ljL pV'v-' . "•r'->- JAm r^ftHr r, H T h e ^Weather of 1^14. Wi 6,33.5 Fair, aot qnlto ae oaM toalgMi Maaikw •* tk» Aatft H'adnaadajr elondy aod waraaer, HALE S SELF SERVE BoraM of Clreolattoaa foOowod by rain or aaaw. The Original In Nc^w England! Manche$ter—^A CAty of Village Charm (CloaaUled Advertlatng oo Page 12) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 19.99 ^ND HEALTH MARKET The Christmas Store VOL. LIX., NO. 61 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEP tmmmmimmimmmmM mMmmmtmmmmmmt TUESDAY SPECIALS Boettiger Dislike Banker Claims Booted King Derorales Hero at Front Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales \ Double Green Stamps Tuesday With Cash Sales Stock Concern 1 ' V Bremen Sails Safely All Day Tuesday. I wia m wia>a<a<a<aM»a»uw*awiaiuiMMawMiMiMsaw<uai<in»M«»Mnwi*nt nriufuiit mmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmm ■ bM 9 aalltr. K «M M f«ll| 59c Box of Three Linen For Labor Board Make Up Vour Own Towel F^nsembles! Not Controlled 11 SHOPPl.NG DAYS UNTIL X.MAS! M ilk Bread ^^2_l-oaves '9 C CANNO.V To Gern lan Waters; Do your gift shopping the easy way— at Hale’s, Handkerchiefs Harrinian Refuses to Ex­ where there is plenty of room and any number of Petti Point embroidered. Sped ; Placed in Record 2 i-hs 17c Water Lily Pattern attractive gift suggestions displayed. Every de­ press Opinion as to partment is stocked with the latest and best in Emiiliful paiitrl roloringii in Jacquard wcava. Son-In-Law of Roosevelt Expert Would Rather Play ^liat Activities Might ( hristma.s merchandise. An additional stafT of 3 9 c box Poker Than Bridge Game Escapes British Ne ’ Be Violation of Act. Creamery Butter 2 i.hs 61c clerk.s has been added in order that you may be <^uoted as Saying He Bath Tow el 59c assured of prompt and unhurried service. The Ladies’ Novelty Wool or Silk 1 ‘OifliiU Blame Employ- St. Louis. Dec. I'J.—(-Pi —Os­ Washington. Dec. 12.— —W. Basement and Second Floor departments are wald Jacoby, the bridge expert, ^ _ e rs for CAfinplaining' Averell Harriman, New York city Empty Rottle la Weapon Arrives Within Uiiitlei reached by easy stairways. would rather play poker than 1-ch. Kox 26c Guest Towel 29c banker and railroad executive, Russians Fail I'srd in Southern Holdup Kraft Cheese Toyland is ojx-n, featuring famous Kunn Family Scarfs ^^ ^ g a in st Aflininistration bridge. ifietl *Safe Zone' Undfl*^ Ascot or long styles. And that's not all--he plans testifled before the Monopoly Com­ Grrcnvjye, 8. C.. Dec. 12.— , Rate’s Toys and Santa Ulatis is in the department, Tues­ Wagner Measure. to write a book on jioker, Coimtiantl of Skippel^ Face Cloth 15c mittee today that he and his To (ilive Reply iJ’i From tho |>ollce blotter— days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2:;i0 to 5:00 "There hasn't been a new brother, Roland, exercised “ no con­ A man waa walking down a Who Took Her Out — on Thursday and .Saturday evenings from 7:00 Boxed one In the last 25 years so I Red Bag Coffee Washington, Dec. 12—A memor­ trol " over a securities corporation (lark street when a robber aaid < 5 9 c e-’- am going to write one," he said l,h. Bath Mat $1.00 to 9 :00 o’clock. andum was placed In the record of in which they have invested mors "Manila up," Jabbed a weapon! New Ytirk on Aug. on a stopover here. "But II will On Peace Bid We invite you to u.so our free parking space in than 35.000.000. in his riba ami took 531. 15c 2 u. 29e Men’s Fine Quality the House Labor Board Committee not recognize any of thos<- \ Anti Sailetl Her ln U |i Harrinian, frequent consultant The robber Aed, tossing away the rear of the store. today which quoted John Boetti­ crazy nine-card games with i of President Roosevelt and Secre­ Ills wra|ion—an empty bever­ Store hours arc from 9:00 a. m. to 5:90 p. m.— one-eyed jacks and odd spades 2‘l--lloiir Di'uilliiic PiiHH- Murmansk; Is Sighte<j|l (ia l. Can Cannon Strand Pattern ger, President Roooevelt'a aon-ln tary Hopkins, had i-efused shortly age bottle. Maxolo Oil $1.29 Thursday and Saturday until 9:00 p. m. Handkerchiefs law as saying he “ didn't blame em­ wild." to express an opinion as to what es Williuiil AiiHWcr lo By British Subm ariw ^ Taatrl jiroiinda with thraa-ton# novalty bordfia. HemiUrh^d or rolled henix. nl.so initial handkorchtefa, activities might be a violation of To our Rockville and F-ust Hartford customers, ployers for complaining" against rtUsbary’s the 1933 Banking Act which made l.«aguc of INutioiia O f­ Berlin. Dec. 13. — (ifq — TSli| a reminder — you can call the store free of charge NLRB's administration of the it “ unlawful" for commercial bank — Rockville residents call Enterprise 9090— Fast Wagner act. fer on Metliulion. great liner Bremen steamed 11' {-l.b. Hag IC c a . to engage in securitlea unden^'rlt- Britain Claims Flour______ 98c Bath Tow el 50c Hartford residents call 5-1491. Use our free de­ The memorandum was from Fairhaiiks Dies Ing. ly Into German waters Klwyn J. Eagen, Labor Board re­ Harriman, in reply to questions, Geneva. Deo. 12 i.Pi The 24 once more escaping the BrtU OoM Medal livery service! gional director at Seattle, to Boxed testified that he and his brother and hour doaillinc fur a roply to tlir Guest Towel 29c Nathan Witt, board secretary, :.nd Planes Better Navy’s net on her horoaward ' 24i'|-l.b. Hag Famous Stage, other members of the Harriman I..eagiie of Nations' offer to medi­ Flour $1.00 reported on a conversation Eagen family owned substantially all of age from Murmansk, her Ru said he had with Boettiger. the private banking Arm of Brown ate the Riissian-KliiniHh war pass­ Arctic refuge. Face Cloth 15c Christmas Cards The conversation allegedly con­ Than Germans’ Campbell's Colonial assortment of 15 Cards with cheery greetings. Screen Actor Brothers, Harriman S t Company. ed today without a reply from the German authorities said slta 1 cerned a case In which William He and his brother, he added, also Soviet Union, arrived within an Snow Suits Randolph Hearst's Seattle news­ own "substantially all of the pre­ Plaid and plain rombinatitm in all wool florur, water rcpollaTit. “ u fe cone” under command Tomato Soup 3 <»., 23c ronibln paper and the American News­ ferred and more than 90 per cent The dcaillinc was 6 p, ni. ( noon Cannon Face Cloths Heparnlr *r iittarbcdtcd h^MKJa.h^Mx SiT.e.n g to 18. Ranking Male Star of est), hilt officials said oonsldera- .Air Minister Says Fight­ Capt. A. Ahrens, the skipper ' )c box paper Guild were Involved. Boet­ of the common stock in Harriman, took her out of New York An tiger is publisher of the Hearst Ripley S t Company,' a corporation lion still would br given a reply It er Squatlrons Have Koiir in Cellophnne Package Pictures for 15 Years It were received later. and sailed her Into Murmanak! newspaper In Seattle. engaged In selling securitlea and far northern route. W i .'!-l I). Can Nevertheless at 6 p. ni. the 13- Taken Heavy Toll; Spry 53c Sympathetic With Act Succumbs After Day's Hrst known aa Brown. Harriman S t Ijirge Mrasiirtng rilrhrr Kree! nation I.engiie Committee consid­ Eiarller authorities had $6.98 - $13.98 "Boettiger stated," Eagen wrote, Company when established in 1934. that she was expected at a Oanaffl^ ering Finland’.s appeal for aid tie- Hints Peak in Raifls. “ that he was very sympathetic Illness at Santa Monica Suggeala “Technical Revision” New Tork Mtata goii drafting a re|Kirt to the l,a>a- port, presumably Bremerhavdu. Whistling Tea Kettles with the art. but that when It was Peter R. Nehemkls, committee gne Assembly which wuiiid con­ Ptaaea Hoverlag Over BMp administered by a board which counsel, raised the point whether Lmdon, Dec. 12—(F)—Sir Klnga- Boudoir Jackets and Spun alumintim with trigger apoiitspout cap. Hollywood. Dec. '.2.—I/P|—Doug­ mu demn Russia as an aggressor made the kind of decision It made the Harriman Interest In the pri­ Iry Wo(xl told the House of Com­ They asserted that Oana Pea Beans las Fairbanks, Sr. who leaped to Adoption I’osslbly Tonight scouting planes were hovsft in thisw.u. case, thatumi. nehe u.u.ididn't v blameo.ao.c ; spectacular acro- vate bank and the securities cor­ Photo, radioed from London to New York, shows King George mons today Britain could claim poration was “ merely a technical Indications polntei'l to adoption ovei tbe Bremen aa sha neand,..^ Embroidered Guest Towels Shoulderettes mployers for complaining about VI. in boota during a vl.slt to the western front in l•’l■llnce. deco­ “ ilcAnIte superiority In our air­ the board. baticB, died in bed today o f a heart revision" of capital Interests un­ rating Sergt. Frederick H. Gardiner, British airman, with the Arst of such a resoliitiim by a large home port after an abstim Prunes “His - llers - .Mr, - .Mrs. - iimi (iuest" Ideal gift ilrm.^! Pafltel ctilora in Hoft zephyr wooL $2.25 der the 1933 banking law which majority either tonight or tomor­ craft" over Germany. mure than three months a ^ t h ^ 1‘iiir linni. fill whltr or with colored lK>rdpr«. "He stated very definitely that attack.
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