Local Government Performance Contract Vote: 537 Mbarara District Structure of Performance Contract Terms and Conditions Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Approved Annual Workplan Outputs for 2014/15 D: Details of Annual Workplan Activities and Expenditures for 2014/15 E: Quarterly Workplan for 2014/15 Terms and Conditions I, as the Accounting Officer for Vote 537 Mbarara District, hereby submit the documents listed above which were generated based on the budget laid before Council on _______________. In addition to the legal requirements on submission of reports to the Council, I undertake to prepare and submit quarterly performance reports to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) with copies to the relevant Central Government Ministries and Agencies to assess the performance of the outputs stated in this Performance Contract based on the monitorable output indicators as set out in the workplans . Performance reports will be submitted on the last working day of the first month after the close of each quarter. I understand that MoFPED will not disburse conditional grant funds until it has received approval of the aforementioned reports from the relevant Sector Ministries and Agencies. Name and Signature: Chief Administrative Officer, Mbarara District Date: cc. The LCV Chairperson (District)/ The Mayor (Municipality) Page 1 Local Government Performance Contract Vote: 537 Mbarara District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Receipts by End Approved Budget June UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 891,267 1,066,911 1,744,296 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 2,583,967 2,712,998 2,748,876 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 22,232,721 21,859,787 24,211,299 2c. Other Government Transfers 1,302,595 805,994 2,649,550 3. Local Development Grant 393,861 393,861 462,474 4. Donor Funding 106,300 8,459 183,103 Total Revenues 27,510,711 26,848,010 31,999,599 Revenue Performance in 2013/14 By end of Jue 2013, the District cumulatively received shs.26,090,693,000= representing 95% of the approved budget 2013/14 FY. Discretionary Government Transfers peformed at 109% against the annual budget due to increase in district un conditional wage. Conditional Government transfers generally performed at 98%. Other government transfers performed at 61%. Due to non realization of MOH - Disease surveillance and MTRAC donor funding performed at 8%. Generally, Locally raised revenue performed at 119%. This was as a result of increased revenues from land fees. We note that the western regional lands office was transferred to Mbarara district and this prompted many land owners to survey their lands. Donor funds performed at 8%. By the end of the 4th quarter, GAVI and PCV had disbursed some money to the district, while other donors did not.The reasons were unknown. Out of the received funds, shs 27,510,710,000. was allocated to sectors and sectors managed to spend shs.26,090,693,000 representing 95% of the received funds by end of quarter four. The unspent balance has been explained sector by sector. Planned Revenues for 2014/15 The district has a proposed budget of 32,098,699,000=. Out of the proposed budget, the projected local revenue is 1,744,296,000= expected from collections, business licences and other fees. From the central Government, we expect 1,654,699,000= for Wages, Non wage tranfers,and development budget mainly NAADS,Capitation Grant, PHC,SFG, and LGMSD. From other government transfers, the District expects funding mainly from Road Fund and Global Fund among others. The district expects 183,103,000= as Donor funds from MJAP, ministry of gender and CAIIP III Expenditure Performance and Plans 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Actual Approved Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of June 1a Administration 941,614 1,322,293 1,308,989 2 Finance 836,565 697,723 1,030,604 3 Statutory Bodies 772,179 742,026 1,017,137 4 Production and Marketing 2,037,720 2,020,961 978,805 5 Health 3,307,326 2,980,791 3,175,176 6 Education 16,961,764 16,392,776 20,161,017 7a Roads and Engineering 1,107,869 550,677 1,220,095 7b Water 742,571 669,552 777,592 8 Natural Resources 172,685 154,024 230,545 Page 2 Local Government Performance Contract Vote: 537 Mbarara District Executive Summary 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Actual Approved Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of June 9 Community Based Services 376,974 366,005 853,982 10 Planning 182,650 147,432 1,154,698 11 Internal Audit 70,793 46,434 90,959 Grand Total 27,510,710 26,090,693 31,999,599 Wage Rec't: 17,362,605 16,956,217 20,567,378 Non Wage Rec't: 6,403,880 6,471,301 8,850,345 Domestic Dev't 3,637,924 2,663,175 2,398,773 Donor Dev't 106,300 0 183,103 Expenditure Performance in 2013/14 Generally, Locally raised revenue performed at119.7%. This was as a result of increased revenues from land fees. We note that the western regional lands office was transferred to Mbarara district and this prompted many land owners to survey their lands. Discretionary Government Transfers peformed at109% against the annual budget, Conditional Government transfers generally performed at 98% . Other government transfers performed at 61% due to non realization of MOH - Disease surveillance and MTRAC. Donor funds performed at 8%. By the end of the 4th quarter, GAVI and PCV had disbursed some money to the district, while other donors did not.The reasons were unknown.All the receied funds were well utilised. Planned Expenditures for 2014/15 The major interventions include: Construction of VIP latrines at Primary schools, Construction of Classrooms for primary and secondary schools, Construction of staff houses at health centres andPrimary schools,grading and maintenance of roads, construction of gravity flow schemes, protection of water sources, and rain water harvesting technologies. Challenges in Implementation Local Government Challenges: A number of constraints/challenges is anticipacted in implementing the district future plans. They include the following: - Increasing demand of HIV/AIDS care and support services and inadequate funding of most of district programmes especially those which depend in local revenue. - Inadequate supply of safe and clean water with in a reasonable distance to the beneficiaries, Adverse weather conditions,and recurrent/endemic pests and disease out breaks in livestock and crops. - Lack of access to land necessary for sufficient road width and road reserves. - Lack of feasibility studies for prioritized projects, Poor operation and maintenance practices. - Inadequate funding for career training and continuous decline in CBG grant - Delays of the releases of funds especially UPE, Understaffing and poor skills mix . - Lack of appropriate place of detention for child offenders and Lack of a departmental vehicles for finance and planning, community based services and production departments. - Lack of guideline for assessment of commercial farmers for local service tax. - Negative attitude of public towards enforcement of environmental legislation. Page 3 Local Government Performance Contract Vote: 537 Mbarara District A. Revenue Performance and Plans 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Receipts by End Approved Budget of June UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 891,267 1,066,911 1,744,296 Miscellaneous 13,837 35,706 62,617 Application Fees 30,000 76,588 Land Fees 90,000 202,927 177,000 Liquor licences 10,000 13,074 35,716 Local Government Hotel Tax 200 Local Service Tax 60,000 71,982 61,000 Market/Gate Charges 175,000 195,512 398,751 Other Fees and Charges 23,018 64,249 Other licences 1,500 94 Business licences 28,000 42,243 80,000 Park Fees 18,000 18,034 47,033 Property related Duties/Fees 10,000 0 28,571 Registration (e.g. Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc.) Fees 21,094 45,714 Rent & Rates from other Gov't Units 364,065 298,204 339,104 Sale of (Produced) Government Properties/assets 8,500 0 242,000 Registration of Businesses 15,000 9,249 Unspent balances – Locally Raised Revenues 67,364 58,985 162,540 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 2,583,967 2,712,998 2,748,876 Transfer of District Unconditional Grant - Wage 1,606,563 1,735,594 1,654,699 District Unconditional Grant - Non Wage 977,404 977,404 1,094,177 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 22,232,721 21,859,787 24,211,299 Conditional transfers to Salary and Gratuity for LG elected Political 149,760 142,397 150,883 Leaders Conditional Grant to Tertiary Salaries 1,361,426 1,358,210 1,480,925 Conditional Grant to Agric. Ext Salaries 49,058 38,582 99,749 Conditional Grant to Women Youth and Disability Grant 15,763 15,763 15,763 Conditional Grant for NAADS 1,196,629 1,196,628 249,636 Conditional Grant to Community Devt Assistants Non Wage 4,378 4,376 4,378 Conditional transfer for Rural Water 673,530 673,530 673,530 Construction of Secondary Schools 0 0 178,151 Conditional transfers to School Inspection Grant 40,913 40,912 66,316 Conditional transfers to Production and Marketing 110,447 110,447 104,356 Conditional transfers to DSC Operational Costs 74,216 74,216 74,216 Conditional transfers to Councillors allowances and Ex- Gratia for LLGs 127,560 118,680 122,359 Conditional transfers to Contracts Committee/DSC/PAC/Land Boards, 28,120 28,120 28,120 etc. Conditional Transfers for Primary Teachers Colleges 403,677 403,676 548,699 Conditional Transfers for Non Wage Technical Institutes 719,436 719,436 959,248 Conditional Transfers for Non Wage Technical & Farm Schools 241,476 241,476 321,968 Conditional transfers to Special Grant for PWDs 32,909 32,908 32,909 Conditional Grant to Primary Education 460,268 460,268 722,612 Conditional Grant to IPPS Recurrent Costs 0 25,000 Conditional Grant to NGO Hospitals 311,299 311,299 311,299 Conditional Grant to PAF monitoring 66,688 66,688 66,688 Page 4 Local Government Performance Contract Vote: 537 Mbarara District A.
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