awards to 173 students and "The Supreme Assembly of the U- convened on Monday, June 6, and special issue of The Ukrainian Week­ stipends of 5500 each to three Ukrai­ krainian National Association com­ continued through Friday, June 10. ly devoted to recalling the horrors of nian high schools in the United States: mends all efforts to date of the Supreme the terrible famine half a century ago. Immaculate Conception in Hamtramck, Executive Committee to appropriately Yuzyk honored Wt should never forget the brutality Mich., St. George in New York City, "remember and make others aware" of and inhumanity of a system that did and St. Basil in Stamford, Conn. the Communist Russian famine inflict­ Wednesday's sessions, as reported not merely permit but actually in­ The Supreme Assembly also approv­ ed on Ukraine 50 years ago and its earlier, were devoted to the matter of duced this holocaust by starvation in ed several resolutions pertaining to millions of Ukrainian victims. the Ukrainian National Association- the 'breadbasket of Europe.' Ukrainian community life, including "The UNA Supreme Assembly espe­ Ukrainian Fraternal Association mer­ "I share with you the hope that the one which approved the Supreme Exe­ cially commends the decision of the ger. Also on that day, Supreme As­ Ukrainian people and all the people cutive Committee's efforts at re-esta­ Supreme Executive Committee to, sembly members took time out to honor who yearn for freedom and the blishing a representative central or­ jointly with the Ukrainian Research Sen. Paul Yuzyk, the UNA`s supreme recognition of their full human ganization for U.S. Ukrainians and Institute at Harvard University, ensure director for Canada, on the occasion of dignity will one day realize their another which calls on all UNA mem­ the publication of the documentary the 20th anniversary of his appointment dreams. God bless you." bers to participate and support actions history of this famine written by Dr. to the Canadian Senate, the 50th anni­ in observance of the tragic 50th anni­ Robert Conquest, as well as the active versary of his scholarly career and his versary of the Great Famine in Ukraine. involvement of the Ukrainian National 70th birthday. Also noted was the fact The text of the resolution concerning Association in the actions of the Na­ that Sen. Yuzyk had recently been Rumania sides with West a central organization in the United tional Committee to Commemorate named a knight of St. Gregory by Pope States is as follows: Genocide Victims in Ukraine 1932-33. John Paul II. at stalled Madrid parley "Unity of the Ukrainian community "The Supreme Assembly of the U- UNA Supreme Vice President Myron has been the foundation of the existence krainian National Association calls on B. Kuropas provided a brief c v'erview of MADRID — In a surprise move, the and activity of the UNA for nearly 90 all its members to support every action (Continued on page 3) Rumanian delegation to the Madrid Conference to review compliance with Щ , J the 1975 Helsinki agreement broke fc' ” j `' V ''і 'і– ranks with its Warsaw Pact allies on - f June 3 and announced that it accepts Western amendments to a proposed concluding document. The dramatic development came less than a month after the Soviet delegation т said that it would accept a draft for a ,-л^.ф `^t`` :, - ф ' concluding document put forth by щк ` professed natural and non-aligned HJr^`^. -ж! И m^ ^щ ki`mmff? .ffm countries aimed at breaking the dead­ І ЩФ -`I^?JL - ^Ll. lock at the 35-country conference, 1 чШ-''t '-fflf ^^ which has been meeting here for two ffif У і ЇЙ ` і "” L.J 4 ШШ^'іШР^' mWІ.І ` Щ j ;-„ і and a half years. The document, how­ Ш ' - Ш Vi ever, was opposed by the United States л. Sfe фщ^в щЬ f 4 "” чак^"' ^ 1 щ^шИ^^Щ–: and the NATO allies because of its ym -t-gvflM ttfe^i' І О-^^яй '' ШШІШjttib ,ot noncommital language on human rights ^Р^Ш^Щ^^ШЙРЩГ'^^ШЛяЯШШШіЖіи and because it virtually ignored a group of 14 amendments offered by the 1 fig Western delegations last November. f fipS ч^ і її 3^ L JF ТШт The West had demanded that a ? /рь У щ g? Ж Шг і concluding document include such „ Ч/ ^ provisions as an end to radio jamming, ' the right for workers to form free trade ' ЛМІ - щЛ' '' unions and official permission for local citizens to establish public groups to `-^f^"^ ''...^` ' !йзг-– гв^,Ш-^г \,.- .^ monitor compliance with the Helsinki 0^^^ ,.. ^ Accords. In agreeing to support the Western .Л : amendments, the Rumanian delegation ' ? : ` Л. -ь ^ "^ . „ ifc; --. „ "г--. said its primary interest was a speedy (Continued on page 14) Participants of the 1983 annual meeting of the UNA Supreme Assembly at Soy uzi visa. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1983 No. 25 Dissident profile Literary translator, risking career, agrees to head embattled Solzhenitsyn fund The Rev. Vasyl Romaniuk: NEW YORK - A highly respected Valery Repin, a 32-year-old former literary translator, whose work has been journalist and the fund's Leningrad freed from exile extensively published in official publica­ administrator. tions, has risked certain persecution by Mr. Repin, who had been charged JERSEY CITY, N.J. - When the volunteering to administer the outlawed Rev. Vasyl Romaniuk, a 57-year-old with treason, received the relatively Russian Social Fund, which assists mild sentence of two years' imprison­ Orthodox priest and member of the political prisoners and their families. Ukrainian Helsinki Group, was ment and three years' internal exile after released from exile in Yakutia early Andrei Kistiakovsky, 47, a resident of publicly recanting his views on a TV last year, he had served a total of 10 Moscow whose translations of Faulkner, broadcast and testifying in court that he years' imprisonment and exile. He C.P. Snow, Ezra Pound and Flannery was a "thoughtless pawn" of, the U.S. was reported to be in extremely poor O'Connor have made him a key figure Central Intelligence Agency. health, and there were unconfirmed on the Soviet literary scene, said in a Addressing the Repin confession, reports that he had recanted his statement received by Natalia Sol­ Mr. Kistiakovsky said in his statement view's. News from Ukraine, a Soviet zhenitsyn, president of the fund in the that Mr. Repin and his wife "said a lot newspaper distributed only in the West, that he considered it his moral of nonsense about themselves and their West', ran a letter purportedly written duty to manage the fund's operations. former friends." He added that he by the priest in which he said that he "could only sympathize with them,"and renounced his previous human- In an excerpt of Mr. Kistiakovsky's would leave "self-slander and calumny rights and nationalist activities, and text released here by Freedom House, a to the Repins' own conscience." wanted to be left alone. human-rights monitoring group, he It is impossible to verify whether rebuked Soviet allegations that the Mr. Kistiakovsky also reiterated that the Rev. Romaniuk actually wrote The Rev. Vasyl Romaniuk fund, set-up by novelist Alexander the fund is only a charity group funded the letter. The Soviets have been Solzhenitsyn in 1974 before his expul­ by the royalties from the "Gulag Archi­ known to plant such letters to dis­ "anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ sion from the USSR, was little more pelago" and "voluntary contributions courage human-rights activists in the ganda." than a front for foreign intelligence made by individual citizens." agencies.
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