ISSUE 21 (151) • 27 MAY – 2 JUNE 2010 • €3 • WWW.HELSINKITIMES.FI DOMESTIC BUSINESS CULTURE EAT & DRINK Helsinki Changing Investing World The best Summer funeral in hedge Village pizzas Guide practices funds Festival in town pages 11-13 page 4 page 8 page 15 page 16 LEHTIKUVA / MARKKU ULANDER Discrimination in recruitment rarely reported Even a vacancy notice can be dis- Job applicants may not criminatory. Discrimination can take place at any stage of the re- know they are being dis- cruitment process: in shortlisting criminated against. applicants for interviews, while carrying out the interviews them- selves, and while making the fi nal HANNA NISSINEN – STT decision. MATTHEW PARRY – HT But discrimination based on stereotypes appears to play less of a AN AVERAGE of only one case of al- role the more time employers invest leged discrimination in recruit- in deciding on a new employee. ment comes before Finnish courts “This is because many prejudices each year, according to a report by are unconscious and emerge quite the Ministry of Employment and the early on,” Liebkind says. Economy released 12 May. The report confi rms that the na- The Dinner in the Sky tour was launched in Helsinki on 25 May. Dinner in the Sky is a floating restaurant lifted by crane Professor Karmela Liebkind, of ture of discrimination in Finland is to a height of 40 metres. the University of Helsinki, argues that broadly consistent with results ob- one reason for this is that it can be dif- tained in international studies. fi cult for job applicants to realise that they are being discriminated against. Read the full article on page 4. Restaurant serves dinner sky-high in charge of safety Lassi Lammin- Seatbelts secure diners to their benches as the restau- pää says that if necessary the res- Working group: Privatisation of taurant can be back on the ground rant hangs on the jib of a crane at a height of 40 metres. in less than half a minute, in case rail traffic would reduce prices one of the customers panics or suf- fers an attack of illness. The ground HEIKKI METSÄMÄKI – STT But even here the fi rst tender would MARIA ANNALA–STT sky only to businesses but this year is also visited for more common- MATTHEW PARRY – HT not be until 2018, since HSL’s contract ALEKSIS TORO–HT anyone can purchase a ticket to place needs since a toilet is not sep- with VR extends until then. dine at the jib of a crane. During the arately hoisted into the heights. IF RAIL-BASED passenger transport Next in line could be urban com- WHEN you look straight ahead it summer the restaurant tours Hel- The restaurant could according were opened to private-sector com- muter train traffi c and rail bus traf- feels almost like being in an ordi- sinki, Lahti, Imatra and Jyväskylä. to Lamminpää be safely lifted up a petition, prices would fall. This is the fi c that complements regional nary restaurant. But the moment Tuominen explains that it is not lot higher than 40 metres but in Fin- conclusion of a working group set transport services in Helsinki and you turn your chair your legs come possible to serve just anything up in land the authorities have permitted up by the Ministry of Transport and Tampere. This could be joined by the off the pad and a 40-metre drop un- the air. “You have to choose prepa- only this altitude, which the ladders Communications. According to the Lahti-Kotka-Kouvola, Hanko-Karjaa, folds before your eyes. This is when rations that won’t go cold since the on their rescue vehicles can reach. group’s evaluation, service subscriber Ylivieska-Iisalmi and Nurmes-Joen- you really feel suspended in the sky. airfl ow up here is stronger than In other countries dinner has been charges would fall by 15-20 per cent. suu-Pieksämäki routes. The third The people below look small but the normally – and you can forget served at least at 80-90 metres. In Finland there are no opera- phase would see long-distance traf- view is grand. about lightweight adornments.” tors large enough to mount a credi- fi c opened up to private competition. The chair with its special seat- The wind also presents a chal- ble challenge to VR, the state railway belt brings to mind a theme park lenge to the waiters. Tuurinkoski The experience includes the lift up company. Presumably VR would face Read the full article on page 5. ride, but the table setting is like in notes that occasionally the coffee into the sky, with brunch for break- competition from large-scale inter- any other eatery. In the centre of the will go cold on the tablecloth in- fast, or a three course menu with national companies, suggests Minna group of tables chef Markku Tuomi- stead of the cup when air currents drinks for lunch and dinner. Kivimäki, who chaired the working nen expertly assembles eggs bene- get a hold of the liquid being poured. group. dict on 20 plates, and waitress Lotta Yet both of them say they en- The next dinners in the sky Tendering would begin in the capi- Tuurinkoski pours the champagne. joy working in the restaurant in the 27 May in Helsinki tal region, where the Helsinki Regional It’s breakfast time in restaurant sky. “The customers here are always 28 May in Helsinki Transport Authority (HSL) has already Dinner in the Sky, which hangs sus- in a good mood, and don’t complain 9 June in Lahti subjected bus services to competition. pended in the sky by a crane. The about little things,” Tuurinkoski Check out the rest of the tour summer season of the restaurant in smiles. schedule: www.dinnerinthesky.fi the sky is just getting started. Pre- You can get down from the sky at viously meals were offered in the any time. The director of the crane EU residence card. The same rules EU Court of Justice decision will apply to family members re- gardless of when they started their family with the EU citizen or wheth- forces change in Finnish law er they were already a family unit ALLAN BAIN A non-Finnish EU national will, in another EU member state before +0*/64'03300'501$0$,5"*-4 HELSINKI TIMES come July, be able to bring a family coming to Finland. '3* +6/&5) Ř1. "//"/,"56 )&-4*/,* member from outside the Union to The Directive only refers to those PRESIDENT Tarja Halonen strength- Finland, even if this family member situations in which the EU citizen ened the law relating to foreigners has not resided in another EU coun- resides in another EU state than her in Finland at the behest of the Finn- try prior to arriving in Finland. For own. Therefore, the change won’t ish government on Friday 21 May. example, if a German citizen wants apply to the family members of The change, which comes into to bring their Ghanaian partner those Finnish citizens who reside in force on 1 July, will affect the free- to Finland, the latter will no long- Finland. dom of movement of EU citizens er need to have lived in another EU According to the Finnish Ministry and their family within the EU. country prior to residing in Finland. for Internal Affairs, the ability of the More precisely, it will affect fami- As of July, the family member will family to support itself fi nancially ly members who are not EU citizens no longer be issued with a residence is still required when an EU citizen’s themselves. permit but will instead be given an family member moves to Finland. 2 27 MAY – 2 JUNE 2010 VIEWPOINT HELSINKI TIMES Ritva Viljanen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior. When we save a child, we save an entire life tion to support their children, have emerged, such as KiVa come more organised over Our young people are at ever greater risk of violence and marginal- and thus the problem is trans- Koulu, a national anti-bully- the last 20 years. The growth ferred to the next generation. ing programme. But this does is particularly strong among isation. Reversing the trend will require action and clear priorities. An estimated 5-8 per cent of not take away from the fact young men aged 18-20 years. Finland’s children and young that bullying is far too com- After the murders at Jokela people are marginalised, mon in Finland, and that – and Kauhajoki, we need to stop THE GOVERNMENT is current- of collective responsibility, are more likely than others which is far too high a fi gure. even more concerning – it’s and ask what is happening to ly sketching out its areas of which extends to all mem- to suffer accidents. Novel to on the increase. Finnish society. How can we focus for the future, its lead- bers of society. This should marginalisation in Finland IMMIGRANT children and prevent these incidents? Are ing development initiatives. not be forgotten even un- is its cross-generational and youths are especially likely IN ALMOST all classes of we too tolerant of violence? In deciding on strategies for der the pressure for effi cien- aggregate nature. Problems to end up marginalised. As crime, young people make improvement, we must not cy created by today’s society. develop in clusters – unem- many as one in fi ve of them up the majority of both vic- WE NEED more effective pro- forget children and young The quarterly economy begs ployment, drug use, violence.
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