AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY VOLUME 55 1951 MON o -va ' VI MEN 9 RVM TA PRIO o" RV & IN co# THE JOURNALOF THE ARCHAEOLOGICALINSTITUTE OF AMERICA GLANVILLE DOWNEY, Harvard University, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Editor-in-Chief DIETRICH VON BOTHMER, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Editor, Book Reviews THEODORE H. ERCK, Vassar College, Editor, Archaeological News, Classical Lands FREDERICKJOHNSON, R. S. Peabody Foundation for Archaeology, Editor, Archaeological News, Western Hemisphere STEPHEN B. LUCE, Boston, Mass., Editor, Necrology ANN PERKINS, Yale University, Editor, Archaeological News, Near East (to 1 April 1951) ERIK K. REED, National Park Service, Assistant Book Review Editor CARL A. ROEBUCK, The University of Chicago, Editor, Archaeological News, Europe WM. STEVENSON SMITH, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Editor, Archaeological News, Near East (from 1 April 1951) C. BRADFORD WELLES, Yale University, Editor for Exchanges JULIA WARNER, Assistant Editor NATALIE GIFFORD WYATT, Indexer (from 1 October1951) ADVISORY BOARD OF ASSOCIATE EDITORS WILLIAM F. ALBRIGHT JOTHAMJOHNSON The Johns Hopkins University New York University ALFRED R. BELLINGER ALFRED V. KIDDER Yale University The Carnegie Institution of Washington CARL W. BLEGEN CHARLES RUFUS MOREY The University of Cincinnati Princeton, N. J. ROBERT J. BRAIDWOOD GISELA M. A. RICHTER The Oriental Institute The Metropolitan Museum of Art FRANK E. BROWN DAVID M. ROBINSON American Academy in Rome The University of Mississippi GEORGE H. CHASE H. R. W. SMITH Museum of Fine Arts, Boston The University of California, Berkeley WILLIAM B. DINSMOOR WM. STEVENSONSMITH Columbia University Museum of Fine Arts, Boston STERLINGDow MARY HAMILTON SWINDLER Harvard University The University of Michigan GEORGE M. A. HANFMANN Harvard University HONORARY EDITORS HUGHHENCKEN, President of the Institute; Director, American School of Prehistoric Research CHARLES H. MORGAN, Chairman, Managing Committee, American School of Classical Studies at Athens LAURANCEP. ROBERTS, Director, American Academy in Rome CARL H. KRAELING, President, American Schools of Oriental Research BOAZ W. LONG, Director, School of American Research Financial contributions toward the cost of printing this volume of the Journal have been receivedfrom: Lillian B. Lawler William T. Semple The Byzantine Institute, Inc. The Carnegie Corporation of New York (New York Community Trust) The Catholic University of America The Johns Hopkins University The Metropolitan Museum of Art Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology The University of Pennsylvania The School of American Research Yale University CONTENTS OF VOLUME 55 (1951) PAGE Adamesteanu, D. Archaeological News, Hungary 1939-1945 . ........ 380 Adams, F. W. Some Observations on the Consular Fasti in the Early Empire . 239 Albright, W. F. Rev. of Riis, Iama ................ 106 Rev. of Perkins, The Comparative Archaeology of Early Mesopotamia . 209 Allen, G. H. The Megaron Type House in the Neolithic Period in Central Europe (summary) 153 Allen, T. G. Rev. of The Temples of Kawa, I . 211 Arkell, A. J. An Old Nubian Inscription from Kordofan . ......... 353 Beazley, J. D. A Fragment of a Stele from Cyprus ........... 333 Bennett, E. L., Jr. Rev. of Jouguet et al., Les premieres civilisations ...... 417 Bieber, M. Rev. of Ka*hler,Der grosse Fries von Pergamon ......... 428 Rev. of Schweitzer, Die Bildniskunst der rdmischen Republik ...... 439 Blegen, E. P. Archaeological News, Greece . ........ 157 Bober, P. P. Cernunnos: Origin and Transformation of a Celtic Divinity ..... 13 Rev. of Chadwick, Early Scotland .............. 118 Bothmer, B. V. Rev. of Addison, Jebel Moya ............. 416 von Bothmer, D. Editor, Book Reviews .......... 102, 209, 271, 399 Rev. of Schmalenbach, Griechische Vasenmalerei .......... 117 Rev. of Graham, Black-Figure and Red-Figure Greek Pottery ...... 433 Breasted, J. H., Jr. Rev. of Aldred, Middle Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt ..... 417 Brett, A. B. Rev. of Sylloge Numorum Graecorum IV, 2 .......... 431 Broughton, T. R. S. Rev. of Nordh, Libellus de Regionibus Urbis Romae ..... 441 Bryant, W. J. Rev. of Cuadrado Diaz, Excavaciones en el Santuario Iberico del Cigarralejo 442 Rev. of Guerrero, Excavaciones de Asta Regia . .......... 442 Charlton, J. M. T. A Boeotian Bell-krater in Rochdale .......... 336 Chase, G. H. Rev. of Bieber, The Portraits of Alexander the Great ....... 433 Crosby, S. McK. Rev. of Jullian, Catalogue du Musee de Lyon, III . ...... 446 Day, F. E. Rev. of Margais et al., Objets Kairouanais .......... 447 Dehn, W. Archaeological News, Germany 1948-1950 . .......... 375 Downey, G. The Inscription on a Silver Chalice from Syria in the Metropolitan Museum of Art . 349 The City Plan of Antioch (summary) . ............ 154 Rev. of Pflaum, Les procurateurs 9questres . ........... 289 Rev. of Vasiliev, Justin the First .............. 289 Rev. of Kleinasien und Byzanz ...............421 Rev. of Casson and Hettich, Excavations at Nessana, II. ........ 438 Duval, P.-M. Archaeological News, France 1950 . ............ 371 Edgerton, W. F. Rev. of Gardiner, Ramesside Administrative Documents ..... 113 Ehrich, R. W. Rev. of B6hm, Zdklady Hallstattskg Periody v Cechach ...... 400 Erck, T. H. Editor, Archaeological News, Classical Lands ......... 157 Farnsworth, M. Second Century Rose Madder from Corinth and Athens ..... 236 Field, H. Archaeological News, Russia . .............. 194 Flrath, N. A Late Antique Imperial Portrait Recently Discovered at Istanbul . 67 Fontenrose, J. Rev. of Herbig, Pan. ..... ............... 273 Frisch, T. G. Rev. of Franken, Die Alamannen zwischen Iller und Lech ..... 217 Rev. of Leeds, A Corpus of Early Anglo-Saxon Great Square-Headed Brooches . 286 Gilliam, J. F. Rev. of Pascher, Rdmische Siedlungen und Strassen im Limesgebiet zwischen Enns und Leitha . 216 Gimbutas, M. Rev. of Bukart, Crestaulta .. .............. 104 Rev. of Miatev, Slavianske keramika y Bulgarija . ... ......... 120 iii iv CONTENTS Ginsberg, H. L. Rev. of Largement, La naissance de l'Aurore ........ 108 Goetze, A. Rev. of Figula, Business Documents of the New-Babylonian Period . 271 Goodfellow, C. E. Rev. of Bushe-Fox, Fourth Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent ............... ..... 277 Gordon, A. E. Rev. of Robathan, The Monuments of Ancient Rome . 439 Gordon, A. E. and J. S. Rev. of Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae, XIII, Fasti et Elogia, I: Fasti Consulares et Triumphales ................ 278 Gordon, J. S. see Gordon, A. E. Hanfmann, G. M. A. The Bronze Age in the Near East, I . ......... 355 Rev. of Monumenti della Pittura Antica Scoperti in Italia, Sezione I, La Pittura Etrusca: Tarquinii, Chiusi ................. 275 Rev. of Welker, The Painted Pottery of the Near East in the Second Millennium B.C. 411 Rev. of Goossens, L'Art de l'Asie anterieure dans l'antiquitd ....... 418 Rev. of Gjerstad, The Swedish Cyprus Expedition IV, 2 . ........ 424 Hansen, H. D. Protogeometric Vases from Skyros (summary) . ........ 149 Rev. of Kutzidn, The Kdrds Culture ............. 403 Hayes, W. C. Rev. of Allen, Occurrencesof Pyramid Texts with Cross Indexes of these and other Egyptian Mortuary Texts ................ 272 Hencken, H. Rev. of Davies, Excavations at Island MacHugh ........ 399 Hill, D. K. Roman Panther Tripods . ............... 344 A Class of Roman Folding Tables (Summary) .......... 148 Holland, L. A. Rev. of Brelich, Vesta ............... 282 Holland, L. A., and L. R. Taylor. Janus and the Roman Consular Lists (summary) . 150 Hopkins, C. Rev. of Reports and Monographs of the Department of Antiquities in Tripolitania 215 Ingholt, H. Rev. of Littmann, Safaitic Inscriptions . 285 Rev. of Landsberger, Sam al: Studien zur Entdeckung der Ruinenstatte Karatepe 420 Rev. of In Memoriam Halil Edhem I ............. 420 Rev. of Kar, Classical Indian Sculpture 300 B.C. to 500 A.D. 446 Johnson, F. Editor, Archaeological News, Western Hemisphere . ....... 255 Johnson, F. P. Rev. of Seltman, Approach to Greek Art .......... 212 Jones, T. B. The Eleusis Vase . ................... 67 Kantor, H. J. Rev. of Arkell, Early Khartoum . ............ 413 Kardara, C. P. On Theseus and the Tyrannicides . ........... 293 Keck, A. S. Rev. of McIntyre and Kitzinger, The Cofin of Saint Cuthbert . ... 446 Kirk, G. S. The Ship-Rhyton in Boston ............... 339 Lawrence, M. Asiatic Sarcophagi at Ankara and Beirut (summary) ...... 154 Legrain, L. Rev. of Smith, The Statue of Idri-Mi . ........... 105 Lozinski, B. P. Rev. of Frye, Notes on the Early Coinage of Transoxiana ..... 108 Luce, S. B. Editor, Necrology ....... .............. 101, 208, 269 McFadden, G. H. Archaeological News, Cyprus ............. 167 MacKendrick, P. Rev. of Brown, Onesicritus .............. 116 Mango, C. A. The Byzantine Inscriptions of Constantinople: A Bibliographical Survey . 52 Mellink, M. J. Rev. of Bourboulis, Apollo Delphinios . ... .......... 432 Michels, A. K. Rev. of Koch, R6mische Kunst ..... ............ 281 Montgomery, H. C. Rev. of Herbig, Ganymed: Heidelberger Beitrige zur antiken Kunst- geschichte . 274 Morgan, C. H. Rev. of Langlotz, Phidiasprobleme . .... ........... 432 Movius, H. L., Jr. Rev. of Goodwin, The Loom of History ... ......... 102 Rev. of Goodwin, The Bored Stones of South Africa . ......... 102 Rev. of Schofield, Primitive Pottery . ... .. ............. 102 Rev. of Windels, The Lascaux Cave Paintings . .... .......... 402 CONTENTS v Mylonas, G. E. The Figured Mycenaean Stelai ............ 134 The Cult of the Dead in
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