® W Libnry V- 4 Vol 63. Houiton, Maine, Wednesday, November 19, 1913 No. 47 grounded numerous other craft and A Remarkable Source -t -1----- Foxes Worth a Fortune Tariff Rates caused a property loss as yet unesti­ mated, but which will run into the In A recent issue giving the new Look at any quarter, and you will Shipment oi Cubs From Alaska millions. The details of the storm Tariff Rates the T i m e s was misin­ not fine! quite the same quality and DEFENSES Said to be Valued at $100,000. which literally swept from the end formed and the following corrections quantity of reading-matter as in the of Lake Superior to the end of Lake unique combination provided by The are m ade : A shipment of 126 cub foxes, esti­ E rie, were told when the vessels be­ Lard, Bacon and Hams, as well as Youth’s Companion. In provision mated value $100,000. recently ar­ gan arriving at the various ports Pressed Meat, Beef and Pork, is and purpose it is the ideal home p a­ rived in Vancouver on a Canadian with tales if hardships and heroic practically prohibited on account of per. Live and wholesome fiction. Pacific Railway steamer from Skag- re4cues seldom old on the lakes. It being Necessary to have an inspec­ Articles of inspiration by men who way, Alaska, says a consular report. The storm was hardest at Cleve­ tor’s certificate accompanying same. have achieved. Information at hand Included in the lot were red, black land, Ohio, where 21 indies of snow Drelsed Poultry is dutiable at 2c per that busy people want. Enough of and silver gray foxes, one pair of fell and five persons were killed. pound and live at 1c a pound. Buck­ editorial comment, of science, and of black foxes being estimated as worth Twenty persons are missing in Cleve- wheat and Buckwheat Flour are events to keep one abreast of the day. $10,000 when full grown. The owner, land and $2,0<X).000 d am age w as free, Horses and Mules 10 per cent. Special Family Pages, Boys’ Pages, who .accompanied the shipment, col­ caesed to property, chiefly telephone W heat 10 per cent, Flour 46c per bar­ Girls’ Pages. The editorial page is lected them in Northern Alaska and and telegraph systems. The city rel, Potatoes 10 per cent, Butter 2^c unsurpassed by that of any publica­ Yukon territory, purchasing them lias been out of direct communication per pound, Wool is free after Dec. 1, tion. For 1914 there will be eight from the white and Indian trappers. for two days. The death toll, with 1918, Clothing 85 per cent after Jan. fine serials, 250 shorter stories, be­ They are being shipped east to the nr n& ******** jzamJT many towns unreported is thus told. 1,1914, F a rm W a g o n s are free. sides articles of travel and informa­ fox farms in New Brunswick, Prince "The strongest de* able to drop shells with accuracy close Twenty-five, perhaps forty men tion, and 1000 bits of fun. Culebra, C. Z. behind Taboga island, making that Edward Island and th e Eastern probably drowned in the overturning A year of The Youth’s Companion fense of the Panama canal, in my opin­ ion, is the fact that a hostile vessel place untenable for an enemy. Be­ states. of a freighter found floating in Lake Maine Leads as it is today will make the finest in­ must come into a 600-foot channel long sides that, there Is nothing on the It is reported that since the open­ Huron. Five bodies washed ashore f, vestment for your family, including Island that a hostile fleet would want. In Potatoes before It Is within striking distance of ing of the season 219 live foxes, at St. Joseph on the Canadian side a ll ages. The United States might have ac­ the vital points of the canal, the locks, ranging from silver gray’ to cross, of Lake Huron (four had belts mark­ Maine shows the largest potato If you do not know The Compan­ and in doing so must pass within easy quired Taboga, but we didn’t need It.” valued at $320,000, have been shipped ed “ Wexford” and one wore a belt crop per acre of any of the states of ion as it is today, let us send you the range of the forts that are being built How strong a land force Is to be from Edmondton to points in East­ marked London). the Union, producing almost double Announcement for 1914, with sample to guard the entrances.” kept in the zone by the United States ern Canada and the United States 1 believe has not yet been determined. Three bodies washed ashore on the the number of bushels per acre, ac­ copies containing the opening chap­ So spoke Colonel Ooethals when 1 for breeding purposes. Included in It is generally admitted that the great west shore of Lake Huron. cording to the statement just Issued ters of A. S.'Pier’s fine story, “ His asked him as to the vulnerability of this lot were ten young black foxes est danger to the canal In time of war Two bodies washed ashore oppo­ by the Crop Reporting Board pf the Fathor’s Son.” the canal in time of war. Continuing, lies in attacks by forces that might which were sold to a New York firm site the position of the overturned jENquirtment of Agriculture. In 1913, N ew subscribers who send $2.00 for he said: have succeeded tin landing on the isth­ for $40,000. Many young foxes die boat. Six members of a light ship Maine has produced 220 bushels per the fifty-two issues .of 1914 will re­ “The naval power of the nations is so nicely balanced now that no one mus. A s a defense against this it may soon after capture. Several black drowned in Lake Erie near Buffalo. aitte as compared with her yield of ceive free the remaining issues of of them would be willing to risk the be that a small army must be main­ pups have died soon after being sold The escapes from death were nu­ 199 bushels per sere last year. Its 1913, and a copy of The Companion tained in the zone, and it has been spg> destruction of a single battleship by for $1,600 to $2,500. A western raw merous. After tiie storm Friday closet rival this year is Colorado Practical Hojne Calendar in addi­ gested that the towns of Empire and attacking those forts, which will be fur company, which has been sup­ midnight had blown away the for­ with a record of only 115 bushels per tion. • equipped with powerful guns, and of Culebra, Instead of being destroyed plying the Eastern markets with ward part of liis ship, Captain J. W . •ore. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, course the accuracy of guns on shore because they are on the “wrong side” yovng live foxes announces that it Duddelson of the steamer L. C. According to the report the total 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. is much greater than that of those on a:’ the canal, be utilized as quarters for will discontinue Eastern shipments, Waldo, navigated by a small inac­ potato crop of M ain e in 1912 w as 23,- New Subscriptions Received at this moving vessels. I do not believe the the soldiers. This would necessitate connecting them with the other aide of having decided to establish a farm curate compass and tiie aid of a lan­ 106,000 bushels, while this year the Office. forts would be attacked from the sea the canal, where the Panama railroad in Western Alberta, where 4o foxes tern held by a sailor. yield w a s 26,840,000 bushels. L a s t before the enemy had fought and won a naval victory.” urn been re-located, by ferry, bridge or are already domiciled. In this w ay lie guided him self and year the price was 41 cents per bush­ Biggest Farm’s The forts of which Colonel Goethals tunnel. No decision on this matter has It, is stated that a decrease of 25 to crew to a reef where the crew on el, while this year 60 cents. Maine seen the authorities. spoke are nearing completion and the reached yet by 5() per cent has taken place in the landing suffered intense cold and takes a high rank also in the high B ig W ays Meanwhile the army has not been emplacements for many of the heavy prices paid for these animals, which hunger until their rescue. rank of the total production of pota­ guns already have been constructed. neglecting its part of the defensive Near Takiro, Mo., is the hugest ^ is attributed to the large number The crew of the Turrett Chief, toes, standing fourth on the list. No one not officially connected with work. For some time the Tenth in­ tillable farm in the United States, which have been supplied from the when the ship struck tiie rocks in Only New York, Michigan and W is­ the work is permitted to approach fantry has been encamped in the zone entire northern country of Alaska, Lake Superior, were forced to go consin showing a larger yield. Mich­ the property of four children of the them, but I venture to say that, in ease and its men, in small detachments, late David Rankin. It contains 25,- Yukon territory and the North west j as},ore scantly clad.
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