Panevezys 2287691 / 2 Born; 1910 - F67 LVIA/1226/1/2042 Yudel, Berel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 2 3/3/1881 MER, Vulf Sora Leya, Yosel Kaunas Bris date (10 Mar.) 1881 479 14 Adar II PIMSHTEYN Kaunas M17 LVIA\1226\1\1526 Yudel, Berel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 21/12/1884 MER, Geshe Sara Leya, Yosef Kaunas - 1884 681 15 Tevet - Kaunas F51 LVIA\1226\1\1532 Izrael, Yakov Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 29/7/1886 MER, Yakov Taube Gitel, Betsalel Kaunas Record # should be M44; scribe error 1886 763 9 Av - Kaunas M34 LVIA\1226\1\1535 Yudel, Berel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289448 / 1 1/2/1895 MER, Beile Zelda Sara Leya, Yosel Kaunas - 1895 77 19 Shevat - Kaunas F3 LVIA\1226\1\1550 Izrael, Yankel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289448 / 1 1/4/1895 MER, Abram Yankel Taube Gitel, Tsalel Kaunas - 1895 82 19 Nisan - Kaunas M17 LVIA\1226\1\1550 Shaya Mikhel, - Pumpenai Pumpenai 2205128 / 4 9/12/1872 MER, Yenta Rivka Khaya Sora, - Panevezys - 1872 790 21 Teves - Kaunas F15 LVIA/1226/1/587 Shaya Mikhel, Iovna Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 10/4/1878 MER, Toyba Yenta Khaya Sora, - Panevezys - 1878 338 19 Nisan - Kaunas F15 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Shaya Mikhel, Iovna Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 1/4/1880 MER, Abram Iovna Khaya Sora, - Panevezys bris on 8 April 1880 - 2 Iyar - Kaunas M15 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Shaya Mikhel, - Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 9/3/1882 MER, Liba Merka Khaya Sora, - Panevezys - 1882 - 1 Nisan - Kaunas F5 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Father, Grandfather Place Town Microfilm / Item Date of Birth Recorded Mother, Grandfather DD/MM/YY Name Ujezd Comments Image Year Mother Maiden Hebrew Date Guberniya Archive / Fond Surname Record # Shaya Mikhel, Iovna Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 7/8/1883 MER, Liba Vikhna Khaya Shora, - Panevezys - 1883 - 16 Av - Kaunas F23 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Yudel, Ber Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 1 22/12/1878 MER, Etel Sara Leya, Yosef Kaunas Family from Krakenava 1878 346 8 Tevet PIMSHTEYN Kaunas F45 LVIA\1226\1\1521 Leizer, Movsha Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 2 25/6/1882 MER, Mere Rokhel, Bentsel Kaunas Family from Krakenava 1882 539 20 Tammuz STUNG Kaunas F23 LVIA\1226\1\1528 Yankel Meer, Shimel Isaak Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 19/12/1884 MER, Benes Kaunas Family from Krakenava 1884 681 Tsipe, Isaak 13 Tevet Kaunas M100 LVIA\1226\1\1532 - Peisakh, Ovsey Surviliskis Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 13/6/1887 MER, Leib Hushil / Yehoshu Family from Krakenava, Hebrew date Khaya, Shabse Kaunas 1887 808 a should be 3 Tammuz; scribe error 3 Sivan - Kaunas M36 LVIA\1226\1\1537 Leib, Josel Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 12/9/1883 MER, Zhelda Dveira Panevezys Family from Zeimelis 1883 VIKHNO Kaunas F9 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Meier Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 21/4/1884 MER, Josel Genakh Sara Panevezys Family from Lygumai 1884 Kaunas M11 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Gedeiki village Iankel, Govsha Zeimelis not filmed / 19/5/1887 MER, Itsik Gutman Marle Family from Zeimelis 1887 Panevezys M6 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Kaunas Ber Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 18/10/1894 MER, Pese Khaia Shoro Ester Panevezys Family from Zeimelis 1894 Kaunas F9 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Gesel Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 1/4/1907 MER, Bere Mendel Khiene Panevezys Family from Zeimelis 1907 Kaunas M4 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Father, Grandfather Place Town Microfilm / Item Date of Birth Recorded Mother, Grandfather DD/MM/YY Name Ujezd Comments Image Year Mother Maiden Hebrew Date Guberniya Archive / Fond Surname Record # Shaia Mikhel, Ionel Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 8/11/1898 MER, Beila Basa Reiza Leia, Khaim Panevezys 1898 6 Kislev FELER Kaunas F13 LVIA/1226/1/2051 2270865 / 1 Abram, Borukh Pasvalys Pasvalys 5/1/1889 MER, Shlioma Icyk Galda Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1889 15 Shevat LVIA/ Kaunas M4 1226/1/1311/249 2270865 / 1 Leib, Abram Pasvalys Pasvalys 6/1/1889 MER, Eliyash Tauba Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1889 16 Shevat LVIA/ Kaunas M5 1226/1/1311/249 2270865 / 1 Ovsei Icyk, Borukh Pasvalys Pasvalys 22/4/1894 MER, Meer Zelik Rivka, Shmuel Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1894 28 Nissan LVIA/ MASTER Kaunas M6 1226/1/1311/310 2270865 / 1 Shakhnel, Yakov Pasvalys Pasvalys 2/5/1894 MER, Geronim Klara, Yezikiyel Panevezys husband is doctor 1894 8 Iyar LVIA/ BERMAN Kaunas M8 1226/1/1311/311 2287922 / 3 Yosel, Shay Mikhel Pasvalys Pasvalys 14/7/1897 MER, Izrael Enta, Izrael Girsh Panevezys husband is from Pumpenai 1897 26 Tammuz LVIA/ POZEL Kaunas M21 1226/1/2047/123 2328283 / 1 Izrail, Borukh Pasvalys Pasvalys 24/2/1898 MER, Khaim Mera, Yovsyi Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1898 14 Adar LVIA/ NAKAN Kaunas M11 1226/1/2047/177 2328283 / 1 Yosel, Shay Mikhel Pasvalys Pasvalys 12/10/1898 MER, Sora Enta, Girsh Panevezys husband is from Pumpenai 1898 8 Heshvan LVIA/ POZEL Kaunas F26 1226/1/2047/196 Sheftel, Borukh Pasvalys Pasvalys 13/2/1900 MER, Misel Khana, Shmuel Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1900 26 Adar 1 KLEIN Kaunas M6 901 F8 2328283 / 2 LVIA/1226/1/2048/7 2328283 / 1 LVIA/1226/1/2047/272 MER, RivkaYosel, Shay Mikhel Enta, Izrael Girsh POZEL 26/3/190119 Nissan Pasv alys Panevezys Kaunas husband is from PumpenaiPasvalys 1 Panevezys 2287691 / 2 Born; 1910 - F67 LVIA/1226/1/2042 Yudel, Berel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 2 3/3/1881 MER, Vulf Sora Leya, Yosel Kaunas Bris date (10 Mar.) 1881 479 14 Adar II PIMSHTEYN Kaunas M17 LVIA\1226\1\1526 Yudel, Berel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 21/12/1884 MER, Geshe Sara Leya, Yosef Kaunas - 1884 681 15 Tevet - Kaunas F51 LVIA\1226\1\1532 Izrael, Yakov Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 29/7/1886 MER, Yakov Taube Gitel, Betsalel Kaunas Record # should be M44; scribe error 1886 763 9 Av - Kaunas M34 LVIA\1226\1\1535 Yudel, Berel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289448 / 1 1/2/1895 MER, Beile Zelda Sara Leya, Yosel Kaunas - 1895 77 19 Shevat - Kaunas F3 LVIA\1226\1\1550 Izrael, Yankel Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289448 / 1 1/4/1895 MER, Abram Yankel Taube Gitel, Tsalel Kaunas - 1895 82 19 Nisan - Kaunas M17 LVIA\1226\1\1550 Shaya Mikhel, - Pumpenai Pumpenai 2205128 / 4 9/12/1872 MER, Yenta Rivka Khaya Sora, - Panevezys - 1872 790 21 Teves - Kaunas F15 LVIA/1226/1/587 Shaya Mikhel, Iovna Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 10/4/1878 MER, Toyba Yenta Khaya Sora, - Panevezys - 1878 338 19 Nisan - Kaunas F15 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Shaya Mikhel, Iovna Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 1/4/1880 MER, Abram Iovna Khaya Sora, - Panevezys bris on 8 April 1880 - 2 Iyar - Kaunas M15 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Shaya Mikhel, - Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 9/3/1882 MER, Liba Merka Khaya Sora, - Panevezys - 1882 - 1 Nisan - Kaunas F5 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Father, Grandfather Place Town Microfilm / Item Date of Birth Recorded Mother, Grandfather DD/MM/YY Name Ujezd Comments Image Year Mother Maiden Hebrew Date Guberniya Archive / Fond Surname Record # Shaya Mikhel, Iovna Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 7/8/1883 MER, Liba Vikhna Khaya Shora, - Panevezys - 1883 - 16 Av - Kaunas F23 LVIA/1226/1/2051 Yudel, Ber Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 1 22/12/1878 MER, Etel Sara Leya, Yosef Kaunas Family from Krakenava 1878 346 8 Tevet PIMSHTEYN Kaunas F45 LVIA\1226\1\1521 Leizer, Movsha Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 2 25/6/1882 MER, Mere Rokhel, Bentsel Kaunas Family from Krakenava 1882 539 20 Tammuz STUNG Kaunas F23 LVIA\1226\1\1528 Yankel Meer, Shimel Isaak Kedainiai Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 19/12/1884 MER, Benes Kaunas Family from Krakenava 1884 681 Tsipe, Isaak 13 Tevet Kaunas M100 LVIA\1226\1\1532 - Peisakh, Ovsey Surviliskis Kedainiai 2289447 / 3 13/6/1887 MER, Leib Hushil / Yehoshu Family from Krakenava, Hebrew date Khaya, Shabse Kaunas 1887 808 a should be 3 Tammuz; scribe error 3 Sivan - Kaunas M36 LVIA\1226\1\1537 Leib, Josel Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 12/9/1883 MER, Zhelda Dveira Panevezys Family from Zeimelis 1883 VIKHNO Kaunas F9 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Meier Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 21/4/1884 MER, Josel Genakh Sara Panevezys Family from Lygumai 1884 Kaunas M11 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Gedeiki village Iankel, Govsha Zeimelis not filmed / 19/5/1887 MER, Itsik Gutman Marle Family from Zeimelis 1887 Panevezys M6 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Kaunas Ber Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 18/10/1894 MER, Pese Khaia Shoro Ester Panevezys Family from Zeimelis 1894 Kaunas F9 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Gesel Zeimelis Zeimelis not filmed / 1/4/1907 MER, Bere Mendel Khiene Panevezys Family from Zeimelis 1907 Kaunas M4 LVIA/11226/1/2189 Father, Grandfather Place Town Microfilm / Item Date of Birth Recorded Mother, Grandfather DD/MM/YY Name Ujezd Comments Image Year Mother Maiden Hebrew Date Guberniya Archive / Fond Surname Record # Shaia Mikhel, Ionel Pumpenai Pumpenai 2328284 / 2 8/11/1898 MER, Beila Basa Reiza Leia, Khaim Panevezys 1898 6 Kislev FELER Kaunas F13 LVIA/1226/1/2051 2270865 / 1 Abram, Borukh Pasvalys Pasvalys 5/1/1889 MER, Shlioma Icyk Galda Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1889 15 Shevat LVIA/ Kaunas M4 1226/1/1311/249 2270865 / 1 Leib, Abram Pasvalys Pasvalys 6/1/1889 MER, Eliyash Tauba Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1889 16 Shevat LVIA/ Kaunas M5 1226/1/1311/249 2270865 / 1 Ovsei Icyk, Borukh Pasvalys Pasvalys 22/4/1894 MER, Meer Zelik Rivka, Shmuel Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1894 28 Nissan LVIA/ MASTER Kaunas M6 1226/1/1311/310 2270865 / 1 Shakhnel, Yakov Pasvalys Pasvalys 2/5/1894 MER, Geronim Klara, Yezikiyel Panevezys husband is doctor 1894 8 Iyar LVIA/ BERMAN Kaunas M8 1226/1/1311/311 2287922 / 3 Yosel, Shay Mikhel Pasvalys Pasvalys 14/7/1897 MER, Izrael Enta, Izrael Girsh Panevezys husband is from Pumpenai 1897 26 Tammuz LVIA/ POZEL Kaunas M21 1226/1/2047/123 2328283 / 1 Izrail, Borukh Pasvalys Pasvalys 24/2/1898 MER, Khaim Mera, Yovsyi Panevezys husband is from Zeimeliai 1898 14 Adar LVIA/ NAKAN Kaunas M11
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