1886 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 85 .Also, petition of citizens, asking that a pension be granted to James The resolutions were unanimously agreed to; and in accordance McCaffrey-to the same committee. therewith (at 12 o'clock and 17 minutes p. m.) the House adjout:ned. Also, petition of Mrs. Eliza. A. Moss, for arrears of pension-to the Committee on Pensions. Also, statement in the claim of William K. Copeland-to the Com­ PETITIONS, ETC. mittee on War Claims. The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, By Mr. T. B. REED: Petition of 0. B. Scofield, for relief-to the under the rule, and referred as follows : Committee on Invalid PeL.Sions. · By Mr. G. E. ADAMS: Petition relating to ventilation on passenger By Mr. E. B. TAYLOR: Petition of the East Ohio conference ofthe steamships-to tlle Committee on Commerce. Methodist Episcopal Church, asking for legislation protecting. Chinese By Mr. BAKER: Petition of Hon. Leonard Burritt, William B . .Ar­ from spoliation and outrage-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. nold, J. D. Decker, and others, of :Monroe and Orleans Counties, New By Mr. ZACH. TAYLOR: Petition of A. V. Warr, administrator York, for the improvement of the harbor at Troutsburg, on Lake On­ of A. H. Isabell, deceased, of Fayette County, and of Thomas E. Prew­ tario, New York, on the line between Orleans and Monroe Counties­ ett, administrator, of H~· deman County, Tennessee, asking that their to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. claims be referred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War By Mr. FINDLAY: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the United Claims. States, asking an increase of duty on certain articles-to the Commit­ Also, petition of J. B. Rills, administrator of the estate of Dr. John tee on Ways and Means. Millington, of Shelby County, Tennessee, asking that his claim be By Mr. HIESTAND: Petition ofgold and silver beaters of the United referred to the Cohrt of Claims-to the same committee. States, asking an increase of duty on certain articles-to the s..'tme com- By Mr. TOWNSHEND: Petition of citizens of White and Hamil­ mittee. " ton Counties, Illinois, praying that a pension be granted to Andrew J. By Mr. JACKSON: Petition of22 citizens of Darlington, Pa., as~g Nanny, Company B, Fifty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers-to the for the passage of the Hatch experiment-station bill in the interest of Committee on Invalid Pensions. agriculture-to the Committee on .Agriculture. Also, petition of citizens of White County, Illinois, praying for the ByMr. LYMAN: Petition of gold and silver beaters oftbe United passage of a bill granting a pension. to William Carroll, late of Com­ States, asking an increase of duty on certain articles-to the Committee pany D, Thirty-sixth Ohio Volunteers-to the same committee. on Ways and Means. By Mr. W .A.DE: Petition of E. L. Weaver, a~nistrator of Felix B. By Mr. MILLARD: Petition of gold and silver l)eatersof the United Weaver, "deceased, and of W. S. Norfleet, administrator of G. P. Shack­ States, asking for an increase of duty on certain articles-to the same elford, deceased, of Greene County, Missouri, asking that their war committee. claims be referred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War By Mr. O'HARA.: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the United Claims. Stat.es, asking increase of duty on certain articles-to the same com­ By Mr. WILLIAM WARNER: Affidavit in· the claim of William mittee. Whitehouse-to the same committee. By Mr. CHARLES O'NEILL: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the United States, for increase of duty on certain articles-to the same committee. By Mr. PARKER: Petition of gold and silver beaters ofthe United · HOUSE OF RE;I?RESENTATJ;YES. States, for relief-to the same committee. By Mr. PETERS: PetitionofWomen'sChristianTempemnceUnion ' FRIDAY, ·December 10, 1886. of Kansas, f.woring the Blair educational bill-to the Committee on Education. , The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain·, Rev . ..W. By Mr. RICE:· Petition of E. A. Harwood aud others, of North · ll. MILBTffiN, D. D., as follows: Brookfield, Mass., for agricultural experiment stations-to the Com- Almighty and Everlasting God, again this House bas been stricken mittee on .Agriculture. by the hand of death, and another seat h made empty. Console· and By Mr. STAHLNECKER: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the comfort the wife and the children thus rendered desolate, widowed, and United States, asking an increase of duty on certain articles-to the fatherless. Be Thou the stay and the chee1· of their hearts in this sud­ Committee on Ways and Means. den and awful bereavement. Impress us all in the presence of this By Mr. VIELE: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the United ninth death of-the Honse dming this Congress with the sense tba~ in States, asking for an increased duty on certain articles-to the same the midst of life we are in death; and therefore whatsoever om hands committee. .find to do, help us to do it with our might, for there is no work nor de­ By Mr. WAIT: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the United vice, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, whither we all are going. States, asking an increase of duty on certain articles-to the same com- 0 God! be Thou the strength of our hearts and our portion forever. mittee. · 'Ve humbly ask, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. By Mr. WEBER: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the United The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. States, asking an increase of duty on certain articles-to the same com­ ORDER OF BUSINESS. mittee. Mr. TIMOTHY J. C.A.l\IPBELL rose. Mr. RICHARDSON: On the 23d of July the bill (H. R. 5194) was made a special order for this day, immediately after the reading of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Journal. On account of the announcement about to be made by the gentlemanfromNewYork [Mr. TIMOTHY J. CAMPBELL], Inowaskthat SATURDAY, December 11, 1886. that bill be made the special order for next Friday immediately after The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. the reading of the Journal. H. MILBURN, D. D. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Tennessee asks unanimous The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. consent to postpone the special order indicated by him until next Fri­ The following additional members appeared ..and took their seats: day, immediately after the reading of the Journal. Messrs. 0' DONNELL, LOWRY, HowARD, HouK, SMALLS, and BALLEN­ There was no objection, and it was so ordered. TINE. DEATH OF HON. ABRAHAM DOWDNEY. FUNERAL OF HO"Y . .A..BR.AHAM DOWDNEY. .Mr. TIMOTHY J. CAMPBELL. Mr. Speaker, it is with sorrow and The SPEAKER announced, under the resolution of the House, the fol­ regret I have to announce to this House the death of one of its members, lowing as the committee to attend the funeral ofHon. .A.BR.AH.A..M Down­ Hon. ABRAHAM DoWDNEY, one of my associates in the representation of NEY: Mr. TD:lOTHY J. CAMPBELL, Mr. VIELE, 1\lr. MERRIMAN, and Mr. MULLER, oftbecityofNewYork; Mr. O'NEILL, ofMissourii Mr. the city of New York. As he was entering his house l~t evening he ' was stricken with apoplexy, and died at 8 o'clock this morning. I offer BRADY, and Mr. SCRANTON. the resolutions which I send to the Clerk's desk. CONTINGENT FUND OF STATE DEP .A.RTUENT .. The Clerk read as follows: The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of Resolved, That the House has heard with profound regret the announcement State, transmitting detailed statements of the expenditures of the con­ of the death ofHon. ABRA.HAH DOWDNEY, late a Representati-.e from the State of New York. tingent fund and of all disbursements by the disbursing clerk of that Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate co-ncurring), That a select Department; which wa'3 referred to the Committee on Expenditures in joint committee, consisting of seven membeJS of the House and three members the State Department, and ordered to be printed. of the Senate, be appointed to attend the funeral, and the necessary expenses attending the execution of this order be paid out of the contingent fund of the TBE.A..TIES WITH KANSAS INDIANS. House. Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House be authorized and directed The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ to take such steps as may be necessary for properly carrying out the provisions tary of the Treasury, transmitting with inclosures an amendment to ofthiB resolution. • Resolved, That the Clerk communicate the foregoing resolutions to the Senate. the estimates for fulfilling treaties with the Kansas Indians for 1888, Resowed, As a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, that the Book of Estimates, page 137; which was referred to the Committee on House do now adjow·n. • Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. 86 CONGRESSIONAL .RECQRD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 11, REPORT OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER COIDIISSION. Mr.- GIBSON, of West Virginia. I call the gentleman's attention to The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ an omission in the bill. There are no penalties attached for any vio­ tary of War, transmitting the annual report of the Mississippi River lation of obligations upon the part of the company.
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