13 SEPTEMBER 2013: CITY OF CAPE TOWN, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Sunbird Energy: Proposed Ibhubesi Gas Project SUNBIRD ENERGY PROPOSED IBHUBESI GAS PROJECT NOTES OF MEETING HELD ON 13 SEPTEMBER 2013, 09H00 AT CITY OF CAPE TOWN OFFICES, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, MILNERTON PRESENT AND APOLOGIES: Please see the list of attendees and the attached attendance register in Attachment A. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Jonathan Crowther (JC) thanked everyone for attending and thanked Morné Theron (MT) for organising the meeting. A round table introduction of all present then took place. An attendance list is attached. 2. PRESENTATION 2.1 JC put forward the agenda for the meeting and provided some background information on Sunbird Energy and the proposed Ibhubesi Gas Project (see attached presentation). JC then handed over to Anschen Friedrichs (AF) and Christian Seifart (CS) for their portions of the presentation. 2.2 AF introduced Sunbird Energy, including a brief history on the companies experience in the oil and gas industry to date. She then gave some background information on the Ibhubesi Gas Field itself (see attached presentation). 2.3 JC explained that diesel is currently being refined at Chevron and transported by truck to the Ankerlig Power Station where it is then converted to gas. He further explained that the project would allow gas to be transported directly to Ankerlig via a pipeline, thus eliminating the need for diesel to be transported to the power station. 2.4 DP described the various pipeline shore crossing options, touching on two different laydown methods and onshore route options (see attached presentation). 3. DISCUSSION 3.1 Derek Paul (DP) confirmed that the pipeline width was 16 in or 400 mm and that the pipeline would be buried at least 1.2 m below the surface. A servitude of between 20 to 30 m may be needed during the construction operation. The operating servitude would be much narrower and would simply need a small track or an existing road/fire break for monitoring purposes. The pipeline pressure would be 220 bar before being reduced to 40 bar at the onshore processing facility. The onshore processing facility is relatively small in scale (possibly equivalent to a double storey building in height) and would cover a total site area of approximately 1 ha. The safety distance from the pipeline is based on various factors – the baseline risk case is that of 200 m safety distance on either side of the pipeline. This would be addressed as part of a risk assessment undertaken in the EIA. There would also be the need to consider the MHI requirements and to undertake a collaborate approach with the City of Cape Town (CCT). 3.2 David Allpass (DA) noted that the shallow depth Aquifer field at Silwerstroom Strand needs to be considered when defining the details of the onshore pipeline routing. DA indicated that he would forward the relevant GIS information to PRDW for inclusion in their updated report. They would also make themselves available to discuss potential routes through this area with PRDW. 3.3 The onshore pipeline routing would also pass through the Atlantis Aquifer system located further south. The impact on both aquifer systems would be addressed in the EIA. DA indicated that the EIA would need to consider a well point monitoring programme, to ensure that any groundwater contamination can be monitored. 3.4 Pat Titmus (PT) indicated that Silverstroom pipeline route may fall within the Witzand Conservation area and that there are currently plans for a Dassenberg to Coast Catchment Management initiative. From a biodiversity 1 Meeting Notes: 13 September 2013 Sunbird Energy: Proposed Ibhubesi Gas Project perspective the R27 Road Reserve would be a better option than a green field route. Details on the planning initiatives for this area can be obtained from Colin November the responsible CCT regional planner. 3.5 The groundwater in the area is considered very aggressive to buried pipelines. Chevron has had major problems regarding cathodic protection of their crude oil pipeline. The Sunbird project will need to take this into account in its pipeline planning. Locating the gas pipeline near the Chevron oil pipeline could result in a major disaster. 3.6 The water treatment plant north of the Dassenberg Road should be avoided when routing the pipeline to the Ankerlig site. The southern portion of the Koeberg Power Station property is currently being considered by the CCT and Eskom for future stewardship under Cape Nature. This was part of the conditions of approval for the Eskom training centre. Also the area to the east of R27 and south of the Dassenberg Road is being considered for an offset area for the development of CBA areas in the Atlantis Industrial area. 3.7 CCT queried if there was any landing point preference at this stage. DP indicated that all three options are still being considered but that at this stage Dynefontein appeared to be the best. However, interaction was still needed with Eskom and NNR to discuss this alternative further. MT mentioned persons who were not present but with whom it would be necessary to interact. These included • Jan Fourie from Sport and Recreation • Cliff Dorse from Biodiversity Management • Kobus Coetzer from property ownership. CCT asked if an economic assessment would be included in the EIA. JC pointed out that an economic study would be one of 13 specialist studies that will be undertaken. 4. CLOSURE 4.1 JC explained that everyone who attended the meeting would be put on the Interested and Affected Parties (I&AP) project database and that they would be kept informed of all aspects of the project. He then thanked everyone for being present, and officially closed the meeting at approximately 11h00. Sunbird/Meetings/Authority Meetings/Sunbird_CCT (ERM) Meeting_13 Sept 2013_Notes Rev 1_21.01.2014 2 Meeting Notes: 13 September 2013 Sunbird Energy: Proposed Ibhubesi Gas Project ATTACHMENT A LIST OF ATTENDEES AS PER ATTENDANCE REGISTER NAME ORGANISATION I&APs D Colenbrander CoCT: Coastal Management Amina Varachia CoCT: DRMC Ricky Lenders CoCT: DRMC DJ Allpass CoCT: Bulk Water Pat Titmuss CoCT: ERMD Marc Brodovicky CoCT: Water & Sanitation Sameera Parker CoCT: Bulk Water Morné Theron CoCT: ERMD Sonya Warnich-Stemmet CoCT: ERMD Johan Massyn CoCT: Transport Eduaan Albertyn CoCT: Water & Sanitation CLIENT Anschen Friedrichs Sunbird Energy EAP Jonathan Crowther CCA Environmental Jeremy Blood CCA Environmental Christian Seifart PRDW David Pitt PRDW Derek Paul PRDW ATTACHMENT B PRESENTATION AGENDA SUNBIRD ENERGY Welcome and Introduction - Jonathan Crowther (CCA) IBHUBESI GAS PROJECT, WESTERN AND NORTHERN CAPE Introduction to Sunbird Energy – Anschen Friedrichs (Sunbird) Brief project description – Jonathan Crowther (CCA) City of Cape Town Meeting Pipeline landing points and onshore routes – Derek Paul (PRDW) 13 September 2013 General discussion/Q&A COMPOSITE GOOGLE EARTH MAP Process Design - Onshore Gas Heaters Gas Filter • Indirect fired • Particles only • 8MW • 3 x 33% PIPELINE LANDING POINTS AND ONSHORE PIPELINE Pressure Reduction Metering PRDW PRESENTATION • Multiple valves • Custody • High noise transfer • Prover loop 5 SUNBIRD ENERGY BACKGROUND • South African focused natural gas explorer and developer • Gas portfolio covers: ¾ Ibhubesi Gas Project – the largest undeveloped gas field in South Africa ¾ Five onshore Coal Bed Methane project KZWKZd WZ^Edd/KE ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϮϬϭϯ sunbirdenergy.com.au Sunbird delivering value from its large scale gas reserves 2 CORPORATE STRUCTURE IBHUBESI GAS PROJECT (IGP) Capital Structure Undiluted Diluted Board Largest undeveloped gas field in South Africa KuneneEnigma Petrotek Sunbird Kerwin Rana | Chairman with reserves of 540 Bcf (2P) Current Share Price $0.35 $0.35 Chemical Engineer with 17 years mining industry experience, previously Executive Head of New Business for De Beers. Managing Director, Umbono Capital • Sunbird – 76% interest - Subject to Cairn India No. of Shares Outstanding 112.5m 202.5m Kudu Will Barker | Managing Director DMR approval of transfer of title HRT HRTTullow HRT Market Capitalisation $39.4m $70.9m Geologist with 15 years experience in gas industry, previously GM LNG, Arrow BHP Energy & OM, New Guinea Energy HRT 1 Options 90.0m • PetroSA – 24%, South Africa’s national Andrew Leibovitch | Executive Director Energulf Ibhubesi Shell Cash $4.0m $24.5m Chartered Accountant, 20+ years in Corp Finance, previous GM roles at Woodside oil company & Western Mining South Enterprise Value $35.4m $46.4m • 5000km² Production Licence 2A Anadarko Marcus Gracey | Non-Executive Director 2B Africa Corporate Lawyer with extensive energy experience, currently Commercial & Island Point Legal Manager at New Standard Energy Thombo • 380km north of Cape Town 3B 4B3A/4A Offshore 3B/4B Sungu Management Team • 70km offshore, 250m of water Area South Nathan Rayner | Technical Director Africa Reservoir Engineer with extensive experience in production, reservoir and • 11 wells drilled, 7 gas discoveries Sasol petroleum engineering 2 Carla Mackay | Chief Financial Officer • 1,770km 3D seismic coverage Tullow Chartered Accountant, experience in SA banking and mining environments Cape Town including corporate finance, previously with Umbono/Old Mutual • $120m spent on exploration and 5/6 Sundil Ramluggan | Operations Manager appraisal since 2000 Geologist with significant experience in SA, previously with BHP and De Beers Mark Balfour | General Counsel/Company Secretary • Recent high profile entries into area - Commercial and
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