WEDNESDAV, JANUARY , 11,1967 PAGE THIRTY-SIX Be a Blood Donor Tomorrow; Sidvatibn Citad 1:45 -6:30 \ About Town Ex-Missionar\ to Burma Miffit Condition Priest Will ' A meeting will be held tomor­ Said Improved Average Pally Net Press Ron row at 1:80 pjn. at Neill HtUl, Guest of Baptist Mission At Center Congregational For the Week Ended ^The Weather :st. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Edward MlffU, 87, of 28 Clear- \ view Ter. , remains in critical He h u been Involved exten­ Jannary 7, 1867 Cloudy, breesy, mUd tonight, to formulate plans for a Chil- The Rev. William D. Hackett, The Rev. Prank Dumont of condition in St. Franda Hospi­ sively In ecumenical affalm in low in 30s; partly cloudy dren’s Lenten Slission, which former missionary to Burma, St. Louis de Montford Semin­ end tal today although a hospital western Connecticut in recent will be. held during Lent. The speak Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 8 mild tomorrow, high 45-50. spokesman reported his condi­ ary, Litchfield, will speak Sun-, meeting is open to all interested years, and was the Roman p.m. at a meeting of the Wom­ tion is “ improving slightly.” day at 8, 9:18 and 11 a m. at catholic participant in the Ecu­ 15,045 clergy and lay persons from en’s Mission Society of Com­ ^tmehester^A City o f ViUage Charm M iffit is suffering from, two Center Congregational Church, menical Conversations sponsor- Manchester and Bolton. munity Baptist Church in Fel­ crushed legs and interna* in- ^ Roman Catholic ed by the Faith and Order Com­ (Glaatlfled AdvCTttsIng on Pago 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS- lowship Hall at the church. T^ie mission of the Connecticut VOL. XXXXVI, NO. 86 (TWENtTf PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1967 Manchester Association for theme of the program is “The yS.S'; « «» P T - * « Council of Churches. the Help of Retarded Children, Call of Foreign Missions.’’ ’The 7:30 a.m. when an unoccupied ship services at Center Chuich. Between services. Father Du­ Inc., will meet tomorrow at 8 event is open to the public. station wagon roU ^ backward His visit was approved by a mont will speak with those hav­ 'p.m. at Bunce Center. ■ Before the program, there and crushed him against a load­ ing particular questions on re­ will be an executive board meet- ing platform at Hartford Hilton ligious ecumenity. Thomas W. Cliffwd, son o f ing at 7, and a business meet- Hotel, Hartford police said to­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clifford jng at 7:30. day. of 396 Hartford Rd., has recent­ A missionary to Burma under Miffit, a route driver sales­ on ly been promoted to the rank of the sponsorship of the American man for General Baking Co. of 13 in DE Class eargeont while serving with the Baptist Foreign Mission So­ Hartford, was unloading wares 126th Maintenance Battalion at ciety, the Rev. Mr. Hackett will from his truck onto the plat­ Go to New York Erlangen, Germany. He entered speak on the state o f the church form when the mishap occur­ Thirteen Manchester High the service in April 1965, and in Burma, and some of the poli­ red, police reported. took his basic training at Ft. tical, economic and social move- School seniors enrolled in the DRESSES To Crush Opponents Jacltson, S. C. He received ad- mgnts in Southeast Asia, and distributive' education program vanced armored training and at­ what this could mean to the fu­ will travel to New York City tended Noncommissioned Officer Toastmasters ture of the church. He will show Hausaniann photo tomorrow to attend a conven­ Academy, F t Knox, Ky. He is costumes, curios and artifacts Rev. WUliam D. Hackett a member of St. Mary’s Episco­ Add 2 Members tion o f the National Retail Mer­ •COATS of the country, and describe the pal Church. challenges of missions today. tive in work of the Burma Bap- Two new members were in- chants Association. Together with all other mis­ tist Convention executive com- troduced last night at a meet- During the day-long confer­ Cultural Officers and directors of sionaries, Dr. Hackett smd his mittee during a period when ing of Manchester Toastmas- ence, to be held at the New •SKIRTS Omar Shrine, Club will meet at wife were ordered to leave church and mission work was ters Club at Miller’s Res- York Hilton, the students will S tonight at the home of Rus- Burma last May. tumed over to Burma nation- taurant. They are Robert Boyd participate, in seminars on mer­ pcll Prentice, 21 Lynch Dr. als. He was vice president of of Manchester and Eugene Renewal Born in Rangoon, Burma, the chandising, store management, the convention in 1966 and 1963, Mooney of Blast Hartford, son o f missionary parents. Dr. careers in retailing, and tech­ •SWEATERS the only missionary since the The program of speeches and The Master’s Club of Friend- niques for the retailer. ship tiodge o f Masons will meet Haskett came to this country jjg elected. Until last evaluation included talks by Mi- Rev. Frank Duratmt Ordered ^ ^ ® for V»iohis Vitcrrihigh schooloivnrtrtl andonH /wcol­ l__ . ____ The group will be chaperoned g t 7:30 tomorrow night at the March, he was chairman of the chael Clementino on “ Being a lege education. He received a by Carl Swartz, distributive ed­ Masonic Temple. Purma Baptist Convention com- iVjastmaster’’ and James Dou- vote »t>f t^e Ecumenical Com­ TOKYO (A P ) — Mao B.A. degree from Drury Col­ ucation director; and Richard •SLACKS mlttee on agriculture and eco­ gan on “The Curve Ball.’’ mission of the Archdiocese of Tse-tung has delivered _an Jeannotte, a teacher of business The Mountain Laurel Chapter lege, Springfield, Mo., and a nomic life of the church, a FYed Mahler was voted the Hartford. His topic wiU be “The ultimatum to his enemies, subjects: of Sweet Adelines, Inc. will re­ M.A. at Hartford Theological group concerned with develop­ best evaluator, and Leon Bloom Unity of the Body of Christ." Accoiding to Swartz, the trip dalled on the army to help hearse tomorrow at 8 pm., at Seminary. He earned a Ph.D. ing self-support in the 2,400 Bap­ won the Table Topics Award. A friend of the Rev. Clifford is designed to give the students crush them and obtained the Russian American National in sociology at Cornell Univer- tist churches of that lauid. The group meets the second O. Simpson, pastor of Center a better understanding of op­ pledges of loyalty from Center, 211 Wethersfield Ave., sitv, Ithaca, N.Y. Members of the Marcia Neu- and fourth Monday of each Church, Father Dumont’s com- (AP Phutofax) He served in Burma 29 years, month at 6:30 p.m. at MUler’s ing is intended, not to show the portunities in the field of re- military qnits throughout Hartford. The group is open to bert Circle are in charge of pro­ China, organs under^ his all women interested in four- first as headmaster of a large gram and devotions. The mem­ Restaurant. Any interested per- unity already obtained between taUing. the Roman Catholic and Pro- Swartz said the trip’s cost Human Falcons Join in Six-Link Chain part barbershop harmony. high school for boys in Mou'l- bers of the Reed-Eaton Circle son wishing more information " ~ ” " DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER AT 883 MAIN ST, control reported today. testants, but rather to further was flnanrfed through a candy There was no indication Mao’ s mein, and later in Taunggyi as are hostesses. about the club may contact M i­ Members of the Royal Air Force parachute team ca. They’re shown while falling at 120 miles per the unity both religious bodies sale held' by the distributive opponents were buckling t^der Mystic Review, North Ameri­ a general missionary working chael Clementino, Westminster called "The Falcons’’ are about to complete a link hour at a height between 12,000 and 8,000 feet. the pressure. Peking Radio said can Benefit Association, will In- to strengthen rural churches Rd. seek^ education club. of six during a free fall exercise over North Afri­ The picture was taken by a seventh 'chutist. that Mao has ordered complete ■ ntal'l officers at a dinner meet­ and for rehabilitation, resettle­ reorganization o f. the "cultural ing Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at ment of displaced persons, and Medicare Okays revolutionary committee’’ -of the Miller’s Restaurant. Reserva­ in agricultural development and armed forces, a possible indica-- tions for the ddnnfef will dose the introduction of new plant Area Hospitals 'mnV Tip'made wito stock, animals and techniques. J:.'..... I f Bank Bad Day Some Signs tion of military opposition to TWrfl Wilfred.Tnideau of 6 C3har- Both Dr. Hackett and his wife, Four Manchester and. area Assembly Enacts Mao despite.' the claimed rtflk ^ or Mrs Irene Vin- Marion, were ordained by the convalescent homes have r^ent- LOS ANGELES (AP) — pledges of support. Seen Toward of Preenwood Dr ^ Baptist Churches of Burma, and ly notified that their ap- Yesterday was a bad day The new turn in the Chinese / ____ ' were the first foreign mission- plications to participate in the for the U.S. National Bank Communist party chairman’s lilembeiss o f the British Amer- aries so ordained. In the ordina- new extended care program un- in the Lennox District of Easier Credit seething struggle with the party der Medicare have been approv­ Initial Measures Los Angeles. X^can Club will meet tomght at ^ n council. Dr. Hackett an­ faction headed, by President Liu ed.
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