Anthology of Peace and Security Research Volume 3 Institute for Peace and Security Studies of Addis Ababa University in Collaboration with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung December, 2012 Anthology of Peace and Security Research Volume 3 Institute for Peace and Security Studies of Addis Ababa University in Collaboration with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung December, 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS/AAU), Addis Ababa University and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Table of Contents Introduction, By Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe i Preface, By Arne Schildberg iii Section 1 1 '\QDPLFVRI,QWHU&RPPXQDO&RQÁLFWLQ1RUWK(DVW Ethiopia: The Case of Wejerat People and Their Neighboring Afar. Abraha Tesfay Chapter One 4 Introduction Chapter Two 13 Nature and Context of the Wejerat-Afar &RQÁLFWDQG,QWHUDFWLRQ Chapter Three 19 7KH&RQWHPSRUDU\:HMHUDW$IDU&RQÁLFW'\QDPLFVDQG Interactions: Data Analysis and Presentation Chapter Four 58 Conclusion and recommendations References 66 Section 2 71 Entrenching the Culture of Peace in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities. Alagaw Ababu Chapter One 74 Introduction Chapter Two 79 Conceptual Framework Chapter Three 84 Challenges of Building the Culture of Peace Chapter Four 108 Prospects for Building the Culture of Peace Chapter Five 117 Summary and Conclusions References 120 Section 3 125 Religious Tolerance and Tensions between Orthodox Christianity and Islam Religion in Gondar Town, North West Ethiopia. Haileyesus Muluken Chapter One 135 Introduction Chapter Two 141 Research Methodology Chapter Three 146 Features of Religious Tolerance and Tensions in Gondar Town Chapter Four 165 Major Actors and Manifestations of Tolerance and Intolerance Chapter Five 175 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations References 178 Section 4 189 Trends and Responses to Terrorism in the Horn of Africa: The Ethiopian Experience. Muluwork Gebre Gessesse Chapter One 192 Introduction Chapter Two 200 Review of Related Literature What is Terrorism? Chapter Three: 215 Terrorism in Ethiopia and the Horn: Analysis and Findings Somalia: A Failed State Chapter Four 243 Conclusions and Recommendations References 248 Section 5 253 (WKQLF&RQÁLFW0DQDJHPHQWDQG&RQÁLFW7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ The Case of Derashe and Konso in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR). Yidneckachew Ayele Chapter One 258 Introduction Chapter Two 267 7KH'HUDVKH.RQVR&RQÁLFW Chapter Three 278 7KH'HUDVKH.RQVR&RQÁLFW0DQDJHPHQW3URFHVV Chapter Four 293 7KH'HUDVKH.RQVR&RQÁLFW0DQDJHPHQWLQDQGXQGHU7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ Chapter Five 301 Summary and Conclusion References 305 Anthology of Peace and Security Research Introduction It has been over two years since the Institute for Peace and Security Studies of Addis $EDED8QLYHUVLW\PDGHWKHGHFLVLRQWRSXEOLVKÀYHVHOHFWHGWKHVHVIURPHDFKJUDGXDWLQJ class. There are two objectives for this initiative. First, we aim to disseminate research ÀQGLQJVWRSROLF\PDNHUVDQGVFKRODUV6HFRQGZHZDQWWRHQFRXUDJHVWXGHQWVWREH thorough in their research. To date, the Institute has published two books that have been widely circulated to academics and policy makers in Ethiopia. The publications reward students for their efforts in producing high quality theses. Many of our students are able to meet the demanding requirements of their degrees and also produce high quality theses for publication. This has been a source of encouragement for us to continue with WKLVSURMHFW7KHÀYHVHOHFWHGWKHVHVUDLVHUHOHYDQWSROLF\LVVXHVLQSHDFHDQGVHFXULW\ 7KHDUJXPHQWVDQGÀQGLQJVVWDWHGLQHDFKRIWKHWKHVHVLQQRZD\UHSUHVHQWWKHRSLQLRQ of the Institute and are strictly owned by their writers. 7KH ÀUVW WKHVLV LQ WKLV DQWKRORJ\ ZDV ZULWWHQ E\ $EUDKD 7HVID\ZKR GLVFXVVHV WKH G\QDPLFVRILQWHUFRPPXQDOFRQÁLFWLQ1RUWK(DVW(WKLRSLDE\XVLQJWKHFDVHVRIWKH Wejerat in Tigray and neighboring Afar. The study emphasizes the underlying causes, G\QDPLFVDQGWUHQGVRIWKHFRQÁLFWUHFRJQL]LQJWKDWWKLVUHTXLUHVDQXQGHUVWDQGLQJ of the relationship between the two groups in connection with their historical legacy during times of both peace and instability. The culture of interdependence and symbiotic relations between the two communities known as fukur (close friendship) and gereb MRLQWLQVWLWXWLRQWRVROYHFRQÁLFW KDYHQRZEHFRPHSUREOHPDWLF7KLVVWXG\LOOXVWUDWHV the gravity of the problem by underscoring the importance of timely intervention and grassroots level studies that focus on addressing root causes rather than treating symptoms of already existing problems. The second paper was written by Alagaw Ababu and titled, “Entrenching the culture of peace in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities”. This study examines the culture of peace across the aspects of democracy, non-violent political struggle, and inter-ethnic and inter-religious tolerance and solidarity in Ethiopia. The paper discusses some of the alleged challenges in building a culture of peace. These constraints include authoritarian political culture, lack of inclusiveness of the democratization process, unfavorable socio-economic conditions and the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (35') $VXPPDU\RIUHVHDUFKÀQGLQJVDQGNH\SULRULW\DUHDVLVWKHQSUHVHQWHG Haileyesus Muluken wrote the third paper, titled, “Religious Tolerance and Tension between Orthodox Christianity and Islam Religion in Gondar Town, North West (WKLRSLDµ7KHÀQGLQJVRIWKLVVWXG\UHYHDOWKHH[LVWHQFHRIYDULRXVFDXVHVDQGDFWRUV LQWKHFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQ2UWKRGR[&KULVWLDQVDQG0XVOLPVLQ*RQGDUWRZQ$VDUHVXOW i Anthology of Peace and Security Research provocative religious propagation, lack of a clear legal regime regarding religious matters, religious extremism, lack of understanding and misapplication of freedom of religion, new identity consciousness, lack of good governance, competition over ritual and burial sites, historical factors, national religious problems, and globalization and external involvement were found to be the causes of religious intolerance between the two communities. The fourth paper, “Trends and Responses to Terrorism in the Horn of Africa: The (WKLRSLDQ ([SHULHQFHµ E\ 0XOXZRUN *HEUH *HVVHVVH LGHQWLÀHV PXOWLSOH FDXVHV RI terrorism for instance the collapse of the Somali state, poverty, ideological differences, and religion as an organizing principle for terrorist activities. Fuelled by sophisticated LQWHUQDWLRQDOQHWZRUNLQJÀQDQFLQJDQGWHFKQRORJ\IHUWLOHJURXQGIRUWKHSUHYDOHQFH RIWHUURULVPKDVEHHQFUHDWHGE\ORRVHO\FRQWUROOHGDQGSRURXVERUGHUVFRQÁLFWVDPRQJ GLYLGHGFRPPXQLWLHVDQGÀUHDUPV&RQVLGHULQJWKHWUHQGVFRQVHTXHQFHVDQGPHDQV employed to perpetrate these acts, terrorism is a serious threat to the overall well being of the sub-region. Hence, preventive and defensive mechanisms have been recommended as counter terrorism measures. 7KHÀIWKSDSHUZULWWHQE\<LGQHFNDFKHZ$\HOHLVWLWOHG´(WKQLF&RQÁLFW0DQDJHPHQW DQG &RQÁLFW 7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ 7KH &DVH RI 'HUDVKH DQG .RQVR LQ 6RXWKHUQ 1DWLRQV Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR)”. The main objective of this study was to H[SORUHWUDQVIRUPDWLYHSHDFHEXLOGLQJLQHWKQLFFRQÁLFWPDQDJHPHQWLQWKH/LJKWRI the recent experiences of the Derashe and Konso ethnic groups in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR). The paper attempts to elucidate the UHOHYDQFHRIFRQÁLFWWUDQVIRUPDWLRQWKHRU\LQHVWDEOLVKLQJLQWHUQDOKDUPRQ\DQGWKH co-existence of different ethnic groups. The study discovered the relevance of both FRQVWLWXWLRQDO PDFURSROLWLFDO GHFLVLRQV DQG PLFUROHYHO HWKQLF FRQÁLFW PDQDJHPHQW processes in exploring and adapting transformative strategies of bottom-up peace EXLOGLQJ7KHVWXG\DOVRSURGXFHGDQDO\WLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHQDWXUHRIFRQÁLFW EHWZHHQWKH.RQVRDQG'HUDVKHHWKQLFJURXSVWKHFRQÁLFWPDQDJHPHQWSURFHVVDQGLWV transformative dimensions. I hope these selected theses will advance your knowledge on research in the area of peace and security. Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe Director Institute for Peace and Security Studies Addis Ababa University ii Anthology of Peace and Security Research Preface 7KLVSXEOLFDWLRQLVDFROOHFWLRQRIÀYHWKHVHVVXEPLWWHGWRWKH,QVWLWXWHRI3HDFHDQG Security Studies (IPSS/AAU) of Addis Ababa University. The realization of this publication was a true partnership between two institutions: the Institute of Peace and Security Studies (IPSS/AAU) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), which share a common interest in education, research, dialogue, and international understanding. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is a German political foundation committed to the values of social democracy. It runs various projects in more than 100 countries. The Foundation promotes dialogue on democracy and development broadly-contributing to peace and security and the maintenance of solidarity in a globalized world. )(6$GGLV$EDEDLVDOVRDSDUWRIDFORVHQHWZRUNRI)(6RIÀFHVLQ(DVWHUQ$IULFD,W ZRUNV FORVHO\ ZLWK RWKHU RIÀFHV LQ 1DLUREL .DPSDOD 'DU (V 6DODP DQG .KDUWRXP :LWKLQWKLVQHWZRUNRI(DVWHUQ$IULFDQ2IÀFHV)(6$GGLVLVVSHFLDOL]LQJLQ6HFXULW\ Policy Issues. Actually, it is the regional competence center on Security Policy for FES Eastern African regional work FES would like to extend its gratitude to its partnering organization IPSS/AAU for the invitation to support such an initiative. I am also indebted to IPSS/AAU Staff and the Staff of FES for organizing the process of this publication. Particularly, my thanks go to those who have contributed to the success of this series: Miriam Mamo, Helen Yosef and Tigist Yeshiwas (IPSS/AAU), Selam Abraha and Maria Bramer (FES).
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