South Delhi Campus Library Publication Year-wise Titles Printed On: 26/08/2009 01:10 PM S.No. Pub.Yr. Title Author Accession No. Call No. 1 2006 Theoryof Islamic Behbad, S; Kurnan, T 1245897 X.1(Q)'P economics:Tradition and transformation 2 2006 Environment & natural resource Gautam, N C 1246172 X:271.2'P management 3 2006 Yajnaphalam of bhasa, Tr by Bhasa; Sudarshan Kumar 1250182 O15,2D35,11 Sudarshan Kumar Sharma Sharma, Tr.; Tr by Sudarshan Kumar Sharma 4 2006 Vicaradipa of Bhagavatkavi: A Bhavnagari, Nina 1251121; P15,C:3xL7,1 critical study 1250183 5 2006 Sixteen minor smrtis. 2V, Dutt, Manmatha Nath, Tr.; 1250328; Q2:4x Joshi, KL, Ed. 1250329 6 2006 Vishusmrtih or vaisnava Joshi, KL, Ed.; Dutt, Manmatha 1250184 Q22:4x dharma-sastra Nath, Tr. 7 2006 Vedic studies Kulkarni, Nirmala Ravindra 1250185 Q1 8 2006 Gajasastram: Commentary Palakapya's; Yashwant 1250188 O15,1P,1 Bhavasandarsini of Wakankar, Siddharth, Ed.; Anantakrsnabhattaraka Mhaiskar, V B, Ed. 9 2006 Rajavyavaharakosha of Ragunatha Raghunatha Pandit; Bharadwaj, 1250338 P164,4k pandit: Persian-Sanskrit phraseology Ramesh, Ed. 10 2006 Recent trends in human stress Husain, Akbar, Ed.; Khan, 1246056; S:34 management. Mohd. Ilyas, Ed. 1246057 11 2006 Wittgenstein reader. Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Anthony, 1245992; R3xM891x Kenny, Ed. 1247015 12 2006 Plant biology. Graham, Linda E; Graham, 1245999 I James M 13 2006 Environmental biotechnology: Basic Thakur, Indu Shekhar 1246072 G9X:55 concepts and applications. 14 2006 Stochastic calculus of variations in Malliavin, Paul; Thalmaier, 1246148; B420bX mathematical finance. Anton 1246920 15 2006 Mathmatical biology: Recen trends. Chandra, Peeyush, Ed.; Kumar, 1246156 B0bG BV Rathish, Ed. 16 2006 World of the cell. Becker, Wayne M; Kleinsmith, 1246000; G11 Lewis J 1246804 17 2006 Discovery of sanskrit treasures. 7V Satya Vrat Shastri 1250330 O15x 18 2006 Discovery of sanskrit treasures. 7V Satya Vrat Shastri 1250330; O15x 1250331; 1250332; 1250333; 1250334; 1250335; 1250336 19 2006 Translation zone: A new Apter, Emily 963742 P:795 comparative literature 20 2006 Routledge dictionary of literary Childs, Peter; Fowler, Roger 963743 P-,k terms 21 2006 Russsian tales of love and life Haney, Jack V, Ed. 963738 O142,3:g(S:55) 22 2006 Popular culture theory and Hinds, Harold E etc, Ed. 963739 Y:1:f methodology:A basic introduction 23 2006 Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic : The mark Mukerjee, G 963659; 963660; O1442,3L87:g of serbian genius 963661; 963662; 963663; 963664; 963665; 963666; 963667; 963668 24 2006 Contribution of Rama candra Wadekar, ML, Ed. 1250189 O15,1L43:g pandita to sanskrit literature Page 1 of 183 S.No. Pub.Yr. Title Author Accession No. Call No. 25 2006 Business ethics:Concepts,crisis and Kaushal, Shyam L 1246173 X90aR solutions 26 2006 India:Industrialisation in a Tendulkar, Suresh D, Ed.; 1245390 X9:75.2'P reforming economy Mitra, Arup, Ed. 27 2006 Object oriented programming with Balagurusamy, E 1246560; D6,8(B2897) C++ 1246561; 1246562; 1246563; 1246564 28 2006 Fundamentals of database systems. Elmasri, Ramez; Navathe, 1246653; D6,8(B),22 Shamkant B 1246654; 1246655; 1246656; 1246657 29 2006 Begenning ASP.NET2.0 Hart, Chris; Kauffman, John 1246440; D6,8(B289ASP. 1246441; NET2.0) 1246442; 1246443; 1246444 30 2006 Historical archaeology Hall, Martin, Ed.; Silliman, 1246269 V1:71'P Stephen W, Ed. 31 2006 Applied econometrics:Modern Asteriou, Dimitrios 1246292; 124606; X:(B) approach using Eviews & Microsoft 1246026 32 2006 Advanced derivatives pricing and Albanese, Clandio; Ampolieti, 1246021 X81:8 risk management:Theory,tools and Giuseppe hand-on programming application. 33 2006 Early indian coins from Sugh. Handa, Devendra 1246745 V2:73'C 34 2006 International financial management : Bhalla, V K 1246151 X:8D.1'P Text and cases. 35 2006 India-ASEAN economic Kumar, Negesh, Ed.; Sen, 1245906 X.20m43'P relations:Meeting the challenges of Rahul, Ed. globalization 36 2006 Demons: A novel in three parts, Tr Dostoevsky, Fyodor 963793 O142,3M21,15 by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky 37 2006 Professional ADO.NET 2 McClure, Wallace B; Beamer, 1246475; D6,8(B289ADO. programming with SQL Gregory A 1246476; NET2) server2005,Oracle,and MySQL 1246477; 1246478; 1246479 38 2006 Professional C# 2005 Nagel, Christian; Evjen, Bill 1246480; D6,8(B289C#) 1246481; 1246482; 1246483; 1246484 39 2006 Fungal biology Deacon, Jim 1245418 I23 40 2006 Educational psychology Reddy, M 1245462 S0bT 41 2006 How to do theory. Iser, Wolfgang 1245347; O:g 1247992 42 2006 Essential genes. Lewin, Benjamin 1245603; G116 1305827; 502438 43 2006 History of sanskrit poetics De, Sushil Kumar 1249917 O15,1:g 44 2006 Twentieth-century French Schrift, Alan D 1245642 R853 philosophy. 45 2006 Abnormal psychology: New trends Rajpal Kaur 1245654 S6 and innovations. 46 2006 Introduction to Roman tragedy. Boyle, A J 1245672; O12,2C:g(S:514) 1304593 47 2006 Organizing for social change: A Papa, Michael; Singhal, Arvind 1245818 Y:6 dialectic journey of theory and praxis Page 2 of 183 S.No. Pub.Yr. Title Author Accession No. Call No. 48 2006 Reading the novel in Shaffer, Brian W 1245788 O-,3N:g English,1950-2000. 49 2006 Measure theory Athreya, Krishna B; Lahiri, 502182 B37:1 Soumendra N 50 2006 Managing social research: A Tarling, Roger 1245822 Sigma:f practical guide. 51 2006 Indian banking industry and Uppal, R K 1245829 X62: information technology (D6,8(B),2775) 52 2006 Indian business laws Aggarwal, S K 1245776; X9:(Z2) 1245780; 1245778; 1245777; 1245779 53 2006 Customer relationship Kumar, V; Reinartz, Werner J 1245588 X:5171: management:A data based approach (D6,8(B)) 54 2006 Project management:The managerial Gray, Clifford F; Larson, Erik 1245709 X:86 process W 55 2006 Principles of marketing Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary 1312759 X:51 56 2006 Wittgenstein. Kenny, Anthony 1245993 R3xM891:g 57 2006 Visualizing a Buddhist sutra: Text Thakur, Laxman S 1245887 Q4:(NQ2) and figure in Himalayan art. 58 2006 Company law Mayson, Stephen W; French, 1245703 XM5:(Z2) Derck 59 2006 Essentials of business finance Goel, Sandeep 1245903 X9:6 60 2006 Social research methods:Qualitative Neuman, W Lawrence 1245551 Sigma:f and quantitative approaches 61 2006 Human impact on the natural Goudie, Andrew 1245386 X:(G:55) environment 62 2006 Globalisation & Indian small scale Bhavani, T A 1245900 X9B:5381.2'P industries:Technology and competitiveness 63 2006 Economics of asymmetric Nachane, Dilip M; Chatterjee, 1245905 X.2'P information Biswajit 64 2006 Poverty of economics:India and Sinha, K K 1245904 X:75(Y:434).1( poverty dilemma X)'P 65 2006 Archaeology in practice:A student Balme, Jane, Ed.; Paterson, 1246161 V1:71'P guide to archaeological analysis Alistair, Ed. 66 2006 International Sharan, Vyuptakesh 1246016 X:54 business:Concept,environment and strategy 67 2006 Mergers and acquisitions of Kar, Rabi Narayan 1245941 XM8.2'P enterprises:Indian and global experiences 68 2006 New museum theory and Marstine, Janet, Ed. 1246218 V1:716'P practice:An introduction 69 2006 New ways for managing global Hyman, Michael 1246036 X81:8 financial risks:The next generation 70 2006 Indian corporate laws Aggarwal, S K 1245771; XM8:(Z2) 1245772; 1245773; 1245774; 1245775 71 2006 Marketing management Kotler, Philip; Keller, Kevin 1245713; X:51-8 Lane 1245714; 1245715; 1245716; 1247397 72 2006 Fiscal federalism:Issues and policies Rao, Hemlata 1246175 X79F.2'P Page 3 of 183 S.No. Pub.Yr. Title Author Accession No. Call No. 73 2006 Global financial markets Aran, Hemendra; Patel, Alpesh 1246099 X64.1'P revolution:The future of exchanges and global capital markets 74 2006 Handbook of CRM:Achieving Payne, Adrian 1246107 X:5171g excellence in customer management 75 2006 Socio-economic and political Singh, S N; Narain, Amarendra 1246185 X9(J451):9.277' problems of tea garden workers:A P study of Assam 76 2006 Sales and marketing management Mathur, Prakash, Ed. 1246176 X:514-8 77 2006 Marketing plans for service McDonald, Malcolm; Payne, 1245926 X9(Y15):51.5'P business:A complete guide Adrian 78 2006 Credit risk scorecards:Developing Siddiqi, Naeem 1246023 X81:8 and implemeting intelligent credit scoring 79 2006 Indian banking industry and Uppal, R K 1245946; X62: information technology 1247364 (D6,8(B).2'P 80 2006 NGOs in livelihood Dhakal, Tek Nath 1246181 Y8.44974'P improvement:Nepalese experience 81 2006 Microsoft ADO.NET2.0:step by Riordan, Rebecca 1246387; D6,8(B289ADO. step. 1246388; NET) 1246389; 1246390; 1246391 82 2006 Operating system principles Silberschatz, Abraham; Galvin, 1246617; D6,8(B2895),1 Peter Baer 1246618; 1246619; 1246620; 1246621; 1305209 83 2006 Capital structure in competitive Singh, Karamjeet 1246287 X65:8 environment:A guide for decision makers 84 2006 Means to prosperity: Fiscal policy Berglund, Per Gunnar, Ed.; 1246718 X61.73'P reconsidered. Vernengo, Matias, Ed. 85 2006 Real options analysis: Tools & Mun, Johnathan 1246729 X6512 techniques for valuing strategic investments & decisions 86 2006 Services marketing: People, Lovelock, Christopher; Wirtz, 1246740 X9(Y):51.1'P technology, strategy Jochen 87 2006 Hedge fund invesment management Nelken, Izzy, Ed. 1246730 X65:5 88 2006 Introducation to project finance Fight, Andrew, Ed. 1246755 X65291:6 89 2006 Economic planning in India 1951-52 Sury, M M 1245828 X:75.2'P07 to 2006-07 90 2006 Organizational behavior: Concepts, Kinicki, Angelo; Kreitner, 1245711; X:8:(S:44) skills and practices Robert 1245712 91 2006 Managerial economics. Gupta, V P; Sharma, M C 1245768 X9 92 2006 Corporate values & ethics: Bandopadhyay, P; 1246720 X90aR Emerging issues & solutions in the Bandopadhyay, S N Indian context 93 2006 International finance Pilbeam, Keith 1246757; X:57 1247529 94 2006 Financial modeling of the equity & Fabozzi, Frank J; Focardi, 1246276; X651:(B) market:From CAPM to Sergio M 1247952; cointegration 1304487 95 2006 International business Morrison, Janet 1246756; X:(G:55) environment:Global & local market 1305335 places in a changing world 96 2006 Dynamic management in a global Taneja, Pawan Kumar, Ed.; 1245907 X:8 economy Sharma, Sandhir, Ed.
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