E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2017 No. 46 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ture and demographics are our destiny. view with an Iowa talk radio show called to order by the Speaker. We cannot restore our civilization with where he discussed ‘‘the plan’’ of tele- f somebody else’s babies.’’ vision anchorman Jorge Ramos to Let that sink in for a moment. make White people the minority in MORNING-HOUR DEBATE In context, what it means is: A, America, causing KING to respond that: The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the STEVE KING believes Western civiliza- ‘‘I will predict that Hispanics and the order of the House of January 3, 2017, tion is under attack by outsiders; and, Blacks will be fighting each other be- the Chair will now recognize Members B, those outsiders can never be assimi- fore that happens.’’ from lists submitted by the majority lated or be considered part of our civ- So what happens when a Member of and minority leaders for morning-hour ilization. Congress makes racist remarks? Is he debate. God knows what Representative KING censured? Are his words taken down? Is The Chair will alternate recognition would think of my grandson who likes he rebuked by the leaders of his party? between the parties, with each party to tell me that in this arm he is Puerto If he traveled somewhere without limited to 1 hour and each Member Rican and in this one he is Mexican. getting permission or he accepted a other than the majority and minority But he says: ‘‘Grandpa, right here, I am gift without prior approval of Congress, leaders and the minority whip limited 100 percent American.’’ he would be punished. He might even to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- You think: My grandson, yeah, he is get censured or called out in some way. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. right, and the Congressman from Iowa But for making racist comments, for f is wrong. I think my grandson is every supporting a racist candidate in some- bit as American as STEVE KING or I am. one else’s election, or for saying things WAITING FOR CENSURE, I was born during Jim Crow, when that receive high praise from David DENUNCIATIONS, AND REBUKES separate but equal was the law of the Duke and the KKK, nothing is going to The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes land. But during my lifetime, we happen. I have not heard leaders in the the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. fought segregation and racism, and my Republican Party scrambling to say GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. daughters have been fighting it even that STEVE KING does not represent Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I use more in their generation, so that exclu- their views on race, religion, diversity, Twitter and have about 65,000 fol- sion, segregation, and racial hatred are and the threat that ‘‘somebody else’s lowers, which is pretty modest by no longer the law of the land. babies’’ pose to American civilization. Trump standards; but my staff is smart Now, at least as far as I am con- A friend of mine in Chicago asked me enough to keep the launch code secret cerned, my grandson, who was born in what I thought was going on when a from me so that when I say something, America, is an American, whether Member of Congress says such hurtful, we find the right words to express what STEVE KING likes it or not. Born in Illi- xenophobic things, calling, essentially, I want to say, and occasionally, very nois, he is not someone else’s baby. He on Black and Brown people to join in a occasionally, I have a chance to cool is 100 percent American. He is part of race war. down before I fire off a tweet. But this our civilization, and he is the future of The answer is that people like Rep- week we learned that one of our col- America, along with STEVE KING’s resentative KING feel empowered: em- leagues doesn’t have a reasonable staff grandchildren. powered by the presence of Steve person who helps him think through Just to be clear, Representative Bannon, Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions; his tweets. KING’s message was warmly received empowered by a President who wants On Sunday, STEVE KING of Iowa and retweeted by none other than us all to fear Muslims, fear Mexicans, tweeted out his love and praise for the David Duke, the grand wizard of the Ku and, frankly, fear all Latinos, even my anti-Muslim nationalist candidate in Klux Klan, who has been a very proud American-born grandson. Holland who is running on an explicitly Republican candidate on numerous oc- This is what happens when American White supremacist platform; anti-im- casions. men and women remain silent. When migration, anti-Islam, anti-refugee, Duke said: ‘‘Just in case you were we do not stand up to the bully, the anti-people of color. This candidate is thinking of moving, sanity reigns su- racist, the nationalist, they get more the full White nationalist package. And preme in Iowa’s Fourth Congressional and more empowered. They get more apparently, KING and Geert Wilders are District,’’ and, ‘‘God bless STEVE and more empowered, and their actions very good friends. KING.’’ become more and more normal. In his tweet, Representative KING Oh, but Representative KING was not Well, saying that Black and Brown says: ‘‘Wilders understands that cul- done. He is never done. He did an inter- people will be fighting each other and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2085 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Mar 17, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16MR7.000 H16MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H2086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 16, 2017 saying that non-White people are some- Alberto a friend and speak with him unprecedented outpouring of citizen how somebody else’s children and not frequently to discuss the case and concern, activism, and, in some cases, our children—the children of a nation Iran’s role in these barbaric attacks. outrage. America is finding its voice so that believes all men are created Sadly, Mr. Speaker, Alberto was Congress can find its spine. equal—well, that is not normal, and found dead in his apartment in Argen- Most recently, the people are de- the American people will not accept tina on January 19, 2015, under mys- manding Congress be held accountable the silence of the majority party when terious and suspicious circumstances. for the outrageous efforts on behalf of one of their own speaks out in this In December 2015, President Macri Republicans to dismantle the Afford- way. made a bold statement, a decision, to able Care Act, forcing more expensive I am waiting for the censure, the de- create a special prosecutor to inves- coverage for insurance plans that will nunciations, and the rebukes. But I tigate Nisman’s death, which hopefully not be as good and breaking the Trump suspect I will be waiting a long time. will not only uncover the truth sur- promise of better, more affordable f rounding his death, but also could vin- health care. dicate the work for which Alberto dedi- It has become clear that the Repub- 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF ISRAELI cated and maybe even gave his life. lican plan would force older Americans EMBASSY BOMBING IN ARGENTINA We can honor Alberto’s legacy by between the ages of 50 and 64 to pay 60 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. continuing his work to hold those re- percent more for their health insurance JODY B. HICE of Georgia). The Chair sponsible for the terrorist bombings 25 coverage. recognizes the gentlewoman from Flor- years ago against the Israeli Embassy The Republican plan also seeks to ida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 minutes. in Buenos Aires and the AMIA bombing unwind the life-changing expansion Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, in 1994. That is why I am introducing a under Medicaid that has provided care tomorrow we will, sadly, commemorate resolution today alongside Chairman for the poor, disabled, and lower in- the 25-year anniversary of the terrorist ROYCE, Ranking Member ENGEL, TED come and helps people with mental ill- bombing against the Israeli Embassy in DEUTCH, JEFF DUNCAN, and ALBIO ness and opioid addiction. Wildly increasing the ranks of the Buenos Aires, Argentina, which oc- SIRES, all of whom lead the way in uninsured and lowering the quality of curred on March 17, 1992. The terror at- holding Iran accountable for its cow- care and affordability is so unaccept- tack also destroyed a Catholic church ardly acts of terror. and a nearby school. This resolution, Mr. Speaker, ex- able to the American public that it is Twenty-nine people lost their lives in presses support to the Government of exposing deep divisions within the Re- this horrific attack, including Israeli Argentina for its investigation into the publican ranks. The wrecking crew is being slowed as diplomats and their spouses, a Catholic terrorist bombing of the Israeli Em- public awareness and citizen action priest, and Argentinian citizens, many bassy on March 17, 1992, as well as the spread across the country.
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