~f IN UTE S OJ.' TH t.: ANNlTAL CONFERENCES if·:,, ' .i 'I)•, METllODIS'l' EPISCOPAL CllllRCll, t' 0 R 'I' II E \' •: A ll S 1 7 7 3 -1 H 2 8. ~ ~ I . I NE\V-YORK: FOR TllJ.: :'tll:TllOPINT El'IMl'Ol'AI. C'lll!Hl'Jl 1 A'I' Tiii·: CONl-'Et~F.J1i;1·~~ :>t'Flt'E, ~00 l\llll.llti:l!H\-HTRF:ET. l: .T ( 'ollonl, f"1111frr. 1840. I I I ... ' TO THE READER. THE Annual Minutes of the Conferences of the Metho<list Episcopal Church ,· ...: .. '. I contain the statistics of the church in detail. They are therefore both en· I ·: tcrtaining and useful. All who feel an interest in the prosperity of Methodism •;. in this country derive much satisfaction from perusing these documents; and, as a source of authentic information respecting many things connected with the history, polity, and usages of the church, they are inJispensabh~. But being published in pamphlet form, they are liable to be lost ; anJ it requires no small trouble, when a. consecutive series is needed for any purpose, to procure one. For these reasons the idea of publishing them in a v<>lume was early conceived by John Dickins, first book agent in this country, who, in 1794, issued a volume embracing all the Minutes from the commencement of Methodism in America, a period of about twenty-one or twenty-two years. In 1813 a volume was published by D. Hitt and 'f. Ware, book agents. But this work is out of print, and the de&ire of many to have the whole from the commencement to the present period seems to call for the publication now offered. In addition to the benefit of having at hand a work of reference to which resort may be had for.settling any disputed or doubtful question relating to the statistics of the church, the volume now offered to the public may be recom· mended as a useful reading book. The biographical sketches of deceased preachers, of which there are many in the work, are highly interesting, and cannot, we think, be read without profit. The readers of the Minutes should bear in mind, that they are dated, seve­ rally, at the time of their publication ; and the matters recorded in each relate to the year closing at that period. This is necessary to a\·oid mistakes in regard to dates. Minutes for 18 21. 353 Si~ Lyons Crerk, Daniel Sh.epherdso11. Quest. 16. Where and when shall our Young-street, J. G. Peal, T. Demarest, next Conferences he held J D. Youmans, sup. l. Ohio Conforence, at Chillicothe, Au­ gust 8, 1820. Lowi:n CANADA D1sT. Henry Ryan, 2. :Missouri Conference, Shiloh Meet­ )~ P. Elder. Montreal, Truman Dixon. ing-house, St. Clair county, September 13, 1820. r:I, Attawa, Cornwall, Elijah Boardman. 3. Tennessee Conference, Hopkinsville, Augusta, Timothy Goodwin, K. M'K. Kentucky, October 4, 1820. Smith. 4. 1\Iississippi Conference, Midway, '\Yil­ Rideau, Calvin N. Flint. kinson countv, November 17, 1820. Bay Quintic, Hobert Jeffers, D. C. Spore. 5. South Carolina Conference, Colum­ Hallowell, Ja.s. \Vilson, Franklin Metcalf. bia, South Carolina, January 11, 1821. Bellville, Thomas Madden. 6. Virginia Conference, Raleigh city, North Carolina, :F'ebruary 23, 1821. !!, Smith's r,reck, Philander Smith. York, Fitch Reed. 7. Baltimore Conference, Baltimore, •Northumberland, John Rhodes, Israel March rn, 1821. Coolc. 8. Philadelphia Conference, Milford, •Shamokin, .lfarmadulce Pearce. state of Delaware, April 12, 1821. n. •Lycoming, Jahn Thomas, Rob't Afenshall. 9. New-York Conference, Troy, state •Bald Eagle, Thomas M'Gee, Abram of New-York, May 30, 1821. Dawson. 10. New-England Conference, Barre, Vermont, June 2'0, 1821. * The above are set off to the Baltimore Con­ 11. Genesee Conference, Paris, state ~er. ference. of New-York, July 19, 1821. MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST lfil9 er. EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOR THE YEAR 1821. oei Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial J John Denl1am, Joseph B. \Vyms, Joseph OHIO CONFERENCE. \Villiams, Elias Tidwel1, Henry Gregg, Alfred Brunson, Wm. Crofford, Charles \V. P. Kendrick, James Cumming, Thos. Thorn, "as. Collord, James Jones, Daniel Payne, John Paulsaul, Wyley B. Peek, Lirnrick, Chas. Truscott, Na.than \Valker, Henj. M. Drake, Aquilla Sampson, Alson \Villiam I. Kent, Wm. Simmons, Henry J. Waters, A. I. Crawford, B. P. Seawell, Knapp, Zarah Costin, J as. Havins-13. vVm. B. Carpenter, Jacob Sullivan, Sam'l Hyneman, Isaac Reynolds-31. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. Wm. L. Hawley, Elias Stone, Samuel .... Bassett, Francis Moore, William Cravens, Henry P. Cook, Nicholas T. Snead-2. ~. John M'Cord, W. ¥\"'". Rodman, H. Vre- SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. denburgh, David Chamberlain, George V. David Riley, Henry Seagrest, Archi- Hestcrs, James Simms, Isaac Brookfield, bald Purify, Thomas Thweat, Joshua N. Levin Green, Henry Stevenson, Gilbert Glenn, John Robertson, Daniel G. M'Da- Clark-15. niel, Elias Sinclair, Rob't T. Ward, Elijah I · TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Sinclair, John I. Triggs, Noah Laney, .... Milton Jameson,· \Vm. Young, Edward Bond English, M. M'Pherson, John Rey­ ~tevenson, John Evans, \Villiam l\fartin nolds, Livy Stancell-16. - David Gray, Esau Simmons, Allen H: VlRGINIA CONFERENCE. Dillard, \Y. l\L 1\l~Revnolds, J. \Y. M'Rey- Samuel Harrell, John W. M. Kirby, nolds, Blatchley C. \Yood, Luke C . Allen, Thomas Crowder, Wm. Leigh, Archibald 23 J..-.------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~ 354 Minutes for 1821. ' Brownley, Mann Dutton, Henry Peyton, SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. T. B. Humphries, Swain Swift-9. Thomas Samford, Barnett Smith, Re­ BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. bert Adams, Nathaniel Rhodes, Aq.il)a Samuel Clark, Samuel Bryson, Charles Norman, Thomas Gardner, Benjamin L. A. Davis, Samuel Ellis, Charles Young, Hoskins, John H. Trade well, Thomu French S. Evans, Norval Wilson, Wil­ Mabry, George Hill, John Mullinix-11. liam H. Chapman, Thomas M. Hudson, VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. George Harper, Shadrach Chaney, Jacob Moses Brock, Thomas R. Brame, Joh R. Sheppard-12. Thompson, George A. Bane, John F. A.a. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. drew, Hobert Wilkinson-6. Samuel S. Kennard, Daniel Parrish, BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Eliphalet Reed, John Davis, Solomon Charles B. Tippett, Mordecai Barry Higgins, John Bayne-6. Charles Cook, \Villiam C. Pool, Dt!b. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. B. Dorsey, David Steel, William Hanek, John Haile, \Vm. Brandeberry, B1.11o1 Cyrus Prindle, Samuel Covel, William Deforest, George W ells-11. S. Pease, John Nixon, Eli Denison, Lu­ cius Baldwin, Geo. Smith, John Luckey, PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. e ~ }.,riend W. Smith, Roswell Kelly, Julius None. Field, John B. Tyler-12. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Robert Seney, John Moriarty, Jon Heman Perry, Benj. Brown, Wallace Summerfield,* Joo.Clark, Nathan Riee-6. Lark, H. Nickerson, Gorham Greely, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Frederick Upham, Benjamin R. Lewis, Jotham Horton, James P. ~' Stephen Lovel, Aaron Fuller-9. William M'Coy, Phinehas Crandel, Chu. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Baker, David Culver, Ella Dunham, Jo­ Jos. Williams, Sam'l Bebins, Denison seph Kellam, Ezra Kellogg, Ezra 8. Smith, Asa Abel, Benjamin Dighton, Ezra Goodwin, Gilman Moody, Samuel Plwa­ Healy, Orin Foot, John Sayre, Gaylord mer, Abr'm Holway, True Page, Samael Judd, James Hodge, Benj. Landon, Asa Baker-15. Orcott, John Ryerson, George Farr-14. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Ira Brownson, Josiah Kies, Hinm Quest. 2. Who remain on trial J Moore, Caleb Kendall,jr., David C. Spoor, OHIO CONFERENCE. K. M'K. Smith, Manly Tooker, RichaN Isaac C. Hunter, Abner Goff, James "\Vright, W. H. William~, Philander S­ Gilrath, Thos. R. Ruckle, Josiah Foster, J asper Bennett, Robert Parker, Philelll Peter Warner, Jas. Murray, John Kinny, Parkus, John B. Gilbert, Thomas DeJDC>e Andrew Caneer, Abdiel Coleman, Benj. rest, Franklin Metcalf.-16. Crouch, Moses Hinkle, Thomas S. Hitt, WiJliam H. Raper, Robert Delap, Isaac Quest. 3. Who are admitted into fv1l Collord, Horace Brown, David Dyke, connection J John R. Keach, John P. Durbin, Francis OHIO CONFERENCE. Wilson, Nathaniel Harris, W. M. P. Samuel Adams, James Smith, Samlllll Quinn-23. Brockunier, Edward Taylor, Dennis GM­ MISSOURI CONFERENCE. dard, Charles Elliott, Thomas M'Cluy, Zechariah Connel, G. R. Jones, LereJ Qu Isaac N. Piggott, James Scott-2. Swormstedt, Arthur W. Elliott, Andl"IW TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. M'Lean, Burwell Spurlock, Hesekm William Peter, Elijah Kirkman, John Holland, Jam es T. W ells-15. Breadfield, Meredith Renneau Richard MISSOURI CONFERENCE. W. Morris, Ellesson Taylor, Mo~es Smith Thomas Tenant, Washington Orr, W•. Martin Flint, Samuel Patton, Wm. Gunn: Medford, John Wallace-4. Josiah Browder, Cheslea Cole,· Robert Hoopper-13. * John ~u.mmerfield, having laboured .._ years ~s an itmerant preacher in Ireland, &Dll-. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. accordmg to the regulation of the Irish Confer. Thomas Clinton Meredith Renau Dan'l ence, ~e had but one. year more to serTe 11 a Dey· ' ' probationer, was received by the New-YorkC.. mne-3· ferenco aa remaining on trial. 23• • __j Alinutes for 1821. 355 TE!'INESSEE CONFERENCE. Slocomb, T. Tenant, elect, W. Orr, elect, J. Butcher, jr., J obn Hrooks, Samuel V{. Medford, elect, J. \Vallace, elect-IO. Harwell. George Brown, John Kesterson, TENN ES SEE CONFERENCE. Ancil Richardson, Robert Payne, H. H. J. Butcher, elect, J uhn Brooks, elect, Brown, Starling C. Brown, George Lock, S. Harwell, elect, G. Brown, elect, J. David Adams, Elisha Simmons, Abraham Kesterson, elect, A. Richardson, elect, Still, Lewis S. Marshall, Thomas Madden, H. Payne, elect, H. H. Brown, elect, 8. Joseph D. Farrow, Hezekiah Holland, I~ C. BrCJ'\vn,*' George Lock, elect, David Josiah Whitaker, Zechariah Connell, Oba­ Adams, elect, Abraham Still, elect, L. S. • diah Freeman-20. Marshall, elect, T. Madden, elect, J. D. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. Farrow, elect, H. Holland, elect, J. \Vbit­ Wiley Ledbetter, John Booth-2. aker, elect, Z. Connell, elect, 0. Freeman, elect, James Witton, Jesse Green, John SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Davis, George Taylor, Wm.
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