NGO AS OUTSIDE INTELLECTUAL A HISTORY OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS’ ROLE IN THE INDONESIAN LABOUR MOVEMENT A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY from UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG by MICHELE THERESE FORD B.A. (Asian Studies) (University of New South Wales) B.ASIAN STUDIES (Indonesian) (Hons) (Australian National University) SCHOOL OF HISTORY AND POLITICS 2003 CERTIFICATION I, Michele T. Ford, declare that this thesis, submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy, in the School of History and Politics, University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. The document has not been submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution. …………………………. Michele T. Ford 5 May 2002 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Figures v Tables v Abbreviations vi Abstract xiii Acknowledgements xiv Preliminary Notes xvi Introduction: Labour NGO as Outside Intellectual 1 Analysing the Role of Indonesian labour NGOs 6 A History of the Present 19 Chapter Outline 22 1. The Criteria of Significance 26 The Labour NGO: A Definition 27 Finding a Place for Labour NGOs Internationally 33 The Literature on Indonesia 48 Conclusion 65 2. Indonesia’s Labour NGOs 66 Organised Opposition to New Order Labour Policy 66 The Role of Labour NGOs 74 Two Typologies 83 The Labour NGOs Surveyed 88 Conclusion 104 3. Constructing the Labour Intellectual 106 Lenin and the Revisionists on the Labour Intellectual 108 Leninism and Revisionism in Indonesia to 1965 117 Conclusion 146 4. A Victor’s History 147 The Corporatist Paradigm and its Revisionist Counterpoint 148 Constructing a Victor’s History 159 The Themes of New Order Labour Historiography 169 Conclusion 181 iv 5. No Place for Outsiders 182 The Limits of New Order Labour Corporatism 182 No Place for Outsiders 196 Conclusion 219 6. Classical Labour Intellectuals 220 Classical Intellectuals and the Question of Voice 221 Non-Revolutionary Intellectuals 229 Labour NGOs, Alternative Unions and Revisionism 239 Conclusion 247 7. Worker and NGO Assessments 248 NGOs Activists’ Assessments of their Contribution 249 Workers’ Perceptions of Labour NGOs 260 Pressures for Change 269 Conclusion 271 8. The Search for a New Role 272 External Challenges 273 Internal Reassessments 287 The Way Forward 297 Conclusion 303 Conclusion: An Historical Construction 304 Bibliography 307 Appendix A 345 Appendix B 362 v FIGURES 1.1 Fowler’s Schema of NGO Funding Networks 30 1.2 Eldridge’s Typology of Indonesian NGOs 51 2.1 Relationships Between Labour Organisations 67 2.2 Hadiz’s Continuum of Labour-Based NGOs 84 2.3 Abdullah’s Typology of Labour NGOs 85 4.1 Moertopo’s ‘Political Mechanism Serving Development’ 151 TABLES 2.1 Summary of Selected Labour NGOs Incorporating Hadiz’s and 87 Abdullah’s Typologies vi ABBREVIATIONS AAFLI Asian-American Free Labor Institute ABRI Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia, Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia ACILS American Center for International Labor Solidarity ACTU Australian Council of Trade Unions AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations ANRI Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, Indonesian National Archives APINDO Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia, Indonesian Employers Association Arek Yayasan Arek Surabaya, Foundation for Labour Advocacy, Research and Education ASIET Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor BBI Barisan Buruh Indonesia, Indonesian Labour Front BBW Barisan Buruh Wanita, Women’s Labour Front Bhakti Pertiwi Yayasan Bhakti Pertiwi, Foundation for Service to the Nation BKBI Badan Koordinasi Buruh Indonesia, Indonesian Labour Coordinating Body BKS-BUMIL Badan Kerjasama–Buruh Militer, Labour-Military Cooperative Body BOWNI Bergerlijke Openbare Werken in Nederlandsche Indie, Union of Public Workers Supervisors BPBSI Badan Permusyawaratan Buruh Seluruh Indonesia, All-Indonesia Labour Negotiation Body BPP Bond van Pandhuis Personeel, Pawnshop Workers’ Union BPSS Badan Pusat Serikat-Serikat Sekerja, Central Labour Union Body CIMW Centre for Indonesian Migrant Workers CV Comite van de Vakcentrale, Committee of Labour Unions COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions Depnaker Departemen Ketenagakerjaan, Department of Manpower Depnakertrans Departemen Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi, Department of Manpower and Transmigration DSBI Dewan Serikat-Serikat Buruh Indonesia, Indonesian Union Council ELSAM Lembaga Studi Advokasi Masyarakat, Institute for Policy and Advocacy FAKB Forum Aspirasi Kaum Buruh, Forum for Workers’ Aspirations FAYTKI Forum Alumni Yayasan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Alumni Forum of the Indonesian Manpower Foundation FBLKB Forum Buruh dan LSM untuk Keadilan Buruh, NGO and Workers’ Forum for Workers’ Justice FBSI Federasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia, All-Indonesia Labour Federation FES Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Friedrich Ebert Foundation FEW Federatie van Europeesche Werknemers, Federation of European Workers FNPBI Front Nasional Perjuangan Buruh Indonesia, National Front for Indonesian Workers’ Struggle vii FNV Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging, Dutch Trade Union Federation FOKUBA Federasi Organisasi Pekerja Keuangan dan Perbankan Indonesia, Federation of Indonesian Bank and Finance Workers’ Organisations Forsol Buruh Forum Solidaritas Untuk Buruh, Solidarity Forum for Workers FSBDSI Federasi Serikat Buruh Demokrasi Seluruh Indonesia, All-Indonesia Federation of Democratic Workers’ Unions FSP-BUMN Federasi Serikat Pekerja BUMN, Federation of State Enterprise Workers’ Unions FSPSI Federasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia, Federation of All- Indonesia Workers’ Unions FSPSI Federasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia Reformasi, Reformed Reformasi Federation of All-Indonesia Workers’ Unions FSU Forum Solidaritas Unionis, Unionists’ Solidarity Forum G30S/PKI Gerakan 30 September/Partai Komunis Indonesia, 30 September Movement/Indonesian Communist Party GAPI Gabungan Politik Indonesia, Indonesian Political Association GASBI Gabungan Serikat Buruh Indonesia, Federation of Indonesian Labour Unions GASBIINDO Gabungan Sarekat Buruh Islam Indonesia, Indonesian Association of Muslim Unions GASPEKRI Gabungan Serikat Pekerdja Keristen Indonesia, Association of Christian Labour Unions Gaspermindo Gabungan Serikat Pekerja Merdeka Indonesia, Amalgamated Indonesian Free Trade Unions GASPI Gabungan Serikat-Serikat Sekerdja Partikelir Indonesia, Association of Indonesian Private Sector Unions GASBRI Gabungan Serikat Buruh Revolusioner Indonesia, Federation of Indonesian Revolutionary Labour Unions GERBUMI Gerakan Buruh Muslimin Indonesia, Indonesian Muslim Labour Movement GOBSII Gabungan Organisasi Buruh Serikat Islam Indonesia, Association of Muslim Workers’ Unions Golkar Golongan Karya, Functional Groups GRR Gerakan Revolusi Rakyat, People’s Revolutionary Movement GSBI Gabungan Serikat Buruh Indonesia, Indonesian Labour Union Association GSBI Gabungan Serikat Buruh Independen, Association of Independent Labour Unions GSBV Gabungan Serikat Buruh Vertikal, Vertical Federation of Unions GSP Generalized System of Preferences GSPI Gabungan Serikat-Serikat Sekerdja Partikelir Indonesia, Association of Indonesian Private Sector Unions HIVOS Humanistic Institution for Co-operation with Developing Countries Humanika Kelompok Kerja Humanika, Humanika Working Group ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions ICMI Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia, Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals viii ICOSS Ikatan Central Organisasi Serikat Sekerja, Central Association of Labour Unions IFTU International Federation of Trade Unions IKM Ikatan Karyawan Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah Employees’ Association INFID International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development INGI International NGO Group on Indonesia ILO International Labour Organisation ILRERF International Labour Rights Education and Research Fund IPB Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor Agricultural Institute IPJ Institut Perburuhan Jakarta, Jakarta Labour Institute ISDP Indische Sociaal-Democratische Partij, Indies Social Democratic Party ISDV Indische Sociaal Democratische Vereeniging, Indies Social Democratic Association ISJ Institut Sosial Jakarta, Jakarta Social Institute ITB Institut Tekonologi Bandung, Bandung Technology Institute IZ Inlandsche Zettersbond, Native Printers’ Union HISSBI Himpunan Serikat-Serikat Buruh Indonesia, Association of Indonesian Labour Unions Jamsostek Jaminan Sosial Asuransi Tenaga Kerja, Employee Social Security and Insurance Guarantee JILAF Japanese International Labour Foundation KAMI Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia, United Indonesian Student Action KAPB Komite Anti Penindasan Buruh, Committee Against the Oppression of Workers KASM Komite Aksi Satu Mei, Committee for Action on 1 May KBB Kelompok Buruh Bandung, Bandung Workers’ Group KBIM Kongres Buruh Islam Merdeka, Congress of Free Muslim Workers KBKI Kesatuan Buruh Kerakyatan Indonesia, Indonesian People’s Labour Union KBM Kesatuan Buruh Marhaen, Marhaenist Workers’ Union KBSI Kongres Buruh Seluruh Indonesia, All-Indonesia Workers’ Congress KEKARBU Kesatuan Karyawan Buruh, Union of Karyawan Workers Kespekri Kesatuan Pekerja Kristen Republik Indonesia, Union of Christian Workers of the Republic of Indonesia KOBAR Komite Buruh untuk Aksi Reformasi, The Workers’ Committee for Reform Action KOBI Koordinasi Buruh Indonesia, Coordination of Indonesian Labour Kongkarbu Konsentrasi Golongan Karyawan Buruh SOKSI, Concentration of SOKSI SOKSI Workers’ Groups KORPRI Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia, The Civil
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