FOVANT SUTTON MANDEVILLE COMPTON CHAMBERI-AYNE YOUR VILLAGE & AREA NEWS AND MEETINGS ARTICLES VILLAGE AND AREA EVENTS POLICE REPORT ADVERTS FOVANT BADGES SOCIETY ANNUAL DRUMHEAD SERVICE sUNDAY 7 JULY 2() I9 3.OO PM Ar Ersr F^enm Fova,Nr (SPB sJD) (Bt' kind pernrission of N{r alrd I\'trs E \\/illiams) The service will be conducted by The Reverend Colin Fox DL. Guest Speaker - The Revd Fr. Michael Fava QHC Deputy Chaplain General. The Shaftesburl,'I'own Silver Band will play at the Service. Representatives from Local Government, the Armed Services, Standards and Members of the Royal British Legion will attend. Tea will be served after the Service Au- ARE Welcorm Tnnee Towens CONA TrTUN ITY ME,AAZI NE JulY 20 I9 THE THREE TOWERS FI COMMLINITY MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTED FREE TO ALL HOUSEHOLDS IN FOVANT. SUTTON MANDEVILLE & COMPTON CHAMBERLAYNE EDITOR; Mrs Pauline Story Cross Keys, Fovant SP3 5JH E-mail pauline,[email protected] Tel'714284 COMMUN1TY DIRECTORY CHURCHES: ANCLICAN: ST GEORGE'S FOVANT Team Rector, Revd Dr Graham Southgate 714826 Associate Priesl Revd Mark Halter 185t16 Bell ringing (Wednesday ? 30pm) Simon agddqall-qyb9][email protected] jLgelq 743 I I 8 ALL SAINT'S SUTTON MANDEVILLE, '7 t4826 ST M]CHAEL AND ALL ANCELS. COMPTON CHAMBERLAYNE 7 t4826 CATHOLIC: Father Roben Miller Tisbury (01747) 8?0228 Sundays: 9am & 6.30pm at Tisbury, I I arn at Wadour CHAPEL: Fovant: 6.30pm every Sunday, Altemate Wednesdays Bible Study (Phone for vcnue), Secretary - Mrs Maryllis Shaw '7 t4286 COMPTON C WEBSITE comptonchamberlayne.org COLNTY COI.NCILLOR Mrs Jose Green Jose C,[email protected] 't 14645 CRICKET CLUB: Secretary Paul Wylie 07880 88?563 Chairman Marhew Boatwright 07877 006315 DINTON SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB Dave Witt or Phil He6ert 716553 7166M DOCTOR: Dr. Lindsay Kinlin Orchard Surgery, High Street Fovant SP3 5 714'189 Mon-Fri: 9am-l0am. Mon, Tues & Fri 5.30-6.30pm FLOODWARDEN Fovant FOVANT BADGES: Secretary: David Go6e 714651 FOVANT FOLKS LINCH CLUB Pauline 714?47 & Sue 714707 FOVANT HISTORY INTERIST Chairperson. Liz Harden 714253 Secretary Margaret McKenzie 714685 FOVANT INDEPENDENT LADIES Linda Bailey, [email protected] '114654 FOVANT NEW AGE KURLING Fovant Village Hall altemate Tuesdays 2 - 4 pm Daphne 7143 l9 or Sue '714701 FOVANT RELIEF IN NEED CHARITY (for residents only) MrsJuneHall 114789 FOVANT VILLAGE HALL Fovant Village Hall Hiring: Diana Rae dianarae [email protected] 7 t494'7 ADULT TAP MON 7.45pm- 8 45 pm Jenny 780863 EXTEND SEATED CLASS FRID l0am-ll am Jenny 780863 't22289 FITSTEPS FAB WED I l.l5 am l2.l5pm Gernma 0'7933 FITSTEPS ORIGINAI WED l2.30pm l.30pm Gemma 07933122289 HEATINC OIL Nadder Oil Buying Club www.nadder.oilbuvineclub.com LIBRARY SERVICE: Thursday every 4'h week Clays Orchard l2 noon to 12 l5 '743230 LINKS Gillian ot74't 8'10194 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Fovanr William Holmes [email protected] 785144 Sutton: Wendy Brooks 116543 PARISH COI,INCILS: Fovant:Clerk ClareChurchill [email protected] 't 43027 1, Tower Fam Cottages, Quidhampton SP2 9AA Sutton: Clerk Mrc J. Childs. 7163 t0 Warerfall Coftage, Chicksgrove, SP3 5NA PARISH MEETING: Compton: Clerk Clare Churchill '143027 POLICE: Emergencies only 999 non ernergencies 101 SALISBURY HOSPITAL AREA GOVERNOR. William Holmes. ot1227 85 I 44 TISBURY COMMLNITY PoLICE: PCSO Vicky Huntly Emailr- [email protected] 101 ex 746819 TI SBUS James Scott Clarke Chairman 07500 802525 TREE WARDEN Jenny Bickenon [email protected]. 't t4258 WILTON COMMUNITY POLICE for Compton Chamberlayne l0l ex 747818 WILTSHIRE BOBBY VAN 0t225 ',194652 POST OFFICE: Fovant Stores 714139 PUB: / RESTAURANT The Compasses Inn Chicksgrove 714318 PUB The Greater Good Fovanl Barry & Calherine 785253 '|4't39 STORES: Fovant Stores, High Street SUTTON MANDEVlLLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: Babs or Kate 714 385 MLTSHIRE COUNCIL www.wiltshire.gov.uk customer 0300 456 0100 YOUTH CLUB: Club House Fovait, Friday 6-8pm 114342 i CRIMESTOPPERS to give information about crimes anonymously 0800 5551 1 I NHS Direct on l l l CLARENCE - Countv Council Ilelpline Free Tel 0300 456 0105 A service which logs all calls passes the information to the Area Highways Office. Open Weekdays only 8 30 am. - 5 pm. Without a doubt my favourite season of the year is summer. I often think back to the long hot summer of 1975 which seemed to go on for ever. lt was even longer than last summer's heatwave. My memories of the summer of 1976 are many and varied. Weeks spent on Woolacombe beach, (l'm sure it was as often as I remember) and it's still my favourite British beach. Then there was of course the hosepipe ban and standpipes. When the rain finally came in September I remember sitting outside in the garden enjoying the cool freshness that came with it. What I like most about the summer is that regardless of the weather, rain or shine, the days are longer, earlier sun rises and late sunsets. This can give us so many opportunities to be outside enjoying the garden with family and friends on a warm summer evening. Somehow the pace of life in summer can seem to slow down just a bit. Another thing I enjoy about the summer is the endless summer community events. Summer fetes and fayres, open gardens, village days, barbeques and picnics. There is plenty on offer to enable local people to gather together focusing on fund raising and community building. Alongside events in our own village there are opportunities to visit other communities and share in the fun with others. So often we can mean to visit other places which are virtually on our doorstep for years, but until we have a reason to cross over into another place we keep putting it off. Community is important we all need to feel we belong. Former England Football Captain, David Beckham, describes what it was like being sent off in the 1998 World Cup :'lt wos probobly the longest wolk in my lit'e... looking bock l'm not sure whot thoughts were going through my mind: it wos o swirl of feor, guilt, onger, worry ond cont'usion. My heod wos spinning... I wolked into the dressing room. The rules stoted thot I hod to stoy in there t'or the remoinder of the motch.' Englond lost. We were out of the World Cup. 'When the other ployers come bock into the dressing room, no one breothed a word to me. There wos olmost complete silence. I could Jeel my stomoch tightening even more. I gulped, breothed in, ond gulped ogoin. lwos in o pocked chonging room but I hod never felt so lonely in my lit'e. I wos isolated ond of roid... We were created to belong. God does not intend for us to be lonely and isolated. God created us for community - calling us into relationship with him and with other human beings. Enjoy your summer however you spend it. Revd. Elaine PERTWOOD SERVtCE, 7th July 2019 The Giles family have very kindly offered us another service at Pertwood. There will be a service of Evensong at St Pete/s, Pertwood, at 3.00 pm on 7th July. We hope to welcome as many people as possible to this lovely church and very special service. The service will - of course - be followed by tea. We might need help with sandwiches or cakes. lf you feel you could offer to contribute some if necessary, please let me know - Felicity Trotman, ![Iq[!!!]@EUn]!CML!q![ (01747 820503] Many thanksl NADDER VALLEY BENEFICE _ CHURCH SERVICES _ JULY 2OI9 Datc 7lh.Iuly 14th July 2l"tJuly 2Eth July 4tl' August SUNDAY Trinity 3 Trinity 4 Trinity 5 Trinity 6 Trinity 7 Southern Area ANSTY 1 [ 15 Mucn LAY I115 FC JN I I 15 HCscr CF 1l 15 Patronal PC GS COMPTON 0930 PCT GS ll15SoW GS FOVANT 0800 HCozr GS 1800 Escp EB 0930 PC GS 1445 Drumhead Service (East Farm) SUTTON 0930 PCour GS SWALLOW- 1l 15 PCr GS I 800 Encp GS 0800 HCscp GS I I 15 Mt<:n LAY CLIFFE Northcrn Area BARFORD I I 15 SoP EB 0930 Mcw I,AY 0930 HCscr EB 0930 PC ER in the Marquee BAVERSTOCK 0930 rtcr TF CHILMARK lI15PCT JN I I 15 FC MII I I 15 Choral Mrlrl UB I l15 MPr EB DINTON 0930 HCox' CF rll5PC I]B 0930 FC TF 0930 M<:w I-AY T, EVIAS 0930 FS EB 0930 in the III] Benefice T, MACNA Village Hall ll15FC TF Service and Picnic: Western Area CHICKLADE 1500 Ercl MII IIl5 PCr<p MH r r00 PC at Pertwood for Lammas HINDON 0930 PC MH 0930 FC MII 1800 Eacr GS 0930 PC MtI at Martha's Down, FONTHILL 1700 l}<.r' .IMII 0800 HCrr l JN 0930 Mrrr:r, MG Crid Reference BISHOP sl.r03394, 0800 IICncn JN II l5 Mucl .IMII 0800 HCn:r, MG I 1 l5 Mrr.r JMH FONTHILL -2.12623 GIFFORD 0800 HC r JMH 0800 HCncr GS TISBURY 0930 FC JMH 0930 PC JMH 0930 PC JN 0930 PC JMH &JA 1800 Choral Encn JN 1800 RS EB BCP - Book ofCommon Prayer CW Common Worship HC - HolyCommunion (said) PC Order I Communion (with hyrnns) PCr Ordcr I Communion, traditional language (with hymns) Agc Family PC ozr r c - Order 2 Communion [-adirional / contcmporary PC o:r Order 2 Communion traditional languagc(with hymns) FC - All Age Family Communion FS-All Service SoW-All Age Service ofthe Word M Mattins or Moming Prayer SoP Songs ofPraise MPr Moming Praise E- Evensong or Evening Prayer RS - Reflectivc Service CF Colin Fox EB - Elaine Brightwell GS Graham Southgatc JA Judy Anderson JMH - Juliette Hulmc JN-JoNaish MC MichaelGoater MH-Mark Hayter TF Tina Fox JULY POETRY GROUP CHURCH Our next meeting will be with ROTA Margaret Crews (714851) Harwood FOVAIIT Cleanine on Wed 3rd July 2pm 7th Mrs Heal & Mrs McQuilter We will be reading poems about l4th 'Water' Mr & Mrs Marshal 2l"t New members always welcome 28th Mrs Edge & Mrs Gilbert ST GEORGES 50/50 DRAW Flowers 7'\ Mrs Jav The winning numbers in the June draw l4th were: - 21.l Mrs Walters f 35 no.
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