Tuesday, August 7, 2007 Part II Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service 50 CFR Part 17 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for Poa atropurpurea (San Bernardino bluegrass) and Taraxacum californicum (California taraxacum); Proposed Rule VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:26 Aug 06, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4717 Sfmt 4717 E:\FR\FM\07AUP2.SGM 07AUP2 jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2 44232 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 7, 2007 / Proposed Rules DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jim management or other conservation plan Bartel, Field Supervisor, Carlsbad Fish or agreement that benefits either plant Fish and Wildlife Service and Wildlife Office, 6010 Hidden Valley or its primary constituent elements; Road, Carlsbad, CA 92011; telephone (5) Land use designations and current 50 CFR Part 17 760–431–9440; facsimile 760–431–9624. or planned activities in the subject areas Persons who use a telecommunications and their possible impacts on proposed RIN 1018–AV04 device for the deaf (TDD) may call the critical habitat; Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Federal Information Relay Service (6) Any foreseeable economic, and Plants; Designation of Critical (FIRS) at 800–877–8339. national security, or other potential impacts resulting from the proposed Habitat for Poa atropurpurea (San SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: designation and, in particular, any Bernardino bluegrass) and Taraxacum Public Comments Solicited impacts on small entities, and the californicum (California taraxacum) We intend that any final action benefits of including or excluding areas AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, resulting from this proposal will be as that exhibit these impacts; and Interior. accurate and as effective as possible. (7) Whether our approach to designating critical habitat could be ACTION: Proposed rule. Therefore, we request comments or suggestions from the public, other improved or modified in any way to SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and concerned governmental agencies, the provide for greater public participation Wildlife Service (Service), propose to scientific community, industry, or any and understanding, or to assist us in designate critical habitat for Poa other interested party concerning this accommodating public concerns and atropurpurea and Taraxacum proposed rule. We particularly seek comments. californicum under the Endangered comments concerning: You may submit your comments and Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). (1) The reasons why habitat should or materials concerning this proposal by We propose approximately 3,014 acres should not be designated as critical any one of several methods (see (ac) (1,221 hectares (ha)) of land in San habitat under section 4 of the Act (16 ADDRESSES section). Please include Bernardino and San Diego Counties, U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), including whether ‘‘Attn: Poa atropurpurea and California, as critical habitat for P. the benefit of designation would Taraxacum californicum’’ in your e- atropurpurea, and approximately 1,930 outweigh threats to the species caused mail subject header and your name and ac (782 ha) of land in San Bernardino by designation such that the designation return address in the body of your County, California, as critical habitat for of critical habitat is prudent; message. If you do not receive a T. californicum. (2) Specific information on the confirmation from the system that we amount and distribution of Poa have received your message, contact us DATES: We will accept comments from atropurpurea and Taraxacum all interested parties until October 9, directly by calling our Carlsbad Fish californicum habitat, what areas 2007. We must receive requests for and Wildlife Office at 760–431–9440. occupied at the time of listing and that Before including your address, phone public hearings, in writing, at the contain features essential for the number, e-mail address, or other address shown in the ADDRESSES section conservation of the species should be personal identifying information in your by September 21, 2007. included in the designations and why, comment, you should be aware that ADDRESSES: If you wish to comment on and what areas not occupied at the time your entire comment—including your the proposed rule, you may submit your of listing are essential to the personal identifying information—may comments and materials by any one of conservation of the species and why; be made publicly available at any time. several methods: (3) Specifically with reference to While you can ask us in your comment 1. You may mail or hand-deliver those U.S. Forest Service (USFS) lands to withhold your personal identifying written comments and information to that are proposed for designation, information from public review, we Jim Bartel, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish information on any areas covered by cannot guarantee that we will be able to and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish and conservation or management plans that do so. Wildlife Office, 6010 Hidden Valley we should consider for exclusion from Road, Carlsbad, CA 92011. the designation under section 4(b)(2) of Background 2. You may send comments by the Act, particularly the appropriateness It is our intent to discuss only those electronic mail (e-mail) to of including or excluding lands covered topics directly relevant to the [email protected]. Please see by the Cleveland National Forest (CNF) designation of critical habitat in this the Public Comments Solicited section habitat management guide for four proposed rule. For more information on below for file format and other sensitive plant species in mountain the taxonomy and biology of Poa information about electronic filing. meadows (CNF 1991), and the San atropurpurea and Taraxacum 3. You may fax your comments to Bernardino National Forest (SBNF) californicum, refer to the final listing 760–431–9624. Meadow Habitat Management Guide rule published in the Federal Register 4.You may go to the Federal (SBNF 2002a); on September 14, 1998 (63 FR 49006). eRulemaking Portal: http:// (4) Any additional proposed critical Poa atropurpurea, a member of the www.regulations.gov. Follow the habitat areas covered by conservation or grass family (Poaceae), is a dioecious instructions for submitting comments. management plans that we should (separate male and female plants), tufted Comments and materials received, as consider for exclusion from the perennial with creeping rhizomes well as supporting documentation used designation under section 4(b)(2) of the (Soreng 1993, p. 1287). This species in the preparation of this proposed rule, Act. We specifically request information occurs in the Big Bear region of the San will be available for public inspection, on any operative or draft habitat Bernardino Mountains, as well as in by appointment, during normal business conservation plans that include Poa meadows in the Laguna Mountains and hours at the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife atropurpurea or Taraxacum Palomar Mountains of San Diego County Office, 6010 Hidden Valley Road, californicum as covered species that (California Department of Fish and Carlsbad, CA 92011 (telephone 760– have been prepared under section Game’s California Natural Diversity 431–9440). 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act, or any other Database (CNDDB) 2006a, pp. 1–21). VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:26 Aug 06, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\07AUP2.SGM 07AUP2 jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 7, 2007 / Proposed Rules 44233 Taraxacum californicum, a thick rooted According to the final listing rule, on SBNF and surrounding lands (SBNF perennial herb in the sunflower family Taraxacum californicum was known 2002a, pp. 8 and 13). According to (Asteraceae), often co-occurs with P. from about 20 occurrences on Federal, occurrence information from the SBNF atropurpurea (Krantz 1981, pp. 10, 14, State, local, and private lands in the San (SBNF 2000, pp. 47–49; SBNF 2002a, p. 16, 21, 26, 30, and 32) in montane Bernardino Mountains at the time of 8) and the CNDDB (2006a, pp. 1–21), P. meadows in the Big Bear region of the listing (63 FR 49006; September 14, atropurpurea has been documented in San Bernardino Mountains. 1998). About half of these occurrences 15 meadow areas in the Big Bear area, Poa atropurpurea is restricted to wet were described in the final listing rule and 4 meadow areas in the Laguna and montane meadows (Volgarino 2000a, p. as being located ‘‘within, or adjacent to, Palomar mountains of San Diego; T. 1), subject to flooding in wet years urbanized areas such as Big Bear City, californicum has been documented in (described as ‘‘vernally wet Big Bear Lake Village, and Sugarloaf in 29 meadow areas and 6 meadow-like marshlands’’ by Hirshberg 1994, p. 1), San Bernardino County, California’’ forest openings in the Big Bear Lake area and is commonly found along the drier (also referred to as ‘‘Bear Valley’’ in (CNDDB 2006b, pp. 1–39). margins apart from more mesic plants herbarium collections; Curto 1992, pp. The number of Taraxacum such as P. pratensis, Carex spp., or 3–5). californicum individuals reported from Juncus spp. (Krantz 1981, pp. 4, 10, 14, According to survey information any one location during 1999–2002 16, 21, 26, 30, and 32). In Laguna recorded in the CNDDB, 21 occurrences surveys ranged from 1 to over 150 Meadow, relatively high densities of P. of Poa atropurpurea (CNDDB 2006a, pp. (CNDDB 2006b, pp. 1–39; Denslow et al. atropurpurea (over 500 individuals at 1–21) and 41 occurrences of Taraxacum 2002, pp. 12 and 13; SBNF 2000, pp. one location) have been reported from californicum are currently known 56–59). The highest T. californicum within marshy areas and drainages (CNDDB 2006b, pp. 1–42). However, occurrence concentrations have been inside the meadow (Hirshberg 1994, p. surveyor information submitted to the reported in South Fork Meadows, Fish 1), indicating this species is not CNDDB comes from surveyors using Creek Meadow, Bluff Meadow, Cienega restricted to the drier meadow margins.
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