- ' ‘-i i. i 7 ^ ¿ M ü I ¿ i ' >4 "3 ""S^i x r * - * VoL XXVI. No. 20 CRANFORD. N. THREE CENTS water!I .«to actual ueemsity «k~»m 1 H B SHOATKHt ACVli the :''''^'.«»«»dViT " 'upply give «mt-ln. cludi "* - 1913 COIUKMCEIENT con» the bringing Into town at *"**“ * £ * •* Horo'for Several » lenÎL t P?tots, of water from ALL IN READINESS B a tte rie » " * a .....Other th e i fiesbytartaa Okarck fOltd ta O u e | town i**“* d°wn bf the charged T n w Som d fey PUi&SoU-Uaion er h n«rt*LS.Jn" > ***** ,h« rlv. el^ t* WHuH fatttW i ef ° s s ¿ ü ? i3B .s a " Cj. ii lw i fl*. Wastag, « 1 the northerly pert of the to w h Largest Q p4aitii| Tawi ship, Engineer Pueriles, who ¡ 5 .! w S ! ^ 5 m fram c u h FOR THE CARNIVAL W ater Mala Oaaaa of Skertago. recc* tly wi »«to* Award»'* feature. e8r t°V.^*>- W—-------Mendelssohn up-to'date teWM « V S ? *° make an fcr. Colorea Anne Kahl _¥®PdW evening the public was Vvfl» y.°* the »»ter situa- i T*18—?* * 1! » 1 "W was graduated , BUSINESS SECTION DECORATING NOW—PLANS rodebr awakened to the Swtousii« tfon Presenuthm of da*» to Prealdont take Îîf* THturedey evening. June JL s, i toe Board ot Kilucatlon , ' \ . ‘ nreemrJTi^ When the m,tter- e f J'lplng the Cemm^ement ezercbe* taktm * COMPLETED FOR CRANFORD'S BIG EVENT__ pitw pfc here In C tinton) wan ho n< well r*fhr- at once. The Committee the Presbyterian Chuna toy A. Clement Prtaelpul ÎX BOOMS te g tbjt not much Z n i & f l also pto*« to £ Cleveland School look "strutted Engineer Collins to »WeliTwa crowded with reUttves AMPLE PROVISIONS FOR ELEVENTH HOUR ^ * ^ |c cwdo from the wttor taut JP ** “ **? *11 serviceable wells u à m id i ot the participani, to «tolto" Diplomai and Prîtes In to< m so tliat quick action may be D««l »• JM eajPm eident of ■ * * * " * none above taken The extreme heat Ot •4L Board oTsducatioa ENTRIES—MAYOR ROACH GIVES SIL­ ■ Id almoirt every wc< numb It necessary. There am ^a rljto the Battle, On!'—from a S a u L * ^ In^K8“ *“ ^ the en w .. .****“*uw>m» uw interest ™ i .,J°a" of A ro......... .... Paul VER CUP AS GRAND PRIZE nracuoi wore in the same flV dm» depths enUmilmsm ftrooMd by the ocrsslOtt, j. Senior Usa» and High School demand which actually very . .„ 'i® /1«* »wt1?. "Vincane et Val­ .. Ulne Club ??£v li18 «wervolr—at ptnnji.^^erT u?ge q^Sth^i r —ut USO'slm-tfolonL ttttnife j|^tlvm iM.. "*.vu ereh;.„_;Anhur —-. .ju m u Poete ¡hui ïh o » lug—^VQIi‘Ug_ ,,m p rln , _ ^ eleven o’clock at clean« «I.- »y Power, and these will be *tations were lout ready for useT K ? ^ r o ì S (tow k C Woodruff time Iwfurv tbo <»vrnt at tho IhslÎ tii1 Î.VT#'' !1' ^ *H *t makev Tile . decorative effeet wae ^ t e i c t i o n I'arnlvml. bo ihoiv may c*>miUKt1« nii\wi i ^ \ rUl' H. *!'*' "Ilv,'r vul> *i«>. !rh«i?.'C ~2i,M,*h t0 inntlah near- iJlw!«r«» m p*»tme" t “made ep«v fournl In thè gown» o t the girla and cial p for an eiucrntncy " r.MBe,r.-Rev. RolandB«1««» L.B. LuerietLuerich H **H *“• ordinary pressure and up Comm rtìS« »!Ì'fcL.ctu,in whlch wa» «un rational„ “"a*. UotvorHonor Soclety-Jlel«»Society—auJoii «il'.*f,tot’t »ear. All plinV .re ^ ..toe Pfe»ent there has been no nbwlmier Everett i d f f i Bcd by thè fcitlre Junior class. Thei Ibi'* clip nUn nottM Im» Hlhm>r of nor, Prop, Chief Tunison. planned to u*e tonv £ .Tf /,Sr*_«Do,0W Anno Kahl. pietwl and committe<w Imvx tliclr ?hnt °® «^though pressure length s s*rl pmtaatee were ali in whltabut! SL “ “iiwtooo Bartlett, Anne work well in hand. Mr»t In tho ,.|*„ |„. „ “P t° w>«naL s of hose-to draw, water from ; ^ 8 “«"toj« ‘«PPlled a varhid colorI Xatiiee ” .... ■ * li-st t'f |>rU«»s hu lUtli’H - ♦ w m « « , *"® trouble of coarse la nartiv the rli of lire and the prto- net* Richards, lielen I. Wal- eipal „ Robert Sterling Warner. to «mwar In the-program; Tho . ..mi.loto lUt «d pus,., (or ttl0 ■*? the laabUlty ot the Company I arts of the town would haw? ^ 3 ,« J S . P M Ì K riSE ( arulvsl I» a, tnllun. to meet all demands -from present Ixscn overoU lf needed, the couwe rftuuitaB—Hofofi Kipp Tuylor must bo In by . Vilday .inonilug. but o f the* -river-through, town helping nTJiilfl® Bather Itobert- muubors will bo roservcHl fo r-1st« 1 loat» - llo»t «loi-iiratisl; flrwt radi oetoie the public for the past- four out. B frtlett, Anne Boatriee lUcii- entries up to July 3rd. so there n m l «alno aliar, hocund. oup * The SS,“B^,Itolor ?» .K “ .X »«••(■twi ^ o rtl“ UgS ' •Htoto I. Wallaea Robert Utcr- to* "» hesitation In making an ekn-- ,n d ,lrt>p dusting elaes, who played th e Ami Novi'lty -Plret, oa»h valilo 1UII Whiih W*t6r «>»«"1 1. In teni Warner, Fiancee Louise Hoards entry *WUr ,ll,cl»|on to make an »ovotul, oup. ■ a lot H l|l ''«IP « ^ ‘«movement from Mendelsaohnwl »»r.7MLr WWIM# »««.«,S ^ L K e th c r . Canno» -lto.it dovoratotl: llr*t o» W S K l l S K ' B Although the rain did not i??ii88rtS.to,‘ tho vtolln most charm-j' : V*llJoCJmdwlci.franelaW„1V, J. Oof- *- *°°a time, but the main cause tor amount■| ;iV lopeli here, all around us Decorations ilo». »o.«»iid. cam era; (Dirvi, «toanior there |*ere heavy showers, but it £***;. Btos Sarali Edmond, Oeuem)| Qulitiui Drojor, Material fur decoration, light him lug. fuiuili. imiiirolla: tifili thor TORD, » . J. *e? t<L situation la the will t uiSfr^*Snient' Pt«alded. and MIm ' Katberine Drydcn, “»»BBnfne^ of the Individual user "•■»y such showers to Kdward ino» l»ottlo: ululi, llaihllght. bring mfSiSi?».toitrucior ta Music, com ^to Jr, Olga BoVdi.— O ranún, wifi ,itC-. W, o!,K.IU‘U’rn* *Iul »•»»‘lies t anno*- Novolty ('la.«,,: ' nrj,t. to «»serve the supply In the water supply to normal toe vocal numbers. Thai rica W arren Ui «>.!™. i-fe 0 1 either ot the , • — .y.x-uj i mss: lint, rn j o T o ——n a H, Mallory' Ocnoti (.-tubs at cost; also advice secoml watch, third, pen amt CLKVl f t £ U p?tk',er °* evening, Mr, _?*?• ¿*?i OIJvoOlive «uuivnuraRutnertord uoilo • ^ « ‘V s o Raynor. Principal of tOh and sunnsttoiM. howr-to trim and ! 0*'"cll ^umblimiion; ' 4th. two pad TI. iwood, Dorothea Joyee Uoffman. c8.'10.0-, Noiuiwner* of • ,¿T» ! h"nk >*U<I paddle The Brooklyn Commercial High SchooL íl? iÍ*» 1, WMter H. Kltclmh canoea aro not debarred from com • lati«, hack rest, - Sfettr-csaffif^ held u. „ ¡to’ 8,* prwctleaal talk u. th«» yoSS vi B*.,Boyteaux. Wlnltrod Ju pvtlng for cano<<* also may had. ; lie*» Decorated limi*»- Hr«i *erveo that we are on the raised ent-Teoc i wopIa In which he atreamd Urn fae| IJ«)w*kl. tíladv» M, Nettleahlp, chtir Aasoeiatlon w«iro given n*i it in politic m well as ethlejul Oanocs Barred- ; traveling bag; siicónd i-lectrlci Bini’ whowhiy couldiw lirt'f.if11)6' felt Impelled i W 1*to evefywet down *«» ' out at ,l|0 close of schoola Ntado, Prtxl 11. «<V Cenooa that aro not dec«irated and ! Ib-st I>«<c«>ra(i>d l.awn l-'int -niii-ii For >1« contest lists or selected i?i«5!,v.^J?f,n!.0.J:on*l(loiatU>n to the! n¿,e« ^ f? »otoatoni Jr., Jamos H m or garden or the house. hooks JiU iii!1* 0 of the °to«r party to any! fi». 8S?tord, Jh.- Marión Anno r ! 1*1 m* il rn ‘r1 ! r.0< * I " 111 ,!<‘t 1,0 aJIoiv I hnnnimck; second. American ¥*4 to Cranford have re- 1 grades, mo made for the different bargain one may make; and ho told I g-vtlto Plorenco Kdna Ton-, Ruth .. i n - f r,vl‘f «to"g the «Mirili ,.rr , Ib st Dec«»fah-,i Sior.« >dnt hav quested every one found using hose thoso reeding the greatest a number of aniuslng stories clght nntil aft'm-0«i, rgni beg: ........ml A.nerica,, ,lag number i r f c t o * one of the prizes., [«re Torrar. Qraco Loulso WaUon, «I«». »unl i in uvi»r,i ContrlbuUodi ST..M P* » y .^'to k to stop , This ear IIvo prizes were kindly -çnncipui «*Of thdfethdl*~"?1V',„.IM»i»iU witnam, Phylll» KPiHi? toll supply Is assured. Know­ !■ donate«: Cleveland High Selmol. alno m sdeff^lio«Ule*ZtngaUoa Zlngaloa W ,thtln' Bhylll, . o*eri? i 5 leM oftho-situation. 'Mrs. W , *y Mm P. w. Itelnecke, the Æ ef «,f wîîl ^ l'rcimnttef JL£®rtinc*Us*-^jmco Harriett Lind- ^.^«»«toM onday night had the B; Ruthraiiff, Mr», h. a toecU** to the President of tlaatt^SSP1* J*xn«» F. Woods. Morrlso ,i. Mr. Dean Matlicy, and the : i 3 P Z & r u ,« mtu" ou «•- fiXSTiS* n°ilce Pttoted and circu­ I'arent-’ Teacher Association, Board of^Education,of Education.' Mr.M n8 sinamuel irtR R:K>>?Tie iThefollowlng following sstudentstudents receive«!r»r«ivn,i lated throughout the town: Tliose Jotiea, who distributed tlie illplomae ine» floor ^Important! well, ar who spent their time so and prizca.
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