
The Contemporary Urban Centre 41-51 Greenland Street, Liverpool 25ú Iúil - 7ú Meán Fómhair 25th July - 7th September 2008 Taispeántas Exhibition Léachtaí agus Cláir Fhaisnéise Gaeilge Irish Films and Talks Celebration of Irish Culture in Liverpool Ceiliúradh ar an Chultúr Ghaelach i Learpholl Fís 2008: Founders: Martin Campbell / Derek Culley. Films & Talks: arranged by Martin Campbell Exhibition: Curated by Eamon Colman & Derek Culley. Logistics: Derek Culley FÍS 2008 is registered in Belfast with Companies House. Taispeántas Exhibition 11.00rn - 6.00in, 25ú Iúil - 7ú Meán Fómhair 11.00am - 6.00pm 25th July - 7th September Léachtaí agus Cláir Fhaisnéise Gaeilge Lectures and films 2.00in Dé Sathairn agus Dé Domhnaigh, 26ú agus 27ú Iúil 2.00pm Saturday and Sunday 26th and 27th July 2.00in Dé Sathairn agus Dé Domhnaigh, 2ú agus 3ú Lúnasa 2.00pm Saturday and Sunday 2nd and 3rd August All events held in the Contemporary Urban Centre, 41-51 Greenland Street, Liverpool L1 0BS Telephone: 01704569444 for full details FFííss 22000088 -- TThhee ssttoorryy ssoo ffaarr AnAn articlearticle in the Liverpool Daily Post by Caroline Innes about Derek Culley being awarded a Pollock-Krasner Foundation GrantGrant 2006-20072006-2007 led to Derek being interviewed by Tony Birtill of Conradh Na Gaeilge. The interview was later publishedpublished onon www.beo.iewww.beo.ie ,, aa GaelicGaelic languagelanguage InternetInternet site.site. DerekDerek waswas subsequentlysubsequently approachedapproached toto considerconsider organisingorganising anan exhibitionexhibition ofof worksworks byby IrishIrish ArtistsArtists inin LiverpoolLiverpool duringduring itsits EuropeanEuropean CapitalCapital ofof CultureCulture 20082008 celebrations.celebrations. AnAn approachapproach waswas mademade toto NovasNovas CUCCUC aboutabout havinghaving anan exhibitionexhibition ofof worksworks byby IrishIrish Artists.Artists. FollowingFollowing aa visitvisit toto Derek’sDerek’s studiostudio inin BirkdaleBirkdale byby NovasNovas ScarmanScarman and several brainstorming meetings later, the idea was put forward by Erwina Aghafar and Rostita Mohamed ofof NovasNovas CUCCUC ofof having an Irish Cultural Event. This would include a programme of films made in the Irish language; a series of talkstalks onon thethe rolerole ofof thethe IrishIrish inin Liverpool’sLiverpool’s historyhistory andand anan exhibitionexhibition ofof contemporarycontemporary artart byby IrishIrish artists.artists. ItIt was a meeting of skills, opportunityopportunity andand experience.experience. FundingFunding waswas securedsecured forfor thethe projectproject followingfollowing aa meetingmeeting with Foras Na Gaeilge . It was during that meeting with Deirdre Davitt thatthat thethe namename ‘Fís’,‘Fís’, whichwhich isis GaelicGaelic forfor ‘Vision’‘Vision’ waswas established.established. DerekDerek Hannon,Hannon, CulturalCultural OfficerOfficer atat TheThe IrishIrish EmbassyEmbassy inin LondonLondon lenlentt hishis supportsupport toto thethe projectproject byby attendingattending aa meetingmeeting inin LiverpoolLiverpool withwith NovasNovas CUCCUC supportingsupporting FÍSFÍS 2008.2008. TheThe nextnext stepstep waswas simple.simple. GatherGather togethertogether somesome ofof thethe finestfinest IrishIrish FilmsFilms made,made, togethertogether withwith expertsexperts toto givegive talkstalks andand putput togetogetherther aa showshow ofof greatgreat contemporarycontemporary artart byby IrishIrish artists.artists. NNeexxtt ssttoopp KKuuaallaa LLuummppaarr.. SSppeecciiaall tthhaannkkss ttoo:: ErwinaErwina AghafarAghafar andand RositaRosita MohamedMohamed ofof NovasNovas CUCCUC forfor beingbeing oneone thethe mainmain catalystcatalyst forfor thethe project.project. EamonEamon ColmanColman (Aosdána)(Aosdána) forfor suppsupportort bothboth withwith curatingcurating andand communicationcommunication withwith thethe artistsartists inin Ireland.Ireland. Dr Dr IanIan McKeane,McKeane, TheThe InstituteInstitute ofof IrishIrish Studies,Studies, UniversityUniversity ofof LiverpoolLiverpool.. AoifeAoife CoughlanCoughlan andand SunnivaSunniva O’O’ FlynnFlynn ofof thethe IrishIrish FilmFilm Institute.Institute. ReelReel Ireland/CultureIreland/Culture Ireland.Ireland. DerekDerek HannonHannon ofof thethe IrishIrish EmbassyEmbassy London.London. CharlotteCharlotte CorrieCorrie ofof OpenOpen Culture.Culture. PhilPhil RedmondRedmond forfor beingbeing PhilPhil Redmond!Redmond! JoeJoe McGarryMcGarry ofof thethe NovasNovas ScarmanScarman GroupGroup forfor hishis positivepositive thoughtsthoughts andand endlessendless encouragement.encouragement. DeirdreDeirdre DavDavittitt ofof ForasForas NaNa Gaeilge.Gaeilge. ToTo TonyTony andand PaulinePauline ofof SolasSolas NuaNua (such(such patience).patience). BrendaBrenda andand LiamLiam ofof AlternativeAlternative EntertainmentsEntertainments forfor installinginstalling thethe exhexhibition.ibition. TonyTony BirtillBirtill ofof ConradhConradh NaNa GaeilgeGaeilge -- Liverpool.Liverpool. JakeJake RoneyRoney ofof thethe LiverpoolLiverpool IrishIrish FestivalFestival forfor theirtheir support.support. AndAnd finally!finally! www.beo.iewww.beo.ie beingbeing thethe initialinitial catalyst!catalyst! The Irish are famed for their love of poetry and music. These gifts they brought with them when they emigrated to Liverpool over the centuries and especially in the late 1800’s.The language of Ireland combined with the local version of English helped form the Liverpool dialect that became known as Scouse, now synonymous with the city. Fís 2008, through a series of talks and bilingual films, explores these Irish connections with Liverpool ’s modern evolution to become European Capital of Culture. Plus FÍS 2008 also introduces that often forgotten aspect of contemporary Irish culture, its Visual Artists. FÍS 2008 therefore contributes to and helps broaden the wider exhibition of contemporary art works being staged in Liverpool during the city’s 2008 celebrations, by bringing together an array of works from Ireland . There is no identikit for finding a style in this, rather an exploration of the diversity to which these artists are contributing. The idea of bringing artists together in this way usually implies the mechanically tooled style of a multinational art, but the common factor in Fís 2008 is the Irish culture from which these artists have drawn in some way. It is indeed an honour and privilege that Liverpool, European Capital of Culture has been the catalyst for this cultural event, which is having its inaugural event here in Liverpool. Phil Redmond Creative Director Liverpool Culture Company Ceiliúradh ar an Ghaeilge agus ar an chultúr ghaelach atá i gceist le Fís 2008. Is i Learpholl, Cathair Chultúir na hEorpa a bheidh sé ar siúl ó 24 Iúil go 7 Meán Fómhair 2008. Is sa Contemporary Urban Centre a bheidh na himeachtaí ar siúl, áit nua den dhéantús is deireanaí sa Baltic Triangle. I measc na n-imeachtaí éagsúla, beidh taispeántas d’ealaín chomhaimseartha na hÉireann, sraith chainteanna ar ról na nÉireannach i stair Learpholl agus cláir fhaisnéise Gaeilge. Tá na cainteanna á n-eagrú le cuidiú ó Institiúid an Staidéir Éireannaigh in Ollscoil Learpholl, agus ón Ionad um Staidéar Imirce i nDaonpháirc Uladh- Mheiriceá i gContae Thír Eoghain. I measc théamaí na gcainteanna tá tionchar imirce na nÉireannach ar theanga agus ar chultúr Learpholl, an dóigh ar imir cúrsaí polaitiúla in Éirinn i ndiaidh an Chéad Chogaidh Dhomhanda tionchar ar chathair Learpholl, agus an imirce mhór a tharla ceithre chéad bliain ó shin ó iarthuaisceart Shasana go hÉirinn mar chuid den Phlandáil. Beidh an Ghaeilge mar chuid lárnach den tionscadal seo. Is go dátheangach a dhéanfar é a sheoladh agus beidh cláir fhaisnéise Gaeilge le taispeáint thar dhá dheireadh seachtaine. Tá Fís 2008 maoinithe ag Foras na Gaeilge le tacaíocht ó Reel Ireland (IFI) agus Cultúr Éireann. Beidh an taispeántas físealaíne ar siúl ar feadh sé seachtaine. Saothar le healaíontóirí as Éirinn, thuaidh agus theas, a bheidh feiceáil ann, ina measc Elizabeth Cope, Fiona Ní Mhaoilir, Geraldine O'Neill, Pauline O'Connell, Anna Marie Quinn, Mary Fitzpatrick, Martin Campbell, Eamon Colman (ball d’Aosdána),Derek Culley, David Quinn, Raymond Watson, Rodney Dickson agus roinnt ealaíontóirí Éireannacha atá lonnaithe i Learpholl agus thar learr. Is deis iontach é seo ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar na ceangail idir Éirinn agus Learpholl, go háirithe i mbliana agus Learpholl mar Chathair Chultúir na hEorpa, agus na sluaite móra cuairteoirí ag tarraingt ar an áit. Derek Hannon Oifigeach do Chúrsaí Cultúrtha Fís 2008 is a celebration of the Irish language and culture to be staged from July 24th through to September 7th 2008 during Liverpool 's European Capital of Culture year and will take place in the new Contemporary Urban Centre – a new state of the art venue in The Baltic Triangle. It will involve an exhibition of contemporary Irish art, a series of talks on the role of the Irish people in Liverpool, and the showing of a series of films and documentaries. The talks have been organised with the assistance of the Institute of Irish Studies at the University of Liverpool and the Centre for Migration Studies at The Ulster American Folk Park in Co Tyrone. The talks will deal with the influence of Irish immigration on the language and culture of Liverpool; how the political upheavals in Ireland after WW1 had an impact on the city of Liverpool; and the large migration from North West England to Ireland four hundred years ago as part of the Plantation . The Irish language is central
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