April 22, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 10451 help our nation save as much as 4.2 billion introduced in 1979. The phrase refers to two IN MEMORIAL OF STATE SENATOR gallons of gasoline and reduce carbon emis- pizzas being offered for the comparable price VERNON MALONE sions by 37 million metric tons each year. of a single pizza from competitors. In 1998, This spending is not simply driven by our Little Caesars filled what was then the current commitment to a cleaner and healthier planet; largest pizza order, filling an order of 13,386 HON. BOB ETHERIDGE rather, it represents a down-payment on in- pizzas from the VF Corporation of Greens- OF NORTH CAROLINA vestments to meet our country’s economic and boro, NC. Today, Little Caesars is the largest infrastructure needs and a blueprint for the di- carry-out pizza chain in the world. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rection in which our country’s energy and Mike was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1929. transportation policies will go. They are invest- Wednesday, April 22, 2009 He is a first generation American of Macedo- ments that can fuel our future economy and nian descent. A graduate of Cooley High Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, today I make our country more prosperous and com- School, Mike also served his country in the rise to honor the life of State Senator Vernon petitive than ever before. United States Marine Corps for four years. Malone, who passed away on Saturday, April We must think globally as well, and continue After returning home from the Marine Corps, 18, 2009. In his passing, I lost a friend and to work towards a comprehensive solution to Mike was offered a contract by the Detroit Ti- North Carolina lost one of its most outstanding dramatically curb our greenhouse gas emis- gers baseball team and went on to play three sions and address the threats of climate citizens; a man who was instrumental in his change—a threat that our government ignored years in the minor leagues before he was community, county, and state. forced to prematurely end his promising career for far too long. I am pleased that House and A native of Raleigh, North Carolina, Senator due to injury. In 1954 Mike met Marian on a committee leadership have recently released Malone was known for his passionate support blind date arranged by his father. Marian was draft legislation that would establish a market- for education. After graduating from Shaw Uni- born and raised in Dearborn, Michigan, a based cap and trade policy to serve as a versity, where he was a member of Alpha Phi basis for discussion of comprehensive clean daughter of Macedonian immigrants. They were married a year later. Alpha Fraternity, Malone worked for 34 years energy legislation. This is no idle threat we as a teacher and eventually superintendent at now face: scientists tell us that we must re- Over the course of their lives together Mike the Governor Morehead School for the Blind. duce emissions by roughly 80 percent by mid- and Marian have expanded their business and As chairman of the Wake County school century to avoid a dangerous climate tipping personal partnership very successfully. Today, board, he presided over the merger of Raleigh point. As the world’s largest per capita emitter the family’s entities remain privately held. In city schools and Wake County public schools of greenhouse gases, our nation must be a 1999, the Ilitch’s established Ilitch Holdings, leader in finding clean energy solutions that Inc. to provide their various enterprises with in 1976. This was a significant achievement reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, create professional and technical services. These en- because it took other school systems in the a new generation of jobs, and provide climate terprises include Little Caesars, the Detroit state years to do the same. When others and energy security for us and the generations Red Wings, the Detroit Tigers, numerous shied away from issues of race and class, to come. property investments in and around Detroit, as Senator Malone tackled them head-on. On Earth Day 2009, I urge President well as the MotorCity Casino. They have been After his work with the school board, Vernon Obama to continue working with Congress to married for over 50 wonderful years and have served as a Wake County Commissioner, and develop climate change legislation that will set seven children together: son Christopher Paul eventually as chairman of the Commission, us on a path that is science-based and ade- Ilitch (born June 1965) is CEO and President from 1980 until his election to the State Sen- quately aggressive. I also urge the President of Ilitch Holdings, Inc.; daughter Denise D. ate in 2002. As always, he fought fervently for and my colleagues to foster smart growth in Ilitch (born November 1955) is an attorney and education and for equality. He also found time American communities by developing policies former co-President, with her brother, of Ilitch to serve his community in his spare time, serv- that promote accessible transit, affordable and Holdings. Other children are Ronald ‘‘Ron’’ ing as vice-chair of Shaw University’s board of sustainable housing, and responsible manage- Tyrus Ilitch (born June 1957), Michael C. Ilitch, trustees; as a trustee for North Carolina State ment of water and other resources. And I urge Jr., Lisa M. Ilitch Murray, Atanas Ilitch (born University, the North Carolina Museum of Art us all to take actions in our individual lives that Thomas flitch) and Carole M. Ilitch Trepeck. reflect our commitment to preserving this won- Further, in Stanley Cup history, only 12 and the Wake Education Partnership; as drous planet and all the diverse forms of life women have had their names engraved on the Chairman of the Wake County Coalition for that thrive upon it. trophy including Marian and their three daugh- the Homeless; and as a director of Capital f ters. Bank, a community bank headquartered in Ra- leigh. HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE The Ilitch family has also established a Most recently, Vernon served in the North OF MICHAEL AND MARIAN charitable foundation called Ilitch Charities for Carolina General Assembly representing the ILITCH ON THE 50TH ANNIVER- Children (ICC). Among other things, the ICC SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF LIT- sponsors Little Caesars AAA Hockey Scholar- state’s 14th Senate district and was reelected TLE CAESARS ship to encourage amateur sports. The ICC in three times. In the State Senate, he continued 2009, so far, has given a total of $50,000 in to work on education. He was co-chairman of grants to the Detroit Renaissance Foundation the Senate’s Higher Education Committee and HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER ($25,000) and the United Way of Southeastern Appropriations Committee for Higher Edu- OF MICHIGAN Michigan ($25,000) for innovative community cation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES programs, demonstrating a broader scope for Vernon Malone rose to prominence during a Wednesday, April 22, 2009 the charitable organization. Most recently, time when prejudice ran high. Rather than Ilitch Charities to present a total of $200,000 Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I succumb to intolerance, he was able to rise to benefit the Greening of Detroit’s Conserva- rise to honor and acknowledge Michael and above it. I am glad that he was able to witness Marian Ilitch, entrepreneurs and pillars of the tion Leadership Corps and the Guidance Cen- ter’s Project CEO. the inauguration of President Barack Obama Michigan community, upon the 50th anniver- earlier this year. It was Vernon and his con- sary of the founding of Little Caesars. Madam Speaker for 50 years Little Caesars temporaries who made it possible for our na- On April 22, 1959 fifty years ago to the day, has stood as a tribute to the hard work of Mi- tion to eventually elect an African American Mike and Marian opened the first Little chael and Marian Ilitch and their family. As President. Caesars in Garden City, Michigan, under the they celebrate this enormous milestone, they name Little Caesars Pizza Treat. From this personify a legacy of excellence, ingenuity, Madam Speaker, Senator Vernon Malone one store, Little Caesars would grow to in- and the irrepressible spirit of the American en- had a commitment to excellence in everything clude a pizza empire of many thousands of trepreneur. Today, I ask my colleagues to join he did. He was a respected legislator, a dedi- restaurants through franchising. The company me in congratulating the Ilitch’s and recog- cated public servant, and a great North Caro- eventually became widely known for its fa- nizing their years of loyal service to our com- linian. It is fitting that we honor him and his mous catchphrase, ‘‘Pizza! Pizza!’’ which was munity and country. family today. VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:28 Aug 10, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E22AP9.000 E22AP9 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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