CRUISING; a film of real life and death of New York G A Y S‘For .... Gays Only’ .... The people leading ‘The Constitution isn’t stamped the sit-downs and whistle-blowing againstainst the film will lose their war for equal- ity if they manage to win their battle5 for censorship!”....these were the words of columnist Allan Wolper in a New YorlYork weekly newspaper, commenting on the demonstrations against the film “Cruising” which is about New York s gay communities problems in the late sixties and early seventies. The film revolves around the castration killings of several gays who wandered at night in the area of Central;ntral Park1 called, the “Ramble” which abounds with ys searching for hot action in the night hours, and who suddenly found Semsetves the target of a deranged kiUer who would kill the unsuroectins i while having sex, ror instence, as one scene shows, the undercover New Yorx I'Cop, playetTby A1 Pacino, ana the killer stalking each other, for presumably a exiisl encounter, in which they enter a dark tunnel in the park, and both ^o- ■ rop their pants, (“How big are you?” “Party size. “What are you into?” “I’ll go anywhere.'’ “ Do me first.” “Hips or lips?” “Go for it!” ) And I both reach for the'ir knives, but the cop kills the madman lust, and as the kil' ler dies, he stares at the cop believing that the cop was his father. One scene in the fUm shows the killer stabbing a man in the back as he is sock­ ing it to him sexually. The deranged killer then cuts off the you-know-what and stuffs it into the mouth of the victim. Sick? Yes, but so are many people in society, straight and gay, after all, remember Charles Manson, a straight man who killed?, and the ‘Texas Chainsaw Murders?” Yes, society on both sides has its sickies. Now the film, “Cruising” is about these killihgs which were a matter of fact in New York City. And today, the ‘Ramble’ area of Central Puk is still a very dangerous area to go into at night, even tho in the daytime it is filled with gays sunning themselves and doing whatever comes naturally in the bushes. In one of the many hot scenes from “L A . TOOL & DIE" at the Nob Hill Cinema, Producer William Friedkin also directed the film “The Boys in the Band,” youngCHUCK McCORD is about to be a good-buddy to BOB BLOUNT. which was a ‘first’ in that it brought homosexuality to the stage and the screro instead of being a whispered about ‘thing.’ Yet, it was not the imaM many of us gays would Hke to see portrayed, it was a start in those days, and not to be condemned by today’s standards as some militants are doing. 'Tn the gay world, there is an unhappy phenomenon where anyone who does The violent demonstrations by gays against the production of the film while anything or aooomplishes anything at all is immediataly pilloried and condemned it was being filmed on location m Nfw York City has been condemned by ......... this phenomenon exists annong any repressed people; we are taught to hate s fear the film will bring each other. And the ruling white males never have to worry about attacking our ideas; among us there is always someoiw to do their work." Fag Rag, 1974. It is to be pointed out that a “candyi-man Correll and Wayne Henlev" of the I alayhigs in Houston a few yeara back ia something that will b ra g down I repressionBaakm onicker.quicker, for this was gays killing young boys after they had sex with them and buryingI their' bodies all over Houston. And then the case of one I John Wayne Gacy ot Cl.'hkOTo, who killed almost three dozen youths whom he buried in his lawn, in thei basement and elsewhere. Now it is acts suA as thea< wfaidi bring down repression upon gays quicker than any film such as CruWng MUNI FARE HIKE Hj\LT could ever do. If anything, ‘Cruising’ builds a subtle sympathy for gays who I are the victims iin------------- thw film,, which -----------------------.. is different. But, some of the scenes of New I York barr gay life is what the protestors are really heped iroms aabout, an attempt PROTESTS SET by radicalfeministsaffeminists to try and end the “^“SAM” M ” laestyle.iBestyle. The aado-nurochistK; I' side■ • of- —life is• something- • thatthst “iwoDer”“proper” gays and feminists whowh fear their own Seven! citizen ooeHtkms ere being fontied M u n i masculinity more than anything else, is what they are really bymg to halt. The to fight fan a mflitant wot, m m hue hflce on I . ijj the showmg of the fun the MUNI which wiH affect the low in­ ..Fuse to accept “different stro- come and elderly persons. Meetings to dis­ j refuse to accept that philosophy. cuss actions are being drawn up now, and RATE But a very real issue is here...freedom! If can be said that this film is a horrible actions sudi as candfeiight vigils outside film, that it stinks, etc., but ail the militant actions and violence by gays in all parts of the nation will not halt its showing. In fact, such acbons will only the homes of eadi of the pro-fare increase oring about a greater public interest and cause the film to make even more mo- Supervfaors are the first order of business. I ney. The best wsy to handle the film if one feels it is all that evil, is to simply Those ^pervisors who have been tai^eted H iK E l gaycott the film, not call attention to it. are; John Molinari, Ed Lawson, Louise MAYOR FEINSTEIN PROPOSES MUNI And too, there is the very important issue of rights....right to film whatever a Renee, John Bardis, Quentin Kmp,and FARE INCREASE WHICH IS TAT AMOUNT movie company wants to. After all, when the film about the “Texas Chain- Carol Ruth Silver. Supervisors w itt, Hut- TO GENOCIDE FOR ELDERLY AND POOR! I saw Murders” came off, did we see “straights” fill the streets screammg and di, and Walker are in the undecided ca­ shouting that this depicted “straights” in a not too pretty lifestyle? No, we Mayor Dianne Feinstein who has been described didn’t. Nor did we see “straights fill the streets protesting the movie about the tegory along with Horanzy and Ward. killer high atop the University of Texas tower who shot counttess people as In the next issue of the CRUSADER the as a “cold, calculating broad," by several senior citizens in San Francisco's vast community of they paswd his gunsigbt. So, if gays want the nm e rights m othera, then g^» dates and times will be listed here as wefl must allow others the same rights we want.... after all, the Bill of Rights and as other actions at their piaces of employ­ aged persons, has ordered her puppet Dick Ska- the Constitution are NOT s ta m j^ , ‘For ^ y s Only , right? So if freedom of ment or businesses. kur of the Public Utilities Commission to make speech, press, assembly, lifestyle is good enough for gays, why do we not all­ MeanwfaHe all are urged to turn out at the such a fare hike...from .25 cents to .50 cents for ow others the same freedoms we demand? Gays try and halt Anita Bryant Norse Auditorium bn Jan. 29th at 1 PM a one way ride, and for many of the poor, the from speaking......think about it, isn’t that what she ia trving to dp to m ? So do we nelp her destroy the Bill of Rights by stooping to ner'depths? The same for the PUC Heatfaw for the Fare Hike. handicapped and aged, it may well be a "one for the Rev. Jerry Falwell, gays have threatned h u life and his family’s lives... Action at this meetmg te planned u weO. way rìde" to the morgue. The wealthy Mayor this_________ is not right. __*Just ‘ becauM‘ someone would deny. us our rights, can we be- Citizens are urged to boycott the district dmply refuses to consider the plight of the poor 1 come the fsKist they are and do the nme to them? I think not, if we are to meetiim whicn are but 'Svfaidow dteMing’ at San Frandsoo which are the majority, giving gain equal status into society. Gays are notnc superior people, we are people, by DidTskalar of file PUC. tor they uria rise to nah« for "militant action" against: her We are the nm e aa others, we are good peo]iple and we arc bad people, just have no effect on the PUC s dedfion. like straight people. Bigotry is sick, and i fyou : agree that bigtoOT fa sick, then Skalar has hfaed three new people at a high "Dianne do-goody-two-fiioes" admtoistration. why support that bigotry with bigotry of your o r a . Let the film pby at any mmme: Judd • S49.00(^Biauston -$33,00i^ "She simply cant undarstand vfiiat a vast diff- I thntre'tbatI tu t cares to show it, do an informational leafieting,leafletL but dp not do any andBlack $364M0. arenca fifty cents a day increase will be out of mBiUnt picketing or any violent acts. This only helps theth( film and hurts our oar lives, and doesn’t really give a damn," said I cause ....file struggle for equality.
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