Special needs housing AMPHITHEATER DEDICATION ISSUE #11 groundbreaking on SWU’s New amphitheater named in Spring/Summer 2017 campus honor of international evangelist A publication of pg. 13 pg. 14 Southern Wesleyan University SWU accepted as a BREAKING GROUND ISSUE #10 full member of NCAA Change and fresh ideas abound Fall/Winter 2016 Division II as SWU continues to grow A publication of pg. 14 pg. 6 Southern Wesleyan University Prefer to only get a digital copy of SWU Magazine? Sign up and we’ll send you an email link to read SWU Magazine on your computer or mobile device each time we publish. WHY GO PAPERLESS? Receive bonus video content through the digital magazine Help SWU be the best stewards of what God has given us Help reduce environmental impact of printing and mailing swu.edu/paperless IN THIS ISSUE 13 14 18 ericho Project breaks ground on first phase Amphitheater named in honor of international Taking experiential learning to new heights evangelist 4 Academic Updates 6 SWU’s Religion division moves into an exciting new era 8 SWU to offer gap year program in fall 12 SWU dedicates Parker-Sinnamon Baseball Clubhouse 16 SWU welcomes three new members to its Board of Trustees 22 Lovingly shaped by the Master’s hands 20 25 24 Returning to China Upstate educators making a difference Father-daughter legacy crosses continents 26 If these walls could talk... 30 Alumni News PRESIDENT MANAGING EDITOR Dr. Todd S. Voss Cody Thomas C002351 VP FOR ADVANCEMENT ART DIRECTOR Dr. Lisa C. McWherter Josh Mayfi eld Southern Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered university off ering a traditional college experience ALUMNI RELATIONS DESIGNER at our main campus in Central, South Carolina, Rev. Joy Bryant Allie Urbina ISSUE #11: SPRING/SUMMER 2017 as well as evening and online programs. Evening SWU Magazine is published two programs are off ered at the main campus as well as times a year by the Offi ce of regional education centers across the state located in WRITER/EDITOR VIDEO STORYTELLER Marketing and Communications Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, and North Augusta. Ed Welch Matt Heerschap at Southern Wesleyan University. swu magazine | spring/summer 2017 3 ACADEMIC UPDATES over 150 high school students; Dr. Don Camp- bell was clinician. Nine students participated in the South Carolina Collegiate Honor Band at Furman University, of which several were fi rst-chair players in their section. In February, Dr. Darryl Jachens and four School of Business School of Education students represented the division at the State convention for the South Carolina Music Edu- In preparation for the new teacher evaluation Th e School of Business continues in its transi- cators Association. Other events included a program in South Carolina, the School of Edu- tion during 2016-’17. Former dean Dr. Jeannie Jazz Invitational for middle and high school cation has conducted three-day training for Trudel left in December to a new calling in jazz bands and a church choir festival, “Musica all clinical supervisors to begin a pilot for the Australia. Interim dean, Dr. Jonathan Young Ecclesia.” new evaluation. Th is evaluation tool focuses on has guided the school since Jan. 1, stepping Th e SWU Jazz Band, led by Professor Greg teacher strategies to enhance student learning. aside from the classroom to lead business Day, performed in a spring tour, taking them Th e online Early Childhood and Family school eff orts during spring. from Charleston through High Point, N.C. Studies major started January 2017. Th e pro- Accounting and General Business con- Professor Heather Haithcock directed gram is the only one off ered online in South centrations will be off ered in fall, along with “Smokey Joe’s Café.” Th e hit musical was pre- Carolina and received more than 156 applica- the current areas of HR, Management and sented as a dessert theater in Newton Hobson tions since July 2016. Th e fi rst graduate for the Supply Chain. Faculty are also developing Auditorium. face-to-face Early Childhood Family Studies curriculum for graduate and undergraduate Professor Jane Dill was featured in “Th e which launched in fall 2016 will be in May 2017. markets focusing on using “stackable” certif- Whole Rest of the Story,” an article by SWU Dr. Lisa Hall-Hyman and Kayla Payne, an icates for stand-alone and lead-in-to degree music alum Lee Millspaugh in Upstate Expo- Early Childhood Education major, are joining options, possibly including quality and proj- sure Magazine. Th e article focused on Dill’s Professor David Tolan and Team Kenya for ect management and accounting. Th e school journey with breast cancer and how music a mission trip to Kenya in May. Hyman and is investigating a new Management Informa- played a pivotal role throughout that time. Payne are looking forward to sharing Christ tion Systems program, conceivably as a B.S. in Th e Wind Ensemble, directed by Profes- and assisting in any capacity needed. MIS. sor Day, presented their Spring Concert “Past Dr. Kim Jedlicka, Dr. Lisa Hall-Hyman, and Dr. Walt Henley joined the staff as an online Times.” Dr. Darryl Jachens, retiring music fac- Dr. Sandra McLendon are serving on the found- faculty, teaching graduate and undergraduate ulty member, was honored during the concert. ing board of the Empowerment Charter School marketing and will also develop a new online Th e SWU Concert Choir, under the direction which has advanced to the second step of the concentration in marketing for the under- of Dr. Campbell, combined with the Greater State Charter application process. Th e school graduate BSBA to be ready by Spring 2018. He Anderson Musical Arts Consortium Chorale plans to serve kindergarten through third-grade has a Ph.D. from the University of Memphis and Orchestra to present the Verdi “Requiem” initially and add a grade level each year in part- and brings both extensive teaching and busi- at Boulevard Baptist Church in Anderson. ◆ ness experience. Fulltime faculty positions in nership with Southern Wesleyan University. Central and Greenville/online programs are Aft er 16 years as secretary and adminis- being fi lled, bringing staffi ng to a level neces- trative assistant in the School of Education, sary to meet the growing needs of the business Roberta Sears will be leaving and moving to programs in the future. Springfi eld, Mo., to be with her husband. Th e Dr. Stephen Preacher was named perma- School of Education will miss Mrs. Roberta, nent dean of the School of Business. He is cur- but prays that she and Bob receive all God’s rently on the faculty at Liberty University and blessings in this new venture. ◆ Division of Humanities will be taking over at SWU upon completion of his duties there. His background blends Humanities students and recent graduates signifi cant classroom teaching with several garnered impressive achievements and awards academic offi ce leadership positions at both during spring. Liberty and Christian Heritage College. May history graduate Mikkaela Bailey pre- Th e school continues work towards ACBSP sented her honors project on the Magna Carta’s accreditation under the leadership of MBA- relationship to the English identity in several Health Care director Dr. Lynn Brown-Bulloch, Division of Fine Arts venues this semester. She was also accepted who will become associate dean in June. ◆ into Clemson University’s graduate history In January, the Fine Arts Division hosted the program and was awarded a full graduate Western Region Honor Choir, comprised of 4 swu magazine | spring/summer 2017 assistantship to aid in her pursuit of her MA. a few other majors, recently participated in the Th e division continues off ering Computer Caleb Southern, who will graduate in Decem- Wesleyan Th eological Society annual meeting, Information Systems (CIS), because besides ber, was awarded a South Carolina Human- also experiencing a visit to Asbury Th eological the core computer science courses, there are ities Fellowship and a research grant from the Seminary in Kentucky. concentrations in business and media com- South Carolina Independent College and Uni- Th e DOR is enjoying wonderful oppor- munication as part of the degree and faculty versities for his honors project focusing on Jef- tunities the new Christian Ministry Center with doctorates in those disciplines to anchor ferson Davis’ cabinet when he was president of provides for classes, meetings, small groups, the major. ◆ the Confederacy. He will travel to several states round-table discussions, mentoring and more. and Washington, D.C., researching Civil War- We are profoundly grateful to the Lord on a era documents and other important source daily basis for this beautiful facility. material as part of his research. Eff orts are gearing up for Year Two of the- May history graduates Kathryn Brickle Called Camp at the end of June. Pray that God and Kris Douglass will begin officer training will send to us high school students who are school in the U.S. Army in the fall. Recent earnestly seeking Him, as well as His will and graduate Tracy Byrd completed her MA in guidance for their vocation. ◆ History at Liberty University and will begin Division of Social Science work as an adjunct professor in fall. Anna Bross, another recent SWU graduate and Th e College of Arts and Sciences approved English teacher at Pickens Middle School, Criminal Justice and Psychology revisions, was named Pickens County’s Outstanding conducted to align the curriculum more First Year Teacher of the Year. The Human- closely to professional standards and enhance ities Division is graduating one of the largest program marketability. Human Services and groups of graduates in recent years. Recreation and Sport Management programs These students and recent graduates Division of Science are currently being revised for 2017-2018.
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