Jharkhand Urban Water Supply Improvement Project (RRP IND 52028-004) Initial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Draft Project Number: 52028-004 April 2021 IND: Jharkhand Urban Water Supply Improvement Project – Water Supply System in Jhumri Telaiya Package No: JUWSIP/05 Prepared by Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Co. Ltd. under guidance of the Urban Development and Housing Department, Government of Jharkhand for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 6 April 2021) Currency Unit = Indian rupees (₹) ₹1.00 = $0.013 $1.00 = ₹73.27 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank ASI - Archeological Survey of India CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board CPHEEO - Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization CTE - Consent to establish CTO - Consent to Operation EAC - Expert Appraisal Committee EHS - Environmental Health and Safety EIA - Environmental impact assessment EMP - Environmental management plan GLSR - Ground Level Service Reservoir GOI - Government of India GOJ - Government of Jharkhand IEE - initial environmental examination IBA - Important bird area KBA - Key biodiversity area MOHUA - Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs MOEFCC - Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change MPN - most probable number NOC - no objection certificate O&M - operation and maintenance PIU - project implementation unit PMU - project management unit REA - rapid environmental assessment SEIAA - State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 JSPCB - Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board JUWSIP - Jharkhand Urban Water Supply Improvement Project JUIDCO - Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Limited WHO - World Health Organization ULB - urban local body WTP - water treatment plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES m3 – cubic meter °C – degree Celsius Ha – hectare km – kilometer kWh – kilowatt hours L – liters LPCD – liters per capita per day m – meter mps – meters per second MT – metric ton MCM – million cubic meters MLD – million liters per day mm – millimeter nos. – numbers km2 – square kilometer m2 – square meter RL – reduced level NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CONTENTS Pages I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Project Background 1 B. Scope of the Report 1 C. IEE Report Structure 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 2 A. Profile of Jhumri Telaiya 2 B. Present Status of Water Supply in Jhumri Telaiya 5 C. Proposed Water Supply System under JUWSIP 6 D. Water Demand and Supply 7 E. Proposed Subproject Components 10 Jhumri Telaiya Error! Bookmark not defined. F. Implementation Schedule 13 III. POLICY LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 16 A. ADB Policy Statement 16 B. Screening and Categorization 16 C. National and State Laws 18 D. International Conventions and Treaties 31 E. Codes and Guidance 33 F. Indicative Statutory Clearance Requirements 34 G. National highway/ & railway crossings in subproject 36 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 37 A. Regional Settings 38 B. Accessibility 40 C. Physical Environment 40 D. Ecological Resources 50 E. Economy 53 F. Social and Cultural Heritage 54 G. Environmental Settings of Investment Program Component Sites 57 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 62 A. Introduction 62 B. Project Benefits 62 C. Pre-Construction Impacts– Design and Location 63 D. Design Impacts 63 Environmental Audit of Existing Water Supply Infrastructure 68 E. Pre-construction Impacts 73 F. Construction Impacts 74 G. Operation and Maintenance Impacts 88 H. Cumulative Impacts 90 VI. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 91 A. Overview 91 B. Public Consultation 91 C. Information Disclosure 94 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 95 A. Common grievance redress mechanism 95 B. Institutional arrangements and role functions 96 C. GRM at Project Level 97 D. GRM beyond project level 98 E. Consultation arrangements 99 F. Other features and requirements 100 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 101 A. Institutional Arrangement 101 B. Capacity Building 106 C. Environmental Management Plan 108 D. Environment Management Plan Implementation Cost 109 E. Indicative Cost of EMP 158 F. Monitoring and Reporting 158 IX. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 158 A. Conclusion 158 B. Recommendations 162 APPENDICES 1. REA Checklist 2. Exemption of Water Supply Projects from Taking Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Pollution Control Board 3. Applicable Standards for Ambient Air Quality/Noise Standard and Safe Drinking Water 4. List of Approved Quarries for Raw Materials 5. Locations of National Highway and Railway Crossings 6. IBAT Proximity Report: Water Supply-Jhumri Telaiya 7. Screening of Biodiversity Features Identified at Telaiya Dam Reservoir 8. Photolog of Proposed Subproject Sites 9. NOC for Sludge Disposal from Jhumri Telaiya Nagar Parishad 10. Environment and Safety Audit of Existing Water Treatment Plant 11. Typical Cross Section of Coffer Dam 12. Sample Outline Spoils (Construction Waste) Management Plan 13. Sample Outline Traffic Management Plan 14. Salient Features of Major Labour Laws Applicable to Establishments Engaged in Construction of Civil Works 15. Standard Operating Procedure Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic 16. Guidance for Contractors Camps 17. Guidelines and Emergency Plan for Handling and Storing Chlorine 18. Minutes of Public Consultations during Project Preparation 19. Public Information Notice Template 20. Sample Environmental Site Inspection Report 21. Environmental Safeguards Monitoring Template: Quarterly Progress Report Checklist and Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report 22. Coordinates of Different Subcomponents 23. Guidelines for Storage, Handling And Disposal of Hazardous Waste Municipal Solid Waste and Construction And Demolition Waste EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Description. The proposed Jharkhand Urban Water Supply Improvement Project (JUWSIP) would support urban service improvement strategies and policy initiatives of the Government of Jharkhand (GOJ) to contribute to improved urban living under the Jharkhand Vision and Action Plan 2021. The project will complement ongoing efforts of the GOJ for water supply infrastructure and service improvement and institutional reforms under various national flagship programs. JUWSIP will finance water supply infrastructure investments in four prioritized urban local bodies (ULBs). The towns selected include the state’s capital city Ranchi, and three towns located in economically and socially backward areas of Jhumri Telaiya, Hussainabad and Medininagar. Output 1: Water supply infrastructure in four Project towns improved. The Project will finance water supply infrastructure investments in four Project towns. The infrastructure investments involve construction and 5 years of performance-based O&M of piped water supply system in Project towns comprising of: (i) four water treatment plants with combined capacity of 275 million liters per day (MLD) meeting Indian water quality standards (IS:10500),1 and (ii) 940 kilometers (km) of climate-resilient water distribution network connected to about 115,000 households to ensure 24/7 water supply with non-revenue water reduced from current level of 45% to 20%. The water supply will have universal coverage including below poverty line, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and households with disabled persons in the Project areas. The Project will provide vocational training for employable job skills in construction and O&M of water supply assets to at least 100 community members (50 women). Output 2: Institutional capacity for sustainable urban service delivery and urban governance improved. The physical investments will be complemented with targeted institutional and financial reforms and capacity building to create an institutional framework for the ULBs in Jharkhand to replicate and follow. These include: (i) sustainable water sector asset management strategy including user charges policy for O&M cost recovery prepared and implemented in at least two Project towns; (ii) urban reforms policy on strengthening own-source revenues of ULBs prepared with three key actions implemented in two Project towns; (iii) information technology enabled systems for water service delivery and administration adopted in Ranchi through use of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for water supply operations, and mapping of assets, properties, and revenue database on geographic information system (GIS); (iv) training of relevant staff on, (a) design and implementation of urban services, including response to climate risks; (b) institutional development, urban governance, revenue generation, and financial planning, and operational dimensions; and (c) inclusion of gender equality and inclusive social features in urban services;2 and (v) improved awareness on, (a) behavior change activities focusing on water conservation, health, sanitation, and hygiene; (b) spread of epidemics or pandemics such as coronavirus disease; and (c) pilot
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