Wildflowers, Shrubs and Forbs (06.16.20) -Items that we have 10 or less of are marked with * -Items that we have 5 or less of are marked with ** Scientific Name Common Name 1-gallons 5-gallons 15-gallons Abutilon abutiloides Shrubby desert mallow $9.00* Abutilon malacum Yellow desert mallow $9.00 ** Abutilon mollicomum Sonoran indian mallow $9.00 Abutilon palmeri Superstition mallow $9.00 Abutilon parvulum Trailing desert mallow $9.00 Acaciella angustissima Fernball acacia $9.00 $23.00 ** Acalypha monostachys Raspberry fuzzies $9.00 Achillea millefolia Yarrow $9.00 Acourtia thurberi Thurber's perezia $9.00 Acourtia wrightii Brownfoot $9.00 * Adenophyllum porophyloides San Felipe dogweed $9.00 Agastache breviflora Trans-Pecos giant hyssop $9.00 Agastache pallidiflora Mountain giant hyssop $9.00 Agrimonia striata Woodland grooveburr $9.00 Aloysia gratissima Fragrant bee bush $9.00 $23.00 Aloysia wrightii Wright's bee bush $9.00 $23.00 Ambrosia ambrosioides Canyon ragweed $9.00 $23.00 * Ambrosia bryantii Baja ragweed $9.00 Ambrosia cordifolia Sonoran bursage $9.00 Ambrosia deltoidea Triangleleaf bursage $9.00 Anemopsis californica Yerba mansa $9.00 Anisicanthus puberulus Pink honeysuckle $9.00 ** Anisicanthus quadrifidus Mexican flame honeysuckle $9.00 $23.00 ** Anisicanthus thurberi Desert honeysuckle (orange) $9.00 $23.00 ** Anisicanthus thurberi Desert honeysuckle (red) $9.00 ** Aquielegia chrysantha Golden Columbine $9.00 Arabis perennis Perennial rockcress $9.00 Artemisia filifolia Sand sagebrush $9.00 ** Artemisia ludoviciana Western mugwort, white sagebrush $9.00 Artemisia tridentata Bigbrush sage $9.00 Asclepias angustifolia Arizona milkweed $9.00 Asclepias currassavica Goldflower milkweed $9.00 Asclepias linaria Pineleaf milkweed $9.00 $25.00 * Asclepias subulata Desert milkweed $9.00 $25.00 Asclepias subverticillata Horsetail milkweed $9.00 * $35.00 * Atriplex canescens Fourwing saltbush $9.00 $23.00 Atriplex hymenolytra Hollyleaf saltbush $9.00 Atriplex lentiformis v. breweri Brewer's saltbush $9.00 $23.00 * Atriplex lentiformis v. lentiformis Quail bush $9.00 $23.00 * !1 Scientific Name Common Name 1-gallons 5-gallons 15-gallons Atriplex linearis Narrowleaf saltbush $23.00 ** Atriplex polycarpa Desert saltbush $9.00 Baccharis brachyphylla Shortleaf baccharis $9.00 Baccharis salicifolia Seep willow $23.00 Baccharis sarathroides Desert broom $9.00 $23.00 Baccharis thesioides Arizona baccharis $9.00 Bahia absinthifolia Desert bahia $9.00 Bahia dissecta Ragleaf bahia $9.00 * Baileya multiradiata Desert marigold $9.00* Bebbia juncea Sweetbush $9.00 * Berberis haematocarpa Red barberry $35.00 Berlandieri lyrata Chocolate flower $9.00 Bidens aurea Apache beggarticks $9.00 Brickellia atractyloides Attractive brickelbush $9.00 * Brickellia betonicifolia Betonyleaf brickelbush $9.00 Brickellia californica California brickelbush $9.00 * Brickellia incana Woolly brickelbush $9.00 Brickellia venosa Veiny brickelbush $9.00 * Buddleja marrubifolia Wooly butterfly bush $9.00 $23.00 * Buddleja sessiliflora Rio Grande butterfly bush $23.00 Caesalpinia cacaloca Cascalote $25.00 Caesalpinia mexicana Mexican (yellow) bird of paradise $9.00 $23.00 ** $65.00 (4) Caesalpinia platyloba Palo Colorado $30.00 * Caesalpinia pulcherrima Red bird of paradise $9.00 $23.00 Calliandra eriophylla Native fairyduster $9.00** $23.00 Calliandra humilis var. humilis Anil falso $9.00 * Carphochaete bigelovii Bigelow bristleflower $9.00 Castella emoryi Crucifiction Thorn $40.00 ** Celtis pallida Desert hackberry $9.00 * $23.00 $65.00 (4) Chromolaena odorata Fragrant mistflower $9.00 Chrysnactinia mexicana Damianita $9.00 Cirsium neomexicanum New Mexico thistle $25.00 * Commicarpus scandens Climbing wartclub $9.00 * Conoclinium greggii Gregg's blue mist $9.00 Cordia parviflora Littleleaf cordia $9.00 $23.00 Coreocarpus arizonicus Arizona lemonhead $9.00 Coursetia glandulosa Santa Catalina baby bonnets $23.00 60.00 (1) Dalea bicolor var. bicolor Giant silver prairie clover $9.00 * $23.00 Dalea bicolor var. orcuttiana Fragrant dalea $9.00 Dalea frutescens Black dalea $9.00 ** $23.00 * Dalea greggii Trailing indigo bush $9.00 * Dalea lutea Yellowflowered dalea $23.00 * $60.00 (1) !2 Scientific Name Common Name 1-gallons 5-gallons 15-gallons Dalea pulchra Santa Catalina bush dalea $9.00 Dalea versicolor var. sessilis Oakwoods prairie clover $9.00 ** $23.00 * Datura wrightii Sacred datura $9.00 Desmanthus cooleyi Cooley bundleflower $9.00 Desmanthus covelli Covell's bundleflower $9.00 * Dichondra argenata Silver pony $9.00 Dicliptera resupinata Dicliptera $9.00 Dieteria asteroides Fall tansyaster $9.00 Dodonaea viscosa var. Native hopseed $9.00 $23.00 angustifolia Dychoriste hirsutissima Swamp snakeweed $9.00 Encelia virgensis Green brittlebush $9.00 Epilobium canum subsp. latifolia Hummingbird trumpet $9.00 Ericameria laricifolia Turpentine bush $9.00 Ericameria nauseosus Rabbit brush $9.00 Erigeron arizonicus Arizona fleabane $9.00 Erigeron eriophyllus Chaparral fleabane $9.00 Erigeron incomptus Fleabane $9.00 ** Eriogonium fasciculatum var. Flattop buckwheat $9.00 poliofolium Eriogonum wrightii var. wrightii Wright's buckwheat $9.00 $23.00 ** Euphorbia xantii Baja spurge $9.00 $30.00 Eustoma exaltatum Catchfly prairie gentian $9.00 Fallugia paradoxa Apache plume $9.00 * $23.00 Fouqueiria splendens subsp. Ocotillo $32.50 splendens Galliadia aristata Perennial blanketflower $9.00 Gaura coccinea Scarlet beeblossom $9.00 Gaura lindheimeri Lindheimer's beeblossom $9.00 Geranium caespitosa Pineywoods geranium $9.00 Glandularia gooddingii Goodding verbena $9.00 Gossypium davidsonii Davidson' hibiscus $25.00 Gossypium harknessi San Marcos hibiscus $60.00 (1) Guardiola platyphylla Apache plant $9.00 Gutierrezia sarothrae Snakeweed $9.00 Gymnosperma glutinosa Gumhead $9.00 Henrya insularis Island renegade $9.00 Hermannia pauciflora Santa Catalina blisterwort $12.00 ** Herrisantia crispa Bladdermallow $9.00 * Heuchera sanguinea Coralbells $9.00 Hibiscus biseptis Arizona rose mallow $9.00 Hymenoclea salsosa Burrobrush $9.00 Hymenothrix wrightii Wright's thimbleflower $9.00 !3 Scientific Name Common Name 1-gallons 5-gallons 15-gallons Indigofera sphaerocarpa Sonoran indigo bush $9.00 Indigofera suffrutescens Indigo bush $9.00 ** Ipomoea carnea Bush morning glory $9.00 Isocoma acradenia Alkali goldenbush $9.00 Isocoma tenuisecta Burroweed $9.00 Justicia califonica (yellow) Yellow-flowered chuparosa $9.00 * Justicia candicans Chihuahuan honeysuckle $9.00 Justicia longii Dwarf white honeysuckle $9.00 Justicia sonorae Sonoran honeysuckle $9.00 Justicida spicigera Mexican honeysuckle $9.00 Kraschenninikovia lanata Winterfat $9.00 Larrea tridentata Creosote $12.00 $25.00 Lasianthaea podocephala Pionia $9.00 * Leucophyllum candidum Violet silvercloud $23.00 Leucophyllum frutescens Texas ranger $23.00 ** Leucophyllum frutescens Green Cloud - Texas Ranger $23.00 Leucophyllum langmaniae Langman's sage $23.00 ** Leucophyllum prunosum Fragrant Texas ranger $9.00 $23.00 Linum lewisii Blue flax $9.00 Lippia graveolens Mexican oregano $9.00 Lobelia laxiflora $9.00 Lotus rigidus Shrubby deervetch $9.00 Lycium andersonii Anderson's wolfberry $9.00 $23.00 ** Lycium berlandieri Narrowleaf wolfberry $9.00 Lycium brevipes Baja wolfberry $9.00 Lycium californicum California desert-thorn (wolfberry) $25.00 Lycium exsertum Desert thornbush (wolfberry) $9.00 Lycium fremontii Fremont wolfberry $9.00 Lycium pallidum Paleleaf wolfberry $9.00 Machaeranthera tanacetifolia Tansyaster $9.00 Malvaviscus drummondii Turk's cap $9.00 Marina parryi False dalea $9.00 Melampodium leucanthum Blackfoot daisy $9.00 * $23.00 Menadora longifolia Longflower menadora $9.00 ** Menadora scabra Rough menadora $9.00 Mentha arvensis Native mint $9.00 Mentzelia multiflora Adonis blazing star $9.00 Mimosa aculeticarpa var. Catclaw mimosa, wait-a-minute bush $9.00 biuncifera Mimosa dysocarpa Velvetpod mimosa $23.00 Mimosa grahamii Graham's mimosa $9.00 Mimosa laxiflora Arizona mimosa $9.00 Mimosa palmeri Chopo $25.00 * !4 Scientific Name Common Name 1-gallons 5-gallons 15-gallons Oenothera caespitosa Tufted evening primrose $9.00 $15.00 (2-gallon) Oenothera hookeri Hooker's evening primrose $9.00 * Oenothera stubbei Baja evening primrose $9.00 Parthenium incanum Mariola $9.00 Penstemon eatonii Firecracker penstemon $9.00 Penstemon pseudospectabilis Canyon penstemon $9.00 $23.00 (flowering) Penstemon thurberi Thurber's beardtongue $9.00 ** Peritoma (Isomeris) arborea Bladderpod $9.00 ** Philadelphus microphyllus Mock orange $9.00 * Pluchea sericea Arrowweed $9.00 Plumbago zeylanica White plumbago $9.00 Poliomintha madrensis Mexican oregano $9.00 $25.00 Pseudognapalium Pearly everlasting $9.00 leucocephalum Quercus turbinella Scrub oak $35.00 * Ratibida columnaris Mexican hat $9.00 Rhus aromatica Lemonade berry $25.00 Rhus choriophylla Evergreen sumac, Mearns sumac $25.00 Rhus microphylla Desert sumac $25.00 (5) Rhus ovata Sugarbush $35.00 (5) Ribes aureum Golden currant $30.00 Rosa woodsii Woods' wild rose $23.00 Ruellia nudiflora Violet ruellia $9.00 * Ruellia peninsularis Baja ruellia $9.00 $23.00 ** Salvia chamdroides Oakwoods sage $9.00 Salvia farinacae Mealycup sage $9.00 Salvia greggii Autumn sage $9.00 * Salvia greggii White autumn sage $9.00 Salvia x greggii Hybrid eyelash sage (bright red flowers) $9.00 Salvia leucantha Mexican bush sage $9.00 Salvia microphylla Baby sage $9.00 Salvia mohavensis Mohave sage $9.00 Scuttellaria potosina Native skullcap $9.00 $23.00 Senna atomaria Flor de San Jose $9.00 Senna bauhinoides Twinleaf senna $9.00 Senna covesii
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